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Everything posted by Jox

  1. Warrior Guards The Mountain

    Are there two videos? Is this second video already out?
  2. I am not quite sure, but I think there were issues regarding packing the chi in to the organs ...
  3. Whic position for what kind of work ...?
  4. Good choice ... There is so much stuff inside ... for a lifetime ...
  5. Warrior Guards The Mountain

    I know that it is about adepts ... Because it is probably just general information abut their methods, life, etc ... should be for free .... but that is just my opinion ... Peace, Jox
  6. Warrior Guards The Mountain

    It wuld be just fine, if promotional video will be for free ... or maybe I am wrong ...
  7. It was not my intetion to speak about MC, but about The inner smile as the taoist method which is described in the link ... no more no less ... Years ago I practiced "authentic" martial art. Theacher said to us: "All you practiced till now had been wrong" ... We all wanted to get this authenthic knowledge ... to get complete stuff was set far, far away in to the future ... and there were expensive lessons, membership fees ... etc ... Then I watched those faces in that school ... SiFu toook away their souls ... they lost their freedom ... I did not want to loose it too ... so I left ... Was it authenthic? No! ... maybe a little different ... It was a construct to make control over the students, isolate them ... and take away their money on the long run ... But that was just my experience ... may not be yours too ... or may be ... who knows ...
  8. Buddha Palm Qi Gong

    Heaven force down to earth, pure magic ...
  9. Buddha Palm Qi Gong

    Finger bending method and sequences are unique to the and is the heart of the sucessful practice. ...
  10. Buddha Palm Qi Gong

    The complete Buddha Palm qi gong set is in details explained in Qigong empowerment. The sequences are slightly different, as on the YT clips, but it is in fact the same stuff. Interesting ...
  11. Best source for info about Kuji-Kiri?

    Kuji-In = Kuji-Kiri?
  12. Best source for info about Kuji-Kiri?

    Interesting clip about that stuff ...
  13. Microcosmic Orbit & Tongue Position

    Just courious, if anyone familiar with switching ... ?
  14. Mudras

    I read a few threads here on TTB about this stuff ... seems there is more versions of the this practice and second, if I understood it right, it may be system by it self or as a supplement while we do the inner work, meditations, etc ... What I am primarily interested are mudras we should use during meditation especialy those from taoist source ... I invite those who have knowledge and experience on this topic to share ... Peace, Jox
  15. DGS's Dizzying DVD Collection

    So, if I remember ... DGS's the most recomended DVD sets are: Kwan Yin magnetic qi gong. Heart of bagua. 9 hand seals.
  16. Chair ... ... because K1 are connected to the ground ...
  17. Mummified Buddhist Monk: Life After Almost 90 Years of Death Moscow, Russia – “Exhumation of the body of Hambo Lama Itigelov took place September 10th, 2002 on the territory of cemetery near the city of Ulan Ude (Russian Federation). He died and was buried in 1927 and the exhumation was performed in presence of relatives, officials, and specialists.” This was the information that appeared in Russian mass media regarding Buryat Lama who was exhumed from the grave in the beginning of the 21 st century. The grave contained a wooden box and there was a sitting Buddhist lama in ‘lotus’ pose. His body was preserved as if it was mummified, however it was not. Soft muscles and skin, folding joints. The body was covered with silk clothes and fabric. Hambo Lama Itigelov is a real person quite well known in Russian history. He studied in Anninsky Datsan (Buddhist university in Buryatia, nowadays there are ruins only) and obtained degrees in medicine and philosophy (on the nature of emptiness), he created an encyclopedia of pharmacology. In 1911 Itigelov became a Hambo Lama (the head of Buddhist church in Russia). During the period from 1913 till 1917 he participated in social actions of the Tsar, being invited to 300-year anniversary of Romanov’s house, opened the first Buddhist temple in St. Petersburg, and Nikolai II gave him St. Stanislav award on 19 th of March, 1917. During the First World War Itigelov created and inspired the organization called “Buryat brothers”. He was helping the army with money, meals, clothes, medicaments, he also built a set of hospitals with lama doctors helping wounded soldiers. For that he got St. Anna award and others. In 1926 Itigelov advised the Buddhist monks to leave Russia, since ‘the red teaching was coming’ (Itigelov himself never left Russia). In 1927, being 75, he told lamas to begin meditation, since he said he was preparing to die. Lamas did not want to perform this meditation because Itigelov was still alive. Thus, Itigelov began to meditate by himself, lamas joined him and soon he died. Ititgelov left a testament where he asked to bury him as he was, sitting in lotus pose in the cedar box on traditional cemetery. It was done. There was also a statement, where he asked other monks to exhume him after several years. (This is the exciting point – this means he knew that his body would be preserved). This was done in 1955 and in 1973 by Buddhist monks but they were scared to tell everybody about this, since communist regime did not leave any space for religion in society. Only in 2002 the body was finally exhumed and transferred to Ivolginsky Datsan (a residence of today’s Hambo Lama) where it was closely examined by monks and, which is now more important, by scientists and pathologists. The official statement was issued about the body – very well preserved, without any signs of decay, whole muscles and inner tissue, soft joints and skin. The interesting thing is that the body was never embalmed or mummified. Two years passed. Itigelov’s body is now kept open air, in contact with other people, without any temperature or humidity regimes. How Itigelov keeps this condition, nobody knows. This is the ONLY KNOWN AND CONFIRMED CASE OF IMPERISHABLE BODY throughout the whole world. Embalming and mummifying is well known among different nations and peoples – Chili (Chinchora), Egypt mummies, Christian Saints, communist leaders and others. Some bodies were found in permafrost, however when they contacted with oxygen atmosphere they perished within several hours. However, there are descriptions of such things in Buddhist texts, but there are no confirmed examples. Well, now there is. For two years after the exhumation of Itigilov’s body it does not perish nor decay, no fungus, no negative things happen to it. Itigelov said before he died that he left a message to all peoples on Earth. This message contains no words. Now it is our turn to understand it. Link Jox,
  18. Microcosmic Orbit & Tongue Position

    Interesting topic ... I have read qigong empowerment recently. Microcosmic and macrocosmic circulations in this book are explained with reverse breathing, on the inhalation toungue switches up - wind position and on the exhalation tonue switches down - earth position. In this MCO method tongue swithes up & down. Jox
  19. Best source for info about Kuji-Kiri?

    My first post has been flagged ... links to Scribd seems are ilegal ... Qigong Empowerment is rally good book, I like it ... Interesting that I found inside the same set I practice, The Buddha palm qi gong, 6 direction qi gong ... Really good info on the fundamentals ... I got some rally useful additional info ... Peace, Jox
  20. Samadhi Part II: 162 years old Russian monk - the explanation Chambo Lama Itigilov in Samadhi state It began in 1927 in a Buddhist monastery in Siberia: Shortly before his entry into the Samadhi Zus ta nd wrote the Chambo Lama Itigilov his legacy. He ordered the monks to bring him in 30 years back from his grave. Then he left meditating, upright in the lotus position his body. When the Buddhist priest opened his grave after 30 years, they found his body almost intact. In 1957 the grave of the monk opens. They found a non-decaying living body and concealed her discovery and closed the grave to protect against the Soviet government. 2002 opened the monks with the approval of the members of the grave again and found the monk Itigilov in the same state as 45 years ago. Chambo Lama Itigilov-the highest Buddhist Russia The pathologist Yuri Tampoleev trying to solve the mystery of the Lama. He was allowed to investigate the monk a few years ago one time and would like to find a scientific explanation for its good condition. His finding is extraordinary. No mummification, no dehydration, no decay. No exterior recognizable influences or interventions. No age or death stains, no death wax, no rigor mortis. Joints are movable and flexible, fabric soft and alive, blood thick. How is that possible? In the state of out of body experience, consciousness separates from the body and commits the subtle level of our reality. The psychology calls this phenomenon, Lucides dreams, or near-death experience. Nature religions and Eastern wisdom teach this form of existence and the Egyptian initiation doctrine envisaged as a test form, the Adept for 3 days lies down in a sarcophagus, and then must report according to these three days what has taken place during this time in the village. The Monroe Institute , has long and extensively devoted to this phenomenon and explores this. Of course, the intelligence agencies and secret societies use this form of being level with its infinite possibilities, but often forget the most important and essential. Well, during this state, the body is in a state of hibernation and still connected with the mind. The monk Itigilov has gone a traditional according to ancient Tibetan traditions way, for he has prepared intensively for 20 years. In deep meditation he met his death, and has overcome him. The crucial things of the material world are decided at these levels of existence. Itigilov can therefore in which he is incarnated keep the body alive from the subtle plane of existence. Only when this connection is severed, the body loses the revival and begins with the decay. In this regard, the series of articles is revival of matter interesting in the 5th chamber of the heart plays a special role. here for Part 1: Georg Merkl, the discoverer here for part 2 : Zarathustra and the 5th ventricle h ere to part 3: the Light Body Vehicle also a guide to out of body travel for those who want to know. clicking Chambo Lama Itigilov is an impressive example of what man has actually in its pure form for skills. Our domesticated, degenerate form of the human resource should no longer be the scale of our existence. How are all on the road to ourselves, everyone at their own pace. Man liberate you from your dogma Link: Freigeist-Forum-TĂźbingen. Jox,