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Everything posted by Smile

  1. An Inconvenient Truth

    Karen, very nice posts and with exception of global warming part, I totally agree. I would say the whole environmental issue is not what they say it is- HAARP and nuclear testing would be the main causes. But it's true that they know how to mix the truth with lies and promote the 'solution' aka New World Order. Just look at the immigration policy to destroy this country.
  2. Buddhist-Human-Omnivore

    Universaly it's all the same energy. And at that point we wouldn't need to eat. Until then, we need to choose carefully what we put in our bodies.
  3. Buddhist-Human-Omnivore

    Exactly, have faith until your actions will bring the supporting personal experiences.
  4. tinctures for sale!

    Sorry if my post offended you.
  5. The "gong"

    Great idea Ian. Here is something for those who want to print a nice calendar for that...
  6. tinctures for sale!

    Mambo, huh.?.. Do all the pages have to have a static description "Mambo - the dynamic portal engine and content management system" or you can change it? Type in Google search and you will see what i mean...
  7. Buddhist-Human-Omnivore

    Yep, people come and go with the same type of statements: "As long as I don't have any negative feelings about my actions..." "Karma is bullshit..." "Meat or plants- the same energy..." The Path is already walked through by so many masters. You don't need to reinvent the wheel. Your mind will tell you otherwise so you can justify your way of living. But at the end of your life you shouldn't be surprised when you realize you are still looking for answers.
  8. karma-- superstition

    Instead of just looking at yourself, try to see ALL the parties involved. For example, you steal money and feel wonderful- now see how the person feels you stole it from. Then maybe you will see the energetic ties that could develop and prevent you from accomplishing certain things.
  9. We are puny!

    As you know, apocalypse is coming....
  10. experiences with being psychic?

    Sorry, bro, this is such a deep and massive topic I'm not sure I have desire and time to go into. I believe it's in one of the first few books.
  11. experiences with being psychic?

    hey Neimad, Remember 5 conditions/rules of a lonely bird that Don Juan taught Carlos? 1. It flies to the highest point. 2. It doesn't care about a companionship, even the birds like itself. 3. Its beak is always pointed up in the sky. 4. It has ordinary/common colors. 5. And it sings quietly/softly. I thought this was the highest teaching he ever taught Carlos.
  12. conscious co-creation still continued

    That's a part from "Reno 911"
  13. The Kanda

    A feeling- before I read what you posted I saw the point there. Plus all the descriptions except one point at that location.
  14. ...

    Rinse your teeth with salted water or with baking soda after.
  15. ...

    Yes, I've read it and it's worth the money. It provides a lot of scientific data supporting Buteiko. Yes, I used the water. I not only tried buy I used to make it with Plato using a high Amp transformer. The cheaper alternative is to buy Bragg's apple sider vinegar (raw) and drink it every day. It hink that's why they claim so many benefits from it.
  16. The Kanda

    I would think Kanda is in the perinium point. It's not in the dantian.
  17. ...

    Nice. But that product is different from what I had in mind. I was talking more about H+ molecule suplement. Like this site Notice, it has to be H+, not H- like some of the popular products out there. The book on breathing is called "Normal breathing: the key to vital health" by Artour Rakhimov, Ph.D. Find it here: Sample chapter here:
  18. Interesting Book

    May be so. I started with high stance but the teacher tells they used to train very low stances. They had a table and used to practice the form under it- that's how low they did it. but he says he can't teach it here because no one would ever be able to do it. Also, the body weight 100% is either on the front or the back leg. The upper body leans forward a bit. As far as I know this is not a normal way to do it for the Yang form.
  19. life is shit

    If you feel like improving, improve. If you feel like you need to change things, change them. If you feel like being blissful, be. If you feel like being in misery, be as well. There is nothing wrong with any of those choices, if your mind is not clinging to them.
  20. Interesting Book

    I was telling this for years. But I'm greatful Chia published those books- they pushed a lot of us on the path. I'm doing it now with the Yang 108 piece slow form. It's so much fun... doesn't matter if it's 1 move or 108- the energy is so powerful.
  21. ...

    Wow, that Oxy-Powder sounds good. If it's better then colonics, it will save me time and money. Thanks guys. One thing I noticed from their ad copy is they are pushing oxygen as the best thing that everybody is deficient of. I believe this to be true till your body is cleansed, but then it will become a poison. It's true that oxygen is excellent to destroy bacteria and viruses and cleanse you but it is also the gratest cause of body aging. Everybody these days over-breaths and therefore we have so many people suffering from diseases like asthma, bronchitis, emphysema. There is so much reaserch available that correlates over-breathing to every possible disease in the human body. What everybody is deficient of is hydrogen, not oxygen. With years going by we lose hydrogen from 90% all the way down to 50-60%. To compensate, the body starts taking hydrogen molecules from the organs and with time the organs that are affected the most get sick. There is a research book written on this- I'll post the name after I get home.
  22. Hagar, I noticed in your posts you talk about pain a lot. Does it have anything to do with you getting married and having a baby?
  23. It certainly can be, Yoda. My personal goal is not a mastery or controll of my karma or destiny but dissolution of it. I could see the video can be of some benefit to lots of people; it can be a good start, at least.
  24. Form is emptiness and emptiness is form. I see that we are talking about the same thing but from different points of view. All the mental and physical sensations may seem so real at the moment but do they last? They come and go as they please. Buddha and other masters talked about not clinging to the sensations of this world because they are not lasting. They don't stay forever. The physical reality may stay as a whole but if you look at all the things that comprise it, you will see how they gradually change. Physical reality does change with every moment, hence they teach non-attachment.