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Posts posted by taichimantis

  1. No kate.


    There's nothing I can do.


    I know you mean well. I'm sorry.


    I can try all the advice given on here. None of them would work for me.


    I'm just not attractive to any woman on this goddamn earth.


    I'm sorry.


    I'm doing my best but I've got some serious issues at hand.


    Women are like drones. They want perfection.. and I am far from that. They are the manifestation of natural selection and I am being bred out of existence. Out of the book of Life.


    There's nothing I can do.


    Just forget it and let this thread die.


    edit: actually it has nothing to do with natural selection. It's all about sexual selection. And women are in control of that, since I can't force a woman to do anything. I don't choose, they do. They have all the rights. I have none.


    It is obvious that a woman doesn't have to do anything special and most likely she will always get something.


    But the guy on the other hand, has to be perfect. Every aspect of him. If he is lackin in any aspect he loses in competition with the "better" man. Always.


    It is also very discouraging and disheartening when you see that criminals and gangsters and 'badboys' get the majority of the women when good guys at heart get nothing but unrequited love. This means that sexual selection really has nothing even to do with natural selection and the propogation of "good" genes.


    To be rejected by woman means to be rejected by 'god'. It means that internally you are non-existent since it is light penetrates the darkness.. since there's no darkness, I have no light. and that means in effect that I don't exist.


    Just let this thread die off just like my very essence will, regardless of what I do.


    yea pretty fuckin dramatic.



    Thats not dramatic, thats pathetic. Ask yourself one question, "why am I this way?" The answer, you will find, is because you are scared. You are ruled by fear on so many levels that it controls everything you do, and it keeps you contained in the depression filled bubble you now exist. Four words buddy, sack-the-fuck-up! Take the reins in your life! No ones advice on this forum will 'fix' you, you have to 'fix' you. Wake-up and start doing, stop watching.

  2. I am new to the forums. I practice traditional Chinese Martial Arts, namely Tai Chi Mantis, and have been interested in Taoism for a number of years. I hope I can learn and expand my views on Taoism through my participation on this forum. Thanks