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Everything posted by bodyoflight

  1. I dont get "morning wood"

    This post alone shows that you have not mastered kundalini awakening yet. I don't even need to argue with you on this one.
  2. I dont get "morning wood"

    You believe wrong. All the greatest masters have to conquer their sexual desires BEFORE they learn to harness this energy. Because as long as you don't conquer this sexual desire, the sexual energies will always be stuck in the lower chakras. Why do you think there are over a million books and DVDs being written about moving your sexual energies upwards to your crown chakras? The shakti meeting the shiva? The only way you can realize your true nature is to harness your sexual energy to break open all the obstacles in your body, cleanse all your pollution in your body and channeling the kundalini energy of shakti to meet the shiva consciousness in a permanent kundalini awakening. Humans are not born to be reproductive animals. The fact that humans are being born continuously is a sign of failure of this society and of humans themselves. 99% of humans are destines to be reincarnated again and again. Why is that? Because they are constantly trapping themselves in cycles of rebirth and death. Finding mates and reproducing children is like the biggest cause of rebirth and death. When you fcuk someone, you will be creating a karmic imprint on your soul. When you give birth to someone, you will be creating an even bigger linkage. So with all these karmic connections, how are you going to get enlightened? It is only by destroying all the seeds and roots of karma in this lifetime then can you begin the process of enlightenment. Otherwise you will be trapped again and again. Reproduction is counter-productive, physically, emotionally, spiritually to enlightenment and i will rather die than to reproduce again without attaining inner enlightenment at least.
  3. I dont get "morning wood"

    all these practices have a tremendous beneficial effect on his soul.. his higher self.. we all die and if we do die before we achieve enlightenment, then even the partial spiritual work which we do on ourselves will help us out in the next life-time.. they say that in the upper dimensions or heavens, time go by every fast.. for every second of human life on earth, it is like 100 years going by in the upper dimensions (analogy) this is why the devas and even the buddhas would choose to reincarnate on earth.. because earth is a prime training ground.. it is like lifting weights.. the more weights you slap on, the more the resistance, the more your muscles will grow... so all these kundalini work is NON exercising his soul's "muscles" so that his soul will become more evolved.. NON has probably engaged in spiritual practices in his past life-time and his soul is probably telling him to engage in spiritual practices now.. otherwise no man will want to remain celibate.. bottom line is.. even if he is to die tommorrow, then all his mental endurance at celibacy will be carried over to his soul and he will be reborn with much higher mental endurance in the next life-time.. as pathetic as NON pretends to be, the fact that he can remain celibate for 3 months show the signs of a much more evolved human being than the rest of you animal-like humans out there.. Non has much more spiritual tools and potential than you have right now, sloppy, The Lord Creator and the Universe will put books or movies or signs or masters in our path to further evolve ourselves.. The fact that NON has chosen to remain celibate and you are calling him down for it, Sloppy, shows me that he is of a much higher spiritual standing and capacity than you are..
  4. the highest masters are not in asia

    who are the highest masters? they are the ones who can levitate, walk through walls, call birds and small animals to them at a touch and heal people with just their hands.. all these are possible and i have seen a few of them with my own eyes.. i once saw a chinese man in a westernized country with a huge land mass and very little people.. he was calling birds to him just by him extending his hands.. to achieve such siddhis, you have to reach samadis and the reason why such masters move to countries with such low population densities is because it would be much harder for their practices to be negatively polluted by the dirty thought-forms of the massess.. if you want to find such a master without the difficulties of living in mountains, definitely move to countries with low population densities.. when the student is ready, the teacher will appear...
  5. Taiwan or China?

    knocking chia now because he is good? btw many taoist masters knock chia because he is revealing secrets to the world which the taoist masters want the masses to pay millions of dollars for.. chia is doing the world a great service but i guess those who do the world a great service invariably get called down by the rest of society.. just look at Jesus..
  6. I dont get "morning wood"

    If Non is indeed emotionally unbalanced, he wouldn't begin to start unbalancing you guys with his words.. In all his threads so far, all the emotionally unbalanced posts belong to the majority of respondents to NON offering so-called "great advice" on women and sex bla bla bla .. NON is now going into the deva path of existence ... and the animal-humans who think that all humans should be sexual and breed like animals... their animal egos are now screaming, simply screaming at NON to stop his ascension into spiritual enlightenment.. it is like saying, "hey we are all still trapped in the grips of samsara, how the hell can you leave us here? we are all suffering like animals because we choose to so how can you choose not to suffer like an animal like the rest of us?" it is like saying, "we are all suffering from addictions to sex .. all of us.. the ones who are not suffering from addictions to sex are the mad, deviant, insane ones.. it is normal, psychologically normal to be addicted to women, sex and breeding.. it is totally psychotic to want to break out of the cycle of karma and reincarnation.." NON, I used to think you are the freak.. now that I have analyzed this thread thoroughly, it seems that the freaks are the so-called "normal" people who live and think like animals..
  7. I dont get "morning wood"

    to increase his supply of testosterone will be doing NON a disservice.. right now what NON is doing is his subconscious or even his higher self telling him to break off his addictions to sex and women.. NON has successfully gotten past the first stage of breaking sexual addictions and now you guys are all giving him bad advice on how to get back into his sexual addiction trap again????!!!! as Aaron said earlier in this thread, the last place to look for advice about such dicey matters is in a forum indeed.. NON, whatever you are doing, do not engage in physical exercises and take only vegetarian meals for another 9 months.. once you have drained all traces of emotional, sexual and mental baggage from your system, then do you start a regime of exercise .. how do you know you have drained all traces of baggage from your system? when you don't feel guilt or anger or lust towards women and sex anymore.. when you feel neither repulsion or attraction towards women..
  8. I dont get "morning wood"

    move the energy or feeling of stimulation and congestedness up towards your head and out of your head.. or towards your third eye into a flame burning at the third eye region.. at the same time visualize your navel chakra spinning.. i guarantee you.. you will experience a bliss a million times better than sexual orgasm..
  9. I dont get "morning wood"

    brilliant zhang, now you are comparing humans to animals.. i guess in your mind, humans are no better than animals aren;t they? humans are sexual creatures? only those of the animal realm.. only those humans who behave and think like animals my friend..
  10. I dont get "morning wood"

    bravo boy, now stop dicking around with us noobs and tell us what kind of secret spiritual practices which you are engaging in right now?..
  11. I dont get "morning wood"

    the real goal of being celibate is to drive your kundalini uptowards your brain and achieve bliss.. NON is probably not telling you all everything here.. he is probably engaging in some secret spiritual practices which involve the usage of kundalini energy.. all these talk about sex and abusing women is probably his ego trying to talk him out of such beneficial spiritual practices..
  12. I dont get "morning wood"

    yes yes yes i guess that means all the thai and tibetan monks are completely deviant.. yet in exchange for their "deviant" "impotency", lotsa monks have managed to develop siddhis.. including the siddhis of magically obtaining an erection and even increase your penis size if need be.. i caoll that a fair trade..
  13. I dont get "morning wood"

    then i guess all monks are completely insane and neurotic..
  14. Taiwan or China?

    google earth it
  15. Taiwan or China?

    yep that might be a way
  16. Taiwan or China?

    LOL.. I wonder if there are similar places in taiwan without the corruption and pollution found in Mainland China.. I wonder indeed.. LOL It is a real shame the majority of tao bum forummers lack the ability to read and listen in chinese.. their search would be much easier then..
  17. Taiwan or China?

    If that guy is good enough, he will not be injured in the first place.
  18. Taiwan or China?

    if that guy is good enough, he would have gotten away with using fa jin to push away or withstand attacks.. fact is, i have no idea who your man is.. there are many levels on the true path of spirituality.. many tests which you have to take which one can only pass by using his siddhis.. the masters don't talk about these "tests" too often.. hehehe...
  19. Taiwan or China?

    A lot of people knock mantak chia .. Now although chia is not one of the highest masters out there.. i don't think he can walk through walls or heal people's cuts immediately.. but he is pretty high.. how do i know that? cos i have seen his face and felt his aura.. he is like 60+ year old yet he looks 40+ and you can feel the reservoir of chi he possess.. you can tell a lot by just looking into a person's eyes and feeling his soul for his level of enlightenment or power..
  20. Taiwan or China?

    there are many ways to test teachers without "asking" them to show miracles.. even if a master refuse to show powers, there is a way to test how high they are.. particularly when one has developed some power himself.. here's a tip.. you can feel the aura or energy of a high-level master.. everybody, even the non- spiritual ones, has low-level siddhis one way or another but how many masters can walk through the wall?.. some of the highest masters can walk through the wall or heal a cut immediately or levitate.. fact is, everybody thinks that the path of spirituality is one straight path.. however there are many different paths and most paths are a waste of time and energy .. the real path of spirituality is an applications-based path.. if you can't see yourself developing siddhis on the path, then what you are doing is a waste of time and energy..
  21. Taiwan or China?

    yes those "masters" are famous but were you there to see them perform "miracles"? truth is .. when a true master has something worthwhile to teach, he has to prove that he is the real thing and not just another fraud out there.. siddhis is but one way of testing a master
  22. Taiwan or China?

    a true master is able to perform miracles .. that will be the mark of his true progress.. the rest are just bs actors
  23. Taiwan or China?

    chia is one of the best in the sense that he is willing to evolve and improve ancient taoism cultivation methods no practice should always remain stagnant.. they should always evolve continuously..
  24. Taiwan or China?

    If one really wanna go to china and learn the chinese arts, then i would suggest going to bhutan or the himalayas mountains. The chances of one finding a great teacher is higher in these regions than in the rest of china. Or better yet, skip the flight times and go get mantak chia's stuff. His works represent the highest teachings in taoism. You would hardly find a better taoist teacher than chia.