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Everything posted by Vajrasattva

  1. KAP

    keep in mind also even though many have "disagreed" but the power of shaktipat & a real transmission can really speed things up for a person if they are ready. well classic example was Milarepa.
  2. KAP

    very true i have seen that on a few occasions.
  3. KAP

    thanks I will answer more later i am a bit busy these next few days preparing for a UK. Best wishes santi
  4. Whats up with this smell?

    yes this is true occurance. If a master's or a practitioners intent is sweet and harmonious and loving they tend to smell great and or give an "air" of essential oils or flowers or incense. Also when you work with the Vishuddah chakra you tend to smell better over all i honestly believe it has to do with the fact that the thyroid gets balanced and there for works on balancing the hormones in the body and the "oils" of the body. Peace santi
  5. Being Banned from Taobums

    I would gladly pay for an ad or Donate money to Tbumbs just point me in the right direction. Lets not forget that DAILY i do healing work for people here for free. People need to stop assuming KAP or myself are the "problem" here any time anyone has an issue. Drew is not a bad person per say and he is excited about SFQ. That is fine. If the moderators warned him and he did not listen to their requests well then he just needs to do so. Its simple. Anyhow SyklePump to answer your questions.... Yes there are people in kap who actually opened their Kundalini. If you ask nicely and come from a sincere place I am sure they will interact with you. Tbumb Moderators what ever you need from me just ask I am more than glad to be of service in any way shape or form. Peace Santi
  6. Nagging back pain from meditation! HELP

    Go see either an accupuncturist, chiropracter or a Good Healer. Do some Standing Chi kung.
  7. KAP

  8. KAP

    how so? you practice meditation daily & Breathing daily you will get real results. BUT you need to know how to meditate & How to breath. otherwise you just wasting your time.
  9. The Star Exercise

    breath with it.
  10. KAP

    i remember once being in a room with many studying with my Bon Lama as he taught us Trulkhor. After the retreat I reviewed my notes and replayed in my mind what i was transmitted & taught. I had a certain meditation described with notes & drawings and understanding fully laid out in my note book. with the subtle aspects of Tsa Lung Thigle & the Hum & The 9 Swasticas & the inner circulation (their version of MCO). I remember clearly the Lama teaching it to me and his words and also seeing his Master in his face come through to transmit other subtle aspects. Anyhow long story short NO ONE ELSE had those things in their notes nor do they remember that "teaching" I showed it to the lama he said yes that is correct I taught that. ???????? So yes somethings are transmitted in ways that they are for those who are ready to listen. Its not up to me its up to the real Guru. Parama Guru or Guru Rinpoche or Lama Rinpoche. Or as we say in Sufi and as is taught form my Silat teachers.... If God Will's it. Or of your HIGHERSELF is in accordance with your actions. Recently I saw the notes of one of my PSD students. In the notes where stuff I spoke about but also things I transmitted only through Intent yet My student "got it". Glenn used to talk about ways he and Hatsumi taught Ninpo. Sometimes the Sensei would hit you a certain way but in the "HIT" there was a "bubble" of chi with a slew of knowledge and understanding of a whole seperate context & Technique & principles. So the student thinks they are being taught for example how to deal with a Hook but what they are getting is something much deeper. Truth is sometimes the "HiGHER SELF" & also the "MASTERS" will come in and teach as one teaches. I remember sitting a room with Glenn and as you watch him lecture or teach you would occasionally see Takamatsu or Hatsumi, and in some cases a rare sight of his Chinese "RED" cap Monk. Pak & Even Guru Cliff 's Higherself come in sometimes when I am teaching Silat. Or in other cases my students will feel or see them in class. Sometimes especially after the invocation of the Cimande Elders you start to see the "OLD ones". come. Yes this path is "STRANGE" at times : ) but for me I wouldn't have it any other way. One thing about KAP if you stick it out and get through it you will eventually learn to rely not n me or Glenn but on your own REAL GURU (Your Higher Self & your INNER SELF). Often times the "source" will manifest an education process through something or someone we can relate to or trust or connect with untill we no longer need that connection then its "STRAIGHT FROM SOURCE". Then its something like in Star wars where more "Jedi" show up when you are ready and they are hanging with you almost all the time. You honor them as "Gurus" But you are all really just Brothers & Sisters & the SOurce is the SOurce. : ) Peace Santi
  11. KAP

    Thank you very much. I owe those skills to my Gurus! Guru Cliff Stewart (Serak), Pak Muhamad (Cimande), Simon Das(Silat Kesatria Al Haqq), And believe it or Not Dr. Glenn J Morris (Hoshin & KAP) really helped me to understand and decipher what I know in silat interms of the "internal" stuff. Best wishes. Santi
  12. KAP

    That is well respected. I am in no way insulting anyones path. Enjoy yourself & how you go about getting closer to your true Self. Best wishes S
  13. KAP

    Its good. you can read about it all you want it wont "get You" there nor will you experience Kundalini.
  14. KAP

    a lot of times all the portions are given to charity. There are biological Signs when one is going through the Kundalini. The body changes, the emotions settle, The spirit Grows. The Aura Glows more. There is a "Rising" up the Spine (Thrusting Channel) There is a Flow that goes from Bottom up & a Flow that is initiated from Top Down (Commonly found in Tibetan Yogas) The 2 are circulated & Unified AKA Micro Cosmic Orbit. or Lesser Kan & Li. Then there is working with the Earth's Kundalini Force & The Cosmic Kundalini Force. And there is an EXPANSION and then later a CONTRACTION where one works "DEEP" as is down in some Taoist Paths & Tibetan Yogas. A permeation from all directions with in & With out. its also related to Numbers. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 etc.... And Serendipity & Synchronicity. KAP works on all these aspects. You never end. You are always in a constant state of Growth & Evolution. Hence why the GODS & Buddhas where portrayed with One snake over their head, and then 2 and then 3, and then 72, then 108, then 1008 etc. There are many subtle aspects and growths that occur to one who truly works with Kundalini. Glenn called it the "constant white belt" no matter what stage you are at. Did I master Kundalini? Answer: Its not something you master. How can you Master Shakti? How can you master the Infinite energy of all? The only thing you "MASTER" is being more of your true self & in my honest opinion "INTEGRATION". What do you do with it once open? What do you do to better improve your World? Your Reality? Your Existence? Yes true this is all an ILLUSION. But you still live in this MANDALA. And you are a CO- CREATOR once you realize it. So you have a few options 1) Jump Ship (which is what a lot of the Hindu Yogis do once Kundalini reaches the crown. Which IMHO is incomplete path you are only beginning. 2) Become a self serving "SITH LORD" archetype (believe me they exist). (Power hungry folks that misuse Shakti. 3) Chop wood carry water, Serve the ALL SOURCE (SHIVA) & its MANIFESTATION/ANIMATION (SHAKTI). Serve Humanity, Creation, Planet, Cosmos (similar to the Boddhisattva View). 4) some get crazy or scared shitless and usually end up in mental ward. Some paths Avoid Kundalini type yogas all together. And that is ok. Some go the route of "there is no such thing". That is ok too. Different Paths to the same mountain . Kundalini Yogas such as the stuff found in KAP & Tibetan Yogas & in CHI KUNG are there to maintain this REALITY "VEHICLE" strong and healthy and also functioning at higher levels yet still have "ENLIGHTENMENT" of the ABSOLUTE. So we do not at all avoid the body on our path. Instead its equally important to MIND & SPIRIT. BODY MIND & SPIRIT FORMS a very important triangle. and it allows the alchemy to take place for more growth. If you are not smiling naturally and you are not blissful all the time and you are not generating any energy and your depleted when you do energy work or you are depleted when you give energy, you don't have a natural (Iron body) you DON'T have it. Go back to the drawing board. It really starts with a Biological Process.
  15. The Star Exercise

  16. KAP

    My bad it was from "raja Yoga". Iam not speaking about Winn & Mantak technique.
  17. The Star Exercise

    hahaha : ) Well if i speak then I am criticized for "selling" or "promoting" KAP. But yes this is very GOOD. Also Very True. And also very much part of KAP. This is known in Taoism as 5 gates. And in Certain Tantric schools Shiva's Breath. A L L A H 1 2 3 4 5 S H I VA 1 2 3 4 5 GODAI = TATTVAS = 5 ELEMENTS EARTH WATER FIRE AIR VOID 1 2 3 4 5 This is KEY to know "HEALTH" and "WELL BEING". you have 5 main Gates You have 5 fingers in each hand and 5 toes in each foot. 5 is a big deal hence why the church wanted everyone to know its Symbol and how to use it and why they would kill you if you used it. So yeah practice it! Peace s
  18. KAP

    Sounds like you where not rooted. And also not rooted in the "self" either. You can not loose Bhakti if you really Have it. Also did you know that the secret smile is an ancient "Mudra" of the Jnani Yogis? You can not disconnect from the world if you are truly rooted in it. well you can not be filled if FULL. Surrendering can also be a form of "releasing" as is done in certain Shamanic "Clearings"" & as is done in Karmic healing practices in Vajrayana & also "Chod". Which is the inner "Jihad". Surrendering can bring an immense amount of "letting go". The real surrender is to the Absolute "SELF"/ the Primordial Source not a "figure" a man with a beard or a thousand arms etc.
  19. KAP

    The "ALL" is in all paths. Religion is not the sole carrier.
  20. How to Contact The Ascended Masters

    haha Shakti manifests in many ways : )
  21. KAP

    I am not going by what a TEACHER says I am going by what I know from my own experience. Take it or leave it. You can not "study it". You simply have to surrender & Let go to the One heart that makes all hearts Beat. The one thing that gives life force to all regardless of "Religion", "Islam" etc.
  22. KAP

    Bhakti is Key
  23. KAP

    A Muslim means "one who submits (to God)" To me GOD is the SOURCE of ALL. GOD is not a MAN not a DEVA or "ARCHANGEL" GOD is BEYOND all of that yet also with in it. Some call it TAO, Some Call it Maha Shiva Some call it KuntZangpo Some call it Nirmanakaya Some Call it the Primordial Self or Mind. Some call it ALLAH Some Call it ELO, EA, ELA, ILA Some call it "HU" I know why its called ALLAH in the Sufi tradition and it goes BACK WAY BACK WAY WAY WAY BACK pre islam on this planet as Muhammad started & Before man on this planet. ALLAH is not what you think in terms of a name that means "ALLAH" or a , Moon Deity etc. It is if you will a "Acronym" or a "CODE" for a much deeper understanding or its (the DIVINE's) Highest Attributes. And in this respect yes I am a MUSLIM. I follow the will and surrender whole heartedly to the Divine Source of ALL. It is something deep in our DNA & in our HEART. It is not RELIGIOUS infact its very scientific. I suggest one research the origins of Creation that have been purposefully left out of the Bible but slightly hinted in some of its books & in the Quran. I will touch more on this later must go run errands with wife, Peace S
  24. How to Contact The Ascended Masters

    IN a lot of Bon po & Nyngma there is stuff done where one invokes all the buddha, liberated Yogis, The Cosmic powers etc before and after a practice and also things are offered and dedicated to them aswell. It can't hurt to get extra assistance in all you do. I like to invoke the Divine Source of all the mother & Father as One. And that which is the Absolute Truth/Source of All. Peace best wishes s
  25. KAP

    to be honest i have a hard time trusting that what is being "shown" now is "ISLAM" cause what I know of islam is much different. The Sufi way & Understanding of the Qu'ran & Muhammad is VERY esoteric. And Allegory. I seriously prefer the SUFI understanding of it and does make it a very good "path". I think the folks that poisoned muhammad may have also had some handy work in distorting things for sure.