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Everything posted by Smile

  1. The Protocols of Zion Video
  2. Thaddeus, I appreciate your opinion. You don't need to apologize for stepping in- you are welcome to express your views on this forum any way you like. About questionable and biased sources. Any source of media is questionable and biased. If you disagree with what I had to say, please do so and provide the support. But you can't argue with facts. And the fact is more than 900 Lebanese, most of them civilians, have been killed in the conflict and more than 90 Israelis, most of them soldiers, have also been killed. I didn't start this dialog- Lozen started this conversation and posted the video about arab extrimists. Is the video right? Yes, it is. But does it show the complete picture? No, it doesn't. You and Lozen don't get it- it's nothing to do with a specific race or jewish people. It's all to do with the way US and Israel governments carry out their political agendas. If I criticize Bush and his cabinet, does it make me anti-american? If I say I'm against what we do in Afganistan and Iraq, does it mean I hate American people? Please... Do you think I'm alone? According to MSNBC poll 87% want Bush impeached. So if you have something to say on the subject, say it. But please no more personal remarks- it's getting old. M.
  3. Here is a whole list of quotes by former Israeli leaders. You may say the site is not up to the standart of being reputable (does it mean state-sponsored?). I never advocate violence of any kind. I try to show all the possibilities of what is happening so we are not playing along with the Game they created. If it was the head of Palestine or Lebanon who said that, my answer is the same. I never said it's NOT ok for any being to own something. All I tried to do is to show that you will never see the quotes like I posted in the public media. I said the policies of the government. Because this is NOT something unique for just one government. See the documentary Terror Storm on how this and other governments created terror events in the past to promote their agenda. The makers use declassified information and official government documents to support their views. Buddha has only compassion. When I see the pictures of dead kids on both sides, what else is there to do?
  4. Nazi websites? Worth your time and energy? You never build peace with war. People are dying because of some money and power hungry capitalists. There will never be a winner or looser. There will be a few who made billions, and you and I will be breathing Depleted uranium and guarding the oil pipe in some foreign country. I just hope that those "Nazi" sites that try publicly to impeach Bush will be successful before they call you to serve when they reinstall the draft.
  5. Yes, you noted correctly that all of it eventually lead to the banking cartel that controls Federal Reserves. Rothschild Bank of London Warburg Bank of Hamburg Rothschild Bank of Berlin Lehman Brothers of New York Lazard Brothers of Paris Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy Goldman, Sachs of New York Warburg Bank of Amsterdam Chase Manhattan Bank of New York And who owns those banks? You quess.
  6. Help me find a martial art

    Yes, eventually everthing will become tai Chi. I view it as a good moving meditation.
  7. Of course, you are right about the credibility of the sources. But could you tell me what sources you can call credible these days when it comes to the subject of Izrael and Palestine? From "Today, seven Jewish Americans run the vast majority of US television networks, the printed press, the Hollywood movie industry, the book publishing industry, and the recording industry. Most of these industries are bundled into huge media conglomerates run by the following seven individuals: Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited Those seven Jewish men collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records. Most of the larger independent newspapers are owned by Jewish interests as well. An example is media mogul is Samuel I. "Si" Newhouse, who owns two dozen daily newspapers from Staten Island to Oregon, plus the Sunday supplement Parade; the Conde Nast collection of magazines, including Vogue, The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, Allure, GQ, and Self; the publishing firms of Random House, Knopf, Crown, and Ballantine, among other imprints; and cable franchises with over one million subscribers." I could add that Michael Eisner could depart Disney tomorrow but the company will remain in the hands of Shamrock Holdings, whose principal office is now located in Israel".
  8. Also if you type in Google "Menachem Begin Master Race", you will get a lot of pages. Not that I agree with the tone of the articles. I don't. Violence is never the answer.
  9. Help me find a martial art

    Hi Buddy, Thanks for teaching me correct use of Chinese terms. I still believe that the concepts used by the founders of Tai Chi Chuan were not so different from the energetic concepts used in Alchemical Daoism.
  10. Thanks Peregrino. I'm not against a regular jew, for i also have friends who live in Izrael and here. I'm against the policies of Izraeli and this goverments that in my opinion cause all the violence toward them and around them. Bush admited publicly that 9/11 was the outcome of our "sharp" methods of doing politics overseas. He is right about that but forgot to add that 9/11 was a home-grown product to implement their "problem-reaction-solution" scenario. Here is a quote that no matter how you read can't be taken out of context... "OUR RACE IS THE MASTER RACE. WE ARE DIVINE GODS ON THIS PLANET. WE ARE AS DIFFERENT FROM THE INFERIOR RACES AS THEY ARE FROM INSECTS. IN FACT, COMPARED TO OUR RACE, OTHER RACES ARE BEASTS AND ANIMALS, CATTLE AT BEST. OTHER RACES ARE CONSIDERED AS HUMAN EXCREMENT. OUR DESTINY IS TO RULE OVER THE INFERIOR RACES. OUR EARTHLY KINGDOM WILL BE RULED BY OUR LEADER WITH A ROD OF IRON. THE MASSES WILL LICK OUR FEET, AND SERVE US AS OUR SLAVES." Now, who said it? Was it Hitler? Was it Stalin? Menachem Begin (Israeli Prime Minister, 1977-1983)
  11. Help me find a martial art

    And of course, your view is that Qi is not something you train or transform through cultivation, is that correct? Are you familiar with Jing-Chi-Shen concept? If you say "Chi", what do you mean? Fajin is used by Tai Chi and Chi Kung people a lot but it doesn't mean it's a different concept from Jing-Chi-Shen development through meditation. The applications and training are different, the processes that are happening within the body are not.
  12. Help me find a martial art

    Fajin as a word is used in many settings. My Tai Chi teacher is using it to describe a specific training to develope internal power. Some use it to describe the energy or skill that comes with this training. It is trained power + qi + many other things combined.
  13. Help me find a martial art

    Lol, you are funny. Are you one of those people that don't believe in the displays of fajin by Tai Chi masters? O'Sensey did the same demonstrations, I believe.
  14. Help me find a martial art

    I wasn't following this thread but after reading a bunch of posts I'm amused how many people practicing Aikido lowered its value when it comes to applying it in a real fight. Have you forgoten the concept of ki development? If you successfuly cultivate internal power/ki/fajin, the techniques, styles or methods won't matter much anymore.
  15. i don't know the background of what is happening in Thailand so i can't tell, but I'm not a pacifist if someone comes to kill me. Dropping bombs in the proximity of my would-be-killers is not the answer either.
  16. I guess they didn't have access to the footage of over 200,000 slaughtered civilian Iraqis and thousands that are breathing in Depleted Uranium every single day. Not just in Iraq but in Afghanistan and Bosnia as well. Ask mothers with deformed babies if it all was worth it. Tell them it's not their fault. Tell them we are just a bunch of innocent Americans came here to bring freedom and democracy in their countries. So what if half of their family is dead or in detention because they're all male and are able to bare arms? If 3 of your kids just died because of a bomb or by a sniper's bullet, what would you do, my friend? What would you do?
  17. Nice response to "Loose change 911" video. Plays more like a propaganda film than a documentary. I wonder who was involved in making it? What the war on terror is really about...part two Arabs caused 9/11? Watch "911 Total Wake Up" or "911 - The Greatest Lie Ever Sold" videos from Also
  18. Science Fair SWAT
  19. 32 signs of a Buddha

    Yes Michael Buddha was against any type of organized religious movement and most of his teachings are corrupted these days.
  20. Peacful Warrior

    Yeah, I saw the previews and I read the books. Could be interesting...
  21. Shaolin v. Buddha
  22. More Paris Hilton...

    Here are some of my favorites: KEANE - SOMEWHERE ONLY WE KNOW If you wait till the end of the song, you will see who they were singing it... trying to tell you something? Blurry by Puddle of Mud old favorite Love songs: Lene Marlin- Faces (Live)- she is the best Lene Marlin-Another day
  23. Israel

    Interesting post, Peregrino but I'm not going to continue with this discussion as I already stated my point of view on this conflict.
  24. Israel

    Hehe, isn't it what jews call anybody who questions their motives? I'm against violence in any form. My comments were to present a view that there are no innocent sides in this confrontation. At the end, the head men of both sides will survive but thousands of innocent lives will be lost. No winners.