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Everything posted by Smile

  1. Royce or Hughes

    Yeah. The thing with this fight is they are both such nice and humble people. Gracie has a lineage of great fighters and we should never underestimate the power of a lineage. Matt has a skill, dedication and one-pointedness like no other fighter. I still say Gracie just because of a lineage and I feel like choosing one.
  2. Royce or Hughes

    Huges. Or Royce. I like them both. Ok, Royce, just because you said Huges, hehe. Did you say Huges, btw?
  3. eating karma

    That's ok- people have to make this decision on their own. No one can do it for us. When the experiences related to eatting meat come, it's hard not to pay attention. Karma of the plants being killed is not as bad as the slaughtered animals. If someone equates the two, they should be present at the slaughter of a cow, then at the cutting a bunch of spinach. I hope they will see the difference in the energy.
  4. Sith Lord

    Yeah, it was from "Robot Chicken" on AdultSwim.
  5. Green For Life book review

    Nice, lol The quality of protein also counts. You think you get 8 ozs of protein a day but how much of it is actually digested and absorbed into your body? Spinach has the same amount of protein as mother's milk- about 2%. If the babies only use 2% when they grow the most, why would you think you need more then that? You need to eat a lot of vegies though to keep up with monkeys...
  6. What's up with "push hands"?

    I'm training TCC because I feel like i need to do it at the moment. Martial aspect is the last thing on my mind. If you want to watch something that is hard to belive, try these links:
  7. What's up with "push hands"?

    From the link , read #6
  8. New desease on a rise- the one that will make you wish you were dead. A lot of people are getting infected... read a diary from one of them: Other related sites:
  9. What's up with "push hands"?

    This particular teacher is famous for demonstrating this exercise with big football players and throwing them like little babies. My friend has also witnessed first guy pushing the teacher and the second guy pushing the first guy, and the teacher made a slight movement and the second guy flew back while the first guy remained standing next to the teacher. Those 2 guys were just visitors trying to test him.
  10. What's up with "push hands"?

    Sean, i'm studying with this teacher now. He teaches Old Yang Style tai Chi and the video was taken 5-6 years ago. The teacher is the real thing. Has a lot of internal power - fajin. But it's hard to believe it till you experience it yourself. The jumping or other reactions from the guy are the result of the technique used. Read this for more explanantion:
  11. Kan and Li

    It's funny how Google Adsense displays the ads totally unrelated to the subject. Fair Divorce, anyone?
  12. Guru rating service!

    I stopped paying attention to Chia after I learned he copies other people's books. Also, sending his students to take other master's classes to steal information. Most of his books are co-writen (read: writen by someone else and then Chia adds his name to them). Sounds like a money-oriented bussiness, that's all.
  13. blended & raw: dealing with detox

    Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach a person to use the Internet and they won't bother you for weeks. Yoda, you are right about baking soda and you can use it instead of salt. I feel like b.soda is a bit too strong for me.
  14. blended & raw: dealing with detox

    I see it as your body reaction to healing itself through natural means. You give it all the perfect materials to accomplish it, so based on how polluted your body is, you WILL experience some discomfort and even health problems. All depends on your overall body condition and the amount of raw food you eat. If you meditate, it will make the whole experience easy. Remember to eat a lot of food if you don't want to loose weight. Every 2 hours would be perfect. Also, if it takes you more then 5 minutes to prepare a meal, you are doing something wrong here. And the most important thing: BRUSH YOUR TEETH AFTER YOU EAT or you will ruin them. Add a little bit of salt to the water you rinse with to neutralize any acid from fruit in your mouth.
  15. TUF season 3!!

    How could I? I still think he could become a very good fighter. Can't wait to see that Irish red haired kid fight.
  16. TUF season 3!!

    Now that your boyfriend is back to TUF3, maybe he won't loose this time Cam, huh?
  17. Hey, That guy Jerney from HT forum posted some very interesting links: One of them has quotes from a book "The China Study : The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss and Long-Term Health" I ordered it- will see what it has to offer.
  18. Blender Concoctions

    50% spinach 50% mango some raw honey some bee polen little water to help the whole thing to blend The outcome is a yogurt-like desert you eat with a spoon You can vary spinach with either broccoli or kale to get the other flavors, but spinach seems to complement any fruit the best. Will be digested in about 1 hour. You will be hungry again in about 30 minutes.
  19. Squat Walk

    Pavel got it from Russia. They used to make us walk like this during our gym classes in HS. One of the best exersises for the legs. You want something tougher? Try walking like this backwards and to the sides.
  20. Raw Food links/books?

    You are 100% raw? Cool. I'm about 80-90% and it's only bread which I eat when I have raw eggs or make a raw vegetable soup. Why blending? Most of the vegetables that i blend I would never eat raw, like kale or brocoli. I always eat the seeds of fruits but even if you chew on them you never get all the nutrients out and it will go right through you. I believe seeds have as much nutritional value as the rest of the fruit. The question is: does the benefit of good nutrients outweigh the bad nutrients (the ones related to sprout retardation and such)? We need some more research before we start eatting seeds without soaking them first. So true. I don't eat more then half of avocado a day and take breaks from eating any oily foods at least 2 days a week. Also, need to cut down on salt. I don't use that much amyway and it's Celtic Sea salt but my goal to get it close to 0.
  21. TUF season 3!!

    We are forming our own 'Team Dagger' in NYC.
  22. Raw Food links/books?

    Interesting. I mostly bought it so I can blend seeds from apples and other fruits when I blend the whole thing. Regular blender can't do it- too slow. Yeah, it's so true. The energy is so different now and it's much easier to meditate. The fact that so many of us are doing it together makes the whole thing very supportive and easy to do.
  23. TUF season 3!!

    TUF3 should be renamed into The Ultimate Tool 3. Cam, your boyfriend has a chance to come back now.
  24. Should I train BJJ or Aikido?

    He is going with opinions that count.