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Everything posted by C T

  1. Emptiness Meditation

    Yes, Hong Kong... its not hard to 'lose' oneself there. Such a beautiful place, vibrantly contrasting from one corner to the next. Found it hard to leave after spending a year there. Memories. All of them fond.
  2. Haiku Chain

    I'm cool with this MudLotus. My neck is pretty flexible.. Diagonal rain. Horizontal bamboo shoots balloon water bombs..
  3. Hi there Non, You are an intelligent and sensitive person, that i gathered from reading your posts. Thats a pretty good combination in my mind. But sometimes it can be a little frightening, because you get to see and feel things, and understand things that others around you with less sensitivity are not able to, hence the perception that somehow you don't seem to fit in. That's quite funny because when situations happen, sensitive individuals also have a tendency to relate to them in such a way that they are the ones who need to conform, and when that becomes realistically difficult, it can cause some pain and self-doubt. The question i want to ask is why do you have to conform to other's opinions and perceptions of who you are? Why the need to measure yourself against other's expectations? What about your own opinions, perceptions and expectations? Dont you think they are valid? Of course they are, in fact, more than anyone else's, as far as you are concerned. Now this does not mean that you arrogantly and forcefully disregard other people, because no good will ever come out of that, but there is a clear line that separates being assertive and being a jerk, and jerk you definitely are not (well, it did not show from your posts anyway). You are looking to transform yourself. That is a powerful need. It has an energy behind it, and you ought to cultivate and channel this energy in a realistic, self-affirming way. Get a feel, a connection, a deep resonance, first of all, with this energy. Feel it, be intimate with it, and make it your friend and ally. You have to really feel this from deep within, and work with it from the inside out, that's where real and lasting change begins. Create some kind of a mental storage facility where you can direct the accumulation of this energy, and whatever strong emotional thoughts (which are what i call energy seedlings) arise in your mind, whether positive or negative, it does not matter -- mentally transform them all into pure light, and direct them politely and graciously to this 'storehouse'. So each time you feel some thought becoming overwhelmingly powerful and begin to express itself emotionally, do this exercise. Remember, once the emotion has been transformed into light, you have to be grateful for the transmutation, and invite it graciously to the storehouse. This is vital, because this practice allows your small self to align with your Higher Self, and the gratefulness and gracious invitations will activate the wisdom aspect of your Higher Self, which will then, in its own mysterious way, transform your being subtly and lovingly. (This graciousness and gratefulness is reciprocal in other words.) You need to remember that it is not wise to purposefully generate powerful negative thoughts and emotions. In other words, do not go around creating situations where you know will lead to some kind of negative and explosive outcome just cos you want to accumulate the energy. It does not work like this, where negative energies are concerned. The beautiful flip-side of the picture is that you can do it purposefully with positive intentions, and manifesting situations and thoughts that will create positively explosive outcomes, and then channel this to the mental energy storehouse. The more of this you create willfully, the faster your Higher Wisdom Mind will activate to restore a harmonious balance in your life. Try this for 21 days and see how you get on. I am speaking from personal experience here. It really worked for me in a big way, and i sincerely trust it will also help you to reclaim your rightful place on this little planet.. One last thing Non.. Get a copy of Desiderata, and read it fervently and with belief, over and over, until you can even see the words manifesting in your dreams. Once this happens, thats a sign that your Higher Self is beginning to actualize Herself in your world. In grateful appreciation for the openness and sincerity which you have in abundance, may they multiply and touch those whose lives are not as open and sincere. Blessings, my friend.
  4. Thanks Ya Mu! You have a point there. Although the traditional Masters of Gung, as far as I know, strictly adhere to a regime of herbal concoctions and certain types of food to enhance their cultivation. Ginseng and Dong Quai are two that comes to mind. Deer meat is also highly nutritious and very yang as well! I am pretty sure there are a host of other herbs they would use to promote vitality and overall well-being. I was just curious to know if you personally use any of these traditional Chinese herbs to complement your exemplary discipline. Regards, CT
  5. Im starting meditation

    Hmm.. I was told she IS pretty nifty with her hand....mudras!!
  6. Are you a Daoist Spoon?

    A Taoist Spoon i am not though i admit sometimes i do get in a knot! To help me unwind, I drink a little wine or take a swing on the twine Usually helps to get me back in rhyme just right at dinnertime....
  7. Haiku Chain

    Its Monday morning. One moment in paradise What's the difference?
  8. Speaking of polarization, LaoTzu remarked, "When the great Tao is lost, benevolence and righteousness spring forth. When wisdom and sagacity arise, there are great hypocrites. When family relations are no longer harmonious, we have filial children and devoted parents. When a nation is in confusion and disorder, patriots are recognized. Where Tao is, equilibrium is. When Tao is lost, out come all the differences of things." Without the harsh words of some, sweet and mannerly words are unnecessary. Notice how the birds dont stop tweeting even if you direct all manner of foul curses at them? Their nature is to tweet. Just like this guy Findley's nature is to spew spoons at people. Fundamentally spoon-spewing and tweeting is the same -- it is our minds that finds one less pleasant than the other. So it would not make one iota of a difference to him if he was labelled a foul-mouthed SOB Worm or the nicest 'kweiloh' bloke in China -- he will just remain as he is. Without a care, i wander aimlessly, listening to the birds and the worms..
  9. The importance of caves in Taoism

    Makes sense!
  10. Haiku Chain

    haha good one T'meow! Mysteriously the cat drummed without a sound goodbye illusions..
  11. Great topic sir! Speaking of a balanced lifestyle, would you please touch on the relevance of a balanced diet? I am sure readers would be keen to know how certain food/herbs are key to maintaining a healthy inner and outer body. I know that bodies are all constituted differently -- some are predominantly 'heaty' while others are 'cool'. I believe this is widely acknowledged in the field of TCM, hence eating certain types of food, while beneficial for one type of constitution, might not be as beneficial for the other. The Chinese also hold to the believe that excess wind and phlegm is the cause of much distress in the body, and certain types of food do bring this about. Hence the Chinese diet have always included core ingredients in their meal preparation to prevent the build-up of excess wind and phlegm. One example is ginger root, which disperses wind and builds heat, and also sipping Chinese tea at meal times is believed to prevent the build-up of phlegm and also to refresh the palate. This is the reason why no Chinese meal is complete without the faithful pot of tea! I have also heard the immense health benefits of bitter herbs and vegetables, of which the bitter melon is the most widely used in the Chinese diet. This fruit/veg has tremendous key nutrients that help in detoxification and regulating blood sugars, so if anyone's interested, do google and read up about this superfood! I am wondering if you have any thoughts in this area, and would appreciate some comments. Thank you.
  12. Do any Bums stare at Goats?

    haha I had to laugh when i read this... pictured you biking in full-lotus!!
  13. Haiku Chain

    Dust from passing cars gather cobwebs at twilight aah, snowflakes, cornflakes..
  14. Haiku Chain

    Only jesting about the deNiro remark Mud.. Stir fly eh? I'll give it a go... Stir fry beef sizzles.. Whats for dessert one wonders Its just a dream, boy!
  15. "Real" Happiness

    Hello MH, Its getting more interesting, so keep 'em coming eh? The magic is in the unfolding, layer by layer.. Have a great weekend! Cheerio!
  16. Haiku Chain

    Into jet engine Like air drawn into nostrils Breathe deep, then dissolve..
  17. Wisdom in Taoism

    Wisdom... "It is when you seek it that you lose it. You cannot take hold of it, nor can you get rid of it; While you can do neither, it goes on its own way. You remain silent, and it speaks. You speak, and it goes silent." In the words of Alan Watts.. " If I am Reality, I cannot grasp it. The life, the Tao, which is the experience of this and all moments, I can neither escape nor accept. Every attempt to escape or to accept life, is as much a vicious circle, as plain an absurdity as trying to know knowledge, to feel feeling, or to burn fire." He who reaches out in vain attempt to attain wisdom is only clutching at his own hands. Do not seek that which you have never lost. Dont suffocate from holding your own breath. The knower is not separate from his knowledge. Buddha said there is no way to happiness; Happiness is the way. Similarly, it can be be said that there is no way to wisdom, for wisdom, in itself, is the way. So what is Wisdom? Can you study for it? No. Can you empty your mind and then be wiser for it? No. Would leaving all the cares of the world and be a hermit make you wiser? No. Is a professor wiser than a garbage-collector? No. Can you become wiser by doing all kinds of meditation and ascetic practices? No. Would abstaining from sex and being celibate make you wiser? No. Would being a vegetarian lead to wisdom? No. Would developing Qi, psychic healing abilities, 4th or 5th dimensional vision, ESP, staring goats to death , fire in the belly etc. lead to more wisdom? No. Would sitting in full lotus and walking on hot coals do it? No. All these activities would be transformational, and some are beneficial, to say the least. But they would not necessarily induce or increase wisdom. In a sense, wisdom to me means that even if you dont get the results you are after, its okay, you are not any worse without it, nor any better for it. Wisdom is not a *doing*, and its not even an *accepting* -- It is an allowing. Allow for those times even when life sucks (as TzuJanLi aptly mentioned..) with the knowing that it will change, and then allow for that change. Allowing happens only when one is wholeheartedly engaging with life and all its different moods and facets. It implies empowering oneself to find, and then negotiate as much as possible, a path of least resistance, and doing what needs to be done to remain on that path. If you fall off, thats okay too. Dust yourself off, and take another step. Its fine to get hit on the head once, but to let it happen twice is wisdom telling you to look for a different path.. I believe wisdom to be a quality of psychological or spiritual relationship between man and his experiences. When this relationship is harmonious and without struggle, the experiences set man free; When it is chaotic and discordant, thats when his experiences bind him. To end, allow me to leave with this thought: "Some look for Truth in creeds and forms and rules; Some search for answers and Dogmas and doubts in schools, but from behind the Veil a Voice proclaims, Your road lies neither here nor there, O fools!"
  18. Haiku Chain

    For dumpster diesel Sixteen bricks are carried off one by one by one.. Andre Agassi? It reflected the brilliance of deNiro... guess i was way off!
  19. Haiku Chain

    Sweeet indeed a7.. nice one! The nutcrackers sweet! As bittermelon's bitter taste buds a-tingle..
  20. Haiku Chain

    Change my fuel cell, like one who changes his face. Transformation nut!
  21. Taoist View on Vegetarianism

    Master Yoda, HW = Holy Water! Yeah i would think pomelo for the East and grapefruit for the West sounds reasonably practical -- give it a go, and have fun! My mom was saying lime leaves would be just as functional.. Forgot to mention that the camphor lamp ritual is more than likely *borrowed* from Hinduism. Just a thought.. Cheerio!
  22. Haiku Chain

    Since the earth bit dog, it has been raining non-stop.. Time to dispel gloom!
  23. Taoist View on Vegetarianism

    Hello Kali Yuga, Nice name -- any special reason for picking it? Just curious.. Thanks for sharing your thoughts here. Its always nice to see all the different perspectives and reflect them against one's own limited knowledge. I have one question if you dont mind -- In your opinion, would one who adopt vegetarianism out of compassion have the opportunity also to develop a pure heart along the way, and do you see compassion and a pure heart as two distinct modes of being? I seem to have read something into your post that perhaps is not really there, hence the need to ask. Thanks if you choose to reply. If not, that's okay too!
  24. Haiku Chain

    Hitches ride to Sun. While Moon dance without a care, lake kisses a bear..