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Posts posted by Franklin

  1. Hi everyone


    just wanted to let everyone know that we just finished a new translation of:

    The Study of Xing Yi Quan: Xing Yi Quan Xue

    by Sun Lutang




    its 200 pages




    to celebrate finishing this project we have it at a special reduced price on our website


    the book will also be vailable on Amazona nd on Kindle soon

    I will update this post with links when it is available



    I know a lot of people here practice the internal styles of kung fu

    but for people who don't know:


    Xing Yi Quan

    translates as Form and Intention Boxing

    it is one of the internal styles of Kung Fu

    (the other internal styles are Tai Chi and Bagua)


    The basics of the boxing is rooted in Wuji, Taiji, Sa Cai (three powers)

    and the 5 Elements


    it also contails 12 animal forms


    the training is straight forward and liveley


    the book covers the theory, basics, boxing forms, and 2 man application sets (the five elements paired practice and An Shen Pao (advanced paired set))



    Sun Lutang

    was a very famous practitioner

    he was the first one to publish books on the interal styles of chinese Kung Fu

    his Xing Yi book was written in 1915


    he mastered all 3 of the internal styles - taiji, bagua, xing yi

    and was well versed in taoist cultivation

    which is reflected in his books






    • Like 9

  2. Just wanted to let you guys (and girls) know- I am running a special on some of my books through Amazon Kindle-
    So if you are interested you can get a copy at a big discount- but it is time sensitive- (so don't wait)

    Check them out HERE

    3 of my Qigong Books




    The Study of Bagua Quan by Sun Lu Tang (translation by me)

    if you decide to take advantage of the low price- please leave a review on Amazon and let other people know what you thought-


  3. Might I ask a silly question? Why is it bagua quan instead of baguazhang?


    not really silly at all


    commonly styles of bagau are called bagua zhang- bagua palm

    but there are several styles of bagua that are called/named bagua quan- litterally bagua fist but means bagua boxing


    it is just a naming convention and really the two are the same thing...


    as to why Sun titled his book Bagua Quan Xue- The Study of Eight Trigram Boxing

    we can only guess as to why it was titled quan instead of zhang

    maybe that is what his teacher called it?

    maybe that is what he (Sun) called it?

    maybe it was marketing- other boxing styles are named Quan so maybe he used quan so that people would know what he was writiing about?

    and it could go on.....



    but in reality- i don't think there is too much to read into him using quan instead of zhang

    both in the context of the name of the style bagua- mostly mean just that it is a system of boxing




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  4. The translation is of Sun Lutang's book- Baguaquan Xue- The Study of Bagua Quan


    he does go into a bit of i ching theory

    and there are some chapters on what and how to train the shen to go back to void in bagua quan

    as well as borrowing the conditions of heaven and earth


    also how bagua practice is related to bagua and the i ching


    but the book is about bagua quan

    the core oft he book is describing the forms of the system

    single change, double change, and the eight animal changes




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  5. Today I am happy to let you know that I have just finished a translation of Sun Lutang's Bagua Quan Xue- The Study of Bagua Quan


    To celebrate- it is on special discount for the first week! After that it is regular price.
    click here: The Study of Bagua Quan by Sun Lutang

    In about a week or so it should be available through amazon in the US and in Europe
    as well as through Amazon's Kindle

    I am sure most people have heard of Sun Lutang- but for those that have not- here is a bit from the back cover:

    Bagua Quan Xue (The Study of Bagua Quan) was written by Sun Lutang in 1917. It was the first book to offer detailed instruction not only in the boxing forms of Bagua Quan but on the underlying theory and philosophy.

    This book gives clear instructions not only in the basics of Bagua Quan and the important principles for beginners, but also clearly teaches and illustrates the major forms of the style including Single Palm Change, Double Palm Change, and the Eight Animal Changes (Lion, Qilin, Snake, Sparrow Hawk, Dragon, Bear, Phoenix, Monkey). In addition Master Sun clearly shows how the postures of the boxing correspond to the Bagua Diagram and the theories of Bagua. In the last chapters Master Sun covers some advanced aspects of practice such as how to choose the practice location and time, as well as the advanced work of transforming the Shen.

    Sun Lutang
    Sun Lutang mastered all three internal styles of Chinese Boxing: Taiji Quan, Bagua Quan, and Xing Yi Quan. His teachers included: Guo Yunshen (Xing Yi Quan), Cheng Tinghua (Bagua Quan), and Hao Weichen (Taiji Quan). Later in life he founded his own style of Taiji: Sun style Taiji Quan.

    Sun Lu Tang was an important figure in the world of martial arts during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He was the first to publish books available to the public on the Chinese Internal Martial Arts. His legacy lives on today not only through his many students but also through the books that he published.

    Again- To celebrate- it is on special discount for the first week! After that it is regular price.
    click here:
    The Study of Bagua Quan by Sun Lutang

    when its available through amazon and kindle i will post the links

    • Like 4

  6. There are lots of great resources for San Ti-

    and there are also different ways to train the stance depending on what line of Xing Yi someone is practicing


    a lot of the subtleties of the stance will only come with time

    and corrections (either from a teacher or self correction)


    I have some instructional material up on the web

    (you can try the first month of training for $1)


    so this is another resource that people could use if they wanted to

    and its not that expensive either.


    San Ti is really about building the body and the connections for further Xing Yi practice

    of course it also builds the energy

    but it takes a while to be able to do the stance coirrectly to be able to get to that level


    traditionally xing yi practice was

    6 months of santi

    and then the 5 elements

    1 year of pi quan (metal)

    6 months of zuan quan (water)

    6 months of beng quan (wood)

    6 months of pao quan (fire)

    6 months of heng quan (earth)


    and each of the five element forms can be used to strengthen the internal organs related to the element

    and each conditions the body in a slightly different way

    and brings the power out..






    ps- San Ti doesn't translated as 3 treasures stance (that would be san bao shi)

    it translates as 3 body posture

    but is does refer to the 3 treasures , the three divisions of the body, etc, etc....

  7. Thanks for sharing Jess


    so the first set is opening the energy gates (wang shu jin)

    then spiraling energy body (Hk taoist training)

    then heaven and earth (mostly influenced from ??)

    then?? which one is the fourth? (from ??)

    then gods play clouds (his last teacher Liu)





  8. Dainan


    The Xing Yi DVDs cover another lineage of xingyi that I learned

    from the Tang Shou Tao line coming out of Taiwan


    Li Cun Yi

    Zhang Zhongfeng

    Hung I Xiang

    Hsu Hong Chi

    James McNeil



    This line emphasizes a larger and more overt method of using the body in training.

    It is very good for training and conditioning the body and a little easier to see the body method (shenfa). Then later you can make the body movements smaller but still have the method and the power. It is this body method that makes Xingyi an internal style and is the essence of the practice- otherwise you are just stuck on the external forms.



    My teacher Gong's method emphasizes a smaller and tighter structure. Once you learn to relax in the smaller, tighter, twisted, and stretched structure- then the body method starts to manifest.

    This is the progression from ming jin (obvious force) to an jin (hidden force).


    (My teacher Gong's lineage: Li Cun Yi - Chu Gui Ting - Teacher Gong)




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  9. I just wanted to let everyone know that we have finally finished the translation of my teacher's Xing Yi book.



    This book offers a rare and detailed view of the theories and training of an authentic and traditional Xing Yi lineage.


    Xing Yi is one of the Internal styles of Chinese Kung Fu - the others being Taiji Quan (Tai Chi) and Bagua Zhang (Pa Kua Chang)





    314 pages

    paperback- 7x10 format


    for more information and to order:'>








    From the back cover:


    Xing Yi Quan is one of the Internal Styles of Chinese Kung Fu. It studies the inside and the outside, it is hard and soft communicating. It goes in accordance with our bio-rhythms and physical capabilities. It is an activity that benefits the health and in the long term can strengthen the constitution. Practice increases both the internal and external strength. It also trains the mind, boosts the spirit, increases the health of the mind and body, and is good for expelling disease and increasing longevity.


    In addition, the strengths of Xing Yi Quan include that the practice and application are the same. Attacking and defense strategies work together. The attacking power of Xing Yi is distinctive. The fist or palm is released with full power. The attacks are direct and fast. Defense is careful and without openings. The method of the body and stepping is quick and agile. In usage one can fully adjust the power of the whole body. Head, shoulders, elbows, hand, hips, knee, and foot are the seven fists,. Used together and directed by the Yi, power is achieved. The hands are coordinated with the shoulders. The hand lowers as the knee begin moving . The foot lands and the arm arrives. Attack before the opponent or counter and attack after the opponent. The movements are intricate so it is hard for the opponent to figure out. This is enough to defend yourself and defeat the enemy.


    The movements of Xing Yi Quan are moderate and solid. The hitting method has components of both soft and hard. The practice location can be big or small. Female male, elderly and children can all practice. The weak or the fragile can also practice. Chronically ill patients can choose the easier and gentler postures to practice.



    Gong Zhong Xiang


    Master Gong Zong Xiang was born in 1924 in Jiang Su Provence, Jian Yi City, Hua Shi Town. Master Gong studied martial arts from a young age and had high expectations for his teachers. He had to have the most famous teacher in the whole country, with the most authentic art. He learned Xing Yi, Taiji, and Xing Yi Ba Gua, Taiji Push Hands, Da Lu, San Shou, Long and Short Weapons, etc from Master Chu Gui Ting who was the student of the famous Xing Yi Master Li Cun Yi and also Master Yang Chen Fu's best student. Master Gong learned from Master Chu for the next 20-30 years. Master Chu knew he was a honest, straight-forward person, who respects his teacher and has great morals, and is loyal like a son. Because of this, Master Chu taught him differently than others, with more care and high expectations, so Master Gong could have all his skills accurately.



    Table of Contents







    for more information and to order:'>







    • Like 3

  10. I don't know him personally


    but I have read some of his works


    I like the ones that I have read. Lot of good information- that I can relate to things that I have experienced through practice.



    The Hercules book was very good- I wish I would have had clear explanations like that when I was experiencing different things that he describes in the book.

    I would recommend it along with "Tao and Longevity" (it also describes the physical things that happen through cultivation)



    You can also check out Mr. Bodri's website for a ton of free articles






  11. the sensation i had was not internal chills but an actual whole body shivering

    sort of a teeth chattering type of shivering


    the leg sensation was more of a internal sensation with no external movement

    but a feeling of (very) cold down the leg and out the foot


    in the book - i read it then loaned my copy to someone

    when i get it back i will reread it

    he says something like these sensations are brought about by the yang qi clearing out the channels

    and this yin qi is the root of different types of sickness in the body

    so clearing it out is good for the health

    also that the sensations usually come when the yang qi is activated

    could be from meditation (true yang) or even just sexual excitement




  12. "But you should not gather and lift fire at this stage for too long as it may cause dizziness" p. 115 beginning of chapter 11 -- creating the immortal seed of golden light by combining the white light of the female tiger chi and the red light of the male yang dragon blood heart chi.


    interesting- thanks


    i have to re read the book again- it has been a couple of years



    edit- just a related thought

    does anyone know a source for the original chinese version of Taoist Yoga

    and where a copy can be obtained




  13. I have read parts of Bodri's Measuring Meditation Book

    I need to sit down and read it- I just hate to read long stuff on the computer


    One of the free things that he gives on his site- talking about the jing qi shen transformations helped me understand some feelings of emptiness that I had developed from practice


    and I wish I had the Hercules book years ago it would have helped me understand some of the things I had experienced

    looking back with the information I have now it would have made some things easier to understand

    the book mostly talks about physical transformations that people experience through cultivation

    very much like Nan's Tao and Longevity- also a very good book but takes more a broader picture to the whole process - describing a lot of the things that the Taoist Yoga book talks about all the way up to the yin and yang shen- the Tao and Longevity book is another one that I re read a while a go and got a lot more out of it then I did before


    back to the Hurcules Book- it pretty much describes the transformations that the body goes through

    I did not experience all of them (of course every one will experience slightly different)

    some of the most notable that the book helped me to explain

    was cold shivering - feels like to the bone level and blankets don't help

    only lasts for a little bit each time- but he describes it as the yin qi leaving the body - unclogging the channels

    same thing for the cold sensations going down the legs


    he also talks about the earthquake sensation

    to me it felt like the bouncing that happens in an elevator- maybe because i have not been in a lot of earthquakes lol

    but that one freaked me out because it would happen to me throughout the day (not in meditation)

    again he describes it a specific channels opening up - if i would have read that, it would have alleviated some anxiety...


    overall i thought it was a great book and i would recommend it for people to understand some of the sensations and things that happen as you practice


    judging from some of thew things you have written- you probably don't need it now if you are past this stuff

    but to me it was helpful to use the information to look back and understand some things

    sort of gain some understanding of the process






    interesting theory about the spinning and it being caused by a lack of kidney energy

    could you give any specific reference to this in the taoist yoga book?

    would be currious

  14. This book is the best for me - -"Taoist YOga: Alchemy and Immortality" -- my blog has the link to download it.


    I keep learning more! It's such an intense book and slowly we learn every sentence is crucial. haha.



    I agree - this is a great book

    every time i re read it i understand more of what it is talking about...






    have you read bill bodri's new book

    the little book of Hercules


    not as in depth as Taoist Yoga about the actual practices

    but explains some of the beginning level physical transformations


    i found this one spot on with descriptions of some of the physical transformations that happen through meditation

    i wish i would have had something like this years ago- it would have helped me understand some things







  15. Hi- I just wanted to let everyone know that I am running a New Years Resolution Special on my site

    special discount untill the end of the week 1/7/12




    I am offering a special of 3 DVDs at a very reduced rate for anyone interested in starting the year right

    with Tai Chi, Qigong, and Meditation


    No Mystical Powers offered here- just good practices with clear instrution



    The Three DVDs cover:


    Seated Baduanjin (Eight Section Brocade) Qi Gong


    The Seated Eight Section Brocade is an ancient set of exercises designed to wash the internal body thereby clearing the energy channels from blockages and strengthening the internal organs and Qi or energy. This set is very simple to preform and only takes about 15 minutes. This set is great as a stand alone practice or it is a great practice to do before seated meditation.


    Introduction to the Seated Eight Section Brocade

    Preparation Exercises

    Section 1- Body Washing Introduction

    Section 1.1- Wash the Hands

    Section 1.2- Wash the Arms

    Section 1.3- Wash the Head

    Section 1.4- Wash the Eyes

    Section 1.5- Wash the Nose

    Section 1.6- Wash the Chest

    Section 1.7- Wash the Abdomen

    Section 1.8- Wash the Legs

    Section 1.9- Wash the Knee

    Section 2- Beat the Heavenly Drum

    Section 3- Rotate the Eyes

    Section 4- Tap the Teeth

    Section 5- Gargle

    Section 6- Rub the Kidneys

    Section 7- Rub the Abdomen

    Section 8- Rub the Foot



    Seated Meditation (Breathing Exercise)


    The seated breathing exercise taught is a method of counting the breath. This seems simple in theory but the practice can be demanding. This practice can build a solid foundation for further meditation. By counting the breath you can quite the mind and make the breathing naturally long, deep, slow, and relaxed.


    * Seated Breathing Exercise

    * Overview of the Seated Breathing Exercise



    Standing Baduanjin (Eight Section Brocade) Qi Gong


    These Eight Qi Gong Exercises are non strenuous and simple to learn but they hold great benefit for people who can find the time to practice them on a regular basis. These Eight Exercises systematically the entire body, strengthen the internal organs, maintain joint flexibility, promote the flow of Qi or energy, and reduce tension and stress. You get detailed instruction in each of the eight exercises (along with some variations of the movements) and a Follow Along Workout.


    Introduction to the Standing Eight Section Brocade



    Exercise 1- Support the Heavens with Two Hands

    Exercise 1- Variation

    Exercise 2- Draw the Bow

    Exercise 2- Variation 1

    Exercise 2- Variation 2

    Exercise 3- Raise One Hand

    Exercise 3- Variation

    Exercise 4- Look Back

    Exercise 5- Shake the Head and Wag the Tail

    Exercise 5- Variation

    Exercise 6- Hold the Toes

    Exercise 7- Punch with Glaring Eyes

    Exercise 8- Vibrate the Back

    Follow Along- 3 Repetitions of Each Exercise



    The Tai Chi Workout


    Experience the Benefits of Practicing Tai Chi without the Frustration of Having to Learn a Long and Complicated Form


    The exercises in this workout are easy to learn and gentle on the body while building skills and attributes that are necessary to explore the depth of Tai Chi Practice. This workout was designed so that evan as a brand new student you can follow along and practice all the exercises on your first day.


    The workout includes exercises that loosen and relax the joints, a standing meditation (Zhan Zhuang) which builds energy and connection in the body, Tai Chi walking exercises, and Tai Chi movement exercises. This is a low impact workout that will help you relax and get rid of stress, become more aware and in control of your body, and benefit circulation.


    The Tai Chi Workout should take you between 20 to 40 minutes depending on your what your goals are.


    This workout builds and refines skills that are necessary for Tai Chi Practice. Your commitment to practice determines the depth of your training and development. This is not watered down Tai Chi or Tai Chi like exercise. These are traditional training exercises that are put into a format so that you can get the most benefit. This workout is a great introduction to further Tai Chi training or it can be your whole practice. The decision is yours.


    The Tai Chi Workout consists of 13 Exercises and a short series of exercises to close your practice.



    Tai Chi Principles

    Overview of the Tai Chi Principles

    Exercise 1: Swing the Arms

    Exercise 2: Bear Flops

    Exercise 3: Monkey Flops

    Exercise 4: Hold the Ball

    Tai Chi Walking

    Exercise 5: Wade Through the River

    Exercise 6: Cross the Ice

    Exercise 7: Spring Light

    Exercise 8: Row the Boat

    Exercise 9: The Clouds and the Mountain

    Exercise 10: Set the Sail

    Exercise 11: Turn the Corner and Push

    Exercise 12: Step Back and Push

    Exercise 13: Kick

    Closing Exercises






    Some ideas on how these practices could form a complete training program or fit your individual needs:


    1. You could start your day with the Seated Eight Section Brocade. This gentle 15 minute practice is a great way to wake up and energize the body so that you can have the most productive and enjoyable day. Ending the day with the same 15 minute practice helps to relieve the stress and tension you might have built up over the day and gets your ready for a relaxing and rejuvenating sleep.


    2. Add meditation to your daily schedule. You could meditate in the morning or the evening or even both. The benefits of meditation become more apparent with consistent practice. You might amaze yourself if you try it.


    3. You could add the Standing Qigong routine into your daily schedule or the Tai Chi Workout. Or you could do both together for added benefit and challenge. Your practice could take anywhere from a couple of minutes to quickly loosen up, de-stress, and energize, on up to a 45 minute or more workout that will not only be relaxing and invigorating but could challenge your body to meet your fitness goals.




    These three DVDs give you a complete training program- Tai Chi, Qigong, and Meditation, The perfect combination







    So Why the Huge Discount?


    This is a start of a New Year. Traditionally we make resolutions and plans to accomplish not only the things that we really want to do in the New Year but also we look back at the year that just past and make plans based on what we could have done better.


    I want to offer this huge discount to you in the hopes that by making this material available it will help you achieve your health and fitness goals in this New Year.



    if your interested- check it out



    you can also watch some free lessons from the DVDs on my site.





    Best wishes for this year




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