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Posts posted by Spectrum

  1. Parts of this post constitute the most credible information that you've ever posted...that I'm aware of anyway. The comment regarding limitations of the brain and necessity of use of the heart in spiritual advancement is particularly well made. This awareness comprises the most significant recommendation of that which you espouse as anything that I'm aware of you previously presenting. Emphasis on feeling and intent are similarly valuable comments. Suggest more of similar commentary to effect your and Max's stated objectives.


    I'm not interested in discussing the mechanics of CCA attainment here but suffice it to say I've presented the details of said on this forum in a manner significantly more detailed than anything that you have regarding attainment of "bliss"...that is the objective of kunlun isn't it? I mention this because while I agree that CCA and bliss attainment are due to quantum mechanical processes at the atomic scale, they're facilitated by neuro-physical mechanics at the human scale...I've described these in detail on this forum...your refusal to do so continues to undermine your credibility to me. I'm probably relatively unique in this matter (and therefore probably inconsequential to your business plan...so you may not give a rats ass what I think...confirmation of inconsequentiality indeed!) in that I've mastered a mechanism for spiritual advancement that works for me and thus have no need, let alone interest in your mystery mechanism, but I do have an interest in truth and sincerity. And the manner of your presentation of your product significantly undermines association of these qualities to your product. IMO.


    Parts of your post present the same condescending "you have no idea" and "if-then" ultimatum style rhetoric that your posts are typified by....theis sort of assertioning has become tiring and boring to me and has resulted in my disinclination to engage you. Perhaps you view this as a positive development...irrespective, understand that this sort of language is counter-productive for your and Max's stated objectives. Suggest that you present a more tolerant posture..."be well upon your path" is a kind response..."blessings" or even "live long and prosper" would be less dismissive and offensive than those presented in the latter portion of your post. I know you're good people Chris, and believe it or not, I'm trying to help you.


    Be well upon your path, blessings and, yep, live long and prosper :),


    Offered with Love.




    Revisited this thread...

    The moon is made of Yin cheese!

    Bodhisattva true "word" dream do re mi

    Speak and forever hold your peace

  2. As awareness is refined you're personal bandwidth slice of now is cultivated. Very literally, the activities of the mind are redirected from the illusions of past and future (and other forms of conscious duality) and the enveloped space of here opens to reveal the flowers all around us as all time. Particular to spinning chi (mco) the perception of events connected in linear formats slows and dissolves... PartiCular to martial application; moments stretch with time and space; Time dilation directly related to direct nervous interactivity w responsives

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