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Posts posted by suninmyeyes

  1. Thank you for sharing, that was neat. I always love to hear music from other countries. Now what is the song about? lol

    It is one of those children game songs , where they do special movements with hands and so on .

    It rhymes and has a lot made up words , it sings about the hen who has farted and then asks some person how many eggs they want .

    Deep existential poetry :D !

  2. Scenario


    - me in the big department store browsing in a sport section

    - posiblly relevant description of myself -- do not look new age or hippy , or spiritual "chic", do not wear orange clothes or beads or chinese shirt or ying yang symbols or patchuli or chinese slippers or anything even nearly similar whatsoever -- not my style



    Totally unknown person walks up to me and this is our conversation :


    Person : Do you know any good Qi Gong classes ?

    Me :Yes I do -- go on explaining the place and gives contact for it .

    Person : Oh good .

    Me : Smiles . Yes it is good class , I reccomend .


    ...and both of us continue shopping ..


    Only after it struck as unusual .

    • Like 7

  3. Let me think if I want to find out more :) ...

    It is an interesting post , thank you -- let me reread it again . I know what you mean by looking as that woman from Iceland , I thought exactly same when watching her that I know what she is doing .

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  4. A close friend of my close friend at 27 had everything going for he , carrear , a partner , travel plans ...until she had a car accident and ended up in coma for long time . After which she lost all abilities to move and cannot do anything by herself for years .

    She uses computer with her nose .

    This was and still is a wake up call or all of us who know her .

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  5. I'm not saying they don't exist, statistically there must be other civilizations out there, we find more planets every week. But I need quite a bit more proof before I'm willing to believe they're here amongst us.


    The best proof would be for one of the aliens, who use the board for psychological evaluations, to PM me. We'll get together, drink beer and talk about the Tao, humanity and what makes good beer. I won't freak out or be overly impressed, we all put on our pants one tentacle at a time.


    So remember, aliens offplanet visitors, PM me, we'll meet, I'll buy the first round. No pressure, just good beer & conversation.



    Thus, if there are aliens I should have proof and find out what kind of beer they drink.

    I have to find out first if I am an alien per Taomeow theory and if yes we meet for a coffee and a gossip ;) ? Sorry dont drink beer ..

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  6. A 4Pillars chart would reveal it. E.g. Prince Charles's has only two phases, Fire and Water. That's not human.


    I have seen one chart with TWO phases missing on this forum. That's a hybrid.


    Haven't seen a semisynthetic elemental or a pure alien though.

    Well it seems that I am an alien or a hybrid in that case , also have two phases , but not those same ones . That explains it than .. What is your theory behind it , would be interesting to find out .

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  7. My first yoga class was when I was 10 years old . My every day spiritual practise started when I was 23, 24 .


    It was good that I started with more dedication when I did , as the time was just right than .


    The only thing that I wish to have had understood earlier is where and at what point do my reactions , emotions , likes and dislikes come from and mind workings - it would have saved a lot of confusion .

    • Like 2

  8. So says author Toni Bentley, "There is virtually no female sexual problem -- hormonal, menopausal, orgasmic, or just plain ol' lack of interest -- that will not be solved by **ta da** a new lover."


    Agree or disagree?


    According to Dr Marta Meana , being desired is the real female orgasm. As per the research findings of this Dean, men often fantasizes about giving satisfaction, not on receiving it, that men somehow feel more complete if they have the 'magic touch' where they have this super ability to bring a woman to orgasm. Should this theory be close to the truth, then men are really not that selfish after all, something which has been overly and overtly suggested across the great divide.


    Men want to excite women, period. Women? They want to be excited by men. Problem solved. Women get what they want, while the men pines for the next lover to bring them ultimate erotic pleasure.


    Silly men.




    (the above are not my views, btw. I just found it interesting, coming from a learned female professor of psychology)

    It seems like a oversimplification of some possibilities that may work for some . That does not say much does it ?

  9. I have begun to suspect that the dating scene for 20 somethings trying to date 20 somethings is dramatically different now it was for those who are now in there 40s. Attitudes toward sex, marriage, and gender roles are have shifted massively in the past 20 years.


    I could say a whole lot more, but for now I'll just say I that generation gap is a big cause of misunderstanding in this thread.

    Yes you have a point there , also I think many places in Europe are very different than America culturally .

    Even some young people that I know in their 20s do not necessary follow this type of behaviour and share this kind of opinions . Again I must stress out that I always belonged to slightly anarchist and art circles with people who are creative and could possibly have a bias that way ..


    We can only be best that we can be and be careful of what we contribute to make atmosphere better for all of us .

    This being a spiritual (although I do not like that word ..) forum I feel to put emphasis on that .

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    I am aware of dating games and games between man and woman and there always will be some sort of game . It is what keeps the spark , otherwise people depolarize .. I am not conservative or moralist or thinking that these guys are satan .

    It is perfectly fine just to want to get laid and explore sexuality , but keep your human warmth .

    I think what people misunderstood that being playful is sexy and attractive and necessary ingridient for more satisfying life , but being a Player in a way to manipualte instead of share is just distorted . This of course goes for both man and woman .

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