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Everything posted by C T

  1. Taoist View on Vegetarianism

    Master Yoda, Not too sure if the climate suits, but you certainly have other options. Perhaps they would grow in a greenhouse, and should this be a viable alternative, there's the added benefit of delighting in the fruits! The other option would be to try the local Asian/Chinese grocers, if they can be found near where you are. Anyway, its a practice lost to the younger generations, i think, so if you're considering growing pomelo trees on a commercial scale to supply the leaves to the Chinese community in your area, you might want to give it a miss! Yes I still do it sometimes. old habits die hard, as they say... Its something that can be done anytime, actually, just as a form of self-purification ritual, not unlike the Christians blessing themselves with Holy Water. Now here's an idea Master Yoda -- how about a knock-out combination of HW fused with pomelo leaves?!! [HAH be gone you nasty critters of the netherworld... take that KAPOW!!] As for house-cleansing, hm not sure what you mean exactly, but i know the altars in Chinese Taoist homes are always spruced up on those two days -- extra joss-sticks are used, extra fruits, cakes and sweets are laid out before the deities, all oil-lamps are lit, candles etc. Some would even burn a type of camphor in a small, portable clay holder and, while reciting a mantra/prayer, it is then taken around in-house and also the immediate vicinity of the house, again, for purification. I guess its better to make sure nothing sinister gets to lurk around in the garage eh? Words, words, words.. wish i could have said all this in 5 sentences! Sorry for rambling! Blessings!
  2. Aha! First customer! That'll be 10 bux please... just kidding!! hi Prince... Have you weight issues or just a chinese food 'addict' looking to do it the cheap way? I need to know for obvious reasons. Are there any other considerations besides budget? Do you do any Qi practice? Some info would be helpful... for example, eating habits, lifestyle, drinking habits etc. See if we can get you started somewhere eh?
  3. Hey Darin, Ever wondered why there are not many Chinese who have weight problems? Thats because the Asian diet emphasizes taste and essence, while the Western one is focussed on visual appeal and quantity/bulk. Being raised in the East, and working now in the West as a Chef, i have been observing this with much interest. So if you want some tips on healthy eating Chinese style, let me know? Personally, i have never struggled with weight issues -- i weighed 130 lbs when i was 16 yrs old (5ft 7in), and i still have a pair of jeans that i bought when i was 22, that i still wear the odd time. I am 49 now, and weigh 132 lbs. One of the main reasons for keeping this weight is my diet. Not only do i eat for my physical body (quality/quantity), but i also eat to maintain my subtle body (essence). Since you do Tai Ji and other internal martial arts, it may be an idea to *feed* your subtle body too! When you look after this, your outer physique will follow and align itself in harmony with the subtle one. This is an ancient Chinese belief. I dont think it works the other way round. Multi-level dieting for multi-level energy development..make sense? Something to ponder about eh? All the best!
  4. Taoist View on Vegetarianism

    Yes tis correct. On these two days, they would also take baths with water thats been fused with a few leaves from the pomelo tree -- This is to purify the body and dispel *bad luck* and also to avert any possible *damage* from colliding with wandering souls. Once cleansed, visits to temples to make offerings to celestial beings and ancestors would be the norm. Here's one for your collection!! hehe A pure heart is one that is not impure...
  5. Adventure1, My feeling is that there may be an issue, perhaps a fairly heavy one, that is seeking to surface from the depths of your subconscious. I could be mistaken. But its worth a think nonetheless. I am going with this hunch instead of the one that screams *entity*. Generally, people who are *visited*, if they are not familiar or grounded in such situations, will be fairly confused and disoriented. But in your case, you were able to describe the manifestation in stages, and could recount the details of the experience quite clearly, is indicative that it may not be an entity after all. The fact that you chose to recall this experience by going from steps 1 to 6 shows very clearly a desire for analysis, that you are attempting to clarify something that is trying to force itself into your consciousness. But the fact that you subconsciously left out number 4 (not sure if you realized this) tells me that that is the missing link to what you are trying to understand. I tried to hint at this but you probably thought i was some lunatic, but its okay, I have been thought worse. Now, if you think you want to stick to your belief that it is indeed a spirit/entity, then i suggest you heed both Yoda's and 5ET's sound suggestions and thoughts. You really do not want to do it alone if it ever shows up again, and i think you know this too since you said that the next time it happens you would prefer if Jesus were to be next to you. Not sure if Jesus would show up, but i am sure if you seek the assistance of an authentic spiritual teacher, you will get the clarity and protection you require. Protection usually come in the form of prayer, 'clearing' mantras and mudras, blessed amulets that you can wear or carry on you at all times, or powerful crystals may be helpful too. Whatever it may be, trust in your own goodness. We are all blessed with an abundance of it. When we engage our goodness, our blessings will never dissipate, on the contrary, it actually overflows. Keep this focus, go out and help those that you think are in need, go visit the old folks who are lonely, go to the pet shop and get a few fish and release them into the river or lake, and say a kind prayer to them as you do the act... these actions would be greatly beneficial because you will be acting beyond the small self. Focus on compassion, and that in itself, is the best protection. May the Buddhas of the Four Directions keep you safe, my friend.
  6. The life of an Ayahuascero?

    I am quite sure yogis and siddhas avoid garlic. No idea why. Does anyone know?
  7. Haiku Chain

    Asks the hungry ghost. Show not your lovely features The heart needs sunshine..
  8. Haiku Chain

    Thus spake Big Brother Empty bottles everywhere Winos greet the moon..
  9. Adventure1, There IS a reason why i said Son Number Four has gone missing....find him and share your thoughts after! Good luck.
  10. Life is Absolutely Meaningless

    Perhaps choice too, is an illusion? OmniGod as a reflection for the higher Self, or the all-encompassing Nondescript, or the Tao, or some prefer staring at goats - not wise to dismiss with absolute certainty... Being unable to distinguish the physical and spiritual with clarity could lead to confusion, and confusion could be a seed for an existence without meaning.
  11. Haiku Chain

    Old goats stare at men Yang men return oldish stare memories erased..
  12. Haiku Chain

    a cow chews slowly.. the crops are aplenty now tis time for dinner
  13. The ugly side of reality... It'd be beneficial to do practice of exchanging self for others, in this case, the senseless slaughterers, those who support the ritual, and the animals. Breathe in their pain, and give them your joy and well-being. Its a great way to increase your merits and fulfill your longing for immortality. (Exchanging self for others is an actual Buddhist practice called Tonglen).
  14. Haiku Chain

    runs table. Kaching! dew drops on maidens' blouses fog lifts from meadows..
  15. Do any Bums stare at Goats?

    Sounds to me like he's too spaced out to know what keeps his boat afloat!!
  16. Do any Bums stare at Goats?

    Those who choose the Buddhist path do so for umpteen reasons. Not all would fit into this idea you have of what a Buddhist is. In many ways, people do not choose the path, rather, the path chooses them. Your evolvement as mentioned above can be an example of being *chosen* and not *choosing*. Buddhists do not generally form opinions about what is good and bad. Some of the highest Siddhas i have known are Buddhists, although they dont speak about chakras. I believe they use a different system which may mean the same thing; they talk alot about subtle winds and supra-energies. Hence they do not say that all the energy should flow out of the seventh chakra. They have a tendency to use simple phrases, like crown of the head, or simply the top of the head. The more spiritually evolved one becomes, the less violence makes sense. You implied pacifism. I think what it really implies is detachment from mundane pursuits that could be harming. Perhaps this is a demand that only *real* men could fulfill. Have a think! Cheers.
  17. Haiku Chain

    enjoy the moment how sublime the lime tree is aromatic tea..
  18. Life is Absolutely Meaningless

    Hey Lucky, Not sure if i am a bit slow tonite, but the middle para wasn't very clear to me. Could you elaborate on it please? For eg the 'it' - what 'it' are your referring to? Thanks!
  19. How to die?

    "I have died more than once..." Intriguing statement Ya Mu. Did you mean in this present life? If so, I would be really really grateful if you will share the experience(s). I'm sure it will be well appreciated. Thanks. CT
  20. Chinese language questions.

    Hey Mal, I speak Cantonese so would be glad to help if i can in any small way! Cheers! CT
  21. Haiku Chain

    Wah happens now? this moment's just fine.. just fine. Thank you T!
  22. Haiku Chain

    road to Mandalay Broad wishes to speak Malay Silence! The bell tolls..