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Everything posted by Vajrasattva

  1. Karate Kid

    it was a great movie with a great message and lots of great subtle waves.
  2. Shaktipat

    yes very top heavy. Also there is some strange sense of sexual abuse or sexual issues there aswell.
  3. Shaktipat

    Great story thanks for sharing. I have seen some of the prophets and angels before its to say the least very "INTENSE". I had intense visions of christian and islamic mystical stuff when was with Pak M in UK. With Glenn it was intense visions of Hindu, taoist and tibetan mystical stuff. Peace Santiago
  4. Shaktipat

    Personally I have never resonated with this "master". "K: I live a life of torture, misery, confusion. That is my basic feeling and can that end? There is no motive. " This is a master that did not live by his heart nor did he have real bliss. Wise? Maybe to an extent. But at least for me personally it was not a "guru" that moved my spirit or heart. As for Babaji, When I first started yoga at 16 I had many times visions of a master in my dreams and in meditative visions. I later saw a picture of Babaji and instantly recognized him. Mind you, I knew nothing of Babaji or Yogananda until a but after. What I have found fascinating is that a lot of what is in Kriya Yoga is in good chi Kung Systems, Tibten Yoga, Sufism, and things Glenn morris Taught me. Glenn did not know Kriya Yoga but he was doing a lot of that stuff naturally. Is Babaji real? I believe so. THere are many masters in the flesh and in the subtle realms. As the sufi say there are "saints" at every stations. I am sure there where many "saints" in the Native american traditions but unfortunately a lot of their stuff was "removed" from this planet. A lot of Kap folks have had visions of a lot of the younger kap folks in the US being old Native "elders". Is it real? Does it matter? Who knows but it does inspire one to go deeper in themselves and deeper in to the collective consciousness. Interesting things are happening on the subtle on this planet these days. May All masters in all realms continue to shine for the benefit of all. Peace & God Bless Santiago
  5. Shaktipat

    Greetings friends, You know what? I have studied with Chinese Chi kung Masters, Tibetan Lamas, Hindu Yogis, Vedic teachers, "western" occultists, Sufi Masters and the bottom line is that what I do, Tao semko does, and what Susan Carlson does and what my teacher Glenn Morris did is all respected by these particular teachers and it is also in some form or another with in each of their systems. I like to call it "Shakti" cause i have a deep resonance for the Divine Feminine and her power and its what my actual guru called it. And if anyone knew him or received shakti from him they would know exactly why he called it shakti. Now KUNDALINI awakening and "phenomenon" is something that is a BIOLOGICAL PROCESS as well as a spiritual one and replicable by certain steps or "yogas" or practices. It is found in many cultures and spiritual practices all over the globe. And if one can see in to the more subtle realms and planes of existence you will find that its also there. regardless of what you do, if you want to learn more about Kundalini and you want to experience a real spiritual awakening in your life now, i highly recommend you contact a qualified teacher like me, or Tao Semko,or susan carlson to learn actual methods that work. Thank you. Keep meditating and finding more bliss in your life. Peace & God Bless Santiago Dobles
  6. Shaktipat

    Thank you
  7. Shaktipat

    Thank you God bless you : )
  8. Shaktipat

    Thank you John. Keep up your training and you will develop immense amounts of energy and also wellness and bliss in your life. Put your mind to work. You Have it circulate energy and you allow the secret smile to permeate your entire being. The more you do the breath work in KAP you will advance very quickly and meditation will be easy. Infact you will be in a meditative state almost all the time with out effort and bliss will always flow through you. Peace & God Bless Santi
  9. Alex Kozma's new book and website

    Ed no worries I was never angry. God bless you and send my salams to Alex & Koze. Hope to see them all soon in July Godwilling. Peace Santi
  10. Alex Kozma's new book and website

    Yes Alex is the real deal.
  11. Thursday April 1, 2010 12:00 am DR. GLENN J. MORRIS "MAHASAMADHI" GLOBAL SHAKTIPAT MEDITATION on skype. You are al Invited. Peace & god Bless Love Santiago
  13. yes its good. Its similar to things i have learned from my Ilmu Kebatinan, Tenaga Dalam Gurus. And it has some things similar to what is in KAP. I teach a lot of this type of stuff in my PSD course. But you must first go through k1 & k2. Those basics in Chi Kung & Nei Kung will greatly help you in your PSD stuff. Anyhow best wishes to you on your path. You will find that those practices are VERY good, and are in most good top systems like what i teach and what some of the masters teach in Java. Tridaya system to me is a great doorway and makes it accessible in "english" to understand the depths of those practices. its a very good "greatest hits" of tenaga dalam & Ilmu basics. I learned a lot of what is in there directly from Pak Muhammad but in more depth. Nothing beats when You have a real teacher to talk with and learn from. Like me, i have found you learn best with a live teacher or a good guide to spend time with on some level. The time i spent with Dr. Morris was priceless as is the time I spend with Pak M. Thank you, have a great day with lots of bliss! God Bless Santi
  14. Alex Kozma's new book and website

    alex is a spiritual brother of mine and a true warrior. God bless him & his family.
  15. KAP Kundalini Awakening Process Dr. Glenn Morris

    glenn is very present to many.
  16. KAP Kundalini Awakening Process Dr. Glenn Morris

    VERY BUSY but doing great. You are always welcome to contact me privately via email. Hatsumi has energy. Sifusufi, you are great! I believe that on a quantum level it doesn't matter if your are in person or at a distance to feel or recieve "Juice" or shakti . The more you are in contact with someone like Glenn or Susan Carlson or myself you feel more and more energy permeate your entire life. Shakti flows always and the more you are aware of that the more you feel that energy be a part of your life. I believe soon you will start to feel and see others start awakening their kundalini and inner power. Times are changing. I do think that hatsumi has sort of gone off the deepened with his purple hair etc In person you learn and you see subtle thingss better and the teacher can guide you well. But Energy can be transmitted via any medium or distance. well it can be a very short path for some. thank you & God bless you peace Santiago
  17. Too much Hot energy in the Dantian

    what practice are you doing as of now?
  18. Too much Hot energy in the Dantian

    1) run a Yin orbit or "water" path for a bit 2) See with in the LW dt a calm pool or ocean of peace 3) Secret smile in LW dt & whole body 4) Go see a TCM Chi Kung healer or good energy healer & accupuncturist 5) Go see a chiropracter peace s
  19. What does this mudra mean?

    vajra fist helps you to retain energy inside the body and strengthen wei chi
  20. Awakening Kundalini 101

    That is the truth. The Divine is in all.
  21. Mahavishnu John Mclaughlin

    always amazing
  22. I think its funny how folks assume I am new age cause i Studied with Glenn. People forget that Glenn was a VERY educate man. The interesting thing is a lot of what he did was a lot of what my actual Lineage Blood line Gurus also taught in both Tibetan & Sufi Systems. Theory can easily become mental masturbation and can in some ways keep you "left Brained". Its fine it serves a purpose in the beginning to set up a sort of "safety" & a "Map". But it NEVER will replace actual experience. Now on a side not about "tummo". Both Tao Semko & Myself studied and trained it from Glenn Morris, Nyingma Lamas & Bon Po Lama. I also learned 2 versions from Sufi Silat Schools. What I have learned from My indonesian Sheik Pak Muhammad & Glenn Morris easily does the Job. They had both simple theory.... which equated to "breath and do this and now go Do. The simple things are usually the most powerful once you understand what it means and how to do etc. Peace Santiago
  23. Fudosa/ Sage Seat

    Its a good pose to sublimate a lot of energy in to central channel & 3rd eye. When Glenn Started out he used this pose a lot in the beginning. I used it aswell before i met him and when i was meditating a lot. It works wonders to bring energy up. However it is not good in the long run if you want your dick to work right. It can make you impotent. Glenn Morris actually favored meditating in walking, standing and seated in chair like a here is a pic of it. "SIDDHI ASANA" In this version there is pressure on the Pereneum & on the Pubic bone. Peace S
  24. haha when did I call it what you say I called it? "traditional Islamic Sufism or traditional Hinduism"? I just teach train & share Peace S
  25. Show me a real Sufi that doesn't love all, and all religions. If he or she is a real sufi they Love all no matter what or what term. I use shaktipat "term" cause that is what my Guru (Dr. Glenn Morris) used when he was alive to transmit energy. It does not matter if you are any religion to receive a shaktipat. God is God, there is no God but God & the breath of God is the same no matter what "term" you give it & no matter what religion. My Sufi Sheik is from Java his family is from ancient Badui (ancient Hindu & Buddhist & kejawan shamans) & is bloodline from Walisongo muslim saints from Mecca. And he himself told me to teach what I teach cause it helps people become better and it is Tasawuf knowledge from God. My Sheik has seen what I teach and what Glenn Morris taught and aside from "terms" a lot of it is infact in sufi practices and is also found in native american shamanism, Chi kung, vedic Mahasiddha Yogas,Kriya Yogas, tibetan tantric yoga. ( I am not speaking about the "sexual" practices when i say "tantra" although that does exist ofcourse). So if you have an issue with what I teach how I teach why I teach go take it up with Allah directly or what ever you would like to call the Divine. Only when we can break down the false walls of illusions that keep us seperate from the Divine within us all can we become really "hu- man". Peace "wsalams" Santiago