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Everything posted by SirYuri

  1. Low sex drive/weak erections

    over here the herbal supplement Tongkat ali is a favorite amongst men. Its purpose is to boost libido and testosterone. It could probably help you. Regards, SY
  2. People going crazy because of bugs

    I wonder how can we prevent this?
  3. Nice Meditation Video on YouTube

    me like the video! I was actually smiling while I was watching it. Last week while I was meditating at the park 3 kittens started to play beside me. I was not actually distracted at first, until one of the kitten bit my finger and started to bleed hahaha... oh well, that's life ShifT1 happens! LOL!
  4. Are you an old soul?

    Its a nice read to share amongst friends over lunch to break the afternoon laziness...
  5. Disturbing conclusion

    Interesting indeed. This just goes to prove another theory that women "unconsciously wanted to be lead" by a man, who is man enough to lead them and stand-up for whatever their mood may be. They just don't want the responsibility on their shoulders that's why they do sometimes act bitchy. Its in their system to be submissive. If you'll do just a little research and careful observation and look at history and society, you'll soon start to realize that woman submits themselves to a man who is man enough to lead them and stand up for their bitchiness. The world is unfair to those who are unaware and ignorant of certain things. Answers are reserved for those who search and not for those who complain, blame, and justify. As the saying goes- Once you know your opponent, winning is inevitable. Regards, SY

    hahaha... the music and the mask is really hilarious! I thoughtfor a second I was about to see a robbery! LOL! I know for a fact that the glass eating is one of the abilities you get to develop at a certain level. A lot of my colleagues get to do that too. Very cool video indeed thanks for sharing. That's how inner energy development should be, fun and interesting. Regards, SY
  7. Add 5 years to your life

    Nice one!
  8. White Lighting

    A nice share Mal, Meditation upon the light brings about health for both mind and body.. I've been doing white light in my meditation for more than 7years already. Although, for healing purposes I use gold and violet. Before I got into Inner Energy development, I've been doing my meditations upon the light. Now, I combine it with my training. Whenever I flow the energy through out my body, Instead of imagining energy to flow what I do is, I imagine white light flowing in-through and around my body. It has a different feeling to it. I know that this kind of practice were also practiced by the ancient Incas, where they worship the Sun and its light. It has something to do with raising the vibration of the body to a much higher one. I've read some books said that everything in the universe started with it as was stated in the bible "let there be light." The light has something to do with spiritual development. Regards, SY
  9. Tenaga Dalam

    SereneBlue, Im sorry but I'm not familiar with KAP..
  10. Tenaga Dalam

    Unbreakable Light Bulb
  11. Kalimasada Telekinesis Demo

    Hey guys, let me join the fun. Rodgerj, when I saw your video I tried to look for my old bulb dropping videos but I can't locate it in one of my folders. So I just decided to make one last night. We were laughing are ass out while doing it actually, we haven't done it for a long time and last night we were even making jokes about it. Because, we haven't done it for quite sometime now. Anyways, my friend, my brother and me all did it just for the heck of it. We had failed attempts and some successful attempts too... It just shows that (we're just human.. ) if you lack focus the bulb could easily break and if you are focused the bulb won't break. Fresh from the oven. Be sure to watch all 5. Enjoy. Part 3 (P.S. I'm the good looking lad with the Adidas shirt. LOL!) Regards, SY
  12. Running

    @ soaring crane and sasblamthanb, thank you for the advice.. I'll definitely try this out on my next run.
  13. Projecting chi through the eyes?

    Allow me to share my experiences with energy projection. In our practice, we had this test where we project energy just enough for our partner to feel it. Its a dual test for energy sensitivity(from other people) and also a test of energy projection. When I first tried it. I couldn't feel a thing. Back then I only feel my energy the energy in between my palms and that about it. Same goes for my friend who practices with me. After 2 months we started to feel sensations from the projection of our teacher. Its because, every time we practice our teacher projects energy to us and he waits for a certain reaction "if" we ever feel anything from our back, front and sides. When I started to feel the wall of energy he is projecting I didn't understand back then if I was just being off-balanced from my stance. Not until further observation I noticed that I am not the only one being thrown off balanced. We even had this test where we stand 1 meter apart from our partner and project energy to each other and our teacher will gauge if there really is a energy being projected. Because, some students try to fake that they are feeling anything just to get-on with the test. But, they can't escape the eyes of the teacher. We then move farther and farther away until we are like 300 meters away from each other and keeps on projecting. I then realized that the distance is not the issue. Its the intention. As they say, energy flows where attention goes. Anyways, I soon found out that the most important thing in Tenaga Dalam practice is SENSITIVITY. All the instructors say that energy is easily develop almost everyone can develop it in a short amount of time. BUT, sensitivity is hard to develop. I later found out that its because, you have to stay focused w/c means being in Alpha or theta while moving almost to a point of being emphatic most of the time. Sensitivity is a prerequisite in healing yourself, drawing energy, projecting it and healing other people. Also, we can't discount the fact that there are some people who are already sensitive I had a partner on his first day already felt the qi wall that my teacher is projecting. He just said that it felt like something is pushing him. Maybe its because, he is just naturally sensitive to the energy. With regards to projecting chi through the eyes, you just have to intend it. I myself sometimes doesn't even look. I just intend it to go to a certain part. If you want to test it you should have a partner who is sensitive enough to practice it with. You could start by projecting it either left or right hand. Let him close his eyes and ask if he feels anything. Be sure, not to suggest anything so that it won't influence his thoughts. If he is sensitive even if you are at the other side of the room you will be able to project it. Now, why have a sensitive partner you asked? Well, having a sensitive partner makes you validate if you are really able to project energy. Its hard to practice with a partner who doesn't feel a thing. Its just like practicing basketball with someone who doesn't know basketball you are just wasting your time. In energy practice sensitivity is key. Regards, SY
  14. Kalimasada Telekinesis Demo

    True that rodgerj, one of the basics or should I say lesser skills... You can try and search for it on youtube there are a lot of people doing this. The bulb dropping is only a test to find out if you have enough qi stored in you. Or one of my teachers would put it, he would say something like- "The bulb dropping is a prove if you guys have really been practicing." If you can place the qi around the light bulb then you can also flow the energy to that part of your body that needs healing. The bulb is just a so called "test" to see if you have enough focus and energy to flow energy. Regards, SY
  15. Running

    Hi guys, I'm also thinking of running. I'm wondering if you can recommend any breathing method while running? thanks!
  16. Kalimasada Telekinesis Demo

    cool video rodgerj! Thanks for sharing.
  17. Tenaga Dalamm Breathing Techniques?

    We don't put too much emphasis on the exhalation actually... the emphasis is on the holding and how long can you hold it. Although, exhalation is used in the higher levels for energy projection. But the key is really on the holding. We always challenge each other in our practice who can hold longer and contract the abs tighter than the rest. Because, longer hold and tighter takan builds up more energy. Even the promotion to the next level the Takan is what the master is really after. The quality of the takan will determine as to how much energy you can develop and a good takan is a pre-requisite to the next levels. Strong takan= strong Energy. Regards, SY
  18. Tenaga Dalamm Breathing Techniques?

    hahaha... yeah, I did! I remember the fist time my spine was kinda aching and light electric current emanates from my spine and hands and I was not able to sleep for a couple of hours hahaha... I recall a funny story my friend and I we always meet every week and kinda "show-off" as to how much energy we can gather during the entire week. We tried to practice everyday. The only problem was, the reaction to him was different. He was unable to sleep for 3 straight days! But the thing is he was not sleepy at all. He told me he was so pissed because, his body is used to sleeping at a certain time and when he was not able to sleep, he was not able to do anything! He told me he just read and read and re-read every book he has juts to kill time. After that he minimize his practice to 3times a week. Talk about too much energy !LOL! Regards, SY
  19. Tenaga Dalamm Breathing Techniques?

    anytime yiannis.
  20. Tenaga Dalamm Breathing Techniques?

    Oh, how do you press and hold? hmmm... well, this is kinda hard to answer actually... I could describe it this way. It's somewhat similar to taking a sh*t BUT preventing the sh*t to come out while contracting your abdominal muscles hehehe... I do apologize for the way I described it but that is the closest thing that enters my mind whenever someone asks me what is takan. The takan when performing the jurus reminds me of lifting weights. Remember the feeling of taking in air(inhale) then holding it and while holding it you slowly lift the weights? That's how its done. We hold our breath for more or less 40-60 seconds while we are moving, doing takan and chanting the mantra. The mantra tickles the 6th sense and anchors your mind to god and helps your mind not to wonder and stay in alpha or a deep meditative trance like state. I used to do counting because, I'm not really comfortable using the mantra(religious reasons). But as I go along I gave it a try and compared my results, I started to realized and feel the difference. The energy I feel during counting and chanting the mantra is very different, I don't know if its just a "placebo effect" but I feel much better chanting the mantra, (I can only speak for my experience here) you can try it out. There is a saying that "where you attention is, there you are and that you become." also "you attract what you think about" That's why I think its better to keep our attention focus on god w/c is the source of all positivity instead of just some random numbers. If I'm not mistaken I also tried some pranayama exercises, I've never experienced closing my fist back then. (do correct me if I'm wrong) From my experience, when there are angry or irritated people in the room I'm in. What I do is do my duduk nafas and there always seems to happen. There is a sudden shift in their mood. I love doing this inside the board room, gatherings or any occasion that requires it. Oh yeah, whenever I go inside a establishment or a police hails me on the side of the road, I do my takan and they seem to not see any negative and remain calm and relaxed. My friend who is also practicing with me he uses his skills whenever he has an Irate caller in his work in the call center, he told me that his team always wonders how he can calm his irate clients. He just does his takan and the irate caller becomes relaxed again. He hasn't had any bad monthly reviews after he got into the practice. Its running on 8months already. His supervisor said nobody in their company who is a newbie ever that had a record that long a good reviews. Coincidence? I don't think so! Try it out if it works with you. Also whenever we do our passive self defense, I just do my takan and the person "who has a negative intention" gets knocked down, thrown-off balanced, gets a headaches or feels body pains. Different sensation for different attackers. The greater the anger the greater the pain. I've tried to experiment it with some of my friends. If a person does not have a negative intention he will be able to reach you or grab you physically, BUT if that same person has a negative intention he won't be able to reach you one or two of the above things will happen to the attacker. I must say that it also depends how much energy you produce during the practice as to how strong your so called "Wall of defense" is, the breathing is just the foundation the jurus is what makes each and every chakra strong. The stronger your energy the stronger your defense is. Regards, SY
  21. Kamusta!

    Hi Guys! Kamusta is (hello!) here in the Philippines. I stumbled upon this site while I was searching for a forum with like minded fun people who are into inner energy development like me. I got interested in Inner energy development after I've experience a very depressing stage in my life, where I was plagued by a disease and it got the best of me. My body became prone to a lot of allergies. The doctors over here was not able to gave a clear diagnosis. The closest thing that they could say is that its a from of "virus/bacteria". Well, after hearing that.. I really felt hopeless just like most people. For almost 2 years I was not able to go out and stayed just home. My self-esteem went down. My confidence was no where to be found. And if I ever go out I'm all covered up because, I was ashamed of the allergies that were coming out of my skin. Just imagine the embarrassment that I feel during that time. And I have like zero social life. I felt really bad not being able to go to clubs anymore and got for a movie or just wander in the malls. I said to myself that I don't want to live like this anymore and I am going to do everything in my power to heal myself. Now, enough of that. What happened was I started to look for alternative cures. I started to change my lifestyle like I stopped drinking and smoking and I've stopped stressing myself out. Then, I don't know if this is luck, I tried to look towards inner energy development (for obvious reasons). Fortunately, I accidentally met a guy who has been practicing Tenaga Dalam for 13years already. This guy is on his late fifties but he looks like he is only on his 30's same goes for his wife. He was Trained directly by the direct descendant of this certain clan in Indonesia. And he is the only person here who was instructed directly and given the permission to teach for people who wants to improve their health. As for the training, I thought they're going to charge me just like the rest of any other school. But I was surprised to know that all they asked from me is commitment and dedication. So basically, it is all a free gift of love. Anyways, I was taken under his wing. And within 3 months I started to see improvements. When I was sick my weight is 90lbs.. I eventually gained my weight back to 130lbs. My allergies and disease eventually left me and I started to gain my self-esteem back. And after 5months I started to go out again, What a relief was that! to be able to go out in public again w/o shame, watch movies, go shopping, visit some friends, go to the beach and go clubbing again. Right now I have been a practitioner of Tenaga Dalam- Pemusatan Kalimasada for more than a year already. Most of the people I know who undergoes inner energy training seek for power and psychic abilities. But not me, I was in search for a cure. Although, in the course of my training I started to feel and able to do some things w/c is just a requirement to go to the next level. Well, that's about it. I can say that right now, I got my life back. I hope I can contribute and share some of my experiences in this forum. Regards, SY
  22. Kamusta!

    Thank you for the welcome Mal.
  23. Tenaga Dalamm Breathing Techniques?

    Oh there was no CNN special as far as I know... BUT, there was the unruly population incident. With regards to our Master here in Pemusatan Kalimasada teaching to a certain level. That's not true, he teaches everything as long as you are patient enough, dedicated and "Qualified". (Although I must say that there are also some hidden politics going on with other kalimasada schools.) What I can share is only what I know and from how our school teaches it. Here is what I've learned from my teacher after the training when we hang-out a bit and do small-talks... The highest level is Package 4 w/c is water package water manipulation and in 35years when Pemusatan kalimasada gone public only 3 persons reached this level.. But he told me there is still a level higher than that. laters! Regards, SY
  24. Tenaga Dalamm Breathing Techniques?

    hey guys the breathing is as follows. You can count if you want, that's how I do it when I was starting. Of course we breathe from the diaphragm ok? Sit, cross your legs. Lotus or not as long as it is crossed. close your fist thumbs inside. Inhale (through your nose), Hold and press your navel and perineum (Takan). Exhale (through your nose)... do it 11 cycles. What I do our should I say what we do is we hold it for as long as we can. And while holding we chant the mantra- "there is only one true god". ----------------------------------------------------------- Some commentaries. Kalimasada has a lot of meaning in Indonesia. Kali is a goddess of death but She brings the death of the ego as the illusory self-centered view of reality. And in the practice Kalimasada is the weapon of kali. Now, I don't want to sound like a history teacher you can just google it for more info. With regards to the breathing. As my teacher taught me (KALIMASADA) KALI- means 5, MASADA means breathing (duduk-nafas). W/c means in this practice to achieve optimum health and well-being the breathing (duduk-nafas) must be done 5 times a day (if possible). I myself do it 5 times a day it just takes 5-10mins. Even on a busy day. One in the morning, after break-fast, after lunch, mid-afternoon break, and before I sleep. You can do it once a day twice or thrice. Its up to you. We all have our own preference. But for people who are sick 5 times a day is a must. More times you do it, more energy you cultivate the faster you heal. Kalimasada is really for healing and passive self-defense. ------------------------------------------------- The crossing of legs and closing of fist with the thumbs inside is a technique to contain the energy and not to let it leak-out. The breathing heats up the body. In our practice we do (duduk-nafas) at the start to heat up body for preparation for the exercise and another at the end for cooling down of the body. The (Takan) holding and pressing is what creates the energy. We also do takan during our movements (jurus) to clean, balance, energize the chakras. ---------------------------------------------------- With the use of the takan it wards-off negativity. I always use it in meetings and talking to people for them to remain a positive vibe. With takan you will be able to flow energy faster than just visualizing it. The takan expands your aura and makes it dense. ----------------------------------------------------- The breath work is the foundation. It is everything. -------------------------------------------------- P.S. I don't know, If I've posted everything about it just shoot up questions. Regards, SY
  25. Tenaga Dalamm Breathing Techniques?

    Hey guys, did you already get the breathing technique? If not I am willing to share what I know.