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Everything posted by SirYuri

  1. No Touch Knock Out and Human Stun Gun

    Yes and I detected that he is emotionally angry, you will see it in their breathing and I was just in a very passive and allowing state and when he came near me I just 'willed' my protective wall and he was pushed and thrown back. And yeah its true, my power works better if the person is in a highly emotional state. Because, i've tried it before with people who are not emotional, they don't get thrown but they suffer internal damage.
  2. Mystical objects

    I have lots of experience with this too..
  3. No Touch Knock Out and Human Stun Gun

    I have experienced knocking people or pushing them with chi, only if they are emotionally angry or negative. It's one of the skill we develop in the first 3 mons of practice. Our abilities don't work with positive people or for show maybe its a fail safe the creators made to not abuse the power.
  4. Hello

    Welcome. I actually have a background with Initiation into hermetics and in my practice there are a lot of similarities into it, the only difference is the physical movement of the body to generate energy which the teachings of barron lacks. But all in all from prayers, concentration and focus it has a lot of similarities. I'll be glad to exchange some ideas with you.
  5. Gospel of Thomas

    This Just means that you must not think that you are the Body but you are a soul and as a soul you must realize or have a knowing that yes, you are a soul and not a Body. Because the Body is but a thought projection created by the soul to Express itself in the Physical world. And these means as a soul you are pure consciousness and the person who realizes this will never experience death since only the physical body dies but never the soul. And as souls you are immortal.
  6. The Self, Does it Exist?

    Well for the logical mind it will not make sense. But beyond the mind exist something higher of it.
  7. Shoes without rubber soles? (grounding)

    Walking barefoot in an unfamiliar environment is dangerous because you absorb all the energies through your feet.
  8. The Advantage of Evil

    Evil is an Energy-Veil which means the truth was misqualified. Everything is Good and perfect until somebody messes it up only to return to being good again.
  9. The Self, Does it Exist?

    The inner and outer world only exist because we believe and other people believe it too. Therefore, you are where your attention and interest is. Because all you are is consciousness.
  10. Hidden lands inhabited by Mo Pai masters

    The purpose of the Mantra is to channel spiritual energies and also for self-development. It is incorporated in meditation, breathing and movements for health and psychic abilities purposes.
  11. Hidden lands inhabited by Mo Pai masters

    My Tenaga Dalam practice has its roots in Islam and most of our mantras are in islam.
  12. Can anyone teach me Psychic techniques?

    I used to also seek power due to what I see in movies makes you want to have the upper hand. But then when I focused on just training and developing my character that is when my abilities heightened. Because, the mind is the one that limits us from finding it. Although, nobody can stop you from choosing that path. Each has its own way of unfoldment.
  13. I agree. I'm just basing my answer within the context.
  14. Not really as you know most systems have similarities but it doesn't mean they are the same.
  15. Masters in Shambala?

    What you are seeking and what you are running away from is all inside of you. Meaning, your soul wants to teach you some higher lessons thats why you are interested in finding or seeing it.. but it seems you would rather believe what you see outside that listen carefully what your master within is telling you. Although both directions either within or without leads the the same destination but if you want it fast you have to sit still and set aside your mind and its preconceive notions of what should or should not be then and only then will your outerself will understand. Yet all in all whats happening right now is good for your soul development.
  16. Well, the technique is simple its just INTENTION. Energy follows your thought. But the cultivation of the quality of the energy and the sensitivity to sense energy to be able to direct it is the one that takes months or years of practice. Which from what I do includes breathing, mantra, movement and energy direction.
  17. My answer is yes and I have been doing it for years already for a number of purposes, primarily healing and protection purposes. Altough the development and the quality of the energy varies upon the diet and the consciousness of the one doing it but yes its possible, With right practice and intent anyone can do it.
  18. Self-massage Qigong

    The complete movements and breathing is a bit hard to describe each of it here. But each movement pertains to most of the organs and chakra and as you go up the ladder what happens is a Total Face and Body Rejuvenation and the Combat application is only a bonus.
  19. Glutamine to rebuild the gut

    I use Tenaga Dalam Vase Breathing
  20. Glutamine to rebuild the gut

    I use a Tenaga Dalam Vase breathing
  21. Glutamine to rebuild the gut

    I drink probiotic before but i learned breath control and this helped me rebuild my gut which erased any trace of my autoimmune skin disorder before.
  22. Self-massage Qigong

    In my practice in Tenaga Dalam most of our movements are self message but it generates tremendous energy in the chakras and in turn makes the body strong and healthy.
  23. Internal Practices From Thailand & Indonesia

    I practice Tenaga Dalam from Indonesia fot 10 yrs already , while Im from the Philippines but I go to Indonesia every 4months for training. Hit me up.
  24. So I decided to do a Daoist diet for a month

    i'm actually in a gluten-free and dairy free for years already and 70% raw vegan diet for 2 years now. i only eat fruits the entire day. I used to be 100% Raw fruits but the energy surge is too much as if I'm always in a meditative state.. so i toned it down a bit and added cooked food to ground me here. This kind of diet keeps your body pure and alkaline which makes the you sensitive to earth and spiritual energies which in turn makes you stronger if properly combined with a internal practice.