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Everything posted by suninmyeyes

  1. I may have created a Tulpa...

    Nice Fu Yue , worth a repeat.
  2. Bushmen healing dance documentary

    It escapes me as to why do you mention homosexuality only, could you exaplain? Also can you seriously stand behind the logic of a framed print? Either way I disagree with what book says on the subject , you of course are welcome to your opinion. Tried to provide an intersting link on subject but it says that Im not allowed to use it in this community. I do agree about refining of the sex energy that may lead in some to totally volounatry celibacy , but sublimation of sex will never work IMO. Refining of coarse energy is basic work and unavoidable on most of the paths . What did you Sinan do --shaking medicine? What did you get out of it? Did you learn it from someone or selfthought?
  3. Renewing ourselves for the New Year

    lerner -- to answer you, For me it is -- just loving no matter what. Keeping it as a top priority , as a guidance and the way. Making sure what is my main orientation deep, deep inside of me. What is it really? Is there grudges? Psychological dams? Why? What is there that is knotted up? What expectations are there? Can I let go of them? Even the ones that are REALLY fucking unfair? The ones that are just bottom of unfairness and corruption, seemingly bringing unfortune to my being every time over and over again? Can I let go of those too? Can I stop misreading the sign that fears give me ? Or do I fear what is (or not) there? Do I want to spin in the same loop over and over again? In daily interactions -- what is the motivation, what place does it stem from, does it promote wellbeing for all? Or? These are fears at varying degrees that are created by circumstances and we take as granted that they are natural and this is how it should be and we hold them and feed them, until they consume us. No -- I will love not giving any space for those weeds to flower.
  4. Renewing ourselves for the New Year

    Self correction/prefer to call it -- fine tunning , knowing what makes me me -- is fundamental and can be done through physical/energetic practises , through mind only or combination. If omitted and not being thrutful or dealt with there will be confusion, not understanding, strange syndroms , maybe even illnesses. It is painful process and not for everyone , it actually may be more pleasent not to even go there ever. However if we do we should prepare for anything , live on the edge , being able to say: whatever at any point in life in a face of any situation whilst being able to act accordingly with full awerness. I am also suprised how little people discuss these things on TTB , not even in context of practise. There are some yogic practises (yogic mind practises that is) that require disciples to do so. I know of someone whose practises was to remeber ALL the people he has ever met in his over 45 year old life , remeber what kind of connection he had with them, meditate on it and pray for their wellbeing few times over again.
  5. Bodhisattva

    I assume Bodhisattva would know what to say when as well. Even if you are Bodhisattva relaaaaaaaaaaax about your Bodhisattvanes. Take it easy. Who cares? Hey, I met quite a few Bohisattvas and Saints and Gopis and one Pharoah too . They all sounded similary convinced in their truth about who they are to you just along different lines of philosophy. Some of them ended up on medication. I really like some stuff you post and say , but this post is actually concerning .
  6. loss of emotion? WTF

    love right back atchya!!
  7. loss of emotion? WTF

    Mike , take it easy, dont worry yourself too much . Even if you are physicaly ill, so what? Many of us have been extremly unwell for longer periods of time. Kundalini or not. Whatever -- do what you got to do best you can and learn to accept that life is not what you were thought it was and it hits you harder at times than any karate kick. Sometimes it leaves you bruised and unable to get up. Learn to relax no matter what , being able to truly chill does not relate on how good life is. Peace
  8. Are planets chakras?

    Just to add a little about what chakras are.. Chakras recieve and transform prana. Prana travels through nadis -- pranic chanells. Wherever nadis meet chakrs form. There are so many chakras , becouse there are so many nadis, but main ones are located in spinal coloumn . Chakras are among other things coneccted to different planets.
  9. loss of emotion? WTF

    Do something extreme few times a week that will get your adrenalin pumping. Try swimming in the cold lake/sea,bungee jumping etc.. Travel sowhere you never been to or do something you always wanted to do before you felt this way. Take up volounteering somwhere in the third world country (you can do it for free and even get payed for it) in a leper hospice or teaching underpriviliged kids English or help some eco project -- maybe somwhere where you could work with the earth A LOT, like gardening. This will help you forget, it will spin you out of your current loop and refersh your being with new vitality, plus helping out is always a good way to put ourselves in perspective.
  10. Depression

    Are you physically healthy? Any complaints whatsoever? (this is more for you too adress for yourself..) For example my collegue at work suffers from alzer and is clinically depressed despite having a good loving relationship, a flat and steady income -- she doesent know why is she depressed. I know that it is alzer in the stomach that is bothering her and make her feel that way and if only she would eat and drink stuff that would enable internal healing ,plus execrsise to built muscle that support the spine more--she would heal. If you feel really pulled to try ayahusca ,than try it . Personally I have no experience with any of these plants,nor feel particular pull but have read that iboga is the one to treat depression. Keep in mind that it is best to do it with experienced shaman, same like getting normal medicine is meant to be done by a good doctor and not an automechanic.
  11. New Years resolutions

    New Years resolutions . Have you kept your last years resolutions? If so how have they helped you? What do you wish for yourself? Inspire and share. My share of last years resolution and its effect: I really worked hard on being less of an asshole and trying to perfect being chilled out/relaxed in my daily life. There has been a big improvment by tending to situations as they come and acting accordingly for best wellbeing of all. Letting life run through without creating dams in my mind and secret psychological feeding places in my heart or holding onto fears. As well as consciouslly deciding to go into whatever feels uncomfortable, awkward in whatever field of life and go right into it. See where it comes from and what gives it life ? Do I want to keep this and call mine uncmfortablness? My problems and issues and my fears? No I dont, so goodbye -- talk to the hand. This year resolution is tackling procastration, doing things super timley. OK and being able to a loooong handstand too and backward flip , as I started Capoeira and LOOOOVE it.
  12. New Years resolutions

    Cool share lerener, cold showers are sort of on my list too funnily enough but not the official one,as I am trying them slowly whenever I can not yet as a every day habit. They are so good though , super invigorating and very old way to built up immunity system.
  13. Merry Christmas

    Merry merriness everyone!
  14. Felt as one today.

    haha , yes! Nice to read your post Steve.
  15. How hard are you? :)

    me --18 years under dictatorship comrad. 2 years of war , whole country under psychosis and severe fear. Sniperists killing from the windows, air attacks, bombings, people really going insane doing stuff they wouldnt normally do. Beasts awakening. 10 years of squatting - your place Apech looks like a royal palace in comparison to some places I lived in. Things like ceiling falling off, no bathroom , no electricty, hole in the floor as big as half of the room was not uncommon. Drug dealer permanently dealing infront of my window and when asked if he could keep the noise down he told me to go back to my country . Next time he knocked on my window at 4am asking for light -- I gave him lighter and told to keep it. The worst thing is that they started to hide drugs in my plants in front yard and would dig them all up , so all the plants died eventually. Moving 10 times in 6 months is my record. Escaping from police on the rooftops and climbing the walls became a new sport. Maybe that was how the parkour started. And so on . However I am not hard ,but have learnt to stomach life and love its manifestation in all its diversity.
  16. Christmas Shopping Frenzy

    I am thinking of fasting.
  17. What are you listening to?

    edit: another try that didnt work at the end. thanks anamatva , it is too difficult at 1am ,ill try tomorrow.
  18. What are you listening to?

    trying to learn how to use spoiler without succes
  19. What are you listening to?

    tune of the week,cambodian hiphop yugoslavian oldskool
  20. Felt as one today.

    Very sweet Hot Nirvana
  21. Money is evil

    Money has been given too much meaning in our consumerist culture. Force behind use of money has deviated into ridiculus , but huge ever hungry beast that is potentialy leathal. Money has been put on altar of minds of most of people and worshipped. Held so tightly , so that it coloures most of other fields of life. Mind spins in the place that says -- more money, more money and more money, just give me more so I can spend more and buy more ussles things and fodd that I will not eat and chuck away. Buy more Christamas presents that are going to end up on the shelf or binned. New TV every year and 5000 fancy things that look attractive and could be useful for 1 second of life and than discarded. Not to mention spending money on the national level and politics involved. More money -- to have so much power and buy , BUY whole world and become a supermonster -- sad ,groutesqe, evil version of human. Human who has so much potential but uses it destructivly like a child playing with matches. Totally disconected and unaware of that what binds everyone and everything -- Respectful Way of Being. Just to add yes, money is useful used carefully with awerness as most of us are not hunter gatherers any longer. However this is life and it has got to be played. Better to stand up for something than end up falling for everything, learning when to say Yes and when to say No -- freeing the flow .
  22. Favorite poems

    anyway really nice thread..
  23. Favorite poems