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Everything posted by Vajrasattva

  1. that is seriously awesome!
  2. when folks take the time out to help others and educate others and give of there time and put themselves on the line they are often criticized. Findley it is wise & Good to warn the young. Now what is wrong with make money for your time as you help others? Do you realize that when people like me put in a seminar for the most part the money made goes to the expenses to put on a seminar to help others? Rarely does one even break even? Do you also realize that when money is taken for shaktipat a lot of it goes to valid charities? This last year alone we raised over $2000 to earth quake victims in Haiti & Indonesia. So again what is negative about what "we" do? Do you realize that I give more of my time & efforts away for free than what I actually earn $? What makes you think you have to be "in" person to work energy transference? That is a pretty "limited" view and highly not "taoist". Yes Get an education. Get a job. Raise a family. Live your life and help others around you. Peace & God Bless Santiago Dobles
  3. Excellent! God Bless you brother : ) S
  4. Kundalini and Occult Powers

    you don't have to "search" for powers just relax and breath and do. Things manifest on their own. Shakti is ever flowing at every moment. Some times a "power" is an unbalance. Its best to let the Universe just do through you. Peace S
  7. Interesting read. Have fun Make your own decisions...

    yes its clear this person was a victim of sorts or connected to one.
  8. Glenn Morris's Meditation Mastery Series

    hmm those are in a legal burrito with his wife Irena.
  9. Interesting read. Have fun Make your own decisions...

    wise words my friend...Target Denial is best. apparently you are now a "CULT" follower of Santiago Dobles
  10. Interesting read. Have fun Make your own decisions...

    evidently someone in Tbumbs has nothing better to do. Sorry folks to air out dirty laundry. But some of you may find this interesting. peace S
  11. Glenn Morris's Meditation Mastery Series

    actually the only one I produced was the KAP meditation he did for Kundalini activation. It was the one he used during the time Jeff Primack worked for Glenn. And believe the folks in canada use that one we produced aswell. THe MME stuff was done by him and a shitty tape recorder. It is a Like "Pre KAP".

    its folks like that that make tenaga dalam get a bad name.
  13. Tenaga Dalam

    KAP 1 & 2 is more Hindu, Tibetan, Chinese, Japanese & Shamanic Energy Work. The Indonesian stuff permeates in PSD class. I teach Jurus in PSD. They come from Cimande Silat as taught to me by Pak Muhammad. The Silat I teach is Sera & Cimande. Both have a lot of internal stuff with in them. I have studied several Tenaga Dalam "approaches" from Malaysia & Indonesia. My Teacher in ILmu Kebatinan & Tenaga Dalam is Pak Muhammad Arifin. he is from Banten and is from a solid family line going back to the 1st Wali Songo to come to Cimande Village & Banten. Also he has a lot of rich energy work from the more vedic & buddhist & Kejawan side from his Badui family line as well. So out Tenaga Dalam is based on Sufi & Badui energy work. As for Kalimasada, its a good system. One of my students in Pencak Silat trained with teachers in Java. As far as I know they have SILAT in terms of combat but its held out till a higher level and or for the family only. I could be wrong please do not quote me. There is a lot of breath control/retention in this type of training. This is why its best to have a good teacher. Peace & God Bless S
  14. Tenaga Dalam

    Yes (Tummo) its very much similar to most triangle breaths taught in Tenaga Dalam. If you did it for a week or 2 daily 20 min you can make light bulbs unbreakable along with other stuff. I teach more Tenaga Dalam when we get in to the PSD course. Peace s
  15. David Lee Roth and the secret smile

    Dave Rocks
  16. Tenaga Dalamm Breathing Techniques?

    I have a student that has trained with them in Java. Its a very good system. Please do not try to do retentions with out proper guidance or with out someone( who can ) open your centers more so you can handle more energy & retentions etc. I learned similar things from Pak M. Again Its amazing things but 1) do not force. 2) Best to wait for a good teacher to aid you. Peace S
  17. Glenn Morris died

    Hmm no i do not do santeria simply do chi kung & energy work.
  18. Thoth question

    and idries in the Koran
  19. Thoth question

    he is probably more taoist than anyone here He is also son of Enki aka Ptah. Yes Incredible energy.
  20. KAP

    Well key is "DO" apply & "INTEGRATE". I meditate standing, seated, & Walking daily. The most magical stuff occured during 5pb + Standing Stake+mantra/Zikr/Prayer. Now it just is always.
  21. KAP

    i have been a bit out of the loop with new famaily addition and work and recent events. but i will be back on track soon and homie will soon be seeing the astral MOSQUE
  22. KAP

    Love you Lino, No matter what you are my brother & you are in my prayers and meditations for well being. Peace S
  23. Stripping The Gurus

    The only real Guru is your Divine Source/ Your Higher/Inner self. Love s
  24. Awakening Kundalini 101

    Physically smiling releases tension in the back of the 3rd eye & neck. Also releases Hormones relating to the Heart Chakra.