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Everything posted by Eternal_Student

  1. Amen. Sending prayer thought has been on my mind daily. (I know. I am far from naive. I just choose deliberate ignorance over fearful obsession. Some people get WAY too hyped about this stuff. Where the attention goes, the energy flows. So I try to ignore for safety sake.)
  2. Yes. I just chose the first one because it leaves the whole Haiti thing alone. I didn't want to go there... I just don't want to ever think that someone is cruel enough to push a button and cause 200,000 people to die. Hiroshima, prison camps, war... I still can't believe we haven't evolved past that yet. It is laughable in an uncomfortable way.
  3. I'm not a huge conspiracy theorist, but I have seen some amazing information from former Dr's who worked on the HAARP project which lead me to believe that it was just that. There are multiple High Active Auroral Research Program sites in the world now. There is actually one just north of where the spiral was seen to be originating from. Here is the Youtube. There was a project at the time called Tequila Sunrise, which was being projected at that particular moment. You can check the Norway HAARP website for verification. I think its just an ionosphere experiment...
  4. Views on the Transition

    Awesome... I have tried to prepare a little. Like ceramic water filters. First Aid supplies. A good stockpile of acupuncture needles and herbs, for if I need to provide service to my local community. Some food stores, and some extra 308 shells for random acts of kindness, should anyone need reminding. But all in all, when I try to get a little worked up about it, something always says don't worry. I trust in the path and am sure everything will be provided in its due time. Energetically, I've noticed some speeding up of things, followed by a period of almost sloth creationary reaction time. Its like things get wound up to another level, and then have to slow back down because there is some lag left in the system.
  5. 1 Glass of Wine?

  6. 1 Glass of Wine?

    All substances on this planet can be experienced. The problem comes when people use things out of balance. If you know how to counteract something, then you can enjoy it regularly. Everything in nature has an antithesis.
  7. Is Master Chunyi Lin going bald?

    In TCM, hair quality is derived from multiple factors. Jing derived from genetics. Gu qi derived from food. The amount of oxygenated and iron rich blood (Zhong qi). Kidney vitality which is a direct result of storing sexual energies or depleting them rapidly. And healthy marrow production. If he is someone who eats very little, the amount of gu qi will not be as strong. If he eats vegetarian, the amount of red blood cells will be decreased. If he worked his ass of in his youth, he could have depleted jing early on. His family could have poor jing retention or weak genetics. Often "healers" find their path in life because they were given a poor lot off the bat and had to look long and hard to find the means to make themselves stronger... To increase the "yang" vibrational level, sometimes you have to deplete the "yin" or corporal structures. There is always a toll to whatever actions we take. Perhaps he was a horrible bastard in his last life and now he has to work his ass off to repay some of the karma? If you buy into karma.... If you take the evolutionary stance, we came from some sort of primate genetic template. They are extremely covered in hair, in case you don't have observational skills. If we are "evolving" through the use of cultivation techniques, doesn't that mean that the higher we humanize our DNA that we should actually become less hairy? I don't think a thick head of hair is a direct reflection of a persons ability as a teacher, medical practitioner, martial artist or qi gong facilitator. IME, its actually the opposite.
  8. I've seen some Fa Jin, but this?

    Now what the heck? I have seen internal demos before, but this looks awesome. Very little physical movement, large shearing effect on the feet plus qi compression in the objects spine. Does not look like the fake examples with the student being the only participant. The first one has very large men looking very surprised. The second video has the participant looking scared to have it done to him again! I want to hear experiences and opinions. How is this happening?
  9. what is the best practice for dan-tien?

    Either by deduction or an example of excellent seeing skills; I will say hello. I know there is a "bump" between us as I feel it in your posts occasionally. Please do not mistake it for anything other than one large positive field running into another. Same goes for you, Santiago... (Humble bow) Stephen
  10. what is the best practice for dan-tien?

    I have had multiple teachers who have studied in China for years. Two of which I have had dinner with regularly and they have 30+plus years of experience individually. Both are founders of major systems and are OMD's as well. They both have relayed stories about how little energy is actually spoken about in China. Multiple teachers that they had the opportunity to study with actually laughed at their "energy" questions. Mind you, this was probably 30 years ago, so you have to take context into consideration. Most of the attention is on words like, mind/focus/yi/will/structure. My point was to not get hung up on it. Energy by its definition, is a subtle thing. Although it is far from subtle for me and my patients now, it is not the only thing necessary to personal cultivation. Stagnation does not exist in an energetic form only. Neither does weakness. Sometimes it is more essential to focus on the "physical" as well. Because even the physical is exactly what some of the definitions of energy sensations are attributed to. The tangible is just as much energy as the intangible. Yin=structure while Yang=metabolism Sometimes by ignoring the goal and focusing on the process, the goal is achieved indirectly.
  11. Tell me what offends you, and I will tell you who you are

    I've been wondering this myself for quite some time... A-MEN!
  12. what is the best practice for dan-tien?

    People get hung up on the "energy" thing. If you translate qi gong properly, it actually means breath work. Most of the actual eastern practitioners rarely talk of energy. Its a Western obsession. Yes there is an energy component, but Qi is only ONE of the six sensations experienced during qi gong and internal cultivation. There are 5 other things that you can feel long before qi. So if you aren't focusing on the qi aspect, then your training is telling you to go back to the solidarity sensations and build a stronger base. Then you will probably end up feeling the lighter stuff again. I love pilates for building up the tissues surrounding the dantien. They incorporate the vibrational pumping which is excellent for strengthening both muscle and fascia. Isometrics is another great tool for incorporating breath and structural tissues. Don't get hung up on the energy thing. We are physical beings as well...
  13. Do you believe that you can learn from the body?

    YES! No matter what you learn from, it is and always will be, connected to the source. All teachers are THE teacher...
  14. Enlightenment is a cultural myth?

    This resonated with me. What if there is no enlightenment? What if there is nothing to do? What if there is no "path" or practice that you MUST complete. What if its all a choice? What if it's in you already and you just forgot? What if you all woke up tomorrow and remembered, oh yeah, I am everything. And nothing. Guess I'd better go poop now...
  15. Ladies Only--Witch's lefthand path for kundalini

    Well jeesh. "blush" Hanging with you two that day was like hanging with the sun AND the moon. I will never forget being thrown around like a rag doll, both physically and energetically!!! Yes, my practice is going well. I am extremely busy and starting to teach outside of the acupuncture world again. I hope your endeavors are humming along nicely as well.... Always great to make a re-connection!
  16. Ladies Only--Witch's lefthand path for kundalini

    Hello Susan! Long time no speak. Its good to see you out and about! Just wanted to comment on the pulse since I did have the opportunity to feel them when we met in Denver. Glenn was filming that video at the hospital.... Glenn's pulses were crazy. Something I had not felt up to that point. In the third position, which represents the kidneys and root qi, he had these thunderous pulses. VERY abnormal for someone his age. The heart pulse was deep and steady. He obviously kept a lot of energy in reserve. I did yell at him for his diet because his spleen pulses were a little rolling, which meant some excess damp. But he admitted that he was a fan of life! Including its cuisine... Just a little comment. I'm outta here now! Nobody eat me!!!
  17. Chi flow through the brain - precautions taken

    Blasto verified his history. I felt that he was at the okay point. His frequency is pretty "settled". CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR WEDDING! May the creation you share together, reverberate through the world! Sincerely, Stephen
  18. High Level chi battle?

    ROTFLOL! This is what qi isn't... This is insanity.
  19. Insomnia caused by Chi Kung?

    Exactly! You are breathing too high in the body. Chest breathing puts extra qi into the heart region. Get the breath below the diaphragm and you wont collect extra energy in the upper jiao. Its not what you do with the hands, but the breath and the mind that matter. In the beginning...
  20. Chi flow through the brain - precautions taken

    LOFL!!! I believe EVERYONE has latent abilities in developing healing transmissions. I believe EVERYONE has dark parts of themselves to work out. I believe ANYONE can do ANYTHING, with a little time, patience, and hard work. And when it comes down to it, there is also NOTHING to complete... I am always willing to help out, however.
  21. Chi flow through the brain - precautions taken

    I want to reply to some of those old posts about causing psychotic issues. I have seen some damage by energetic practices involving the brain. Most of the time they happen with individuals who already have some undeveloped issue inherent in their genetics. And almost 95% of the instances were with intensely heated meditations. Kundalini yoga is usually the culprit in these situations. I have two patients who are children of parents in institutions, from this type of practice. With that said, I have NEVER met anyone with a serious emotional problem caused DIRECTLY from Taoist oriented practices. The traditional micro orbit is done with non charged energy and is a very slow and laborious process. The problem is when you try to do it quickly with very charged energy... I have experience in this realm because my specialty is with Neurological Acupuncture and Qi Gong. I "rewire" brain functioning using external qi treatments. Kids usually take about 5 treatments, and adults somewhere between 8-10 sessions. My patients have gone off their learning disability meds, depression meds, anti anxiety meds and other mood stabilizers. They CHOSE to remove their meds after these treatments and have not needed them since. I then teach them how to charge their own brain with qi gong to maintain the effects on their own. It is NOT dangerous and I use it on a daily basis. As long as you are not using raw, unrefined, passionate and heated energy. Do not let people scare you. If you truly feel you are ready, I suggest you try. But if there is doubt still, then you are not truly ready... My 2 cents. edit- its not for the teacher to explain everything. go figure some things out. i've given you and the online world a huge hint already! meditation without physical foundation is insanity. find the root of the sensation.
  22. Chi flow through the brain - precautions taken

    Awesome! Go for it! I say, why not dare to explore the unexplored territory? If you feel you are ready, perhaps you are... Watch out for too much heat in the core of the animal brain. Pathway from the rear of the head, approximately Du 15 to Du 20 or rear Si shen cong. And too much heat in the motor cortex, as it can fry the nervous system connections. They are acupoints along the San Jiao channels/ GB temple area to Du 20. These are the same pathways that we use intense stimulation for post stroke recovery. Use "cold" qi to power up these regions, rather than any "heated' qi. When you can feel at least 3 of the dantiens in the head, check back with me and I'll help you out! Happy Explorations!
  23. I've seen some Fa Jin, but this?

    IMHO, there are different realms of cultivation, for different types of releasing of power. Fa Li for muscle and tendon structural strength. Fa Qi for internal pressure of thermodynamics and fluids. Fa Shen for pure energy and spirit. I am trying to figure out which category this fits into? My guess is that it falls somewhere between Fa Li and Fa Qi. And after emails with Michael, he has verified just that. Now, the practical application of such techniques is debatable. Would you be able to Fa Qi or Fa Shen a non willing, aggressive combatant? Probably not. That would still fall under Fa Li because of the nature of adrenaline and what it does to your large muscle groups and coordination abilities. Moving someone with your mind and spirit, seems to fall under a hypnotic category, as some well known stage magicians and hypnotists can reproduce these affects. IE, Derren Brown. I am simply interested because my experience is limited in being "bounced" by the liquid wave as opposed to the structural integrity of most internal artists.
  24. My first TCM experience.

    I can't diagnose your problem over the internet, as I need to feel your pulses among other things. With that said, I can give you a story from about 12 years ago which led me to be an acupuncturist. Personally I had severe throat problems for about 5 years through high school. It was going to end up with a tonsil removal and more antibiotics. I had already been on antibiotics for a LONG time because the western side only saw the infection, and not the root of the problem. Visited a TCM doctor, and he put me on a formula with the cooked tea from raw herbs. Problem solved. No removal of tonsils, never had a throat infection since. In China, TCM is one side of the hospital wing with Western medicine on the other. It works. Otherwise it wouldn't have lasted around 2000 years. Note: $26 is REALLY cheap for TCM. The going rate is about 75 to 100 per treatment. You should be going weekly at that rate. She can fix things better with more treatments and consistent visits. That's why I have a $30 rate for weekly visits as well. Its a medicine of prevention which works better if you go A LOT!