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Posts posted by zen-bear

  1. On 7/11/2018 at 4:48 AM, virtue said:


    I forgot address this earlier.


    The demonstration speed is for the sake of learning. If he moved slower, it would be bad for establishing muscle memory. Maybe I recall this wrong, but Sifu Terry has also stated that the FP energy can move advanced practitioners a bit faster and still impart same effects.


    If you had reached a very high level in any internal art, then you would certainly experience that bliss ceases intoxicating you after enough karmic purity is reached. Therefore a master wouldn't react to bliss like a beginner would.



    A.  If you had reached a very high level in any internal art, then you would certainly experience that bliss ceases intoxicating you after enough karmic purity is reached.




    Thank you, Virtue, for citing and punctuating this universal truth about every yogic/spiritual tradition created by humans:  bliss and rapture are experienced in the "lower jhanas" or levels of concentration/absorption/one-pointedness--which the Buddha defined and described in the Visuddhimagga (His map of higher states of consciousness--best translated for the West by Daniel Goleman) as the four "material jhanas".  If one is to progress beyond the  lower four material jhanas to the higher FORMLESS jhanas, one MUST become so PURIFIED such that bliss and rapture are known, felt, and regarded as obstacles, impediments, and GROSS DISTRACTIONS to deeper absorption/Higher Consciousness.  If bliss and rapture are not dispensed with, then the subject will never attain the Fourth Jhana.  NEVER.


    And as many have undoubedly noticed on the FPCK thread starting around page 190 (early July 2018), that thread was recently invaded and polluted (as it has in the past) by trollers trying to insidiously divert FPCK subscribers to scam-sites such as "ausar.org" and "ironpalm.com", which sell illegally obtained videos of 6th-generation Grandmaster Doo Wai of the Bok Fu Pai tradition demonstrating some advanced BFP practices.  So blatant is the trolling and so phony, deceptive, and potentially grand-larcenous are these websites, ausar.org and also "ironpalm.com" that ALL the moderators of Daobums are vigilant to instantly ban any account that they determine through (their sophisticated IP analyses) to have any overlap with these 2 scam-sites.  One particular scam-site, ausar.org, btw, fatuously conflates and merges GM Doo Wai's Bok Fu Pai energy arts with the also stolen name, "Kriya Yoga", which is the sacred Yoga  of the great Yogi, Parahamsa Yogananda.  That GM Doo Wai could have taught  any person in the Kriya Yoga/Yogananda tradition--other than Swami Yogananda himself when he was alive--and commissioned or instructed such a non-existent person to "enlighten" the world with Bok Fu Pai energy arts is and impossibility, absolute bunkum, obvious horseshit, and should be a huge red flag for any person with basic  knowledge of yogic traditions and a modicum of common sense.  Both "ausar" and what the moderators call "sock-puppets" (avatars donned by these scammers and fraudsters) have been banned from Daobums.  All this is to say that this particular  con-artist, "ausar", and all like him, promise "bliss and enlightenment" through purchase of their $10,000+ -priced stolen videos of GM Doo Wai (see Youtube condemnation and disavowal), and a few inexperienced naive and gullible beginners in meditation have actually fallen for this ridiculous con and been fleeced of big money (multiple thousands)...when they should have known fundamentally that:   bliss and rapture ARE NOT THE ENDS of meditation and spiritual practice, when Bliss and Enlightenment are absolutely INCOMPATIBLE with one another because bliss is only an OBSTACLE TO ENLIGHTENMENT.  Grok this basic fact of yogic cultivation, and one will not fall victim to scams such as those foisted by "ausar.org" and "ironpalm.com"


    •••> This Youtube video posted by Grandmaster Doo Wai in 2007, explains in most clear and vehement terms that the videos showing him demonstrating advanced Bok Fu Pai meditations were STOLEN from him by an outlaw student, whom he condemns and disavows, and thus such practices were never meant to be released nor authorized for public consumption. 

    Therefore, buyer beware!




    Back to your very thoughtful and relevant point, Virtue:

    And as I've stated on several occasions on the FPCK thread when the posted question warranted this answer:  FP Qigong is a supremely powerful meditative vehicle that streaks one through the first two jhanas and if one practices correctly and is free of perverse views about oneself, can bring one straight to the threshold of the third jhana--of which there are of eight, according to the Buddha.  FP Qigong and Sunn Yi Gong practice can provide almost instant  "access to concentration."   "Access", depending on one's intelligence level--and  ability to concentrate and focus the mind--and depending only upon that, is what some meditators spend years trying to attain and never attain.  "Access", the first gateway to the 8 Jhanic absorptions are not even entered upon my millions of meditators if they are not practicing correctly. 


    B.  The demonstration speed is for the sake of learning. If he moved slower, it would be bad for establishing muscle memory. Maybe I recall this wrong, but Sifu Terry has also stated that the FP energy can move advanced practitioners a bit faster and still impart same effects.


    Thank you, Virtue, for pointing out what should be obvious point on many levels. 

    (1)  My instructional videos teaching Flying Phoenix Qigong, which first made in 1994, are programmed at a speed where any beginner can follow easily.  If I did it at actual training speed (of which all my students practice at, btw, as seen in the videos on page 174 of the FPCK thread--even beginners) it would take 50 minutes to go through the capstone meditation of the FP system called "Flying Phoenix Heavenly Healing Chi Meditation".  Not only would such a demonstration make for a bad video product, but  beginner/novice would ever watch 50 minutes of "Movement at the speed of a shifting sand dune" let alone have the neuro-muscularl coordination to practice at that speed.

    (2)  My demonstration of advanced FP QIGONG  meditations at the "speed of a shifting sand dune" is reserved only for my in-person students-- and then only to initiate and advance to further levels.  To demand or expect that I put such practice on any publicly available product or medium is either a naive and unrealistic expectation based ignorance of how Qigong is properly taught by any master, or else, is the  most impudent and disrespectful of demands  based on an extremely supercilious sense of entitlement and false pride about one's yogic level--that completely disregards Chinese martial decorum...because all Qigong is traditionally transmitted from one generation to the next through the same system of safeguards and exacting standards

    (3)  ** If one has read the FPCK thead over the past 2 years, one will see that numerous FP Qigong practitioners throughout the world--including my in-class students in Los Angles since 1996) are posting reports of their practice of the Vol.4 Capstone Meditaiton  ("Flying Phoenix Heavenly Healing Chi Meditation") at proper slow speeds upwards of 40 minutes (ridingtheox is one such pracitioner that comes to mind).

    (4)  Finally, to believe that I personally do not have complete mastery of the FP Qigong system because I haven't posted my highest level demonstration of this art on videos available to the public, while ignoring the 9 years of my answering every question posted on the FPCK thread about FP training--now with more than 700,000+ views and some 5,600 postings, and still continuing--indicates an extremely low and limited level of cognition in anyone who believes that.


    The aeons-old tradition in the Chinese martial arts is to:  NEVER SHOW TOO PLAINLY.  But I have shown the "Flying Phoenix Heavenly Healing Chi Meditation" System more clearly and plainly and in its entirety--by disclosing its esoteric breath-control formulas.   And I was only able to do so because Flying Phoenix Qigong is PURELY a HEALING QIGONG ITS ENERGY CANNOT BE MISUSED OR PERVERTED FOR MARTIAL OR DESTRUCTIVE PURPOSES. 

    And for those who view it as merely a beginning level practice, just to let them know and to let the world know what's what and what does what, I will in the near future post a 1992 video of Grandmaster Doo Wai clearly stating on camera that just ONE of the Flying Phoenix Qigong Meditations--let alone the entire FPCK System (that I was about to put onto videos back then)-- is enough to empower one to "bring back" (to life) lower order creatures.  This means, for those who can't put 2 and 2 together to make 4, that one FP Qigong exercise--if practiced properly and mastered--is enough to heal oneself and to  activate another person's natural self-healing faculties to cure many forms of injuries and chronic diseases, and, depending on the injury or affliction, is enough to bring back a human being from the brink of death.

                     "JUST ONE of the Flying Phoenix sequence will allow you to "bring them back".

                      JUST ONE of them will do it.   

                      Combine them all together and you'll do even more amazing things."


                                                                           – Grandmaster Doo Wai, 1992 in Los Angeles


    BUT THE FACT IS THAT ONE CAN NEVER ATTAIN SUCH YOGIC EMPOWERMENT AND HEALING ABILITY JUST FROM PRACTICING FROM A STOLEN DVD--OR FROM 30 DVD's.   And any person that believes that spiritual growth and enlightenment can be gotten from just paying money for a media product, and practicing to that product, is grossly misinformed and frightfully deluded.  The final transmission completing any student's apprenticeship of a Chinese internal energy art with a Master is always done in person.  For the truth is transmitted MIND TO MIND, without any words, sometimes with a symbol...but never in writing nor through the absurdity of a moving picture. 


    "The wrong person with right information (the true art)

    Will still come to no good end.

    But the the right person with even the wrong (incomplete) art

    Will succeed and make it work for him."



    Sifu Terence Dunn



    • Like 3

  2. To All Flying Phoenix Qigong Practitioners:


    Six days until my 3-day immersive Qigong For Health Workshop at the beautiful Eastover Estate in Lenox, MA,  a 600-acre holistic retreat center in the beautiful Berkshire County.  I will be teaching the Taoist Elixir Method (Tao Tan Pai) Basic 31 Meditations, a powerful and transformative Tang Dynasty system of monastic Qigong attributed to Taoist Immortal (saint) Lu Deng Bin.  By my personal experience of teaching the TTP-31 since 1983 and teaching FP Qigong since 1995, as well as through verification by Ayurvedic monk Eric Isen, Tao Tan Pai is a fantastic foundational catalyst for Flying Phoenix Qigong, enhancing its effects in a most powerful and profound manner.



    Info and registration: http://www.eastover.com/…/tao-tan-pai-with-master-terry-dun…

    • Like 3

  3. On 7/15/2018 at 8:48 PM, Maybe said:

    Apologies if my questions are too frequent, but here's another one :)

    After the breath control sequence, should breathing be regulated in any specific way during the movements?

    In Bending the Bows, should I only inhale as I raise my arms and exhale as I lower them, or does that not matter in this system as much? (This is how I've been doing it, with resting breaths between as needed, as mentioned in the DVD)

    In the other static exercises, it seems clear that breathing in any specific way (other than deeply and relaxed and through the nose following the breath control sequence) is unnecessary.


    Hello Maybe,


    First, thanks to Earl Grey for providing an accurate answer to your questions.

    Here are my similar responses:


    In Bending the Bows, should I only inhale as I raise my arms and exhale as I lower them, or does that not matter in this system as much? (This is how I've been doing it, with resting breaths between as needed, as mentioned in the DVD)


    No, breath naturally as you perform the movements of BTB as slowly as you can.  Do NOT attempt to coordinate any breath cycle (inhalation or exhalation) with any particular movement.  That is NOT done in FP Qigong and doing so will only lessen and degrade the health benefits of each exercise.

    In the other static exercises, it seems clear that breathing in any specific way (other than deeply and relaxed and through the nose following the breath control sequence) is unnecessary.


    Yes, clear and correct.


    Enjoy  your practice,


    Sifu Terry




    • Like 1

  4. On 7/13/2018 at 12:30 PM, IronMarshall said:

    So what ever happened to Max Gerber, Rich Robson, Vincent Peppers, J.T. Rathbone, Michael Newman, Parker Linekin, and Carl Totton and all the other's that have been certified and authorized to teach? Did the Grandmaster revoke their knowledge and endorsements? 




    Isn't that considered "leading" when you take control of a situation with a brain dysfunctioned individual and pressure them into answering and responding the way you want? Sure, it can be used to keep someone focused on conversation, but it's also used to illicit a specified response. Can I have Doo Wai's private skype please? I'm relatively charming and coercive. I wonder what other strange and magnificent things I might get him to say. If he's brain dysfunctioned; perhaps he's not a rational, well thinking man susceptible to being preyed on by obnoxiously unrelenting students; in which case, would his comments today be of any value at all?


    No offense, but Doo Wai did mention Dennis? a couple times while Terry talked over him and it looked like Terry was only interested in securing "his" list of names; not the ones Doo Wai was trying to mention. Doo Wai did not give a list of names. Terry gave a list of names that fumbling old man simply said yes to. 





    I am certainly open to asking GM Doo Wai again--and as many times as necessary on an ongoing basis into the future  to demonstrate all other interested parties that there is no coercion or manipulation going on here whatsoever--for the purpose of fulfilling some personal agenda that you imply that I have. 


    Isn't that considered "leading" when you take control of a situation with a brain dysfunctioned individual and pressure them into answering and responding the way you want?


    For your information, other than a speech impediment, GM Doo Wai is NOT  a "brain-dysfunctioned individual" as you groundlessly stated in your attempt to accuse me of trying to force answers from him that you allege I wanted.  He did not suffer any permanent brain damage from his debilitating strokes 10 years ago.  GM Doo Wai presently has no problems with cognition, processing information,  forming thoughts on his own, answering questions, or memory recall.  While he could not remember the percentage breath control sequence of a particular Qigong exercise that I wanted him to confirm for me, he didn't have any problem remembering details from 25 years ago of what Bok Fu Pai arts he had taught different members in our Los Angeles class from 1991 through 1997.   For example, as seen and heard on the video recording of our July 3 Skype conversation, when I made a statement in passing that I had been steadily practicing  the advanced Qigong system called "10,000 Buddhas Meditations", he acknowledged that he remembered the fact that he had taught this art only to Jeffrey Roth, Tino Baguio and to myself.  Without me asking any question, he just interjected "Right" when I mentioned the three of us who had learned this art form him.  (He even remembered that he had taught each one of us a different set of the three sets of 18 meditations that comprise this system, totally 54 meditations.  And once each of us had learned "our" first set of 18, he had us teach the other two in an exchange, so that in the end, each of us had learned 54 Meditations.)  GM Doo Wai has trouble only on certain occasions in finding the words in English to express himself.  On some days he is able to express his thoughts in words very clearly and articulately; on other days he has trouble speaking in complete sentences and struggles to find the right word(s).  And he gets very frustrated on those days when he wants to speak but cannot find the words.  However, over the past 2.5 months after he started contacting me again regularly, when we spoke via Skype, he was very lucid and mentally alert on every occasion.  On almost every occasion,  it was I who had to excuse myself and ask to end the conversation because I had to get back to my work and other obligations, while he wanted to continue talking.  


    Sure, it can be used to keep someone focused on conversation, but it's also used to illicit a specified response.

    Quite the contrary, for when I explained in this morning's  posting of GM Doo Wai's approved audiotaped (July 1) phone conversation with me in which he laughed  out loud when I told him that some persons claimed to have learned from him as private students within the last 9 years (such as "ausar", who has been banned from this blogsite), I was prompted by moderators of Daobums to get GM Doo Wai to pronounce and publish a list of certified Bok Fu Pai instructors for the purpose of protecting unsuspecting and indeed gullible beginners from falling prey to a couple of very tenacious crews of scam-artists selling performance videos of GM Doo Wai that were originally stolen from him by an outlaw student, which he never wanted published or distributed, let alone sold at exorbitant and predatory prices by fake "masters"--and with none of the monies going to him.  Every time a new set of fake screennames (called sock-puppets by the moderators) are ferreted out by the very IT-capable moderators , they get instantly banned from the Daobums site.


    My purpose in getting this list of authorized Bok Fu Pai instructors from GM Doo Wai is solely to get his wishes accurately published and into the public domain to set the record straight.  And so have the mass-innoculating effect that would protect innocent and earnest students of Flying Phoenix and other Bok Fu Pai arts from being duped and victimized by charlatans and fake masters claiming to be private students of GM Doo Wai, who unfortunately have shown of late that they are more determined than ever to foist their scams on the unwary and gullible.  They most recently reached new highs in disrupting and derailing the central discussion of this thread--by fleecing a good number of people of a lot of money by selling them video programs showing GM Doo Wai demonstrating Bok Fu Pai Meditations that he had publicly denounced eleven years ago as having been stolen from him by a james lacy.  (See his Youtube video below.)


    But your post did make me realize that GM Doo Wai's list is actually incomplete.  I was so focussed on following the advice of the Daobums moderators to clear the air of the present flotation of lies and absurdities tainting this thread that were foisted by one particular scam-site and it operators, and debunking the ridiculous lies this person has posted, stating that he was a present private student of GM Doo Wai--which every student of GM Doo Wai over the past 10 years knows is absolutely impossible because they know that he has been incapacitated and bedridden since 2008 when he suffered a series for four strokes, that I forgot that one of GM Doo Wai's earlier senior students, Sifu Kevin Ulmer, a top-notch breaker of everything from icebergs to coconuts, is still around, healthy, potent and a good teacher.  We had lunch in L.A. about 4 years ago and caught up after he returned to California from a long stay in the southeast because it was Kevin Ulmer and the late Bob Eberhart who came to L.A. with GM Doo Wai almost every week for 6 years to help him teach the circle of students that I had formed for him from 1991 to 1997.  So I will naturally ask GM Doo Wai about one of his most senior students, Kevin Ulmer (not that there would be any question of whether he is qualified).


    As for "Dennis", I thought I had heard him mention a name like that but we were talking at the same time and I didn't hear it clearly.   Do you know Dennis's last name?


    And do you--or anyone out there-- happen to know the last name if Sifu "Nick" who was a one-time student of Tom and Joel Rizzo?  GM Doo Wai clearly mentioned his name to me.


    I never put anyone's name in the mouth of GM Doo Wai as far as authorized Bok Fu Pai instructors go. 

    (a)   I mentioned the Rizzo brothers because he had regularly mentioned them and their school in Westwood, CA to me in recent years. 

    (b)  And of course I knew Garry Hearfield was authorized because GM Doo Wai publicly acknowledged him some 10 years ago on his Myspace page, calling for everyone to "go support Garry Hearfield in Australia".  Sifu Hearfield, a good friend, was a fully certified master of Yau Kang Mun Kung Fu before he learned Bok Fu Pai, and as a result of this great background (and because he trains like a beast), Garry received all of GM Doo Wai's most powerful family kung fu arts:  Bok Fu Pai, Ehrmei Mountain Bak Mei, and Tibetan Burning Palm, as well as other more compact arts.  I compare notes with Sihing Garry constantly and know his level of kung fu is high ever since we started Skyping in 2009 after meeting on this FPCK thread.

    (c)  Since GM Doo Wai mentioned Sifu "Nick" I am looking forward to meeting "Nick" (...although the Rizzo's have not yet returned my phone call from 3 ago asking for his last  name.)


    At any rate, not mentioning Sifu Kevin Ulmer to GM Doo Wai was a definite oversight on my part and I will correct it.  And again, the reason for the oversight was that I was all-out busy getting verbal and video proof from GM Doo Wai that he has NOT taught anyone anything substantial over the past 9 years because of his tragic health situation, in order to debunk the fairy tale that "ausar" had spun of being GM's private student most recently.  Because GM Doo Wai has been Skyping me on the average of every other day for the past 2.5 months, the next time I Skype with him,  I will  mention to him the names that you listed at the top of your post--but only  those  who have no ties whatsoever to james Lacy, whom GM Doo Wai has publicly disavowed and condemned for more than 27 years (i.e., since I first started training with the Grandmaster in 1991). 


    One name I will NOT mention--because I know with absolute certainty that this particular person has NEVER been authorized nor would EVER be authorized to teach the Bok Fu Pai  system by GM Doo Wai in a million life times--even if he were versed in it--is  Carl Totton.  First of all, I received a black sash instructor's certification from Totton in Tao Tan Pai Kung Fu and So. Sil Lum 5 Animals Kung Fu in 1983.  (At the time of  my certification, the only other other instructor he gave a black sash to was Sifu Steve Baugh who runs the excellent  Lohan Shaolin School in Las Vegas.  And witnessing my certification test in 1983 and participating in the final fight against multiple attackers was Bill Helm, Vince Black, and my classmate Hugh Morison, plus a good sized audience of students and friends.)  While Totton is extremely well trained  and lethal in Mok Gar, Sil Lum 5 Animals Kung Fu,  and Tao Tan Pai Internal, and in Yau Kang Mun, he is not versed in Bok Fu Pai.  In fact, after I blew the whistle on him to Ed Parker, Ron Chapel, Doug Wong, AND GM Share K. Lew (with the support and of a separate stand-alone complaint by Hugh Morison) and other martial peers in LA, in October of 1986 (3 years after I had left his school) when 3 young students in their early 20's (Adrienne Matthews,  Michael Franklin, and Vincent Chin [who I believe was only 19]) wound up  physically on my doorstep with true and verified (and still verifiable) stories of sexual abuse at the hands of totton while he was doing "psychotherapy" on them inside the "Taoist Institute" in North Hollywood, CA,  I filled GM Doo Wai in on this nasty scandal soon after I began training with him in 1991.  I was there when GM Doo Wai told totton's teacher in Tao Tan Pai (and my teacher also through 1992), Share K. Lew, point-blank:  "I don't like that"--just for starters.   For all the years that I learned from GM Doo Wai, every student in our group knew about totton's crimes as directly reported by these 3 victims.  And GM Doo Wai would regularly say, let's call them, non-flattering things about his character.  So you can strike that one of your list, IronMarshall.


    You can check with Sifu Douglas Wong, my senior classmate in Tao Tan Pai, Sifu Todd Takeuchi, and my classmate Sifu Hugh Morison who actively teaches Tao Tan Pai in L.A.,  Bill Helm, Director of the San Diego Taoist Sanctuary for the past 35+ years, and of course, Master Ron Chapel to confirm that everything  I have stated here about Carl Totton is true.  So to set the record straight, Totton does not have Bok Fu Pai KF knowledge.  In fact, he had expressly told Doug Wong when Doug was playing an early super-8 color film at his Van Nuys studio of GM Doo Wai doing the Bok Fu Pai "Big Cross" form that GM Doo Wai's teachings didn't impress him and that he had no interest in learning from GM Doo Wai.  Not only because he dissed GM Doo Wai's Kung Fu on that one occasion in Sifu Doug Wong's studio in Van Nuys,  he has no chance of ever being positively regarded by GM Doo Wai --to this day--let alone be authorized to teach his system.


    And then at my invitation, Prof. Ron Chapel attended our weekly or bi-monthly classes with GM Doo Wai for more than a year to learn some of his self-healing methods.  So everyone in Doo Wai's Los Angeles cadre of students--including Ron Chapel in the same room with us-- knew about Carl Totton, and the Grandmaster himself was actually thee most savage and vocal in lambasting,  mocking and belittling his behavior.  And GM Doo Wai also made his sentiments clearly known to a couple of students from the Taoist Inst. who wound up visiting our class through Warrington Hudlin.  One was a known tv actor named Vondi.


    So I don't know where in the world you could have gotten the notion that Carl Totton was ever or could ever be designated a Bok Fu Pai instructor.  Hosting a visit by GM Doo Wai at his school in the 70's or 80's doesn't make him a lineage holder.  And as you probably  know, along with Garry Hearfield and every other experienced student of BFP,  the BFP Internal arts are totally different in methodology and alchemy from those of all other martial arts like Shaolin, Tao Tan Pai and Tai Chi.  There is not even the remotest similarity.


    But the next time Grandmaster Doo Wai Skypes me (it will be soon, a matter of a day or two), I will make it a point to ask him about adding to the list:

    1.  Kevin Ulmer

    2.  "Dennis"

    3.  and also Garry Hearfield's certified student in Sweden, Sifu Wretfors.


    I will let you and this thread know a soon as I have another conversation with GM Doo Wai ans whether he updates his expressed list of authorized Bok Fu Pai instructors.  When he calls or Skypes me next, I hope that he will be fresh and more easy in his speech.  It fluctuates.  Sometimes he can barely get a word out;  other times, he is  fluent and pretty articulate.


    ***BUT ONE THING I WILL REPEAT HERE MOST EMPHATICALLY IS THAT I WILL NOT DISCUSS WITH GM DOO WAI nor discuss in any manner on any Daobums.com thread or any social media platform is anyone who has proven or admitted  connections to the late james lacey.  This is at the direct request of GM Doo Wai expressed to me all the way back in 1996.  I obliged him with a promise that I would never bring up his name or anyone related to him to the Grandmaster ever again.  I have continued to abide by my agreement to his request on this matter ever since that time--and redoubled my commitment when I saw this public denouncement and disavowal of this fore-mentioned outlaw student that GM Doo Wai issued in 2007:




    Respectfully to the Bok Fu Pai tradition and its sole 6th generation lineage holder.


    Sifu Terry Dunn


    P.S.   FP Practitioners, don't worry, we will soon get back to the purpose of this thread, which LLoyd McClelland started 9 years ago.  But as this year is a 20 year return of a victory cycle that manifested in Perfected Justice in December of 1998, now happens to be  a perfect time to shed the Light of Truth everywhere, especially upon dark places that weaklings try to sweep under the rug and hope that everyone else will forget about.  Open your eyes, everyone...and rock up.



    • Like 8

  5. On 7/9/2018 at 3:00 PM, zen-bear said:



    Coming next (and soon) on the heels of this posting will be a long  audio recording that I made on July 1, in which Grandmaster Doo Wai replies in detail to my questions of whether he had (A)  taught anyone named "ausar",  (B)  taught anyone as a private student in the past ten (10) years,  (C)   encouraged, empowered, or commissioned any student of his in particular to teach "enlightenment to the world" by teaching Bok fu Pai and/or by selling DVDs of the grandmaster's demonstrations of various arts, and (D) whether he had ever heard of Kriya Yoga or condoned the blending or combining of Bok Fu Pai arts with anything having to do with Kriya Yoga.  Here's a slight foreshadowing with a spoiler alert:  GM Doo Wai's  reaction to my questions was ASTONISHMENT  and LAUGHED A LOT in answering me several times.  And then he thanked me for making and publishing his statement.


    As the Motown group the Temptations sang in the 60;s:  "GET READY, CUZ HERE IT COMES."


    Sifu Terence Dunn




    To all FP Qigong Practitioners and subscribers to this discussion thread:


    I just got back to my base in Lenox, MA after spending four days in Cambridge during which I gave a talk at a salon of eminent Chinese scholars affiliated with the Harvard Medical School and Harvard's Fairbanks Center for Chinese Studies.  My presentation of both Tao Tan Pai and Bok Fu Pai as ancient Taoist monastic traditions of martial-yogic-healing-spiritua art  to top Chinese cultural historians and one eminent lineage holder of a TCM tradition went very well.  Details forthcoming in separate post.  All that is to explain the reason for the lag in posting what I had promised to post on July 9 in the above posting.


    Well, after extensive hours spent laboring on Final Cut Pro, here finally is the promised audio recording of my conversation with Grandmaster Doo Wai on July 1, 2018, in which I asked him to confirm whether he has taught any students within the past 9 years or authorized anybody claiming to have been his private student within the last 9 years to teach Bok Fu Pai Kung Fu arts.  He answered several times with an emphatic "NO!" because he states clearly that he has been incapacitated, bedridden, and unable to speak.


    When I told him about a person apparently named "ausar" with the ausar.org website claiming that he had been authorized by GM Doo Wai to teach advanced Bok Fu Pai arts to "enlighten the world", GM Doo Wai (starting at approx. 3:00 min. on the Timecode) guffawed and laughed heartily in wonderment--no doubt as if he was hearing this for the very first time). Then GM Doo Wai continues to make fun of it and says in a jocular tone laughingly, "OK...meaning "OK, whatever"--and continues to laugh.




    I hope this published conversation will clear up any questions and delusions anyone might have about the authenticity of claims made on the ausar.org site that "ausar" is a high-level private student of GM Doo Wai who has been encouraged, authorized, and charged by Grandmaster Doo Wai to "enlighten the world" with his advanced knowledge.  As I have told several persons apparently duped by this ausar.org site and taken for a lot of money (upwards of $1,999--which I first learned from a moderator who sent me a copy of the "LOC's" price list on the ausar.org site) for its media program that promises enlightenment transcendence of innumerable  LOC's ("level of consciousness").  But now I am truly head-spun and now still shaking my head in amazement after reviewing "Maybe"'s earlier post on July 10 at 3:08 PM, and am reminded that the products advertised on that site  (which I assume Maybe has accurately reported) tallies up to $10,000.


    This is the name of the program to be aware of and to avoid--as forwarded to me by a moderator in response to my forwarding a complaint filed to me by "Jamie" from the UK who explained that some friends of his had paid "big money" to collect GM Doo Wai videos from the "ausar" site.  This descripition was written by another DB subscriber--outside of my correspondence with "Jamie"-- who used it to inform moderators of the scam:

    RASA's  (Ramaji Advaita Shaktipat Attunements) to increase LOC (level of consciousness) via transmission of cosmic light, and best of all, a whole bunch of levels to gauge progress by...These levels are numbered 30 to 1000.


    Thus I took the time that I don't actually have to spare--42 hours in total--to make these Youtube postings of 2 videos and one audio recording of my July conversations with Grandmaster Doo Wai as a public service as advised to do by the moderators.   My hope--along with that of the mods-- is that with these clear pronouncements by Grandmaster Doo Wai of his list of five Bok Fu Pai instructors authorized to teach the  throughout the world, the fairly warned subscribers to this thread will no longer be attractive or easy marks for the same scam-artists and others trying to palm themselves off has being enlightened and possessing miraculous spiritual powers allegedly transmitted to them by GM Doo Wai that in turn enables them to charge you what they will--in the most recent case, $1,999 to $10,000--for a guaranteed path to bliss and enlightenment.  Pulleez.


    And PLEASE, everybody be on guard and keep your critical minds turned on at all times--except when you sleep and when you do non-FP Qigong meditations.  And I say "non-FP Qigong meditations" to bring this posting back to  the topic of FP Qigong training:  bear in mind that all of the FP Qigong meditations--except for just a couple fo the seated MSW meditations (e.g., "glued palms" on MSW #3 [90 80 50 20]-- do not require any form of visualization whatsoever.  And this feature thus enables the practitioner to engage in any type mentation while doing the FP Qigong meditation. So you can keep critical mind razor sharp while in FP Meditations and think through all the scams that you may have encountered in your lifetimes and unfortunately on this thread...and reconstruct those encounters...and acknowledge how you handled the deception either correctly or incorrectly, by either seeing it coming or getting bit by it.  If you do this once in a while while in FP Meditations, you will still derive the same salient health benefits as you would through any other correct practice session.  And you will be wiser.


    Sifu Terence Dunn



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  6. On 7/11/2018 at 8:35 PM, Maybe said:

    Quick question:

    Does anyone else get hungry immediately following Flying Phoenix?

    I find that I get fairly ravenous after my practice.

    Hi Maybe,

    My experience over many years has has been that after I teach my standard two-hour Flying Phoenix Qigong class, that everyone in the class has a very good appetite and rush to go either home or to a restaurant to eat.  (btw, as reported in the early years of this thread, many students who to to restaurants after a Qigong class or their personal practice report that their energy precedes them and that the second they walk in through the doors of an eating establishment, many people automatically turn to look at them out from all parts of the room in a way that's out of the ordinary.)


    Now two hours is a solid FP Qigong practice and common sense will tell you that just the duration of doing any physical activity for 2 hours --let alone FP stationary and moving meditations-- will steadily deplete one's energy stores, especially if you practice starting 3 to 5 hours after your last meal. But FP Qigong practice indeed does whet the appetite.  Not only that, food tastes better because all sensory organs are "reset" to a pristine level. 


    But I also recall in my earlier years of practice (the 90's) that FP Qigong's perfectly holistic, systemic regulatory effects also resulted in reducing my unconscious cravings whenever I was working frenetically in a super-focussed-and-perhaps-stressed-out mode with not enough sleep and eating too much to put more energy (chi frumentarium) into my system.


    Any one else experience increased appetite and/or better natural regulation of unconscious over-eating?




    Sifu Terry Dunn

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  7. As an excellent and powerful complement  to FP Qigong training, I recommend Tao Tan Pai Basic 31 Nei Kung Exercises ("Taoist Elixir Method"), which about eight or more former senior students of the late Taoist priest Share K. Lew (all residing in the western states) are fully versed in (along with the higher levels of Tao Tan Pai).  GM Lew was a high-level, equal peer and friend of my teacher, GM Doo Wai.  As GM Doo Wai put it, "he's a good Kung Fu man."


    In exactly 2 weeks, I am giving a 22-hour immersive workshop in the Tao Tan Pai 31 at the Eastover Estate in Lenox, MA.  This is my description of the 8-session course, starting Thursday evening and ending Sunday July 29 at noontime:


    Tao Tan Pai 31 Meditations is the basic health and self-healing Qigong training of the Tao Tan Pai Kung Fu system, an authentic Taoist monastic system of hygienics that originated during China’s Tang Dynasty and is attributed to Lu Deng Bin, the leader of the Eight Taoist Immortals (saints) and was preserved for 23 generations mostly at the Ancient Temple of the Yellow Dragon ( 黃龍古殿 Huanglong Guguan ) near Mt. Luohu in China’s Guangdong province before Taoist priest Share Lew brought the art to America in 1968.  Tan Pai Qigong traditionally has been the secret engine that develops the natural body mechanics and tangible superabundance of energy that empowers the Tao Tan Pai Kung Fu.  Thus it is the perfect complement and support for any athletic activity besides martial arts.  During this weekend workshop, you learn the 15 standing and 16 seated meditations known as the Tao Tan Pai Basic 31.  You will also learn what is known as the Short Form Power Yoga, consisting of five of the 31 meditations, which is an essential distillation of the 31 meditation system, handily designed for daily practice of approximately 35-40 minutes.


    As Joolian, Earl Grey,  Tao Stillness and other FPCK practitioners have verified for themselves and had confirmations from Eric Isen, Taoist Elixir Method Kung Fu and Nei Kung--the entire system-- is fantastic foundational catalyst that supports and enhances the health benefits imparted by Flying Phoenix Qigong training.


    Registration info is here:



    btw, this TTP-31 workshop coming up will be an absolute hoot, because attending will be my biggest fan and booster in China who came to my FP Qigong Workshop at Eastover last year:  the genius architect-poet Haim Dotan (Israel-born and USC-educated) who teaches out of Shanghai, and who built the breath-taking Zhengjiagie glass pedestrian bridge in Hunan province that opened in the spring of 2017 (with a budget of $40 million euros).  If you want to see the phantasmagorically organic creations of a natural-born Taoist,  Google "Haim Dotan images."  Enjoy.


    Hope to see lots of you in 2 weeks at Eastover.

    Sifu Terry Dunn.





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    Coming next (and soon) on the heels of this posting will be a long  audio recording that I made on July 1, in which Grandmaster Doo Wai replies in detail to my questions of whether he had (A)  taught anyone named "ausar",  (B)  taught anyone as a private student in the past ten (10) years,  (C)   encouraged, empowered, or commissioned any student of his in particular to teach "enlightenment to the world" by teaching Bok fu Pai and/or by selling DVDs of the grandmaster's demonstrations of various arts, and (D) whether he had ever heard of Kriya Yoga or condoned the blending or combining of Bok Fu Pai arts with anything having to do with Kriya Yoga.  Here's a slight foreshadowing with a spoiler alert:  GM Doo Wai's  reaction to my questions was ASTONISHMENT  and LAUGHED A LOT in answering me several times.  And then he thanked me for making and publishing his statement.


    Be careful of what you wish for; you may get.


    Sifu Terence Dunn



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    After receiving  disturbing news from a gentleman from a DB subscriber living in the UK  that he and a circle of friends had each spent thousands of dollars purchasing DVDs of various GM Doo Wai performances of advanced Bok FU Pai meditations from a website operated by a person named "ausar" with URL "ausar.org", and then debunking for this British person the claim on that website that "ausar" currently is or was recently a private student of GM Doo Wai, which I (along with Sifu Garry Hearfield, and Sifu's Tom and Joel Rizzo and their student Sifu "Nick" in Los Angeles) knew to be absolutely impossible, since GM Doo Wai has been 100% retired and physically incapacitated for the past ten (10) years and has had the use of only one arm and can not speak well at all throughout this 10 year period, I took a good look 3 weeks ago at the ausar.org website.


    Then I proceeded to contact GM Doo Wai to ask him if he had ever taught somone named "ausar" and had authorized him to teach any aspect or part of Bok Fu Pai Kung Fu or its internal energy arts.  GM Doo Wai answered with a laugh and said that he couldn't remember and moreover stated emphatically that he could not teach anyone since he was bedridden 10 YEARS AGO.  That said, it is obvious that any person claiming to have been a private student of GM Doo Wai within the past 10 years is a fraud and a brazen liar.


    After discussing this troubling information brought to me by "Mr. X" from the UK  with moderators at Daobums, and after reviewing the incredible amount of my time and energy already wasted in the past spent on identifying similar trolls (called "sock puppets" by the moderators) attempting to divert subscribers of this FPCK practice thread to the site of a "scammer" and getting them banned, the moderators advised me that I should try to get an official statement from GM Doo Wai  as to which persons have been authorized by him to teach Bok Fu Pai Kung Fu arts, and to publish this list for the benefit of all interested in legitimate and ethical practice of Bok Fu Pai, so that they can readily avoid being misled by trolls and fraudsters cynically trying to fleece the unwary, the unsophisticated, and the overly-idealistic by selling them very expensive programs promising instant enlightenment and bliss.


    So, here for starters, is a 4-minute video recording of the Skype conversation I had with Grandmaster Doo Wai on June 3, 2018, during which he confirmed for me that he has authorized only the following five (5) persons to teach Bok Fu Pai arts throughout the world--Sifu Garry Hearfield, Sifu Tom Rizzo, Sifu Joel Rizzo, the Rizzo's former student "Sifu Nick" , and myself,  Plus a sixth person mentioned by GM Doo Wai named "Dennis" (I think) who I am in the process of trying to dentify and then hope to contact.




    * Please excuse the lack of picture on GM Doo Wai's end.  As you can see, he had trouble pointing his computer camera at himself. But I also sensed that he did not want to be captured on video for the duration of our conversation and be seen unshaven, in his hospital nightgown  and with earbuds on to hear the Skype audio.


    Sifu Terry Dunn

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  10. 16 hours ago, Maybe said:

    In an effort to bring things back on course, I'd just like to say thanks again to Sifu Terry for bringing this system to all of us.

    I'm on week 3 of Flying Phoenix. I'm at 5 minutes of daily practice of forms 1 - 4 (Monk Gazes at the Moon, Bending the Bows, Monk Holds the Peach, and Monk Holds the Pearl). My slightly protruding gut, years of sedentary life, and stiff lower back have prevented me from doing Wind Above the Clouds, but the exercises (and daily stretching) are loosening me up and diminishing my gut.

    What I've noticed so far is:

    1) My mental focus is back. 

    I am no longer mired in a rut of brain fog. My work involved creating aquaponics systems for people, which involves a lot of calculations, sketching, 3d modelling, consultations, interpersonal interactions, budgeting, project management, botany, and a number of other rigorous mental exercises. My work was becoming very difficult as my energy was being sapped by a number of different seeming disease processes that were becoming more pronounced, greatly affecting my focus.

    After just a few weeks of Flying Phoenix, my focus is back.

    2) My stomach health is greatly improved.

    For the past 15 or so years, I've suffered from irritable bowel syndrome. It has spiked and subsided at various points in my life. Lately, it's been much worse which led me to pursue qigong in the first place. On top of the IBS spike, I've been diagnosed with acute gastritis, which had made life even worse with constant bloating, diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain. It was very rough for a little while, and I'm still recovering.

    Flying Phoenix has accelerated my recovery time significantly. I can eat things that I couldn't eat at all anymore without consequences (like cheese, yogurt, tomatoes, etc.) about once or twice a week without having problems. My elimination process has normalized. Things are moving along very well in terms of strengthening my stomach and intestines.

    There's still more to be done. I'm fairly certain I'll be needing to see an acupuncturist and getting some Traditional Chinese Medicinal herbs to fully rectify and balance the system. Flying Phoenix seems to have laid an excellent foundation for healing.

    3) My strength is improving.

    I noticed a strange sensation a week or so ago which was somewhat frightening. When I would bend over to pick things up, I noticed a twitching in my left chest (where I've had a rib that has a tendency to slip out of place and cause a lot of pain). I became worried by the twitch and wondered what was going on. I had some anxiety over the sensation (which I was able to keep down very well thanks to the mental fortification aspect of Flying Phoenix), but realized that there was probably nothing truly wrong. 

    A few days later, I realized that I could manifest this sensation at will. To my surprise and embarrassment, I realized that the sensation I'd been feeling was just a strengthening of my intercostal and pectoral muscles. Most of the movements in Flying Phoenix 1 seem to strengthen the pectoral, neck, shoulder, core, and leg muscles. I'm noticing these effects, and I'm very thankful for them.

    Stretches that used to be difficult for me are much easier. It's easier to move freely. It's easier to perform actions that were difficult before. The general improvement in strength is very welcome.

    4) My Anxiety and Panic have subsided greatly.

    For the past two years I've suffered from general anxiety and panic disorder. This began, I believe, after foolishly mixing a few controlled substances on accident with some friends. It was a catalyst to mental and physical distress the likes of which I've never known. It was highly unfortunate.

    Since then, I've been much more of a hermit than before. I've avoided people, places, and activities that I used to find very fun and nourishing. I avoided these because of budding agoraphobia, fear of panic attacks, and a general lack of confidence in my physical and mental state. 

    Flying Phoenix has definitely strengthened my mental reserves. I imagine that the energy I've built up has acted as a buffer between myself and the rest of the world, shielding me from overwhelming sensations or experiences. It feels like I did when I had been very involved in spiritual practices in previous eras of my life. I feel like I'm myself again. I can enjoy my life, my wife, my surroundings, my friends, and my family again. I am so thankful for this, I cannot state it enough.

    All of this is, again, to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Sifu Terry. I've been at my wits end for a long time in regard to my health physically and mentally, but I am confident now that I'm on the first steps of the path toward health and well-being. I hope to meet you in person someday to undergo some training and consultation in regards to my form. I've been in contact with you via email and have been very grateful for your responses. I look forward to scheduling something in the coming months / year.

    Hello Maybe,


    Greetings again to the FP Qigong community and thank you for bringing the conversation back to the topic of practicing Flying Phoenix Qigong.


    I am very happy and thrilled for you that you are experiencing such solid salient health benefits from practicing this art using the first DVD volumes for only three weeks. Many practitioners have reported verifiable health benefits from less than 3 and even 2 weeks of practice, but there have only been a handful of FP Qigong practitioners/Daobums subscribers who have reported such a broad range of health improvements.


    The order by which you've described the noticeable health benefits from your FP practice is very telling and very typical of the "roll-out" or onset of FP Qigong's healing effects. 


    1) My mental focus is back. 

    Congratulations.  I'm very glad to hear that FP Qigong practice has restored our mental focus and you have greatly command of your multi-faceted and challenging job in aquaponics.  Mental clarity and acuity is often instantly experienced with the very first practice session and steadily builds and ratchets upward in terms of maintaining clarity and acuity.  As I think I explained in a post in 2016:  When I gave a workshop in NYC on November 12 that year, one of the women attending that 4-hour afternoon workshop loudly and excitedly exclaimed at the two-hour mark:  "Oh my God, my eyes just cleared up...and I never even noticed that they had clouded over right after the presidential election took place four days ago (and Trump got elected)!"   With two hours of FP Qigong practice, this woman recovered from severe psycho-somatic symptoms and was utterly amazed that they suddenly and completely disappeared.  Welcome to the Cloudless Mind Club!


    2) My stomach health is greatly improved. 

    Wow!  This is stellar news.  I have not heard many reports of FP Qigong practice improving serious alimentary problems to the extent that you have described.  I know how painful and distressing stomach problems can be and hwo they alone can make life miserable.

    I've been diagnosed with acute gastritis, which had made life even worse with constant bloating, diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain. It was very rough for a little while, and I'm still recovering.
    Flying Phoenix has accelerated my recovery time significantly. I can eat things that I couldn't eat at all anymore without consequences (like cheese, yogurt, tomatoes, etc.) about once or twice a week without having problems. My elimination process has normalized. Things are moving along very well in terms of strengthening my stomach and intestines.
    There's still more to be done. I'm fairly certain I'll be needing to see an acupuncturist and getting some Traditional Chinese Medicinal herbs to fully rectify and balance the system. Flying Phoenix seems to have laid an excellent foundation for healing.

    3) My strength is improving.  

    Again, I'm so glad to hear that about the very interesting false alarm you went through that turned out actually be a symptom of your strenthening process. 


    I realized that the sensation I'd been feeling was just a strengthening of my intercostal and pectoral muscles. Most of the movements in Flying Phoenix 1 seem to strengthen the pectoral, neck, shoulder, core, and leg muscles.

    Yes, FP Qigong is the epitome of CORE exercise.  Because of its sure-fire ability and power to induce the relaxation response coupled with its constant imperative to  move as slowly as possible--i.e., to "move at the speed of a shifting sand dune", the Fp Qigong art almost perfectly coordinates the use of the body's core muscle  to transfer that strength to the muscles of the extremities in a natural wave form.


    Besides noticeable strength increasing from greater respiratory power conditioned by the FP Qigong, the efficiency in movement from the great  postural, balance, flexibility and agility benefits of the FP moving meditations will result in the feeling of even greater increase in strength and energy levels.  This is the meaning of integral strength.


    4) My Anxiety and Panic have subsided greatly.

    As I've stated year after year, many times a year on this thread, the FP Qigong works by bringing all the organ systems of the body under the regulation of the subconscious mind--thereby activating the body's self-healing properties.  By regulating the orbs of the body  through the central nervous system and returning the body to homeostasis (its natural state of pristine functioning), soothed nerves, emotional calm accompany the physical strength and  comfort from the reduction of friction and pain brought on by the practice.


    First comes bodily health and physical comfort combined with emotional calm and greater and greater sense of well-being.  Then comes deeper relaxation and blissful states of consciousness or "absorption", mapped out and celebrated by the sages of all ancient yogic cultures.  (As "Virtue" so eloquently stated in his posting above, such higher states of consciousness cannot be bought at any price but depends totally on the quality of one's practice of any authentic yogic or meditative system, how hard and disciplined one works in his yogic-spiritual practices,, one's natural genetic talents, along with one's predilection and karma.)  I would recommend reading Daniel Goleman's "The Buddha and Meditative States of Consciousness, Part I" as an accessible excellent roadmap to recognizing where one is on the path of attaining At=Onement with the Infinite Event or Ultimate Reality or Godhead.  It is a translation of the a scripture expounded by the Buddha defining the states of Consciousness facilitated by Yogic practice, which in Sanskrit are called the 8 Jhanas--or levels of absorption/concentration. (I highly recommend this reading to FP practitioners because one will realize what an excellent yogic vehicle FP Qigong is because it soars one through the first 2 jhanas and for many through the third right up to the threshold of the fourth t jhana.  so that one can more quickly dispense with obstacles to progress which at first seem not to be obstacles but are often mistaken for the desired end:  bliss and rapture.



    Bliss and rapture--while commonly promised as cheap marketing hooks to entrap depressed and unhappy and thus more gullible-than-normal people, by profane hucksters and quacks selling instant enlightenment as New Age Snake Oil--are to be experienced and then dispensed with as soon as volitionally possible if one wants to progress further in one's spiritual growth and experience the FORMLESS JHANA'S -- which the Buddha defined as four states of highest consciousness.


    Another invaluable map that is most rigorous and challenging to use--but which brings immeasurable mental health and powers is Polish-American mathematician-philosopher Alfred J. Korzybski's "Science and Sanity", the seminal tome of General Semantics.  Taken 6 pages a night, this 2,000 page thesis cleanses the nervous systme of semantic distortions and makes one conscious of the Structural Differential which are the physiological and cosmological realities that potentially block the evolution of human consciousness to directly know and be AT-One with the Ultimate Reality/ Infinite Event  / Godhead.



    Yes you can know God through a math model.  LOL


    And then there's G. Spencer-Brown's "The Laws of Form", that one can read simultaneous with Goleman and Korzybski--or afterwards.  Then you will have mastered a substantial level of the closest thing the West has developed to Zen, and also have in place a most powerful language structure to understand and describe and articulate the yogic experiences that you experience through your practice of Flying Phoenix Qigong--let alone recognize when someone is trying to sell you new age snake oil or a bridge in Brooklyn but is calling it something else.


    Congratulations again on your splendid health transformation!!  

    May your improvements continue with no end.


    You are most welcome.  It is an absolute pleasure and joy to teach FP Qigong...especially when results such as yours are reported.




    Sifu Terry Dunn




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  11. On 7/8/2018 at 9:03 AM, DSCB57 said:

    At the risk of fuelling further controversy after witnessing all this uncompassionate backstabbing, I am going to stick my neck out and ask how it is that this photograph appears on the website under discussion if Ausar's claims are as is being claimed here, patently false? I wonder how he may have enticed GM Doo Wai to appear with him on this photograph? (I copied the photograph without permission or authorization from this webpage, where it can be seen by anyone visiting the website: https://ausar.org/)


    So, who is bs'ing who? Certainly someone is misinformed or deliberately obfuscating the truth here. This does appear to be an authentic photograph of GM Doo Wai with this initiate who uses the name Ausar, or has this been cleverly photoshopped in order to deceive aspirants into undertaking Ausar's teachings? Or maybe GM Doo Wai has been in some way coerced into appearing in the photo together with Ausar? 

    And incidentally, does GM Doo Wai appear to be bed-ridden in this photograph? I don't think so. Apparently Ausar has been caring for the Grand Master, and although not fully recovered he is certainly not in the state described by Sifu Dunn. 


    According to one of Ausar's students, Ausar gained GM Doo Wai's favour due to his cultivation direction being entirely toward the spiritual rather than martial, and the meditations he claims to have been taught by GM Doo Wai are from another embodiment of the Flying Phoenix arts which do not involve the White Tiger energy in any way. According to him, these cannot be learned from DVDs and are initiatory. That would explain why GM Doo Wai might have made such a choice. In the spirit of open mindedness, rather than looking only at one side of the story and judging this purely on the biased impressions which have thusfar pervaded on this thread, I encourage further investigation by all practitioners of the Doo Family arts in order for this to be of benefit to all of us. 

    No, I feel that there is more than meets the eye regarding Ausar's claims, particularly if you take the trouble to actually attend a free Darshan and witness for yourself what this is all about. Up to now, that and a few lengthy online chats are the extent of my own involvement.  Disclaimer: I am not a student of Ausar, nor have I actually spoken to him in person, but I do feel that he is worthy of far more respect than he has received on this forum. 



    To answer our question:  Yes.  He is bedridden.  In this photo you posted GM Doo Wai is in a hospital nightshirt here, wearing th same white earbuds that he wears when he uses his computer to communicate with people via Skype.  And as you can see in both the video recordings of my Skype conversation with GM Doo Wai that took place the evening of July 3--which I posted above with  my post of July 8, GM Doo Wai is confined to a hospital bed and has been in this unfortunate state for the past 9 years.  Sifu Garry Hearfield just recently corrected me and informed that GM Doo Wai has been incapacitated and bedridden for ten (10) years because Sifu Garry remembers distinctly that his son was two years old when GM Doo Wai was struck by four strokes.  His son Hayden is now twelve years old.  And anyone may confirm that  Sifu Hearfield made such a confirmation--of GM Doo Wai being incapacitated for the past ten years) by contacting him.  Also, although I don't now what their responsiveness level is because I'm not well-acquainted with them, the duration of GM Doo Wai's incapacitation and being confined to convalescent bed can be confirmed by contacting Sifu Tom Rizzo and Sifu Joel Rizzo, and also Dennis Wood, who I recently learned teaches at the Rizzo's "White Tiger Kung Fu School" in Westwood, CA.


    For your information, GM Doo Wai has been Skyping me for the past 4 weeks (calls initiated by him on the average of every other day) and what I have posted as his reaction to "ausar" is absolutely true and will be backed up by the videos of the audiotape recordings of other conversations.


    Taking a photo with GM while  he is in an incapacitated state as he is seen in the photo he posted does not mean that he has been authorized to teach any part of the BFP system.  Even if GM Doo Wai had taught him anything prior to when he was incapacitated ten years ago, that does not make him an instructor.


    You can believe what you want based on a photo--and be his shill for the rest of your life.  I don't know who this person is in this photo that you say goes by the name "ausar". But anyone can tell from his age in this photo you posted that he has not mastered anything except how to get banned from www.thedaobums.com by its moderators.  The fact that he and all his known aliases (called "sock puppets" by the two DaoBums moderators, who felt it necessary (with no input or prompting from me whatsoever) to take action in response to complaints of  trolling and diverting of subscribers of this discussion thread to a notorious scam site ) have been banned from Daobums is here for all to verify:



    But the truth about GM Doo Wai as of last week confirming that he has authorized  only the above mentioned 5 Sifu's (including yours truly) to teach Bok Fu Pai will be further proven and documented with the forthcoming videos and audio recordings.  Also to be proven and documented is Grandmaster Doo Wai's 100% confirmation that "ausar" is NOT an authorized instructor of  Bok Fu Pai.


    And you can also confirm with the moderator "Dawei"  that all "sock-pockets" --or avatars/screennames donned by those trolling the FPCK thread because of its large  subscriber base--and others on Daobums--and leading the unsuspecting and gullible to "ausar.org" HAVE BEEN BANNED and will continue to BANNED whenever they are ferretted out.


    I don't have time for this totally disgusting and pathetic low-level con-artistry. 


    Please direct all future questions about FP Qigong or any Bok Fu Pai art to the other four authorized instructors: Sifu's Hearfield, Tom Rizzo, Joel Rizzo, and their student, Sifu Nick.  Other doing my part to present to the public GM Doo Wai's expressed and unassailable authorization of those persons that he wants to teach Bok Fu Pai Kung Fu arts, you will not waste any more of my time about this matter again.  Ever again.


    Sifu Terry Dunn

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    Pay no attention to the above posting by "PGQ" because he or whoever is behind the PGQ name has recently been banned by the able and astute Daobums moderators who discovered that this account "appear to be sock puppets of past scammer or such vices to play out on the site."   Thus the  message he posted is a snide and disrespectful parting shot at FP Qigong, this FPCK thread, the Daobums.com site, and the Daobums Moderator who has banned him.


    But if you must try to make sense of the 8 lines of the posting, here is how I look at it:


    As one may have noticed:  none of PGQ's  8 lines above are comprehensible English except one:  the one that says "snake slithers on the ground,"  which given the fact that he has been banned, may lead one to conclude that it is his identification of himself.  


    As for the rest of that post, it is a combination of the demonstrably wrong statements all purposefully bundled up to make iritating nonsense.  But since it's posted and cannot be taken down, in the spirit of democracy and free speech in this  open forum, the meaning of this "poetry"  and the intent of its  author can be easily examined:


    A snake only climbs by coiling up a tree...Understand.      Wrong:  a snake doesn't have to coil up a tree to elevate, as snake-charmers have demonstrated for centuries.  And maybe Mr. Black Snake here will pay you a visit to show you how wrong you are.




    A dragon flies by coiling for it is of heaven...   Wrong again, as those who have done enough of the Wind Above the Clouds FP Meditation all know through mastering this BASIC FP Meditation, the dragon (you) after gathering its energy by stretching to the right, stretching to the left, and stretching to the right again just ONE TIME, launches itself into flight by straightening the body and then keeping the body straight and perfectly still when it flies through the Heavens.  Hint:  this is knowledge is physiologically experienced--not believed in nor imagined--when (advanced) practitioners do the FP Meditation "Wind Above the Clouds" (50 40 30), a so-called "basic" FP meditation on Volume One of the DVD series.



    For only a phoenix is truly of the people for it is of earth but points the way to heaven as is a birds natureNO. WRONG AGAIN.  IT IS NONE OF THAT BECAUSE IT IS NO LONGER A BIRD.   FLYING PHOENIX IS AN ENERGY, WHICH IS BORN IN THE HEAVENS AND STAYS IN THE HEAVENS.  It is channeled to man/woman on earth through FP Meditation practice in order to transform man/woman and him/her into a holy and then ultimately heavenly being, but for it to abide in man-on-earth, that mundane being must be following the Dharma--as defined by any of the great three world religions.  Any FP Qigong practitioner who has experienced the inner blue light (with eyes closed) while in meditation knows that this BLUE LIGHT is not of this earth--and cannot be generated by any earthly means known to man.


    And anyone so firmly convinced of--and fervently attached to--such hysterically wrong and delusional belief about "Flying Phoenix"--obviously based on no experiential foundation of having practiced any of the Flying Phoenix Qigong correctly--so as to so arrogantly command everyone to "UNDERSTAND (it)" might be deemed by even the most non-judgemental FP practitioners  as having a severe mental disorder, for this person is preaching as if he were living in a parallel universe where sages are blind and deranged from having a meth habit.  I will paraphrase a powerful contemporary female European mystic so as to more more graciously and insightfully support my condemnation of the poisonous drivel purplegoldqilin just posted:

    “the spheres of [the Flying Phoenix]  are not accessible to such persons as have allowed their spiritual body to wither away and to make their spiritual poverty into an arrogant omniscience, denying all that in their spiritual blindness they cannot see, in their cowardice do not dare to believe, in their egoism have not the strength to love.”   In other words, the holiness of SPIRITUAL ENTITIES such as the FLYING PHOENIX is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

    This mystic also accurately observed:  “When the devil cannot prevent the appearance of a noble and pure soul, he revenges himself by distorting the picture of this soul in the minds of others."   Hence the venal coward behind the purplegoldqilin sock-puppet, who the moderators have just banned from us all, in spewing a final parting cheap-shot,  passes himself off as some sort of spiritual genius, started out by obfuscating the obvious TRUTH:   "No. This has not always been true."


                                          OH YES, THIS IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN TRUE.



    Indeed, people should UNDERSTAND ONLY: 

    (A)  how to detect deceptive fruitcake trolls trying to siphon (steal) low-level psychic energy by arrogantly writing nonsense designed to confuse, distract and make eyes roll.

    (B)  how to quickly dismiss such flimsy lint balls (blow them out the window with 1/10 of an exhale and let a passing moth eat it) without wasting an ounce of energy on it.


    And as was explained to me by the Daobums moderator who banned PGQ sock-puppet, he was banned because he was determined to be a troll who lured the unsuspecting  through this chain of links to an obviously bogus website titled (on its homepage)  'THE SPIRITUAL HEART CENTER', featuring a guru of "Celestial Kriya Yoga" named "Ausar", who reportedly sells supposedly advanced teachings by Grandmaster Doo Wai on DVDs for thousands of dollars.  


    When I first saw this website, I saw it as obviously bogus because Kriya Yoga is the sacred art of Paramahansa Yogananda, the great Indian master, guru, and holy man ( 1893-1952).  Being a resident of Los Angeles since the age of 6, I have, as an adult, visited the Yogananda's Self-Realization Centers on Mt. Washington overlooking downtown LA, in the Pacific Palisades, and in the beach town of Encinitas dozens of times and have meditated there and practiced my Qigong arts there.  I have a good appreciation and deep understanding for the Yoganada tradition.  Thus, just the idea that any substantial art from GM Doo Wai's tradition could have been  transmitted to anyone in the Kriya Yoga tradition--other than Yogananda himself--is ABSURD AND IMPOSSIBLE.  That these two traditions--so vastly different--could be somehow conjoined is ridiculous horseshit.


    Unfortunately, as reported to me in PM by a FPCK subscriber from the UK who asked to remain anonymous but whose existence and complaint about the  extortionate ausar.org site ("The Spiritual Heart Center") can be verified by the DaoBums moderators, he and quite a few unsuspecting and gullible Daobums subscribers in his circle of friends were seduced, hoodwinked, and bamboozled out a lot money, thousands of dollars, by claims made by  "ausar" that has been a recent private student of GM Doo Wai and has been endorsed, encouraged and commissioned by GM Doo Wai to "enlightenment to the world" by selling what turns out to be a hodgepodge of videos of GM Doo Wai performing advanced Bok Fu Pai meditations, which were (as explained by GM Doo Wai in his 2007 Youtube video) all stolen from him by an outlaw student (now deceased) whom he thoroughly disavowed and vehemently condemned in that 2007 video.


    Well, first of all, here is a link I have just posted on Youtube, of a conversation I had about 10 days ago with GM Doo Wai, in which he laughed, guffawed, and then laughed again that anyone has claimed taht he has been a private student of GM Doo Wai AT ANY TIME DURING PAST 9 YEARS, because GM Doo Wai has sadly been incapacitated, is bedridden and cannot speak easily.  Therefore he laughed loudly when I told him that an "Ausar" claims to be his private student at present.




    Furthermore, GM Doo Wai expressly announced (with the help of my framing questions) that there are only five (5) persons in the world authorized by him to teach Bok Fu Pai Kung Fu:   Sifu's Tom and Joel Rizzo in Los Angeles, their former student Nick whose last name GM Doo Wai could not tell me (and whom the Rizzo's ahve not told me), Sifu Garry Hearfield in Australia, and myself.  Only five.  No one else.




    And because Grandmaster Doo Wai showed in the above video that he was having obvious difficulties throughout much of the Skype conversation keeping his computer camera trained on himself, this is the follow-up call I made to the Grandmaster about 20 minutes later to get a stable picture and to get RE-CONFIRMATION from him that he wanted me to publish far and wide the names of the five instructors that he has authorized to teach Bok Fu Pai Kung Fu arts (that includes all meditative and energy arts under the Bok Fu Pai "umbrella") and to make it absolutely clear and undeniable that this was his wish.  Note the emphatic thanks that he expressed to me in both videos, but especially this second one for helping him carry out his wish.


                  "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."   --John 8:32            


    Sifu Terry Dunn




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  13. A Fourth of July sentiment to share with my fellow Americans and all FP Qigong practitioiners around the world who love and honor the Spirit of Freedom to perhaps deepen your commemoration of this day, the 242nd anniversary of the start of the Masonic American experiment.  As I posted on Facebook earlier today:  "There is power in the 8.  Pray for the preservation of the Republic today!"

    ...Thou was born with the Spring; and July set its seal of gold upon thy forehead. The sun himself coloured thy hair; and Mars and Venus blended their rays to gild thine eyes. Fearless and free wast thou, and knewest not thy destiny. For when thou wast come to hours of knowledge, thou didst find thy sacred land in the power of a monster.  Dolt, oaf, nob, assailant, lapdog, dunce, traitor, undisciplined, malignant, polymorphously perverse. Beneath thy holy mountain, the fair springs, fringed with their ashen aspens, were befouled. Sorrowfully brooding, thou didst seek light and life and liberty and love--not upon earth but in the Heavens! Thou didst call, and the Lord answered thee, a Lord eternal, invisible, strong tower, eternal refuge, crowned radiant, omnipotent, white lion, eternal youth!
    Thus vision after vision came upon thee; Saint Francis saw the heavens no clearer; the angels themselves surprised thee not, folding their wings upon their faces before the Glory of the Lord. Soon or late, thou must take up thy burden; the monster must be slain; the fair land must be freed.
    And so dist thou, as it was given thee to do. Victory sat upon thine helm; the land was free.
    I have no heart to say more. Must it ever be thus that treason and superstition and tyranny should have force to destroy the vehicle of the Spirit of Freedom?   Nay, it shall not be so.   America, answer it!
    Whether in this great city, where the Atlantic thunders, the vision come upon us, or in Chicago where the wide waste of Michigan is the silence of the tameless waters, or in Buffalo where Niagara roars his battle-slogan, or where the pines of Oregon answer the palms of California, "Skyward to sun and light" (yea! or even to Canada, from Erie to Vancouver), let it inspire us to preserve and to enlarge that liberty--of which thou, Jeanne, wast the protagonist of thine age.
    This wreath of green and white speak to us of freedom and of purity; a talisman consecrated by almighty power; a symbol of the victory she won for us not only over tyranny, but over time. And these letters of crimson, be they our sacrifice, that man should not more have to die--as did this maid--for what should be his heritage unchallenged.
    JEANNE, golden rose of earth, white lily of heaven, Jeanne, a true sister and true bride of every poet's and every free man's heart, I salute thee. I bid thee not farewell; nay, be thou ever with me till the hour of death bring me to that greater freedom that flowers not upon earth.
    Eulogium upon Jeanne d'Arc
    by Aleister Crowley
    "The Revival of Magick and Other Essays - Oriflamme 2"  (©1998, O.T.O.)


    8spoke wheel tiny.png

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  14. 13 hours ago, Astral_butterfly said:

    Dear Sifu Terry


    My daughter is six years old and very interested in starting Kung Fu training in a nearby Wushu school in September.

    She also wants to improve her splits as it is a thing with all her little friends and cousins, particularly as she has had gymnastics classes for two years and still cannot get there fully. I don't want her to stretch every day like her friends and risk injury as I cannot evaluate if her stretch pain is normal, or real and unnatural pain related to over-extension so I want a gentler approach for her.


    Can she do the Wind above the Clouds at her age to open up the hips? If she expresses interest in doing more exercises (including those with breath sequence) on the DVD, can I allow her her to learn?


    Thank you!



    Hi A_B,


    Glad to hear that your daughter is beginning Kung fu training at the nearby wushu school.  But six years old is just a tad young, unless the parents are masters and are doing the training.  Make sure that the school you are taking her to is excellent and has excellent, highly experienced trainer of young children.  I believe that China begins the evaluation and selection of its potential national wushu team members only when the children reach age seven.

    But to answer your question:  Yes, it is perfectly fine for your daughter to do "Wind Above the Clouds"--even without the breathing formula.  But when she does do the meditation with the breathing formula, make sure that she is clear and aware o how to the breathing correctly.  If there's any hint or tell-tale sign that she might do it incorrectly, then don't have her do the breathing.  Hold off on the breath control formula until she is older.  Just have her go through the movements and postures slowly.


    Good luck to you and your daughter!


    Sifu Terry

    • Thanks 2

  15. On 6/23/2018 at 8:26 PM, ridingtheox said:

    two days to go ...  today  I added a  determinedly slow long form to the 5 short forms   Still only 37 minutes for the long form and very nearly the same for the series of short forms. 

    Tomorrow is Friends Meeting for Worship ... I am carrying a heavy sense of injustice for the separation of asylum seekers and their children.   May  we find compassion for all beings.


    Hoa binh  tat ca sinh vien


    Hi Charlie,

    37 minutes. That is still awesome time achieved for the Long Form Standing Meditation.

    I know this off-thread topic, but I hope you find solace and comfort and some path to constructive action to end this atrocious policy at your Friends Meeting.  I have been aghast from the second I heard about this atrocity committed against asylum seekers and their poor helpless children.  I defer to the full gravity of David Bowie's lyric from the 80's--that "This is not America."


    As for me, I rarely vent my frustrations publicly.  But when they reached such an extreme level with this child separation at the border fiasco, I let loose on Facebook to whoever is following. And then I quickly got on with my work.  Besides praying that the deplorably ignorant,  blind and wickedly gleeful haters in our government somehow find their moral compass, common sense and the minutest sense of decemcy. compassion and  understanding of the Golden Rule--let alone the Constitution--when it comes to dealing with illegal immigrants, I vented my anger at the pure stupidity of the policy--let alone the diabolical cruelty of separating children from their parents without a reliable plan or system to reunite them after the parents are forced to sign voluntary deportation orders:

    "GOP QUIZLINGS in Congress--all pious fakes with your family values, you should be very proud of yourselves. Not just are you standing by and enabling your Lord Commander Marmalade to traumatize children needlessly during all stages of childhood and adolescent development--with lasting and in many cases irreparable damage, but  a few of these separated from their parents and perhaps lost to them will grow up to become terrorists with raging hatred against America and Americans--not to mention what their parents might be transformed into.

    And the science is in--as explained by Dr. Colleen Kraft, president of American Academy of Pediatrics.

    Your karmic retribution has been well-earned, you vicious cowards. Have fun trying to find your own accursed children in this lifetime and all future incarnations...because karmic kickback for this type mass infliction of life-long pain is an aeonic BITCH, you pathetic monkeys."



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  16. On 6/19/2018 at 1:17 AM, Maybe said:

    Hello Sifu Terry.

    I don't have a DVD player, so I'm curious if any of your videos are available for sale in a digital format?

    Hi Maybe,

    I'm sorry to say that I don't have digital versions of my programs for downloading.  I'm teaching lots of workshops in the northeast and writing 3 books, including the one mentioned here on this thread about Fp Qigong.  I've just starting to build a destination website that will provide streamable videos by subscribers.  But this is still a long ways off before it goes online.  In the meantime, DVD players are dirt-cheap and dime a dozen--almost.  More like $50-$60.  Might be worth biting the bullet on one.



    Sifu Terry

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  17. On 6/8/2018 at 4:14 AM, Astral_butterfly said:

    Hi Everyone


    I have been gone for very long, mostly due to my lower abdomen issue (which is a gastro-intestinal one) and an recent operation related to it.

    This illness has been largely responsible for tiring me out and keeping me out of practice.


    With a recent increase in energy, I have been able to do much more and have come back to FPCK practice.

    I am not completely healed, but doing so much better. The start of my healing was due to the taking up of Cross Training at the gym in October 2017, which drastically improved my health (read: flexibility, muscular endurance , cardio and squats especially). I got so fit that a huge improvement came about, and I lost the ten kilos I had put on since being sick.


    The point I wanted to make today, is that now that I am fitter and more agile, my FPCK sessions have been more surprising even than my previous ones when I started.


    For example, I used to be guided into a weird contortion when doing Monk Holding Peach, targeting my ailment.

    I find that when I don't have time to get to Monk Holding Peach specifically, I get the same contortion with Monk Gazing at the Moon.

    Yes, it goes where it needs to go.


    Not only this, but I am guided after my session into the most surprising and beneficial stretches, that I would never have come up with myself. The type that progresses into what I see trained yogis doing. The progress in just one session is quite remarkable, I didn't know I could do those things. I think it probably works best when the session is still fresh.


    Thank you so much Sifu Terry for bringing this into my life, even though I am not the most consistent or advanced practitioner.

    The little I do goes a very long way.





    Hi Astral B.,


    I'm so glad to hear that you discovered the gym and I presume the world of aerobic exercise, which has strengthened you, taken weight off, made you more fit and agile, and given you lots more energy enabling you to do much more and come back to FP Qigong practice.  As I always tell my students in L.A. and now all over through Skype, "Continue with your seaonsal sports and aerobic exercise activities and keep doing them as much as you can."   Jogging, cycling, swimming, weight training, golf, tennis, sailing, skiing, etc.  I do a lot of cycling, hiking, and trail running whenever I can--in addition to Tai Chi, LHBF, 8 Sections, Tao Tan Pai, and Bok Fu Pai Kung Fu forms(!).  And as I presently am in a rural area, I do lots of hiking.


    And I'm very glad to hear practicing the basic standing FP Qigong meditations have led you to do "contortions" and unique stretchings that you've found on your own.  Every FP practitioner sooner or later--normally sooner by all accounts (relative to other healing arts)-- enters that deep meditative  "zone" where the FP meditations activate the natural, intrinsic self-healing faculties of the body. It begins with the little vibrations and shakes that each standing meditation induces.  Then those spontaneous little shakes and shudders will increase to big gyrations, tossings,  and what you call "contortions."  They are all part of the FP healing process. 


    I used to be guided into a weird contortion when doing Monk Holding Peach, targeting my ailment.


    --And excellent that you experienced that the spontaneous contortions addressed your ailment.  Every practitioner responds differently to each of the FP Meditations, standing and seated.  But one universal "contortion" that most people experience when they practice "monk Holding Peach" --because the feet are spread far apart and the legs are straight with the knees locked--is the deep bending forward and folding over at the waist and bobbing back up to and past vertical  As I've described very early in this thread a bout my classes over the years, after about 10 minutes of Monk Holding Peach, at least half the class is in "full bobb":  bending torso forward to the horizontal and whipping back up so that it looks like they are vigorously praying in front of the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem (western wall of the Temple Mount).

    Again, congrats on your breakthrough gained through your fitness regimen and the enhanced health benefits accruing from your FP practice.   You are most welcome!   Remember:  If a little bit goes a long way; then a little bit more goes a way long way! 


    All Best,


    Sifu Terry

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  18. On 5/26/2018 at 4:03 AM, Joolian said:

    I concur to that. Thank you very much Sifu Terry for your inspiring posts and stories. I would love to hear more of your experiences. To me it is inspiring and shows that life is a beautiful mystery... 


    So, how did you meet with the angel in human form? When you spoke about walking with him or sleeping on a mattress on which he slept before it felt like he was a friend of you, who you have known for long. 



    Hi Joolian,

    Normally I keep such experiences to myself.  But  because Tao Stillness (Steve Mehl) is a dedicated FP practitioner and a staunch ally who has contributed to this discussion for many  years and has seen a lot in his lifetime... I decided to share. 


    To answer your question:  I met my very blessed and highly commissioned friend through a student of mine, a well known actor-director, in Los Angeles during the early 1990's.  Since then, this person who leaves lasting positive energy and good karma wherever he goes has been my best friend and guide in all things supramundane and mundane.  Because the Taoist and Buddhist monastic arts that I preserve and teach are holistic yogas that actually work and effectively support and facilitate the evolution of consciousness (besides ensuring good health and longevity) that prepares one for spiritual edification, he helps me to clear my path whenever major obstructions rise up---i.e., when strong evil is encountered, which is not very often, thank God.


    Sifu Terry

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  19. On 5/20/2018 at 8:43 PM, BluePhoenix133 said:

    Just did the first med on volume 5, as soon as i went into the first position i felt this lovely energy in the right side of my brain more in the middle slightly down...felt so good so i just stood like that for a while.

    I take it there is no set time for how long you take to do a meditation or how long you stay in a certain position?

    Hi Blue Phoenix,


    Correct, with any of the FP standing meditations, you can hold stationary some or all of the intermediate positions for however long feels right to you. especially when you're doing the movement sequences at the "speed of a shifting sand dune."  As a matter of fact, about 6 months ago, I gave instructions to three of my private students in Asia that I teach via Skype to do the Vol.5 90-second "flash" meditations as slowly as possible, taking up to 4-5 minutes.  In FP Qigong, the rule of thumb is SLOWER IS BETTER.


    Thanks for sharing your " blessing water" focus the Vol.5 meditation's mudras that you say you do naturally.


    Sifu Terry Dunn



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  20. On 5/1/2018 at 4:27 PM, ridingtheox said:

    yup  and my hair is darker  the white receding in most places.   beard?  i meam suddenly getting beard where none grew  not lots but some and my nails are definitely growing faster especially toe nails. 

    I am now at day 51 of my short standing meditation 'gong'  half way point.   This year my allergies are virtually non-existent compared to a few years ago and other folks are saying this is a particularly bad year in Arizona.  I am hurtling toward 78 yr and have number of people asking how is that possible 60's max! 

    Right now I am also doing some bone marrow cleansing exercises along with simple 5 element ...  practice intensely people this WORKS. 

    Peace please 

    ridingtheox ...


    Hi Charlie,


    I missed this posting earlier. 
    Glad to hear that you've experienced similar rejuvenation from your FP Qigong practice with the same visible signs.  I got over all my the allergies of my first 25 years of life when I completed training in the entire Tao Tan Pai Nei Gung system around 1982 and had practiced its three capstone meditations solidly for about 8 years from 1982 to 1990.  I remember that I used to be allergic to horse piss (because during horse trips in Utah and Colorado, in the mornings when we'd saddle up (and the horses would always piss on their ropes overnight), I was just wheezing and tearing and almost going blind.  But by the 1990's, during horse trips in the same region with the same friends and outfitters, no problem whatsoever with horse piss.  Now that's what I call evolution.  


    Then when GM Doo Wai came into my life and taught me the FP Qigong starting in 1991, as I think I've mentioned several times on this thread, the effects were FAST and profound because I had the Tao Tan Pai already established PLUS he personally initiated each of us (at least 2 others that I witnessed) with a personal transmittance of energy that raised or "stretched" the energy capacity of our bodies to an indescribable degree.  Then we would still have to do the FP and other practices to "fill"  and mantain that capacity to carry Qi to peak levels.


    Yup. From 1990 through 2010 (when i was age 45 to 55), my hair remained jet black even though many friends my age--even those who practiced Chinese internal martial arts and qigong--started getting a lot of gray hair, dry skin, joint problems, muscle atrophy, and other more subtle signs of aging when they hit about 53.  But then I encountered major, major with a big litigation against a film studio from 2010-2014, my normal work hours, sleep, and Tai Chi/Kung Fu/Qigong practice routines, got disturbed and became  very, very irregular.   (see this link for the ugly background details/facts:  http://www.kungfupandalawsuit.com/Timeline_Hotspots_New.html ).   As result of the high stress day to day for 4+ solid years, I got lot of gray hair and beard that i considered to be way too sudden and pre-mature.  So I would intensify my FP Qigong practice each time there was noticeably new gray hair, and that would "beat back down" the gray level on a cyclical basis. But 2015 was a big turnaround year of practice for me because the stress of the litigation started to lift.  I did FP Long Form Standing an average of every other day, at least 3 MSW seated meditations each time I practiced, and I would do 9 of the 54 Meditations from the 10,000 Buddhas' Meditations System every other day, plus 4 to 5 Eight Sections of Energy Kung Fu Forms at least 4 times a week.  Certain days I would practice all 8 BDG (8 Sections) forms, which would take 3 hours.


    Fortunately, over the past 3 years, hair growth all-over  has been restored to its natural color--through regular daily practice of FP Qigong levels, related Bok Fu Pai arts like 10,000 Buddhas Meditations, Tao Tan Pai Nei Kuing-- ranging between one hour to 3 hours a day--no including time spent teaching.  There's just one  tiny stand of hair that stays gray, which is the spot where the very first greying started about 8 years ago.  And just today, I was talking to a young police officer (2 years on the job) watching over the weekly Farmer's Market in Lenox, MA and after talking about police training for a while (one of my favorite civic-minded topics) he was gobsmacked when I told him how hold i was.  He said he thought i was in my early 40's.  I said "bless your soul."  and "Hey, my stuff works."


    In general, on any day when I practice either Moonbeam or the FPHHCM Long Form, and 2 or 3 MSW seatedl meditations,  I  actually feel that my body is getting younger, or let's say fresher, more pristine.   And skin, especially on the face gets smoother and wrinkles (that appear from lack of sleep and oxidants like alcohol--I still like a good glass of wine with dinner sometimes ) disappear just over the period of practice.  The same has been reported by students in my 120-minute FP Class for beginners  that  I teach at various venues in the Berkshires and in L.A.


    Anyway, Charlie, enjoy your marrow cleansing.  And keep those toe- and finger-nails growing super-fast!


    Sifu Terry



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  21. On 5/24/2018 at 10:38 AM, tao stillness said:

    Thank you Sifu Terry for sharing your experience with angels. From that I would conclude that angels can appear in various forms but perhaps regardless of their visual appearance, the constants with each experience with them is the Divine Light/energy and the feeling of Divine love? 

    You're most welcome.  I figured it was time to relate my experience of one.


    Best to you,


    Sifu Terry

  22. On 5/24/2018 at 1:20 PM, ridingtheox said:

    day 76 ... yesterday's practice especially energizing,  when i finished i brought up youtube 10 min version of Sifu Dunn's performance of the standing long form.   I mirrored the performance,  changed the speed to .75 and mirrored it again,  changed the speed to .5 and completed it again ... 45 minutes ( + short breaks in between).   By the end of this period FIRE ...  and METAL .    Later in the evening I did the long form normal style 30 min ...


    lots of energy 

    Hi Charlie,
    I'm so glad you've figured out how to play the training footage at different slower speeds and work your Long Form practice up to 45 min.!  -- and that the results you are describing are powerful.  Excellent that your "normal" style and speed is 30 min.


    I work on doing the entire Long Form meditation with emphasis on relaxation relaxation, relaxation where I don't feel my body during the meditation.  While the FP Healing Energy is distinctively and exclusively a healing energy, the depth of relaxation also is enhanced and facilitated by the same principles of body mechanics/movement taught by high-level Tai Chi Chuan masters.


    Glad you are enjoying the capstone cultivation.




    Sifu Terry

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  23. And again, since it's Throwback Thursday, these are the two movements in the first third of the intermediate FP Meditation, "Moonbeam Splashes On Water" (90 60 50 20).  Footage taken last August at Eastover workshop.




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