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Everything posted by zen-bear

  1. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    And I just received this nice note of thanks from a couple, Tony and Corinne Aecuri, who attended the Flying Phoenix Workshop at Eastover in July. announcing a longer review still to come: Hi Sifu Terry, Thank you for the email and your kind words. Corinne and I throughly enjoyed the workshop material, your insightful teaching style, the group comraderie and the beautiful location. The synergy created by all of that made for a truly unforgettable weekend. My experience with you last November in NYC was a great introduction but, the weekend at Eastover was a true immersion; a baptism by fire! I'm taking a personal day tomorrow and plan to work on a review of the workshop as you requested. I'll incorporate some of this email and elaborate a bit. In addition I will post something on Facebook and the Dao Bums (for the first time). Regarding the videos on the web; no problem as Corinne and I are flattered. She is telling her friends that she is "almost famous". Just an idea about putting the word out in NYC; have you heard of the Open Center? https://www.opencenter.org/ They host various new age events and programs. Some chi kung, meditation and Tai chi are always included. If you taught a workshop there it might help create interest beyond their venue. I'll send you my review soon. Until then best wishes! Tony & Corinne Registration info for Aug. 29 - Sept. 1 FP Workshop: www.eastover.com/terence-dunn-2.html
  2. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    This review just came in today from another Eastover workshop attendee, Spencer Lawrence from NYC, who is seen in the above photo standing third from the left: Hi Sifu Terry, Please use the following testimonial as you'd like: I was truly excited and grateful for the opportunity to learn and practice the Flying Phoenix Qigong system with Sifu Terry Dunn at Eastover Estate, and the experience exceeded my expectations. To receive teachings and personal instruction directly from the master and sole preserver of this remarkable art was invaluable. The unique healing energy of Flying Phoenix was amazingly tangible from the start and only got stronger as the days passed. By the end of the workshop, I was so saturated with the energy that the first comment my girlfriend made upon seeing me was that I looked younger. As a teacher, Sifu Dunn provides clear directions and personal attention. He is personable, open and approachable, and happily willing to share the impressive amount of knowledge he holds of a variety of internal and martial arts. We were even fortunate enough to learn some movements and meditations from other rare and unpublished systems he has mastered. I had only practiced Flying Phoenix Qigong sparingly for a couple months before attending the workshop. The three day immersive program not only confirmed the potency of this system for me but also boosted my practice as I've noticed a significant difference in my ability to sense and generate its unique energy. Whether you have little or no Qigong experience or are an advanced practitioner, I highly recommend attending this transformative workshop at the idyllic Eastover Estate. Feel free to remove the comment regarding the unpublished systems if you prefer it not be mentioned. Also, thank you for your comments about my performing BTB. It's definitely one of my favorite meditations, and I find that even when I try to speed up (2-3 min per round) for time's sake, there comes a point when the movement/energy automatically takes over and slows me down to 4-5 minutes per round. I'll also be sure to continue making my way through the forum. It's an unbelievable resource. I've registered for the next workshop, and I'll be attending the third in October with my girlfriend as well. Thanks again, and see you soon! Best, Spencer www.eastover.com/terence-dunn-3.html
  3. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hello Flying Phoenix Qigong Enthusisasts: Here is another review/critique of the July 27-30 that I received on Saturday from an attendee, Sam Weng, who is from Pennsylvania. I hope this and other reviews will encourage more people to "cross the great water" (figuratively or literally) and attend my FP Qigong workshops so that they will feel first-hand the undeniable truth from time immemorial that "perseverance furthers" . And realize that this judgement from the I Ching (Book of Changes) is especially so when it comes to a 22-hour immersive FP Qigong training: Received August 12, 2017: Dear Sifu Terry Dunn, here's a review; let me know if you have any editing suggestions for length, content, grammar, etc... Flying Phoenix Heavenly Healing Chi Meditations is an authentic system created in the 17th century by the legendary Taoist kung fu master, Feng Tao Teh (Feng Do Duk) and faithfully preserved across seven generations. As a strictly medical qigong, with little to no potential for abuse or misuse, the keepers of this art have deemed it unnecessary to keep the breath control sequences secret, as in other types of qigong and martial arts. It is the breath control sequences which ignite and catalyze the unique energetic healing properties of these meditations. The specific breathing formulas are a crucial element that make FPHHCM a rare and powerful system of transformative movements and postures accessible to the beginning student. Sifu Terry Dunn, in addition to being the 7th generation lineage holder of FPHHCM, is also a great teacher. He is able to patiently guide students through all the movements, postures and breathing formulas with clear and concise language while performing the meditations in great form for students to mirror. He also makes himself available to answer students' questions in a thoughtful, compassionate manner. To get a sense of his teaching persona, read through a few pages of this blog with a thread dedicated to FPHHCM, where Sifu Terry Dunn has been answering students' questions and providing hints and gems and great stories regarding the practice of qigong and martial arts and life in general for 8 years and counting: https://www.thedaobums.com/topic/12639-flying-phoenix-chi-kung/While the Chi Kung for Health DVDs are an excellent resource for learning and practicing FPHHCM at home, having the opportunity to practice in a group setting under Sifu Terry's guidance provided a solid foundation to continue my path in integrating FPHHCM into my life. Spending some time with like-minded individuals, enjoying the beauty of Eastover, enjoying the healthy food, and basking in the peaceful calm and heightened sense of wellbeing that practicing FPHHCM imparts was also a wonderful experience. Sam Weng [Sam is the dapper Chinese gent seen in the photo below, fourth from the right:]
  4. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hello to the Flying Phoenix Qigong community: I wish to share this lovely and lively review/critique that I just received today from a recent workshop attendee, Haim Dotan, an Israeli architect and poet who was educated in the U.S. (went to USC) and now works in Shanghai teaching design, poetry and creativity, and who recently attained worldwide fame for building the world's longest and highest glass-bottom bridge--across a fantastic gorge in Hunan mountains that has dramatically changed and boosed the local economy by attracting 3 million tourists a year to that relatively non-affluent part of China. It's also the highest bungee jumping platform in the world--at 300+ meters! http://www.haimdotan.com/?CategoryID=274 Haim got a solid taste of the FP Qigong Qi Healing process and worked off stress and came to a solid, deep standing of healing with internal energy along with the rest of the merry crew at Eastover. Oddly enough, his wife in NYC, who really didn't know much about me or FP Qigong other than what she had read on the Eastover website, just signed him up for the workshop. He says it's all due to his good karma that his wife sent him to the FP workshop(!) I'm posting Haim's review because he honestly reported that the immersive training 3 sessions a day of 2.5 to 3 hours is not easy. Because, as I told the workshop class: "You are experiencing the meaning of the "Kung"(Gong) in "Chi Kung" (QiGong). If you want "stretch and tone and tea and sympathy", go to your local Mac-Yoga studio." [No disrespect to traditional Indian Yoga traditions whatsoever, for I respect all yogic traditions from all cultures that impart verifiable and repeatable health and spiritual benefits and are truly transformative. But, as I have made clear on this thread from early on, I have no respect for downstream hokum or flotsam from broken traditions stitched together with made-up stuff into "modern" programs by hucksters or dilettantes and palmed off as "Qigong" that are actually quite useless and time-wasting.] So that's how I teach the Flying Phoenix Celestial Healing Qigong. And the results you can see on the videos that I posted on Page 175. This last workshop group has unanimously chimed back that it's well worth the effort--well worth the KUNG. I will post the other reviews shortly. But I wanted to start off with Haim's. So for those of you might be "on the fence" in considering whether or not to attend one of my 3-day immersive workshops and receive 22+ hours of training, please read: Received August 14, 2017: Dear Terry, Your emails are wonderful and naturally full of positive energy (it's you). I have been away on vacation in the mountains and lakes of the Adirondacks NY with my family, about 15 people. No internet or very little and I did my best to refrain from work and emails. Now I am on the way to Mongolia to participate in the World Congress of Poets in the Gobi Desert. I thank you again for being you, Master Qi-gong and a wonderful friend. Your Phoenix Qi-gong, 3 day Healing Meditation in the Eastover Retreat in Lenox Massachusetts, was a life breath in our 21st Century crazy world of information, money, stress and in many cases, unhappiness. First and foremost it is because of you, your inner beauty, your spiritual energy, personal care and friendship, your love of nature and people. The group of twelve of us, although so different in age, personalitiy, physique, gender, and capability, were loving and warm hearted people. The Retreat settings in the green forests and wetlands, beautiful views, birds singing, fresh air and delicious organic food, were simply incredible. Your teachings, 3 daily sessions, although long and not easy, uplifted the spirit and taught us healthy breathing techniques. At the end I felt like a dancer again. I started feeling my rhythm, feeling like in the flow of water or light moving winds. I have already recommended your wonderful Qi-gong healing Meditation to many friends. Although I am in China, I hope to participate in future sessions. Big hug, Sincerely yours, Haim Prof. Haim Dotan Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts Fudan University Shanghai Beijing DeTao Master Academy https://images.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search;_ylt=A0LEViSV5LhZDN8ASw4PxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTByMjB0aG5zBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--?p=haim+dotan&fr=yhs-Babylon-opti&hspart=Babylon&hsimp=yhs-opti Thanks for your attention: Sifu Terry P.S. Here is a most interesting article about Haim's creation of the fabulous Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon Glass Bridge: http://www.wired.co.uk/article/building-the-worlds-longest-glass-bridge www.eastover.com/terence-dunn-2.html
  5. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Thanks, Earl Grey for the clarification. That is the correct breath control sequence for the capstone meditation, FPHHCM, on Vol.4 Regards, Sifu Terry
  6. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hello Songshou, You are not the first to have visions of Buddhist iconography while practicing Flying Phoenix Qigong even though you don't or didn't know anything about Kuan Yin and was not at the time actively involved in anything having to do with Kuan Yin. I recall that during the early months of the first year of this thread, two other subscribers posted accounts of the same thing. One said something akin to: "...strange, because I have no interest in Buddhism." Once in a while, I will visualize, visit, and commune with Buddhist, Taoist, and "other" deities during FP meditation, as it is so very conducive to channeling. My last significant channeling was last November, at the suggestion of my Tao Tan Pai classmate, and that was of George Washington, who I saw right up there with the Taoist pantheon. Prior to that was one significant visitation about two years ago by my late senior school brother (Da Sihing) and the most influential teacher I had in Taoist Elixir Method Kung Fu, Nei Kung and healing methods, who taught me from the other side how to reach my karmic enemies anywhere on this earthplane with a very simple gesture made during his signature kung fu form. But I have not had Buddhist entities "visit" me directly (on their own accord) or have Buddhist iconography appear to me in meditation for a very long time. I had a different experience of the blue light cultivated by the FP Qigong system early today. During my practice this morning (consisting of a 22-movement seated "Monk Serves Wine" Long Form (unpublished), then another unpublished 7-round MSW meditation with breathing 70 50 40 30 20 10, and then the Advanced MSW meditation on Volume 7 with breathing (80 70 50 30), then Wind Above the Clouds, Wind Through Treetops (2x), and the Vol.4 Long Form Standing meditation), I was sitting outdoors on the grass under a bright sun and the blue light started to fill my vision starting with the third repetition of that (80 70 50 30) seated meditations' choreography--from the bottom upward. It was interesting because the sun was shining on my eyelids what my eyes saw was a dark red-brown color. When the flourescent sky blue Flying PHoenix color manifested, it at first "clashed with the outer sunlight coming through my eyelids. It seemed as though the flourescent sky blue immediately turned into a dark teal and floated halfway up my "field of vision" with my eyes closed. But then on the next round of the meditation, the blue/dark teal filled my entire field of vision and I saw all blue with a bright reddish brown behind it. In all past meditation sessions when the blue light was "seen" internally, I was indoors without bright sunlight shining on my eyelids. And the blue light was seen as a very bright fluorescent sky blue--just like the display on a dashboard of a particular brand of european sports cars, as I had described in Year One of this thread. Good practicing to everyone. Sifu Terence Dunn P.S. Please remember: my next 22-hour immersive workshop in Flying Phoenix Qigong at Eastover Estate in Lenox, Mass. begins the evening of August 29: http://www.eastover.com/terence-dunn-2.html
  7. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hello Songshou, Welcome to the Flying Phoenix Chi Kung thread and community. Glad to hear that you've drifted back into practice of FP Qigong. this system will always take hold in your life when its needed and when you are ready for its almost instantly integrative effects. the starter/instigator of this thread, "Fu_doggy", described the same relationship he had with FP Qigong. But now they are one! Next step is to re-learn the flash meditations, and to start learning the movings meds of Vol. 3 & 4. This order of learning is OK, but it's more important to learn the 3 key moving meditations of Volumes 3 and 4. Vol.4 Long form Standing Med. being the capstone exercise of the whole system. Still no problem with establishing the 5 Flash meditations on Vol.5 at any time. I learn from watching a video over and over (and taking some written notes) until it sinks in; I may watch a meditation a dozen times before my body wants to try it. So I can start that process of watching/learning even while my eyes-closed meditations are from Vol. 1 & 2. Some people who are visually dominant can see a form and then emulate. Or watch choreography over and over until it sinks in. The advantage of video is of course that you can view something ove rand over. In the not too distant past, several of my kung fu teachers would just show us a form one time--once--and that was it. I am doing ONLY Flying Phoenix. The few BFP meds and the couple SYG meds I was doing are on hold (I can work them back in later as needed.). Aside from that I just continue my long-established mantra and contemplation practice of Kuan Yin, P'u Hsien, Wen Shu, and the Healing Brothers Yao Wang and Yao Shang. Good to concentrate just on FP Qigong until you've gained solid proficiency in the system. Thank you for sharing the details of your other practices. I often use traditional mantras in Sankrit devoted to Kuan Yin. I started sensing the blue light--by that I mean a subtle inner seeing and feeling, nothing dramatic. The FP Blue Light will come when it comes. Normally when you someone around you least expects it. On September 12 I'll be 64. I consider that a special age because of the 64 Hexagrams! Happy month-before-your-64th "Before Completion" Birthday! Sifu Terence Dunn
  8. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    As another reference, here is one more video clip from last week's 3-day immersive Flying Phoenix Qigong workshop at the Eastover Estate & Retreat in Lenox, MA: This is Day Two's evening class during which I teach the sequential movements of "Moonbeam Splashes on Water" (on Volume 3 of the DVD series). Day Three's afternoon class during which all the attendees are doing "Moonbeam" at super-slow speed with eyes closed was posted earlier above (Friday at 3:10 a.m.) Show me your "Moonbeams"! Sifu Terence Dunn P.S. THE NEXT EASTOVER WORKSHOP 22+ hours of sublime, transformative Flying Phoenix Meditation is: DECEMBER 1 - 3 http://www.eastover.com/workshop/flying-phoenix-qigong-with-master-terence-dunn.html
  9. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    GOOD QIGONG POSTURES -- are seen in more end-of-the-workshop photos of impromptu postures from "Wind Through Treetops", a moving Flying Phoenix Heavenly Healing Qi Meditation (taught on Volume 3 of the Chi Kung For Health DVD series). THE NEXT EASTOVER WORKSHOP 22+ hours of sublime, transformative Flying Phoenix Meditation is: DECEMBER 1 - 3 http://www.eastover.com/workshop/flying-phoenix-qigong-with-master-terence-dunn.html Fee for the workshop is only $295.
  10. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    End-of-workshop photo opp. with a terrific group of highly inspired and focused students (L to R): Ruth, Dan, Spencer, Haim, Tony, Sam, Corrine, Agnes and Greg! Over three days, they learned and memorized in mind-body 7 standing meditations and 11 seated "Monk Serves Wine" meditations of the Ehrmei Mountain Flying Phoenix Qigong system. Great job--very well done!! NEXT WORKSHOP IS OCTOBER 6, 7 & 8 www.eastover.com/terence-dunn-2.html
  11. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hi Earl Grey, Yes, I will put all of the video clips on Youtube later today and then edit into the above postings, replacing the FB links. While I'm pretty insistent on good production values of everything I put on Youtube, these clips of last week's training at the workshop are valuable guides and reminders as to the speed of movement and calm comportment that all FP practitioners should try to emulate and surpass in order to get maximum benefits from the FP SYSTEM. Best, Sifu Terry Dunn
  12. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Lookout Everybody, here comes the "SLEEPER": This is footage of "Monk Serves Wine" seated meditation No.4, aka "The Sleeper" (taught on Volume 7 of the DVD series), here nicely performed by workshop student Spencer Lawrence during the Flying Phoenix Qigong Workshop this past weekend at Eastover Estate & Retreat in Lenox, MA. THE NEXT EASTOVER WORKSHOP 22+ hours of sublime, transformative Flying Phoenix Meditation is: DECEMBER 1 - 3 http://www.eastover.com/workshop/flying-phoenix-qigong-with-master-terence-dunn.html www.taichimania.com/chikung_catalog.html https://www.facebook.com/pg/Terry-Dunns-Tai-Chi-For-Health-236579434951/posts/?ref=page_internal (Click this link and see the 4th posting from the top of FB page, stamped July 31 at 4:30 am) Sifu Terence Dunn www.eastover.com/terence-dunn-2.html www.taichimania.com/chikung_catalog.html
  13. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hello all you serious FP Practitioners: This clip shows the two movements in the middle of the Flying Phoenix Qigong meditation known as "Moonbeam Splashes on Water", which we all know was all created in 1644 by Taoist Feng Tao Teh of Ehrmei Mountain. This video also shows the correct speed of practicing this moving meditation as per the oral teaching: "move at the speed of a shifting sand dune." This is the speed at which the entire "Moonbeam" exercise is to be done: So get busy! And I hope to hear/see questions and comments posted about your breakthrough experiences of "Moonbeam" soon! Sifu Terry Dunn http://www.eastover.com/workshop/flying-phoenix-qigong-with-master-terence-dunn.html www.taichimania.com/chikung_catalog.html
  14. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    This is video of an advanced Flying Phoenix Qi Meditation being practiced last weekend at my FP Qigong workshop at Eastover Estate & Retreat in Lenox, MA. This video shows the relaxed, calm, and ultra-slow speed of movement required to effect deepest absorption, mind-body integration, and tangible energization and rejuvenation--described by the oral teaching of "moving at the speed of a shifting sand dune." Apply this speed to your basic Flying Phoenix Heavenly Healing Chi Meditation in order to effect the Heavenly Healing of the Flying Phoenix!: Also viewable at: https://www.facebook.com/pg/Terry-Dunns-Tai-Chi-For-Health-236579434951/posts/?ref=page_internal Enjoy your practice at this speed of movement--but with this level of relaxation!! Sifu Terry Dunn http://www.eastover.com/workshop/flying-phoenix-qigong-with-master-terence-dunn.html www.taichimania.com/chikung_catalog.html
  15. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hello Everybody in the Flying Phoenix Qigong community and new arrivals!: I just got back Tuesday from a successful FP Qigong workshop in Lenox, MA at the Eastover Estate & Retreat and I will be catching up on responding to the past 2 weeks of postings that I haven't yet gotten to. But first I want to post this announcement that the next 3-day immersive FP Qigong workshop--also at Eastover Estate in Lenox, MA-- will be on October 6, 7 & 8. The training consists of 22-24 hours of FP Qigong training covering everything in Volumes 1 through 3 of the DVD series and some of the Long Form Standing in Vol.4 plus all kinds of warm-up and conditioning exercises that I have distilled from about 100 of such exercises. Plus plenty of question and answer time about everything Flying Phoenix. For starters, here is a video clip of the group last Saturday morning doing Bending the Bows at an excellent practice speed. One attendee, Spencer (in the red Napa Valley t-shirt) was doing BTB at a rate of one round every 5 minutes with very good form. Just excellent! Watch this clip carefully and practice to it if you wish to improve your practice of BTB: Also viewable at: https://www.facebook.com/pg/Terry-Dunns-Tai-Chi-For-Health-236579434951/posts/?ref=page_internal (Scroll down to post stamped July 31 at 8:04 am) More workshop video clips follow below for your reference in training. Sifu Terry Dunn http://www.eastover.com/workshop/flying-phoenix-qigong-with-master-terence-dunn.html www.taichimania.com/chikung_catalog.html
  16. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    H abdahorn, As Earl Grey explained, for years (since 2004, actually), interested people around the world have had no problem receiving the Flying Phoenix Qigong instructional DVD's ordered from my website, www.taichimania.com. Thanks for your interest. Regards, Sifu Terry Dunn www.taichimania.com/chikung_catalog.html
  17. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    To the Flying Phoenix Qigong community: Just three days (!!!) until my 3-day, 20-hour immersive Flying Phoenix Qigong workshop at the beautiful Eastover Estate and Retreat in Lenox, MA. Eastover is an elegant Gilded Age mansion with 24 buildings placed on 600 acres in the beautiful Berkshires that was recently renovated into an affordable 5-star hotel and spa (with beautiful studios and training halls) that is uniquely focussed on Chinese holistic health practices by its visionary owner, Ying-xing Wang. A second 3-day workshop begins August 29. This is the registration page for these workshops at Eastover: www.eastover.com/terence-dunn-2.html As you have already discovered for yourself through use of my Chi Kung For Health DVD series, every Flying Phoenix Qigong Meditation is synergistic with all the others. The energy cultivated by any combination of the Flying Phoenix exercises is tangible, cumulative, transformative, and lasting. And there is nothing like immersive practice of 7 to 8 hours per day times three days (approx. 22 hours) to deeply establish the sublimely rejuvenating Flying Phoenix healing blue energy reserve in one’s being. The tuition for either of the workshops is only $240--the same cost as a one-hour private lesson with yours truly, either online or in-person. So instead of getting one hour of instruction, one gets 20+ hours of guided training and expert corrections and learns all the material in Volumes 1 through 4 of my DVD series, including the capstone Flying Phoenix Long Form Standing Meditation as taught on Vol.4. Join others from all over the world in perfecting their Flying Phoenix Qigong practice during the high season in the Berkshires while enjoying Eastover's fine amenities and exploring the rich arts, music and cultural offerings of Lenox and Stockbridge--the home of James Taylor and Arlo Guthrie! Not to mention Tanglewood (summer home of the Boston Symphony) plus the historic Jacob's Pillow Dance venue. Sifu Terry Dunn
  18. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hi Taoguy, Answer is simple and stated here many times before. But nor problem I don't mind restating it: does this mean that it doesn't matter what the conscious mind does? YES. ONCE YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE BREATH CONTROL SEQUENCE AND HAVE ASSUMED THE POSTURE AND/OR ARE DOING THE MOVEMENTS OF THE FP MEDITATION, YOUR CONSCIOUS MIND CAN BE ANYWHERE DOING ANYTHING...AND YOU WILL STILL GET THE SAME LEVEL OF HEALTH BENEFITS. Should I just do nothing? YOU SHOULD DO WHATEVER YOU WANT TO DO! Try to enjoy your practice. Sifu Terry Dunn www.taichimania.com/chikung_catalog.html
  19. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I had an absolute blast teaching 3 sessions of Flying Phoenix Qigong and one of Tai Chi Chuan at the Medical Qigong and Eastern Medicine Symposium at Eastover Estate & Retreat, Lenox, MA last 2 weeks ago June 27-30 Wed.--aka, "meetings with remarkable men (and women)" such as Master Li Junfeng, former coach of China's National Wushu Team for a decade and master of Ba Gua Zhang & Sheng Zhen Healing Qigong and other arts [in first photo in black shirt] (who also, btw, trained Donnie Yen when his mother, Master Bow Sim Mark, shipped him off to China in 1981, I recall) , the prolific Wushu Master Jianye Jiang (Yellow tshirt), Empty Vessel-- Journal of Contemporary Taoism editor Solala Towler, herbalist Jampa Stewart, women's qigong expert Daisy Lee, and intutive healer Dame Lee Wai Ching. My presentations of FP Qigong went super-sublime, as the Flying Phoenix fliew far, very far. A DEAL LIKE NO OTHER: Be sure to come to this gloriously beautiful retreat center in the Berkshires for my two upcoming three-day residential retreats, from July 27-30 and from August 29 to September 1 this year to advance your FP Qigong practice a quantum level. The workshop provides immersive, 8 hours of Flying Phoenix Meditation instruction per day times three days, which amounts to approximately 24 hours of FP Meditation practice. And all for the very affordable, rock-bottom tuition fee of $240 for the workshop. (My private lesson fee in-person and online for FP Qigong is now $240 per hour. [Very lucky are those online and in-person private students who started with me when my fee was 25% less and unchanged for some 15 years.] So for the same price of getting 1 hour of my private FP Qigong instruction, at these workshops you will receive 24 hours of training and invaluable form corrections, plus demonstrations of healing with the FP Energy. http://www.eastover.com/terence-dunn-2.html Be there or be square in missing out on 24 hours of FP Qigong training, thereby remaining less-than-optimally infused--or uninfused--with the Flying Phoenix Healing Qi! Sifu Terence Dunn P.S. Photos below are of the wonderful Master Li Junfeng, former head coach of China's national Wushu Team in the 1970's and 80's and master of Bagua, Sheng Zhen Qigong and other arts; the very proflific Master Jianye Jiang based in Albany NY, Taoist author and editor of "The Empty Vessel, Journal of Contemporary Taoism" Solala Towler, and a group of other fellow presenters at the Medical Qigong Symposium at Eastover--herbalist/Tai Chi/Qigong teacher Jampa Stewart, Women's "Radiant Lotus Qigong" Instructor Daisy Lee, and energy healer Dame Wai Ching Li.
  20. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hello SeekerOfHealing, I am based in Los Angeles but will be spending some time in Lenox, MA teaching workshops in FP Qigong as detailed in the above post. And I will be leading more workshops in the future. If you cannot attend a workshop or come to L.A. to train, I have also been teaching FP Qigong and the foundations of other healing and martial arts via private online tutorials using Skype and Facetime. Send PM to me if you are interested. My outside email address is [email protected] Thanks for your interest and inquiry. Sifu Terry Dunn www.taichimania.com/chikung_catalog.html
  21. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    To the Flying Phoenix Qigong Community: NOT TO BE MISSED! Only two weeks until the Flying Phoenix Celestial Healing Qigong workshop at the beautiful Eastover Estate and Retreat in Lenox, MA--from July 27 to 30. Eastover is a newly renovated 85-year old Gilded Age estate on 600 acres in the Berkshires, now dedicated to Chinese holistic health practices. This will be the first time I am teaching a residential Flying Phoenix Qigong retreat outside of California in 20 years! The last residential workshop was September 1997 at the Benedictine Center of St. Paul! (Reason known by those closest to me). What better way to enjoy the high season in the Berkshires than in deep immersive practice (8 hours per day for three days of Flying Phoenix Qigong!). Get all the form corrections that you can possibly absorb during this intensive and you will be well on your way to mastering the first level of Flying Phoenix Qigong. The tuition for these 3-day retreat providing a total of 24 hours of immersive FP Qigong training is only $240. (btw, that's how much one would pay for an online tutorial with me lasting 1 hour and 5 minutes!). REGISTER TODAY: http://www.eastover.com/terence-dunn-2.html
  22. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I want to take a break from answering questions and discussing Flying Phoenix Qigong practice and its effects for a second to recommend one of the best movies on human potential made in decades--if not ever made: "Use weapon." "Louise has weapon that breaks time." -- "Abbott", the heptapod alien I so thoroughly enjoyed Denis Villeneuve's beautiful film, "Arrival", during a flight out east two weeks ago to present at a medical Qigong symposium in Lenox, MA that as soon as i got back to town yesterday, I viewed a few of the Youtube reviews and explanations of this brilliantly crafted, non-linear story. Here is the best summary of the story that I found, imho, which happens to be one of the lesser-viewed reviews, ironically. (Warning--plenty of spoilers in this video. So don't view if you haven't seen this yet). I found the film most inspiring in so many ways. First as a teacher of several systems of Qigong and Chinese meditative arts, I know that "the weapon that Louise has that breaks time" is not science fiction at all but an intrinsic, fundamental human potential that can be activated and developed through yogic training. Also, as a life-long repetitive reader and student of Alfred J. Korzybsky's 2,000 page tome on general semantics, "Science and Sanity" (which is the study of language on physiology), I just ate the linguistic underpinnings of this story up: that the language we speak upholds the reality that we see and experience. After she learns from the aliens through their language how to time travel, the story's heroine, "Louise Banks" played by Amy Adams, exercises her free will to a most dramatic extent in a number of ways. There also were several key nuances of the story that I failed to pick up or think through--such as the huge, huge sacrifice that the alien heptapod "Abbott" decides to make in order to save Amy Adams' character and Jeremy Renner's character in order to complete the aliens' beneficent mission. Writer Eric Heisserer in this video explains how the aliens' lifespan is vast, spanning millenia and that the death of one of them is significant to an extreme. Anyway, imao, "Arrival" is the best sci-fi movie made in decades, which turns the genre on its ear and sublimally schools the viewer that all of humankind has the potential to fold time--time being a linguistic construct that keeps the species generally in ignor-ance of--and effectively blind to--the Infinite Event. While I teach Chinese alchemy such as FP Qigong and Tao Tan Pai Kung Fu, I am a spiritualist only on rare occasions--when I am contacted by spirits on supramundane planes. Thus in the last 20 years I have time-travelled only on rare occasions--when I practiced certain Tao Tan Pai, Ehrmeishan White Tiger and Flying Phoenix meditations or when there was an urgent necessity. But I remember that I frequently fell face-first onto the Akashic record during my early training years in Tao Tan Pai nei kung-- which were very exciting-- from the late 70's through the early 1980's) and also did lots of scrying--especially after my colleagues and I at the Taoist Sanctuary in Los Angeles made marvelous use of a "press-bench"-- after this rather mysterious piece of yogic furniture was delivered to our doorstep by a very, very psychic chiropractor and we figured out how to use it. In contrast to my very seldomly slipping into a time-folding mode these days--now only once in a blue moon: I have one full-time spiritualist friend who regularly folds time in his holy service work. Like day in and day out. Apart from my mentor in alchemy and all supramundane phenomena, I have an old Tai Chi student whose mother started out as a hobbyist in western hermetic philosophy and was naturally so good at reading tarot that her teacher at a class at the community college ultimately tapped her as her successor...which she refused at first because she she didn't want to have the responsibility of informing clients--and others designated by the Universe--exactly when their loved ones were to die. This, btw, is exactly one of the types of knowledge that Louise in "Arrival" had to learn how to use. But my friend's mother eventually overcame her fears of doing her Karma Yoga and just did it. Anyone else experience or sense the movie "Arrival" as a spiritual catalyst? Sifu Terry Dunn
  23. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hello Cihan, Thank you for sharing your experiences of FP Qigong exercises and other non-FP Meditation under extreme conditions of heat and humidity. I just returned from a medical qigong symposium at the Eastover Estate & Retreat in western Massachusetts where the weather was warm and humid, and I felt similar cooling-drying out of one's internal environment such that one did not perspire as much. Because FP Qigong and the other Bok Fu Pai internal arts induce allostasis, that is why I believe the body adapts optimally and perfectly to environmental stressors such as heat and humidity, and during wintertime, severe cold and dryness. Another moving non FPCK med of the Doo Family literally builds up a different climate around which I never experienced before, quite amazing... The big--really big--and very rare Nei Kung system that GM Doo Wai also taught me (and two other classmates) called "10,000 Buddhas Ascend to Heaven" (10,000 Buddhas' Meditation for short)--consisting of 54 Meditations-- generates a different climate around oneself that is different from the FP Qigong blue aura/electric field. It is palpable and people feel it instantly the moment the practitioner enters a room. And they feel it without the practitioner having to consciously project or extend one's energy field using shen. Profound and remarkable. Happy Practicing! Sifu Terry Dunn www.taichimania.com/chikung_catalog.html
  24. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    H TaoGuy, If you can assume the full-lotus position, then by all means use it. Half-lotus lotus is sufficient and is the posture that GM Doo Wai taught my peers and myself to use as well as to his more students in the 1990's who helped him teach us. Good practicing. Sifu Terry Dunn