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Everything posted by Eternal_Student

  1. I've seen some Fa Jin, but this?

    Cmon peeps, don't give your power over so soon. Keep believing that you can, and you will. Stop believing, and you have created your own limitation. See, he wants people to figure it out. Unlike many traditional teachers I have known...
  2. I've seen some Fa Jin, but this?

    I have spoke with Phillips on the phone and through email. He is a generally an approachable guy. The only thing that didn't sit well with me was one small comment, "you will never figure it out". Now, I am a rather intelligent individual, and this took me by surprise. I truly believe, that most of this stuff can be figured out through time and practice. I mean, how did the other ancients figure it out, they were human too. A lot of my current teaching is based entirely on what I have discovered through repetitious training. Its the nature of things to evolve through time and training... I understand the tensing of the joints. I can reproduce these effects with people who are super tense quite easily. But the thing that struck me was the lack of tension and physical motion associated with some of the effects. Another example of the Phillips technique is on this video.
  3. Cold hands during practice

    I didnt read the whole thread, so apologies if repetitious. I am typing in between patients. cold hands equates with qi stagnation. the qi is not moving. qi gong should raise your body temperature after about 1 minute of breathing. It is not a passive exercise of the mind, but an active pumping of the breath, blood, lymph and qi. your diaphragm is probably stuck, which prevents the liver from moving the blood out of the middle jiao. visit an acupuncturist close to you, and they will move your qi and relax the diaphragm. NCCAOM if you are in the U.S.
  4. Focusing on a particular organ with qigong

    PM sent This is a common problem and one of the reasons why you can fry your system if you don't clean out the garbage in your lower centers first. Most of the time when I watch people practicing qi gong, there is no physical motion happening with their belly. This is the root of the whole practice. NOT imagination, but physicality. You MUST feel the qi and the surrounding tissues to understand, not imagine it. Meditations that guide the qi up before guiding the qi down, have a tendency to cause people to go a little crazy for a while, before they cool off. This does not have to happen if they properly root the breath deep in the belly. Ask yourself, what emotional, psychic, energetic or physical dilemma is stopping you from getting air into your belly? Why can't you be in your body? If you can't feel the qi in your stomach, then I am not sure what type of qi your are feeling; mental wind? (For the masses, not necessarily you.) So, so important. But most commonly overlooked. Build the dantien FIRST!!!
  5. Focusing on a particular organ with qigong

    Get that belly full of air. You have to learn to flip your diaphragm before anything else. If you can't guide the breath into the belly, you can't collect qi. Period. Its not about imagining anything. You physically have to be able to inhale and see your belly expand. On many levels, this is the main problem with qi gong today. No descending of the qi. How can you gather qi if you cant descend it to the dantien in the first place? (That's rhetorical for the loads of chest breathers out there!) Later on things change, but in the beginning everyone has to "reclaim" their center. It just takes practice. We have been chest stress breathing for years. Be patient.
  6. Retention and Neediness

    Zinc, check. Watching your protein level to make sure its full after ejaculating, check. Not putting too much heat directly in the head, check. All good points. Try to only pull the "arousal" qi up to just below the organs for a while. Don't head straight for your head and heart off the bat. Especially if you are not totally dedicated to your partner. IE, its a girlfriend rather than wife. Spend a good time just pulling the arousal to the top of the dantien and then let it cycle back down. Make sure your partner knows what you are doing as well. The act of combining sex qi from a partner has a very specific effect on your karma as well. You can start to take on some of your partners history, as well as give her some of your own. This is how couples start looking alike, dressing alike and sounding alike after a good amount of time. Practice. Just like anything else, you are going to have to practice alone. Stepping up to the plate is much easier if you've spent countless hours at the batting cages. And the "cold" techniques are for when you are not aroused. They do not just focus on bringing the qi down the front channel. It is about sublimating the "cold" jing into qi without having the distraction of heated sex. Take a seminar! This is a very complex art and can mess up your system if you don't have a good teacher. There is a good reason these teachings used to be closed door. Its not for everyone. I recommend Winn, I have met him personally and he knows his stuff. If you have questions along the way, you can always ask myself as well.
  7. What if?

    What if nothing was important? What if all of these so called practices, were just choices. Choices that do not matter. What if displays of "powers" were nothing more than tricks to promote more followers. What if seminal retention was an excuse the older monks told the younger monks to come to terms with not having a sexual partner, in order to give themselves over to a monastery that would not exist without followers? What if karma was just a human creation and had no bearing on actual events? What if meditation is a method that leads to death, just in a different capacity but no more important than overdosing on drugs? What if when you die, the same thing happens to you as everyone else because we are all the same. Nobody goes to heaven, nobody goes to hell, we just return. What if I told you that learning to move your qi was the same as learning to move your arm? In the end, its just a choice of freewill that makes you no different from a stock broker who learns to move commodities. What if life was just an experience of ourselves that we created, because we were bored. What if....
  8. Retention and Neediness

    I would love to expound on the actual techniques, but as I DO make my living instructing, I cannot give the product away for free! I've spent too long experimenting and training to just, "let it fly"! Pardon the pun... With that said, the Chia practices can promote a higher sublimation of qi and work great with a partner. They are laking in "cold" sublimation techniques, which is where the real power comes from. The spiritual growth is usually associated with the yang aspects, where the yin aspects affect the physical solidarity more. I am writing a book on this very topic as we speak. There is a simplified manner to moving qi in the body that I am breaking down into more edible parts. More to follow... My advice is to tune your instrument accordingly. Too loose and frivolous and it wont play right. Too regimented and tight, and it will break. Find the common ground.
  9. Retention and Neediness

    I am in my 11th year of seminal retention practices. They are not all Chia based, some are from another, older system. Cycling the heat around your body helps to lessen the burden of ejaculation. The lock is NOT only in your PC muscle area. There are about 6 different locations for locking the "signal" to ejaculate. Only locking down low increases qi stagnation on the prostate and vas deferens. Too much buildup and you will get UTI's from the practice. But the goal is to never HAVE to lock in the first place. Be able to dump the yang into your partner or cycle it back into your system... Trying to sublimate sperm during the sex practice is like trying to reload a gun while someone is shooting at you. The "cold" practices are where the actual sublimation happens. And it CAN fill up your dantien and slowly change your energy into a more dense and actual palpatory feel for skeptics. The goal being to make the subtle energy, not so subtle anymore. Keeping it in is just the beginning. But for damn sure, let it out sometimes!
  10. First, I have no idea about Bruce's system. So I can't comment there. Getting qi down the legs is an amazing experience. I still remember when I linked them for the first time. It was an afternoon and I was using a tree to help root my qi. When it hit the ground and "bounced" back up, I freaked out a little! Kinda ran around giggling for a while. Thankfully, the tree was in my backyard and nobody else saw this grown man giggle like a child after standing still for about 45 minutes... Use a little guided pressure from standing to help push it down. Start with the Shaoyang channels first, they are on the side of the foot. Not sure why, but they were the easiest for me. Just gently and almost micro movement style, roll your foot out to the side during exhalations. I was also using a tree to help guide my qi down that day...
  11. vibrations, bone density, weight loss

    Bump. As a response to someone who asked about how to lose fat in later stages of qi development. I knew the info would show up again. This is a REALLY important practice. HINT, HINT
  12. If I am so cultivated.... why am I tubby?

    Ok. Qi development goes hand in hand with tendon and fascial development. If you have "juice", you slowly become a little more puffy than other people, in the beginning stages. As you develop, the goal is to be able to take the "puffiness" of extra qi that stored in the fascia, and transmute it to deeper levels. When you get older, you get skinnier if done correctly. Abdominal breathing should enlarge the stomach area, when using it. But the practitioner should not keep it out permanently because it leads to the collapse of the yangming and taiyang channels. These channels respectively provide qi to the metabolic pathways of our body. They naturally lose energy as we age and slowly descend and collapse themselves. That is why your face starts to droop in certain areas, especially along the sides of the nose and the cheeks. Your belly will sag with age. The amount of buoyancy we have in these channels determines our age. "Young, tight and perky" is a direct social descriptive for the yangming channel! If we allow the abdominal breathing to "collapse" the front stomach channels early, it leads to an accumulation of excess stagnation in the yangming channels. This stagnation actually hinders the fluid efficiency of qi, and progresses into a long list of TCM imbalances. Simply put. Learn to "push" it out to allow for larger temporary qi storage. Eventually learn to "suck" it in for higher levels of qi wattage. Don't leave it out there, tuck it away to stay younger, longer.
  13. Hun; are they yang?

    Now, I love this stuff. Your description is elaborate, and quite visually stunning. I am not sure as to what you are experiencing, as it is yours. Enjoy it. But it would be a fascinating thing to have your liver, which is supposedly the seat of the hun, have 3 female entities. I am assuming you are male at this point, but I could very well be wrong. The liver is supposed to be the grouchy general of sorts, when it comes to a palace hierarchy. It is responsible for dealing with the outsourcing of resources (qi), mobilizing the nutrients (blood) and overseeing the heavenly influences (wandering spirit). And you have three FEMALE generals ruling the battlefield, so to speak. What an interesting inner life you must have!!!
  14. Accupuncture

    acupuncture is an art and a science, all wrapped up into one neat little package. to find a qualified acupuncturist in the states, head to Every person on that list is Nationally Certified. this takes a long time. my education was nearly 3500 hours long. some of the previous acupuncturists out there have a doctorate at the end of their name, and they barely had 500 hours of education. make sure whomever you use, is nationally certified. the requirements are strict. do not get acupuncture from a chiropractor or a western MD. these people get to take a very short course which teaches them protocols that have been standardized. these protocols do NOT work in every person. each day has a different energy to it, as each hour, year, season and state of the patient. if your acupuncturist does the same thing every time, its time to go to a new practitioner. a superb acupuncturist will be aware of the hourly fluctuation of your qi, and can adjust accordingly. that is why chiros and MD's should stick to their respective practices, as we do not dabble in surgery or adjustments! do not attempt to repeat points on yourself. each 500 plus points on the system have their own exact needle angle, depth and insertion technique. you could very easily puncture a vein/artery or cause neurological damage. popping a lung is a very long 72 hours been hooked up to a machine that re-inflates the lining. not fun. besides, each of the points have a healing property as well as a damaging property. insertion times, actions, techniques and types of needles have different effects on your energy field. you could also leave an energetic leak in the wrong area. what i am saying is, refer yourself to a qualified acupuncturist. hopefully one who ACTUALLY takes care of their energy signature on a regular basis. its beyond important...
  15. Off Center or Twisted Energy Body?

    Yes! This happens. There are more than one back channels, as taught in Tibetan and also Taoist meditations. In Taoism its called the waterwheel of 4 to 10 branches. To balance it out, focus entirely on raising up the left channel in the rear, and down the right in the front. If that is taking a while, you can also find a cranio sacral therapist to help. The manipulation of the floor bones of the skull will aid in the balance of the rear channels. Its also associated with the yin wei mai, and the yang wei mai. They are the cross orbital channels. You might even have a slight bulging of the right side of your spinal muscles as this channel will be slightly more full.
  16. Defamation of character and essentially terroristic threats. These are illegal. You can say no thanks to a particular style, but when you start bashing, you are incurring negative attention and therefore negative karma. A serious practitioner should be aware of this... This is embarrassing and quite childish. You wonder why you don't attract quality people in the forum and quality instructors, look at your own inability to see your connectedness to everyone. You still see yourself as separate? mmm....

    Funny Enouch, The wife and I were just watching Derren this morning. We must be on similar frequencies... Here is the one we watched. Like I have said before, hypnosis is powerful.
  18. I would like to train with these people at some point. If they can do what they demo, and its not a fake, that would be an amazing experience. But after all these years, I am still always skeptical. Mass hypnosis is powerful. Anyone have any stories or experiences with this group?
  19. Pathgate Institute- Any experiences?

    Thanks all. My intuition was saying watch out. But just wanted to hear. Thanks for the link to the thread, my search function seems erratic at times. I can sum it up in one word. Creepy.

    I am not sure about DHEA. Can't comment. But I would be hesitant to play with direct replacement external hormones. Its shaky ground. But I can say this: in TCM, if you want to tonify the yang qi, you must also give it root and tonify the yin qi slightly as well. Otherwise, it will directly burn out what yin qi you do have, and cause more of a problem later. In the common formula You Gui Wan used to tonify kidney yang, (Fu zi, rou gui, lu jiao jiao, shu di huang, shan zhu yu, shan yao, gou chi zi, tu si zi, du zhong, and dang gui) there are 5 yang tonifiers and approx 5 yin tonfiers as well. I had a patient who got ahold of some yang tonifiers and went to town on them without tonifying his yin. About 6 months later of intense training, he blew out his knee. The knees are directly related to the kidney energy. If he had just used the premise of tonifying yin AND yang, it would not have happened. He directly put too much energy into the channels, and not enough substance to be able to handle the wattage. The physical form then suffered from it. Make sense?
  21. For Neophytes: Qi Sickness

    I want to share some things I have learned by observing this world of spiritual techniques for sale. There are some individuals who end up NOT balanced by the practice of qi gong and meditation, and when this happens there are some obvious signs that point to stay the hell away!!! 1. Their physical body is not in shape. If they claim their fat is qi, watch out. They physical body must have the suppleness, strength and shape of someone who takes care of themselves. You can't neglect the shell as it is a mirror image of the spirit that resides within. Its like trying to run a concert level audio production with the wiring of a stereo bought from Walmart. It just doesn't work. 2. They do not have a normal support system in life. Example, they live in someone else's house or their parents basement. The inability to navigate through the material says they have one foot rooted in nothing. Do they have a job that involves some uplifting of the general human population? If they are truly engaging in the Bodhisattva vow, they are helping people with some form of suffering.... 3. They stick to a religious viewpoint. Meaning, all ways but their system is crap. They also engage in "my lineage is longer than your lineage" discussions. Have you ever played whisper down the lane? Things get screwed up between the second and third person, let alone 3000 years of oral tradition. If they can hear about all ways and it makes their quiet fervor in their own stronger, amen. 4. They cannot demonstrate anything. A true teacher should be able to demo at least something from the practice. This does not mean walking through walls or any of the hearsay that sounds like an episode of Heroes. I mean something tangible in either the physical, qi or shen level. But try the physical first, if you can push them over with a school yard shove, they probably don't have the secrets to the universe. 5. They think that the way to qi cultivation is by stealing energy or transferring energy from other humans. No person has ever reached any sort of spiritual status by "borrowing" qi from other humans. I believe the Buddhist doctrines call these people hungry ghosts in the afterlife. This is a very dangerous practice and leads directly to the same diseases as the host. Have you seen a person sneeze? Humans are full of Xie Qi or pathogenic evils. 6. They don't dance. C'mon, you can't trust a spiritual figure who can't cut a rug! 7. They are loud, overly emotional, or generally out of touch. Serenity is one of the goals of serious meditation, not mania. 8. Their house/car/or living area is a mess. When you clean your environment, you are cleaning your heart. 9. They cannot utter a word of praise. These type of teachers are keeping you in your place. They will never allow you to grow as an individual because they want to keep you a groveling student forever. Better for their bank accounts! 10. All of these practices are utterly serious. (Hanging weights by your scrotum isn't a little funny?? Really?) Now remember, these are my personal perceptions perceived by my vantage point. They are not TRUTH, but merely one part of the truth. Just a little "watch your back" by someone who wants you to succeed in your endeavors. PLEASE! ADD YOUR OWN! (I get constant questions as to what to look for in a good teacher. So let's help the newbies out)

    Just for the chart. I don't know how good the info is in the article.
  23. For Neophytes: Qi Sickness

    Ok, so obviously this left an impression. A big round one at that... BK's condition is per an accident. But I am still cautious if a practitioner has crappy cardio. If you are to truly work on all aspects of yourself, this includes the muscular system. I dont care how much qi you have, but if you cant lift your arm, how are you going to get it there? Demonstrations with guys who weigh a lot are easy for them to appear as if they are using qi to move people when its just their mass. F=M x A More mass, less acceleration needed to inflict force. So its not a complete black and white comment. You have to take into consideration the whole picture. Its just a pet peeve of mine that heavy people claim its qi, and not the fact that they are heavier. I know that the western body image is screwed up, and I am not saying we need to look like an underwear model, I sure as hell do not! A certain percentage of body fat is absolutely necessary for a healthy balance of yin and yang. Besides, if we are going to survive any sort of zombie apocalypse, food is going to be scarce. We will need some fat to get us through those long days... Muscle, fascia, bone, qi flow and spiritual strength. That's a complete package! And the ultimate goal for many of us...
  24. For Neophytes: Qi Sickness

    And a bow to you sir or miss... (a chuckle as well)
  25. For Neophytes: Qi Sickness

    2. Does not have his own methods here and there.. Usually most of what a teacher learns are of his own methods.. or things they add on, those are the more personal teachings. Exactly. They should be able to build upon the foundation, not be a parrot for someone else and their doctrines!