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Posts posted by glooper23

  1. Besides that you actually reach something if you really do something, your mentality also changes - hard work, hard sports, and such (things you do with great effort) build character. The changes it will make in you will help you get motivated in the future

    Many people, especially nowadays, strive to find easy solutions. We make everything safe, effortless, instant and persistent. Yet, we have more problems than ever. Looking for the easier way only makes things harder.


    You have comically negated the very essence of Taoism.


    I would argue that people are doing the opposite - they are trying to hard at everything they do. Schools, elders, coaches, and peers encourage us to try harder at everything. Yet, the harder we try, the harder things get.


    If everyone was Wu Wei, everything would get done.

  2. Good to hear, lifeforce.


    I've kept up 15 minutes a night before bed. My ability to sit in the lotus position is starting to improve. I have also avoided masturbation for an entire week and have had little desire to do it. Actually, my life has significantly changed over the past week. I will have to explain in a new forum thread as it's significant.

  3. It's interesting that you posted this. While laying in bed last night, I realized that for me the most important part of a friendship / relationship is laughter. Laughter is the best feeling in the world, and there's no reason for adults to be so serious. Surely, intelligence and knowledge are dire. But I think being able to think and also laugh at the same time is wisdom.

  4. Yes, this is what hear too :D

    I followed your way of thinking over a few threads, Will@Peace.

    Your mind is under some kind of influence, and now i know why... It's sad.


    Perhaps it's great that he's going through the process of figuring out what works for him?

  5. is full of individual experience (and collective experience as well). So if someone on this forum was, say, rather small and of a certain genetic background, lacking the liver enzymes to process the alcohol (aldhehydedehydrogenase, cytochrome P 450); spirits in even minute doses would be toxic. However, someone else here may be male 200 lbs low body fat, high tolerance etc. and then even two 3 oz. glasses would not effect their cognitive function. Of course, there are other factors as well, but I'm boring myself with this post...


    Fantastic post. Thank you.


    Something strange happened to me last night that I've yet to share. I suppose I'm not sure if it's just a random event or not. If it's legit, it has completely changed my life, including my view on this topic.


    I'm currently think the very asking of this question is a waste of time.

  6. Can one have the alcohol for the purpose of having it and also have the awareness for the purpose of being aware?


    Are you saying using alcohol to increase awareness is foolish; or are you saying any alcohol use is foolish?

  7. Little1, is it possible that these "stimulants not of this world" are so powerful that we need not worry about whether we should consume them rather than "stimulants of this world."? Mustn't all we do is experience both and choose for ourself?


    Are you proposing that the addiction to alcohol, even in small amounts, is hindering our ability to notice the even greater "stimulants not of this world"?

  8. Actually you can boil the wine and all the alcohol will evaporates, while the resveratol still remains in the wine. The best medicine against flu and colds, if you add a whole lemon, cinnamon and cloves.


    Really now? Should I add water to wine when boiling?



    To never take into consideration the both good and evil that man is capable of, you cut yourself short of ever truly understanding anything about yourself and others; as you also leave yourself exposed to being manipulated by those who do. On both sides.


    The fault of the optimist.