Fire Dragon

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Posts posted by Fire Dragon

  1. Well somehow I landed back on Earth & I guess I'll have to stay for a while. Things have been very good lately. I'm very deeply back to the practice of Taoist Alchemy & magick, with fantastic results.

    I'm also finally getting remarried after being a widower for 10 years, her name is Dian but I call her Sparkle. She is a lawyer and was a ballerina & a runway & longerie model. Absolute perfection,Don't ask.

    I am definitely not worthy of this, the bum that I am, but what's a guy supposed to do? Huh? Especially when she starts begging me to let her keep hanging around. Compassion was always my strongest virtue.

    Also have a new friend from the Upper World, Jezebel, the Pussycat Dragon, sweet and savage. I would post pictures of her on this site if I could.


    Eric Yudelove

    The Dragon Master



    Hello Eric


    welcome back to the forum!


    Nice to hear from you. I'm following your two books together with four girls. We have been practising froom them for about 3 years. I think thew will be happy to know you are on this forum. I am :)


    Hope you stay for a while this time.


    Simcerey Fire Dragon

  2. Hello


    I do the six healing sounds quite often now days. I usually do them before bed time if I have difficulties falling into sleep.


    I did use an aproach in which I did them six times each. But I have changed that. Know days I do them untill I feel that the energy in each organ is ballanced. So some of the sounds I do realy many times and some I do just ones or twice, depending on how much I feel that each organ needs. For me this aproach seems much more natural and it also don't put any demands on you. The freedom to choose how many times to do them makes the exercises more spontanious and you not feel any demands to do them more than you like.



    This aproach works the best for me, at least for the moment :P


    F D

  3. I've have made my own program for falling to sleep. Am a universal tao practioner.


    Here it is:

    I have something I call the four sleeping methods=fsm:


    I do four exercises to help me fall into sleep and alternate them with some qigong exercises. I stay at every step as long as I like, and it varies from nigth to night. I do them every night. And they have created a positive aspect to my falling asleep problem.


    Here is the four methods



    1 I do nothing, just lay down into the bed and let the thoughts go, if I want to I can do any practise I like here, like following the breath or feeling into the body or whathever. This time is seen as completely free, like a holliday from the rest of the methods. I not try to fall asleep I just stay in this time of freedom a relaxationi as long as I like. When I start to feel that is become boring beacase I not fall into sleep I progress to the next method. I have noticed that one reason I not fall into sleep is beacas of two main reasons. The first reason is that my thought are going around and around, I mean that the same thougths arises time after eachother. The second reason might be that I am worried or are thinking negative thoughts.


    2 Next step is some amateur alchemy in that aspect that I change every thought every image to a positive or nice one. If I've got a problem in my life I just think about how I want the positive outcome to be and dream into it. When I am tired of this exercise that somethimes if I am not enougth tired creates alot of energy, though positive one I pass softly into the next pace


    3 I feel heavyness in different body parts and realy go into the feeling of heavyness in my body. I can feel heavyness spreading in one part of the body to the next and stay with whatever heavy feeling untill it spreads to a heavy feeling i another body part, then I follow and let the heavyness be more heavy and spread like a relaxation to bigger areas in the body. When I not want to continue I go to the next step


    4 If all this not work I let every thougth in my mind move into the depts of the earth and disapear. All thougths or emotions or anything that arises, I just move it into the earth.



    This was the four methods, fsm. that I alternate with yoga. This alternation I do according to the following program.



    First I go to bed and do the


    If they not work I go up to a sitting position in another room and do the six healing sounds. I continue with eaach sound untill I feel that the organ used in one of the sounds is relaxed and happy. I do all the sounds in this way and go back to.fsm If I feel tired I stop earlier. The last sound the triple warmer sound I do in bed a few times, or if I have much energy in my head I do it many times.

    fsm (all the four steps as above again)

    Here I almost everytime fall asleep


    next yoga session continues if I not felt asleep already:

    This time I do:

    about 100 abdominal breath into the stomack

    The three rounds of the inner smile

    The microcosmic orbit as long as I like

    Circulating at the navel


    And then back to


    I have actually never past this step but the plan to continue is


    1 hour hatha yoga program for the adrenals, stop it if you feel real tired




    The eight peaces of a brocade 1 hour from a cd, stop it if you feel realy tired





    All to all the program make the sleeping process a nice and positive one. And actually it works so good beacase no more bad feeling about going to sleep. No demand on when to sleep, just following the program and the rest will take care of itself.



    Fire Dragon

  4. Wow Guys,


    A ton of Awesome responses.


    There is still something I need clarified.


    Is the practice I'm talking about tame enough to avoid any serious risks?


    Can I have sex sometimes without coming. Then just come around every two weeks to a month, never retaining for longer than that?


    I ask this because I do experience some benefits from retention that I'd be sorry to see go.


    1. It's helping me a great degree with ejaculatory control. I'm learning how to experience pleasure for a longer time, while holding back from ej. This is a big deal for me, and if I could get the hang of it, that would be great for my sexual confidence/ self-esteem.


    2. The feeling of pent up energy is enjoyable to me. I love going outside and feeling like i could run forever. and getting down and doing push-ups with a different kind of force than when i have come recently.


    3. The way I interact socially with others is different. When I haven't come for a while I feel more confident, less vulnerable, and therefore generally have interactions with others that feel pretty good.


    This is what I'm asking and what I would like clarified:


    Is having sex about once a day,

    holding back AND NOT ORGASMING

    by every so often withdrawing and holding my pc muscles to lower my arousal, until we're both satisfied with the interacton,

    then coming every 2 weeks to a month,


    Is this a gentle enough practice to not cause harm?




    Actually, I think doing just the pc muscle contraction can be harmful if you have sex everyday and not ejaculate more than perhaps twice a month.


    My suggestion is that you not use just the pc-muscle contraction. Leave it out or learn the whole method seriously.


    Untill then: You might use the coitus interuptus, have sex but not ejaculate, without using the pc contraction. How often you might have intercourse without ejaculate is not easy to say. Perhaps instead of counting days or weeks you can count how many intercouses without ejaculation. Perhaps try this. Do intercouse one time without ejaculation and alternate it with one time with ejaculation. And some of the days stimulate your woman without intercourse, that will just add to variation in your sex life. After a while increase to two intercourses without ejaculation and one with, with days of not intercouse. Try then to find out with experiment when you start to feel the benefits of not ejaculating so much. When you start to not feel drained and having bad feelings. Do this without using the pc-muscle contractions! That method is dangerous! Instead stop quite a while before the point of no return. I hope if you try this you also follow my next suggestion.


    Go to an acupunturist to find out if you have an energetic imballance, the bad emotions after draing your energy might suggest there is something wrong with you, even perhaps just a litle. If a litle inballance right now it is easier to treat it before it have become a huge imballance.



    Fire Dragon


    You migth also add the easy exercise of massaging the testicles.


    Yudelove "Taoist yoga and sexual energy" Page 188

  5. Thank you guys for all of this great information,


    The thing is. I have a girlfriend. She likes to have sex.


    When I ejaculate, I have a loooong recovery time during which i feel depressed, low-self esteem, anxious, not confident etc.


    I want to have sex with my girlfriend as much as she wants, but do not want to feel like shit afterwards.

    This is why I have taken up retention.


    She wants to have sex every day.


    Can I just come sometimes and not others? Is this safe? Releasing maybe once every two weeks to a month?


    I really do not want to hurt myself. But after ejaculation I just feel SO Drainnnnned!



    Hello. It is important for you to find your rythm. How often to ejaculate. It is often a matter of age the younger the more ejaculation you might be able to do. Your health and your sexual health.


    1 Stop porn if you use it. Give the energy to your woman instead. And not drain you further


    2 Find out how often is best for you to ejaculate. If you have intercourse and not want to ejaculate stop before the point of no return. You learn how long time you need, so that you not feel any problem stopping. If you are young to ejaculate twice a week should be quite normal.


    3 Learn a technique that make you last longer and let it be nicer for your lady. That is using a combination of shallow and deep thrusts. Like 3 shallow and one deep. Or first 9 shallow one deep, 8 shallow 2 deep, 7 shallow 3 deep up to 10 deep and then going back to 9 shallow 1 deep again undtill 10 shallow. Sounds a bit technical maybe but it will make the lady crazy I promiss. Stop earlier if you have to ejaculate and you can lern to stay at the shallow pose for awhile or if you not know retention enough good stimulate here for a while with tounghe or fingers and so that you not ejaculte. Give yourself time to cool down those times you not ejaculate. But ejaculate also regularly at the interval that seems to suit you. You learn what is best for you.


    4 Find a accupunturist or other chinese medicin doctor to check your sexual or other eventual health problem. there are herbs that might streangthening your sexual energy.


    5 Or learn retention in the right way


    6. In the book the sexual teaching of the jade dragon there are some advanced and easy way to streanghening the male sexual energy.



    Good luck



    Fire Dragon

  6. Hi all,


    I posted earlier in the lobby about beginning a retention practice that was in my view very tame. I do not use any manual locking methods. I just go up to the edge of the point of no return and then clench my pc muscles. there is no ejaculation or injeculation, just a lessening of the intensity of the erection, and a little more time to have sex.


    I have not encountered any problems so far after a little over two weeks, aside from a bit of extra tension, which can be resolved through a good jog, and the problem I'm posting about right now. I want to be around my girlfriend all the time, compliment her, cherish her. While she enjoys the extra compliment now and then, she's expressing an uneasiness about it and senses it getting excessive. She also questions the authenticity of the compliments as they can be viewed as arising solely out of my desire to have sex with her.


    What can I do about this?




    Does my retention practice seem safe, from the information I've given you about it?






    I have been doing retention as a celibate for about 9 years, without any serious problems. I was today reading the article by Litle 1 about the Mantak Chia system, on this site. In it he describes why some people might get problem with the method of retention. I suggest that you read that thread. It is written by someone that is possitive about retention and the Mantak Chia system.


    I will also give you my opinion on your practise for the moment. For me it seems much likely that you will get serious problems from the way you practice retention. If you have learned the method from the book multi orgasmic man, I also want to warn you against that book. It is not a sufiecient guide to start such dificult and demanding practises as seminal retention. It is a popularised book. You need to know that retention is a advanced level of practises that should only be done by people that are seriously commited to learn the whole system, I'm now talking about the universal tao sytem by Mantak Chia, as described so well by little 1 in the article I mentioned.


    In the way you practise it I see some problems. After you have clenched your pc muscle where do you suspect the sexual energy to go? You can't just leave so strong energy close to your sexual organs without seriously damaging yourself.


    How do you hinder it to get stangnant?


    How much rooting do you practise? To maintine your inner stability when dealing with such strong forces in your body as the sexual energy.


    How do you deal with emotional problems that are likely to increase if you not take care of them when doing your sexual practises?


    Do you have a teacher to ask questions and which are there to guide you.


    Are you working with unaroused sexual energy like doing the testicle breathing in a correct way to learn how to not get owerheated and totally out of ballance?


    Are you massaging the testicles in the right way to help the energy not getting stagnant.


    How do you save your extra aroused sexual energy in the right way? Do you convert it to chi after that you have softened it up and do you store it in your stable tan-tien?


    If you feel like you realy know what I am talking about in all the points above and have good answer to them and not feel any uncertanity in that you do all this things correct, then you migth have some benefits from your retention practise. Ohterwise you are more likely to seriously harm your health and your sexuality. Seriously harm your pshychological health. Making your relationship a mess of unresolved feelings.


    If you want to learn retention do it wery seriously and keep on learning all the necessarily steps in the right way. Do also all necessary complementary practises regularly. Start then slowly with your retention and be not owerly obsessed by it. Perhaps just a normal healhy relationship with your women is much more woth to strive for than to do advaned sexual practises for you. But if you want to learn retention do it properly and learn it in the right way and involve your partner in the learning process. One good thing to learn first is to learn how to practise qigong and meditation for about one hour every day before you start learning retention. If you manage that then retention takes some time and effort to learn. The ideal is to learn it in celibacy for about one year and after that in a stable relationship with a praticipant women for about four years, together with all other necessarily practises.



    I realy want to warn you not taking this seriously. But if you want to learn it it could realy change your life and your sexlife in a tremendous way.



    This is my opinion about it. I can't say that I myself have done all that I have written above. But I am practisisng different methods in the universal tao system every day. And I do retention in celibacy. I usually try to not ejaculate for 100 days every winter, but ejaculate somethimes once a week in the summer.



    Hope it helps you. I want to say also that I am wery found of the sexual practises, they are extremely powerful and fun to do. But I do not think you should do them without a real comitment. Many people will also say that you nearly ever should do so dangerous practises as seminal retention.




    Fire Dragon

  7. Hello all


    One of the women in my yoga group have finished a two year long health education (quite general). She have decided to take a half year of and travel around the world. She will visit the places in the title of this message. Anybody knowing anything interesting taoistic at those places? She is also interested in alternative medicine massage and other spiritual practises.


    If you know anything interesting at those places please let me know.



    F D

  8. Hello


    Chances for getting pregnant with pre-cum is increadible low beacase the chances are wery low that it consist of any sperm. And even if there exist some the scientist are pretty shore about today that just a few sperms doesn't make it alone. Increadible many sperms has to stimulate the cell membrane of the egg to let it pass one of the sperms to come in. So beacase there is two wery low risks that both have to happen it is like multibply a wery low number with a wery low number and the risk is increadibly low.


    If you use condomes today and want a healthy sex life were the woman not uses any pills. Why not use condomes in combination with retention and skip the pill. I think retention if used properly and if learned in the right way willl do it alone. But it takes some time to learn to control yourself. The ideal way for a male to learn retention is with one year celibacy not having sex with a woman and then to practise four years with a woman on regular basis, so it takes some time and effort to learn it properly.


    Anyway to start learning it while using a condome most be one of the safest and most healthy ways to have birth control. Not saying that retention is completely safe or completely without dangers either. It just has the potentiality of gaining your health instead of damaging it as like the pills sertainly do to some extent.


    If the women are extremely dedicated to practise to she might be able to stop her menstruation and not producing any eggs either. In a healthy benificial way.


    (Most of this information in accordance with Mantak Chias System)




    F D

  9. I have a somewhat unsual situation but I am curious to see if I could turn it into something that might further my spiritual self or be roped into my beginning meditation and interest in Taoist alchemy.


    It involves sex. Or rather the lack of it I suppose. I only get to see my boyfriend twice a year since he is lives and goes to school in another state but we voice chat via Ventrillo every night and webcam on the weekends. When he was here a few weeks ago he was here for 2 weeks.


    The background to my upcoming questions is this:


    I don't have an insanely high libido. If that were the case I couldn't be in a long-distance relationship because the natural outcome is celibacy.




    I keep reading that celibacy can be used to one's advantage and is even recommended for some Taoist practices but they always seems to be geared for men. I would like to know how women can use it the way men can. Can anyone direct me to a source or give me some beginner exercises to use my sexual energy to further my beginning practice? Perhaps there is a practice men use that can be modified for use by women? Any info is warmly welcomed.


    Cheers to everyone at Taobums - I love this site.




    Interesting question. Though I am a male :) There seems to be a lack of knowledge about woman qultivation regarding sex in general.


    Wang Liping have two missions from hes teacher. That is hes missions for life. One is to establish contact between western science and taoism and the other is to complement the knowledge of woman qultivation, pehaps by own writing and finding old texts, not shore about how realy. Something like that anyway.


    I have a book "The chinese sexual yoga classics including womenn's solo meditations texts" you might find something of interest in that one. I havent read that part myself jet so I'm not shore what you will find. Anyway the book contains most of the written sex material from the taoists shools. If not all.


    I also study whith Hsi Lai in the white tigress system. That is a system with wery high developed women, hard to find in other schools. Thoose practises are not on celibacy. On the contrary, while the woman might have a relationship or she might be married in the same time she have sex, oral energetic sex, with green dragons to replenish her Jing. Perhaps that is a solution for you and your boyfriend, if you are opened minded enough and if you can handle the jelousy part of it. After about three years of replenishing the Jing, if I remember right it is possible to practise in celibacy. Before that you have lost so much Jing and so the practise in celibacy should not be effective at all.


    I also practise in the universal tao system, mantak chia, since many years, and have a yoga group consisting of me and four girls. Of course it is possible to practise such practises as the jade egg, the breast massage and others to replenish your Jing and to not loose so much energy. The down side of it is probably that you will be more horny of it and will want to have more sex, not less, I guess. Anyway it contains some nice practises for woman in that school.




    I don't know if any of this was an answer to your question, but perhaps it helps you in further investigations.





    F D




    Check this site up. I've got it from this forum awhile ago and want myself to follow the practise in it. There is a book with a secuence to follow for opening up the eight extraordinary channels. The book is free to download and written in such a way that you can follow the practise without a teacher. Someone told me so.



    But if you have the possibility I think to follow a teacher of course is a much better option.


    I want to do this practises and plans to start them in about a year or so.




    F D

  11. hey, cat :)


    Thanks trunk and hagar; though, I think it is important to point out that I am not really practicing retention to any extent to which I could possibly be over-doing it.

    I secretly wish there really was 'nothing to retain', but unmistakenly, the drop unto the lower-soul from the higher-soul after release is so shitty and profound, that I would be a fool to keep suggesting to myself that retention may not be necessary. truly, the fertile energy of our sexuality is the medium by which the body may 'tap into' and 'receive' the subtle bliss 'energy' that comes hand-in-hand with the prominance of the primal consciousness.


    Fire Dragon, thank you for your post. I do also suspect that perhaps it is a just another aspect of my being as a whole; I understand perfectly that the masterful sage, in harmony, just may be androgenous.




    One interesting note I would like to make, are that the fantasies are only ...uhm... indulged in as just that: fantasy. No actual physical attraction to another male has ever overcome my sense of being. This is an important note to make, especially in light of potential psychological diagnoses.

    thank you guys for chatting =)




    Your welcome!


    I do like every part of what you write here.


    I think to that a distinction between being guy or not if you have such feelings, is that if you are not guy you realy not want in reality that anything gayisch happens and thats not beacase of any homofobia!




    F D

  12. Hello




    I have had the same feeling during my 100 days of retention practises. Many wiered things happen during this practises. One of them have been an atraction towars men a few times. First time I was in a chooked and amased. How to deal with my life if I am bisexual. To think about this was wiered and a bit frightening.


    I read later in one of my kundalini yoga books that this is quite normal and that it doesn't imply that you are bisexual or more rightly even though this practises can let you feel gay ,guy?, feelings it doesn't necessarily mean that you come into contact with a part of yourself that is guy! There is another explanation.


    During this kind of practises you open up to big aspects of your spiritual self. One of the efects is that your higher self is not man or woman, but is androugynous. Coming into contact with this androugynous aspect of your higher self can let you be able to feel feelings that is womanish even though you are a man. This is not the same thing as being a guy, even though for some persons the feelings that arises does mean that they realy are bisexual that is not the case for most of you during retention. If you not have been aware of this kind of feelings before it just imply that you have a contact with the androugynous part of your higher self, which is a part of a pesonal developing procsess similar to what you migth be able to do with for instance Jungian psychogy during a long time ower several years. Duriing retention such processes will start much sooner though, but I think there still is much to intergrate and absolutely much to ballance if you do retention.


    But still going back to my own experience. When I once was atracted to a man I realy liked it! It was a hell of a possibility to realy understund what a woman could find atracting in a man. What an delicate experience. And on the other hand I can't realy see what there is to be afraid of. The practise in it self will not make you gay. The practise will just make you more atractive to both men and woman, and what an opportunity to invetigate a bit deeper into your own sexuality and spirituality! For me was the atraction towards the man an extremely nice experience beacase it never have happened to me before and in that sence was unique. And why not enjoy it while it happen, in the same way as you I'm shore is enjoying a beatiful woman! If the atraction is there it is there to be enjoyed. And I say this and still not label me as bisexual! I just want to enjoy things happening to me.


    Think about it if you where atracted to a woman, but did not want it to be there. Why not? If you are atracted to a man but not want it to be there, why not? Are you afraid of yourself? No it is a better way to be in the TAO and in the MYSTERY of the androgynous state, that symbolise you as a higher being a developed full self being.



    F D

  13. my sifu gave me some exercises to do as well as worked on some kinks in my neck (and damn, he never shows us anything that doesn't hurt haha + it worked really well right away + felt really good but really painful too), and talked a little bit about tense muscles.




    Seems to be a good start!



    F D

  14. thanks for the fast reply. I am already learning yichuan and taiji from a qualified teacher, so I don't really have the time or money to learn hatha yoga as well. I will ask my teacher for help too because he seems to know about body work and such too.


    I will do your exercises and report back here with results in a few weeks or so.





    I think you will get alot of good feedback on your problems. So you have to choose visely. Perhaps start with something easy and then if that not helps you go more into the depth of things. Absolutely you should talk with your teacher and see if hes advises helps you.


    You can also check your standing position to see if your chin has a tendency to move forward. That is a common problem of bad alignment, that cases many of the known neck problems.


    There is also a connection betwean the trapetzius muscle and the lower calf and the psoas muscls in that sence that if one of them are wery tence then the others also are tense.


    Why I told you about hatha yoga was beacase that always have helped me when I myself have had problems with the neck or the spine. Perhaps it is not nessesarily to go much courses in it, I myself learned two programs from a book and this two programs always have helped me. I do the easy beginners program with the neck exercises in it alternating with a program designed to help the back. One of them each day. The authour to the book is swami janakananda and it is about yoga, tantra and meditation. I just recomend it beacase it helped me and of corse you have to choose what is the best for you in your situation. For me if I have those problems eiher in the neck or in the shoulders this two programs from the book have solved it everytime in a couple of days, at a maximum 10 days to a cure. But everybody is different and there is no cure all method out there.



    Hope all this helps you a litle and good luck with your investigation of finding your method to cure it. :)


    F D

  15. Yes.


    Everyone has a Xia Tian, or lower field, but not everyone has a Xia Dan Tian. The Dan, internal elixer, is also created slowly through practice.


    Another big difference between slow, practiced phenomenon, and quickly appearing mental wind phenomenon is that the practiced phenomenon is accompanied by physical changes. The Lower Dan Tian is an especially physical thing, associated with the center of gravity, the core muscles, kidneys, lower back, and vitality. The ability to contract and store energy in the Lower Dan Tian is necessarily reflected in the body's overall strength and vitality. This is also why cultivators with good waigong tend to progress more quickly in neigong (and vice versa).


    But again, that's not to discredit "qigong masters" who lack these characteristics. Qi has many qualities and the Qi issued and stored by the Lower Dantian has a different quality than the Qi of the Middle and Upper Dan Tian. But, in Dan Dao practice, the Lower Dan Tian is cultivated first and only once firmly established, used to nourish and practice the Middle and Upper Dan Tian.


    Proper cultivation of the Lower Dan Tian is relatively slower, safer and more physical. That's not to say it's the only way.



    Thx again for your further explanation. They are much apreachiated by me. :)



    F D



    How come there is this mirror betwean for example:


    the xia dan tien and the dan tien

    The mco and the false mco


    And I assume many more of them.


    It would be easy to just interpret the difference as levels of achievements in your practise. Or that there exists some energy patterns common to all of us, but we have the ability to develope every aspect of it to a higher level of to higher levels.



    F D

  16. Hi


    An easy start:


    Lay down on your back at the floor. Massage the edge of the lower part of the skull, let the heads own weight do the pressure. Massage the area at all places the midle and the lateral.


    Have someone massaging the area from the neck to the shoulders, with theire (The arm part from hand to elbow, I forgot the name of it) This part of the arm could do circular movements and some pressure to relize pain in that area to.


    There is also a wery good shoulder relaxing exercise in accupressure. The therapist in that branch usually start theire sessions with it, as far as I have noticed. But I not know it by heart, perhaps someone else.


    If myself would also do some easy hatha yoga exercises for neck problems. Do this exercises with care and realy feel into the area when you do them. If they feel uncomortable then stop. Feel into the muscles what happens while doing them.



    This is actually a part of a program, that in reality work with the whole body for full effect.


    1 Start with having your hands on your shoulders and the elbows right out. Hold the hands on the shoulders while you rotate your elbow in as big circles as you can mannage.


    2 Just drop (slowly) the head to the left withiout any rotation in the neck and let it hang there for some seconds. Then move slowly your head upp and lett it drop slowly to the right and let it hang there for a few seconds. Repeat to both sides 10 times.


    3 Have the head up. Rotate it so that you lock to the left, still head up, stop when the muscles stop you, not using any force here. Then slowly rotate all the way to the rigth side, head up all the time and stop there in the same way. Repeat 10 times.


    4 Head up. Let it drop slowly to the front and stop for a few seconds, then back up. stop when it is completely raised. Let it drop slowly backwards, if it not to uncomfortable and stop and stay for a few seconds then back. repeat for a few seconds.


    Do this exercises at least 3 times a weak. At the maximum once a day.



    Learn some self massage

    Go and get acupressure

    Do a sport that activates the shoulders like swiming

    Learn hatha yoga in a group class with a cualified teacher

    Go to an acupunturist to see if there is any important imballances causing this problem

    Go to a kiropraktor or similar to start with




    Good luck



    F D

  17. Hi guys,

    I'm new to Taoism, only becoming interested in it in the past month or two, and I'm struggling to get a foothold on meditational techniques etc. When I've looked into it there's so much information and unfamiliar terminology that I've got a bit lost! I did some meditation from the Barefoot Doctor CDs but then heard there's rumours of him being a fraud, so am disinclined to continue in that endeavour.


    Could anyone please point me in the right direction?




    Hello welcome to taobums!


    The terminology and the theory in taoism is not at all clear and are not easy to understund if you not are an expert. To learn theory is one thing and to learn practises is another. They can possible go hand in hand also :) .


    Try to find a basic book of taoism to begin with. It will most sertainly not be enough to understund many of the practising books in taoim out there, but there is easir ones also. I will recomend you one book with good practise to start with. "100 days to better health, good sed and long life" by Eric Steven Yudelove. It is in the universal tao or healing tao tradition and is developed by one of Mantak Chias best studenst.


    But if you want to find a teacher that there is no bad rumors going on, I know none :P

    You have to learn by your own judgement if the practise are good for you or if it isn't. I have a yoga group consisting of me, male, and four girls that have been practisisn from the mentioned book and have continued to hes next book. All of us liked it wery much. Well all of us that are left practising it any way! I myself have been practising Mantak Chia stuff since the year 2000 and it have been wery beneficial and interesting for me!


    You willl hear bad voices about both Mantak Chia and Yudelove out there also. It up to you to decide though if the practises are good or not. There is alot bad written only at this forum on Chia, you can search for hem if you want to see for yourself. And I realy not know if there is any substance for the critisism or not, I can only say for myself that I like hes practises and they have helped me to a quite large ensted with my health problem also. On Yudelove there is quite serious rumors going on. He is not any more a public person as far as I know. But the exercises are good and the book is a wery good introduction to taoist yoga and qigong according to me and my groups experiences.


    But I strongly recomend you to find a teacher in the subject also. If interested in the book I recomend you can find any universal tao instructor near by and go some introductory courses. It is especially important regarding the sexual practises in the system, but strongly recomended for all of them. Michael Winn is also an alternative in the same system you can check this web site up .


    Read some easy books in acupuncture. Read tao the ching. Find an easy book in taoism. Look things up in the book I recomended on the internet. By the way if you start the practises from the book you can if you want to slow down and do one chapter at each month or something, thats the temp we do anyway.


    Most important is to find a good teacher that you feel comfortable with!

    Important is to practise regularly and to start and progress slowly and at ease at the beginning. Start with 3 minutes a day and increase if it feels good to you to five minutes, that is a wery good starting advise. Try out some different methods after a while and stick with them that you like the most and you will be alright. Be careful not to force anything that happens.

    Find a way to keep your interest in the practises alive owery time and you will be succesful!




    F D

  18. According to orthodox practice most, if not almost all, MCO (xiao zhou tian) methods in the west are false practices.


    However, false may not be the best word, because these practices still may have health benefits. More accurately, they are simply different practices.


    Using the mind, the orbit that can be achieved in a very short period of time. But this is a different practice from the orbit that occurs automatically through filling the Dantian. From my experience, the second "real" MCO practice is much more similar to the Kundalini rising phenomenon - if not the same thing. Energy begins at the base of the spine and, over time through practice, pushes it's way up. Specifically, it needs to build and push through the three gates (sacrum, between the shoulders, and the cerebellum area).


    So, briefly put, the method prevalent in the west uses the mind and moves a little Qi. The method outlined in Lingbao Bifa, among other classics, is achieved through long term practice and moves a lot of Qi.




    Hello and thx for that explanation. I have been looking for a such explanation for awhile. I wounder also if the same is true with the tan tien. That there is a feeling of tan-tien or in the tan-tien area that people call tan-tien. And that are a completely different level of opening the dan-tien, which some call the real tan-tien, or more righly which is the right experience to call it tan-tien in the first place.



    F D

  19. Hey everyone im new to the forum. I actually have been reading here for a while but registered to join this topic. I had a Kundalini rising when i was 17 or 16 cant remember. Im 19 now. It is hellish and heavenly. The effects for me physically were and still are vibrations or muscle spasms at my lower back and sometimes slight twitches. I didnt feel a freight train in the energetic sense but in a physical way yes (i did feel alot of energy though). The effects for me and for many are usually mental. ALL the emotional baggage you have stored comes out and you have to deal with it moslty at once. Huge surges of emotional pain. Mood swings. But also moments of ecstasy, uncoditional love, wonder. It is a gift it causes rapid transformation in many ways but never trully goes away, you keep changing but at a slower pace as time goes on. Kundalini stays with you and you cannot turn it off. It is said to be the creative force of the universe. I dont know for sure. But i was going down the wrong path in my life, i was unhappy, insecure to the extreme, egotistical, money hungry. I think I would have broken down one day and killed myself or i dont know. Kundalini changed all that. Now mind you I still have insecurities, I do get unhappy, I am not enlightened but the expirience of life is so dramatically different to say the least. I advise anyone thinking about to consider it. I had to quit school I couldnt go. So life can be affected but i think it was worth it to me. Some people cant deal with the energy. I have learned to calm it down with a raw/rare meat and eggs diet. It is very grounding but if I dont do MCO now i become very emotional and spirituality takes a seroius back seat and everything in my life goes hay wire. I have just started doing the MCO orbit now again and im feeling a million times better. Anyway yeah the 2 are very different but i dont think the energys are so different just a yin/yang. Ithink kundalini is a HUGE uptake of chi.

    Well take care everyone




    Hello Ramon25


    Welcome to the forum!


    Thanks for charing your experiences. I'm shore you have alot to contribute to us all, so I happy you are in and writing to all of us.




    F D

  20. I am no expert i this, but I would second the reply above. Georg Feuerstein says in the lost teachings of yoga that the prana(chi) that you experience from doing pranayama or chi kung/tai chi is one type of energy, and the Kundalini is of a higher intensity and intelligence. Kundalini awakenings can be traumatic to the extreme (see Gopi Krishna's book) if they occur spontaneously. Another description of it is in Shadow Strategies of an American Ninja Master by Glen Morris. His didnt sound too pleasant either, but he seemed to have dealt with it better than Gopi Krishna. It basically comes raging up your spine and blows your head off, but I have never experienced it so I cant really tell you much beyond that. The kind of things you are describing from your practice are pretty common Chi experiences I think, I have had much of the same.


    I did have an experience with red hot snakes of energy snarling up my spine and some Chi Kung and Taoist Yoga teachers told me it was probably Kundalini but I kind of doubt this myself. If it was it wasnt a full on awakening. I have read that yogi's sometimes refer to sheaths of Kundalini, like there are layers or levels to it. I dont really understand this, maybe someone else would care to explain? Is it possible to have a half assed Kundalini experience?



    I have also heard that the kundalini awakening could be started slowly and in layers. I also heard from a indian tantra and hatha yoga teacher that I visit from time to time that the sexual energy is a part of the kundalini energy. If you read the book "Kundalini the evolutionary energy in man" by G Krishna, then I think you not even dream about asking the question you did ask at this thread, beacase the differences are so huge. It is also an interesting story well worth reading for anybody and especially worth reading if you are interested in energetic work of any kind.


    Kundalini awakening is somewhat like the maximum energy you can take into your body, I think. And you might be able to deal with it or it might kill you to!



    F D