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Posts posted by Sucus


    I understand those concepts, i guess what im asking is at a basic level do you feel that you have to create the dan tian like John Chang has said or do you think we all have a supply of chi in the dan tian already?



    I believe John Chang says that Chi has to be put there for the dantien to function. He did say that the dantien holds yang chi, and that the practitioner can feel the heat from it. I'm actually not sure if it has to be created or not. In my opinion, it's always there.

  2. This poem is simple but fun. I wrote it :)





    A grinding sound

    Jostling it's gears

    Ignites to say

    Please dry your tears

    Lifts you high

    Above your fears

    And playfully dances alone.






    I wrote this one night in high school, staring deeply into a lighter.



    interesting article I found so I tried water fasting for 36 hours, never fasted in my life and it was hard, but after i got over the hunger I felt great. i'm going to start fasting one day a week and in december try a 5 day fast.


    do any of you guys fast? do you find it beneficial?




    I believe fasting is extremely unhealthy and ridiculous. It's just my opinion but if you don't need food and water then by all means fast. But if you feel like you need it, especially water, partake.

  4. After reading many of the threads here on people like John Chang, Wang Li Ping do you guys think its possible to achieve these powers from internal arts suchs as Taiji, Bagua, water boxing etc?


    If not what do you feel these arts lack in order to achieve the powers of john Chang or Wang Li Ping as well Lama Dorje?


    What is there secret behind geting such abilities?




    To make it brief. I believe that the secret behind super"human" abilities is mainly breath.

    But more so it involves a few things. Meditation, Breathing, Philosophy. possibly morality.


    Thats my opinion i guess.

  5. I've been getting images like fractals or circular changing mandalas when I meditate and concentrate on the area of my central forehead...(The third eye or perhaps 6th chakra).


    The colors are not vivid but the movement there-in has distracted me in a sort of hypnotic way. I find this disconcerting, though beautiful. As if there is a messsage I should be getting somehow.


    I am not sure why I find this disturbing, but it is somehow...


    Any clues as to what this sort of experience indicates?



    I get the exact same thing. At first I felt like it was sort of "distracting", but now I can sort of use it to keep my concentration. Although I still feel that when it comes around my mind treats it as an obstacle.

  6. Everyone knows it's hard to put the truth into words. Any bums think they have came close? I'm interested in hearing some of your personal quotes/quotes that have stuck with you.


    Here are a few I wrote, or at least i think they're original.


    Love is simply too complex.

    He who knows not, knows how.



    Lao Tzu:

    If you don't change your direction, you might actually end up where you're headed.

    The best type of traveler knows not where he's going, and has no intent on getting there.

    A journey of 1000miles begins with a single step.


    Lao Tzu's quotes and sayings have always stuck with me.


    Oh and I have heard the expression "Ignorance is Bliss".. At first I agreed, but then i thought maybe the wisdom of simplicity is bliss and ignorance just falsely describes it.


    Anyone else have any written quotes of their own, or some they would like to share?


  7. hey sean,



    i will very likely be your nemesis in this forum, which might be fun! B)


    there are many doorways to the infinite; this is true. in fact, i'd say that there are infinite doorways.


    because we're already there.


    i think implicit in such a concept as many doorways is the notion that "meticulous details" are unnecessary.

    but i'm always open to reconsidering what i think i know. one of the reasons i'm here is to engage other ways of knowing.

    i look forward to reading your views.


    Thankyou very much for responding.


    I want to make it clear that i wasn't trying to state that religion/philosophy is the only doorway to the infinite. I just wanted to say that I believed that was what it was intended for( in my perspective).


    Although i don't want you to think of yourself as a "nemesis"...

    :) competition is pointless, and a problem in my life.


    Anywho, I would like to collaborate with you instead, does that sound good? :) I'm curious as to which types of meditation you do and how much you practice. Also, are you into any internal/external martial arts?


    I'll share with you what I have been doing lately.


    I began meditating daily for about 1-3hrs, in the half lotus position.

    I have been playing guitar daily and a majority of the day, and soon I will be recording for an album of my fingerstyle guitar :)

    I have been practicing tang soo do, nei kung, chi kung, muy tai etc.

    My meditation has involved both concentration and transcendental meditation.

    Lately I have only been meditation in Full Lotus, which actually only took me about 4 days to be able to sit in it.( i was surprised :))

    I have been intaking cannabis daily, for both personal and spiritual use.

    Occasional booze which I say is never really too good for me.

    Now I find myself reading books on taoism and lao tzu, and sometimes buddha.


    What have you been up to?



  8. Something revolutionary is coming. I can see so many things changing, yet it's always the same.

    I believe that it's vital to stress the importance of meticulous details in meditation, chi kung, nei kung, etc.

    But it is just as important to wield it's simplicity.


    I wanna share my ideas, beliefs and truths with those who are willing to listen. :) I also share a deep interest for john chang(Ring of fire, Magus of Java) and have read both the books about him.


    All religions/philosophies are merely doorways to the infinite. Nobody can walk up to you and make you understand the truth, thats impossible. The truth doesn't come packaged in words, why do you think it sounds so confusing in every language. We have to walk through the door ourselves.


    -Sucus(Wu tang forever :P )

    My real name is Sean by the way :)