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Everything posted by SingaporeGuyHere


    totally agree + body health is important too
  2. is who am i an irrelevant question?

    i am.....legend there be zombies running everywhere
  3. Internet Telepathy


    amazing...i always assumed aura could only be seen in person wow...this means normal photo/video can capture aura too

    how do u see a person's aura from a video -> your monitor screen ??? i thought u need to see the person in real life
  6. Lung Fu Shan Mudra

    i thought this type of stuff are highly guarded secerts...............??? could be dangerous using them without proper knowledge
  7. Internet Telepathy

    with this technology...its also easy for others to plant thoughts into the head !
  8. sex with entities

    ill make sure to read taobums with garlands of garlic near my monitor ! anyway interesting taoist theory about i know why taoist practise ancestor worship
  9. I don't know about life anymore

    good luck and all the best
  10. Semen Retention Dangers

    thanks for the tips !
  11. Emptiness Meditation

    wont you harm your health by giving away or imagining your body rotting ?? just a curious beginner here
  12. sex with entities

    i dont understand this does her being attacked by the entity affect her family members (other people) anyway any protection from entities ???
  13. Semen Retention Dangers

    i do have a bad experience to share if anyones interested basically i use finger pressure on the base of the 'head' to prevent the sperm from shooting out, it also makes the feeling more intense BUT sometimes after doing this, i can feel a cold and dense blockage at the huiyin area, behind the ball sack. The Worst part is this blockage actually feels energy sapping. Everytime i get blocked at the huiyin area, my whole body will be lifeless/drained of energy like 10x worse then a normal ejaculation....and i will continue feeling "not right" until i exercise by running/fast walking to get the blockage cleared so anyway...just sharing my experience
  14. sex with entities

    sugar water - the more you drink, the more you want, until you start drinking plain water
  15. Semen Retention Dangers

    How many masters post on the internet compared to students posting....and you can see why following the internet is like following the blind
  16. Ego vs. Confidence

    i guess its best when both ego and confidence disappears anyway i agree with Michael Roland
  17. sex with entities

    just think about this, if any entity wants to have sex with the dalai lama, would the DL do it ?
  18. women must learn to redirect their orgams too

    wow this sounds like a scary tale, usually its the man being sucked dry by spirits (at least here in asia)
  19. newguy intro

    hello, singapore guy here, found this forum last year and have been trolling around like once every few months basically some info about me.. i got into taiji gong and qigong 2 years ago after having some gastric problems and breathlessness, although most of the earlier years felt like running around in the dark also doing meditation/self-reflection, and found out i have alot of worry in my mind..which i am trying to release and last but not least...kicking a computer game addiction so anyway, good to be registered now
  20. Mattresses: healthy ones?

    this is just what i think, water beds are large pools of stale water energy so maybe after awhile u want to get rid of it btw whats the 'problem' with spring mattress and static energy ?