Fire Dragon

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Posts posted by Fire Dragon

  1. IMO Taoist secrets of love still remains the best book on daoist sexology written in the West... and this IS funny, because it was written in the '80s.

    Thirty years afterwards, and nothing comparable to that is revealed anymore...

    Sounds like the first landing on the Moon, never followed up by anything.


    Regarding sexual practices, if you want to know how to express them in your daily life in a natural and un-technical way, you may want to check up the upper formulas as well.

    If you focus too much on them, you may miss the big picture.


    TB is the relaxed practice.

    PL and SC is the power practice.

    O U Draw is the crowning practice.

    Start slow, and always come back to the basics when you get stuck somewhere.


    Good luck!






  2. Hello


    Here is a practise you can do when you are fatigued. It is a iron shirt practise lying form.



    Lie down on your back with a thin pillow under your head. Raise your knees and put your foots down a bit from your buttocks. Lay your arms at the bottom part of your rib cage. left hand at left side and right hand at right side. Imagine that you are floating on water and relax the whole body.


    I like that practise and it is ecpecially efficient if you are fatigued and not which to do any other practises.


    Inner smile while lying on your back is also quite nice in such a situation.





  3. guys i have been doing standing meditationg and some qigong exersices as well as full lotus meditationg and i could feel energy in my hand and i would like to know how can i manipulate this energy to move leaves and object with my hands is it possible




    Yes it is possible. You take the leave or the object in your hand and move it :blink: !

    A miracle! :lol:



  4. the big draw is from mantak chia and the same as testicular breathing, but what's the cold draw?



    Hello As Ballance write it:


    The big draw is used to take the Jing up by the back to the head. It is when you are aroused and perhaps wery close to climax or a bit from climax. You can say that you use this techique instead of an emission. When you have masturbated or having sex with a woman or man and are wery close to come, you use the big draw first to stop the ejaculation toghether with holding your breath and squezing some muscles if necessarily, and then by doing the pumps to take the jing up to the head. I have learned different techiques for this, either you try several times to take up the jing to the head or you try to take it several times stepwise along the points in the spine. The pumps are several and should be learned to used in a conected way, done toghether with eachother. When the energy is travelling away from the genitals the urge to ejaculate dissapear and the erection goes down, the faster the erection goes down the more efficient you are at taking away all the jing energy from the genitals. It is important to learn this kind of exercise from a teacher, I should say this is the exercise that is most important to learn from a teacher! You always bring down the hot jing energy to the navel and store it there, or circulate it several times true the microcosmic orbit first.




    The cold draw is testicle breathing. It is done as a practise that should be done regularly if you are practising retention with the big draw. The cold draw helps to not get stagnant Jing from your retention practise and also helps to convert jing to qi if I am right informed. The cold draw is much more soft than the big draw and you do it with unaroused Jing, which is cold if you are a man.




    There are also other exercises from the universal tao system that should be practised on a daily basis if you want to learn retention in a more safe way.




    Hope it helped you somewhat.








  5. Thanks for sharing your story. It's always fascinating how we get to where we're at.


    As I understand it, Chi Nei Tsang is a healing modality where a practicioner works on a patient. Unwinding the Belly is a title of a book and a methodology of incorporating chi nei tsang into a self-massage system (link in my signature). CNT and UWB are both based on the belly button as the primordial portal for each of us in the womb to receive energy and deposit wastes. After birth, the internal (astral?) structure is still there and is a location of much stress and hurting. By gently massaging and working on this area, we begin to dissolve the root concern for many aliments. For a much better explanation and proper instruction I will defer to the book (another excellent book is Chi Nei Tsang by Gilles Marin).


    My feeling and experience is that doing the self massage gets you in touch with yourself at a core level. So many are afraid of themselves, mad at themselves, loath their bodies etc. What CNT and UWB do is get you to touch yourself, communicate with your body in an intimate way and begin the process of liking yourself. Until you get to that point, healing is very difficult.


    When I first started, all sorts of issues were brought to the surface. Old injuries that hadn't really healed flared up. As you also experienced, my gut that was tied in a knot slowly began to relax. It's been a couple of years now, still do the massage regularly, but I treat it more as a qi gong practice. Feel free to check in at my personal practice page for more.


    I remember reading a brief post on CNT here on the bums a long while back. Did a Google search and found the web site of the CNT Institute in Berkley. The Unwinding book was offered on their site, it looked interesting. Maybe a half a year later the still, quiet voice of the inner guru told me to buy the book. I did and haven't looked back.





    Thanks for your response. I feel like reading the books and your practise log and I think I will go to seek such a practioner of chi nei chang one of my former teachers in the universal tao system is doing that or did at least.


    I keep in touch on this forum when I have started. I found your post wery inspirering indeed :)



  6. Ok.


    I am interested to see hes/her diagnosis on you. And I hope you not wait to long. It is easy to let those things be and think time will fix it. Sometimes that is right but sometimes that is wrong. Often much easier to fix it sooner than later. :blush: Ohh I think I already wrote that.



    Good luck to you :rolleyes:




  7. Hello!


    That was just intuition. But I was wery interested in acupuncture before. And there are three main kind of headaches. They are located in different areas in the head. They are related to some problems in either the kidneys or the liver or the gall bladder, if I remember right. You can distinguish wich organ are bad by the locations in the head.


    I have forgotten the location for the gall bladder but if you are interested I can look it up.


    I want to change my advice to you. I think you should go to a qualified TCM doctor=acupuncturist. Theire might be something wrong with your gall bladder. If I were you I should check it up emidiately. There is no reason to wait, beacase those things have a tendency to go worse ower time and are easier to fix sooner than later.


