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Posts posted by island

  1. "By cultiavting properly you can build up a confidence and a radiance women will find highly attractive. THey will also sense your energy on an energetic non physical level and be attracted to it."


    I agree with you, however i would also like to add, that I believe this does not only apply to women, but that it applies to all living beings. :)

  2. "I'm just gonna let the universe present me with my perfect person when the time is right."


    In my humble opinion this is self limiting,your waiting for the right conditions before you take action. Maybe the universe is waiting for you to take action before rewarding you with more favourable conditions. The universe will provide, but not if you sit back and expect it to do all the work. :)

  3. I used to agree with Edward and surfing Budda about the morality of charging high fees, however i have now come to realise that

    in order to walk the path one is required to make great sacrifices and one of my personal stumbling blocks has been about money and the fear of letting it go. Now i feel through paying these fees one is showing a high level of commitment to learn especially if money is tight. I've wasted a lot of money on a lot worse things without even considering it!


    I see the payment of money as a fast track or a short cut to the knowledge, saving you a lot of time. Either pay the money or go stare at a wall for the next 10 years for 12 hours a day, that will cost you nothing.......either way you'll get what you are looking for.


    Island :)

  4. Thanks TB for the great link and thank you Cat for your recommendation. Just one question, is the Eric Yudelove book based on Chia's 'Taoists secrets of love' or does it offer different perspective or added dimension on the subject of 'sexual kungfu'? as i already have that book. :)