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Posts posted by NeiChuan

  1. Pie,


    Do you have the level one Mo Pai training? I would assume you do. If you do, how long have you had it? I understand the desire to get the complete system but perhaps a lesson can be learned in realizing what you may already have and eating dinner before you get desert ;).


    Have you achieved level one? There is a specific 'event' that takes place. It's not really that hard IMO and is so basic. Level 2 is also very basic stuff. The method is only a fraction of what is needed to get results. In order to achieve anything it is method + gong. If you focus your will single pointed at just that method, you will progress. I believe you are doing this with the LMP training? The Mo Pai level one needs one hour minimum a day. This is nothing.


    The search for 'freedom' can be like trying to pay off a ton of debt. Perhaps that is why we are here? Who knows eh? You might have several credit cards and other loans. Trying to pay them all off at once is just not possible. Some people are fortunate enough to come into money (or meet a high level master willing to help you advance). Even then they may squander it!


    If we really want to move forward in a situation like that we should focus on one 'card' at a time. Double the payments and let everything else wait. I think you can achieve the first few levels without dropping everything and going all retreat. There is also something to be said about living in society and managing to do this.


    Lol Are you a student?

  2. Completion of level 1 results in a spontaneous and highly dangerous kamehameha. I was lucky enough to have recorded my level 1 attainment: Kamehameha.jpg


    but really, for those in the know... it's your karma.... be a man of your word.


    Mirin dat dere Ka-Meh-Ha-Me-Ha

  3. What the hell are these people afraid of?




    Absolutely correct, IMO. And if this effected only themselves this wouldn't be such a proble.


    However, in the process of ignoring reality they also ignore the problems facing humankind and this results in them doing nothing to solve the problems or even slow the causes down.


    Only the blind can see the unbelievable because if you can see you will understand that the unbelievable in just ... unbelievable.


    Implications like that should be taught in schools. Things that start vicious cycles like it.

  4. I'm not sure if it's the energy of a thunderstorm that's regarded as chaotic, or if the situation is too chaotic for many practitioners to concentrate in. Too distracting and all that. I've always avoided doing it in any case.


    Yeah I've thought maybe it had to do with the energy you gain from the environment, being you inherit some of the characteristics of the energy.


    Which is chaotic. Could always be fear of lightning for people haha.

  5. Chunyi Lin advises against washing your hands or face too soon after practice for the same reason. That's from the Level 1 manual I believe.


    Zhang, I believe the Baolin Wu book also mentions not practicing outside during a period of atmospheric shift or strong winds. Rain would be an effect of an atmospheric shift. (However, I personally don't buy into the idea of not practicing during at atmospheric shift, since it is almost always shifting in some way. Nothing is every truly static. And where do you draw the line?)


    With that said, I still don't think it's a good thing to practice in strong wind or in rain or in thunderstorms. Wind and rain are draining, and thunderstorms are too chaotic.


    Hm funny you mention that. I Naturally wait awhile after meditating before touching water, I just figure it's way too much of a wake up soon after.


    Thunderstorm thing I don't find so much true, I also like lightning storms, so I may be biased.

  6. Taomeow's #1 is very patronizing and might make them angrier. Just tell them that you do not want to discuss religion, and that you respect their beliefs and would like it if they would respect yours.


    yep this pretty much.


    Research Christian monks and scholars who have been on a meditative path, such as Thomas Merton, Jesuits, perhaps be prepared to talk about the Christian fathers and the Philokalia-type of thing, and be ready to divert into this side of things. Whatever you do, stay away from Hinduism and Buddhism, if you can. Just speak of 'contemplation' rather than 'meditation', and if you believe in prayer, talk toward prayer. Keep monkishness in mind rather than Hare Krishna and Buddha, even.


    Be as happy as possible to meet the gene line of this wonderful man, and keep your focus on that. Don't let them sniff out evasiveness and discomfort. It's a tightrope, for sure, but how you keep your heart and attitude will determine so much.


    And observe how your man does with all this. If you can objectively as possible observe how he does with this scene, it may save you a lot of pain later on if he really can't cut the strings with his parents and claim you. It's a good test and a peek into a possible future. If he really stands by you energetically, that's great, if there's a little voice in the back of your head, know that now.




    after seeing a documentary on the same, it's opened me up a bit on the perspective of religion not being organized.


    Jesus was a great teacher. Often overlooked, he taught acceptance / tolerance.


    Micah 4:3-5 "...they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid: for the mouth of the LORD of hosts hat spoken it. For all people will walk every one in the name of his god, and we will walk in the name of the LORD our God for ever and ever."


    Mark 9:38-40 "...we saw one casting out devils in thy name, and he followeth not us: and we forbade him, because he followeth not us. But Jesus said, Forbid him not: for there is no man which shall do a miracle in my name, that can lightly speak evil of me. For he that is not against us is on our part."


    Luke 9:49-50 "...we saw one casting out devils in thy name; and we forbade him, because he followeth not with us. And Jesus said unto him, Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us."


    1 Corinthians 10:31-32 "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, orwhatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. Give none offence, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God:"


    People assert thier own meaning into his words, as happens with many of the great prophets of the past. Maybe some of these versus can help you.


    Hm pretty cool. I'll have to use these. Pretty cool thanks.


    I think another thing to consider in regards to internal alchemy is that it requires a real commitment to practice it. I'm not so sure that if someone is only practicing meditation for an hour or two a day if they would really have much chance of getting very far in this sort of practice.


    Are you saying they aren't doing enough a day? Because very often the people who do 3 - 5 hours consistently, then just quit..


    I think 1 or 2 hours a day for years till you learn your next lesson is much better, then 1 or 2 years of 3-4 hours and then stopping all together.

  8. I read the article you are referring to. If you read carefully, their research is not complete and is being submitted for publication. Publication is part of the peer review process and without that process, anyone can claim anything to be absolute fact. That is the difference between pseudoscience and the scientific method.


    Do you believe for one minute these researchers are attempting to overturn decades of work? Dr. Lieu and his colleagues found a phenomenon that requires further explanation and that does not mean what you think!


    Do you believe Einstein's work on general and special relativity is just another fancy theory? His work continues to hold up to scrutiny.


    I have provided a link to a NASA course on Einsteins work with references. BTW, I noticed you provided no references to prove your point. So if you are up to it, there are several here that will provide an excellent critique of your faulty assumptions.




    oh it's awn nao.

    • Like 1

  9. Yes you nailed it, lol.


    I Cried laughing so hard during that whole video haha.


    Also yeah songsofdistantearth, have to also take into account. When you say best way to accomplish it, what are the benefits of the others systems along the way?


    Taking into account each benefits of each system, I don't see why mo pai is bad choice.


    Alot of paths essentially lead to the same path. but let us not forget, one answer is never the right answer.

  10. What makes you believe Mo Pai is the best way to accomplish this?


    I think it's the first path he's heard of accomplishing it, that also has credibility of results on youtube.


    It's not a bad thing. Just an assumption.






    Is that from the rejected cartoons sketch?


    Also it must be really annoying to have to explain everything to EG, just because he keeps making different names.


    What a noob really.

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  12. MPG and TheTaoBum have agreed to a payment plan for the refund on page 3 here. So I don't think you should torment him anymore about the refund...


    Gets to pay him back with his parents allowance. Called borrowing money.


    Alright im out.

  13. Where the hell is my refund for sending the book which supposedly never arrived ? All you people are crying like babies yet i sent a book i paid good $$$ for with my own money now get strung up like this ! I completed my end of the deal yet still end up castrated.


    As far as im concerned it been worked out with MPG. So talking with anybody else is useless. Its like neichuan paid for the book ,perhaps he was in on the group purchase ?


    Hm you paid good money to have the book sent out? If I do remember MPG sent out more money to pay the expenses. Even to photocopy the book..


    He wouldn't have opened up this thread if it were worked out now would he?

  14. You should be banned for defamation and calling me lucas huang. Your just angry because you didnt see the book.


    Next !


    Next? Is that all?


    Btw I don't see why you just hadn't taken pics for MPG of diff pages of the book before sending, it'd really clear up some of the doubt.


    Oh that's right you don't have the book.


    Also im not upset I didn't see the book, im slightly annoyed you brought up the idea it could be used to benefit people though.


    When it infact isn't in your possession.


    You have no place to say "next", or to say for who to ban. You spent someone elses money. Whether or not connected taoist agrees EG is a part of it, he should be able to agree that you're just another snake in the grass.


    Non contributing Zero you are.

    • Like 1

  15. well heres the thing you keep linking eg and ttb but thing is you dont have to believe eg because mpg said he cancelled it and now he finally understands that these are 2 different people so its not a question of believing eg. Its a question of believing mpg who is now changing his view so what your saying is that you only believe half of what mpg said.


    If you call that half, Fair enough. What is most necessary is TTB took money, returned only half (From what I believe).


    He should have been dealt with. EG is another story I'll agree alittle more complex. Although in my opinion he isn't much different.


    Sorry to break your heart.

  16. wow you call that logic are you f'ing with me or are you being serious?


    ok here are the facts eg and thetaobum have different names, address, ip address, different modes of payment, different emails, in 1 case money was received and it was confirmed that it was recieved in the other case the money order was cancelled and confirm as such by both parties.


    dont you think that if eg was thetaobum he just would have done the same things as thetaobum and cash the money order and then refuse to refund.


    Your trying to speculate motive while overlooking the facts. Goodluck with that.


    Just take it as it is. Thetaobum screwed him lucas denied him as well as eg. those are the facts. i suspect that this made mpg mad and he started to come to some crazy conclusion that all 3 were the same person and that they were all after his money. What do you think did my ball land anywhere near the goal post let me know.


    That's good and fine but tell me. Do you think im MPG??? Because I said before I don't believe EG and TTB are the same person.


    Does what I said make sense now?

  17. im trying to make a simple point. EG didnt take MPG'S money and he is not thetaobum then what did he do wrong?


    If he is thetaobum then post your proof.


    If he did take MPG'S money and not send him anything or didnt refund his money then post your proof.


    If you cant do that then shut up and stop dumping on the guy its that simple.


    fair is fair but i know by saying this im being captain asshole whatever right :rolleyes:


    The proof of thetaobum sending him 150$ has been posted by MPG multiple times. There's my proof which has been posted in 2 threads, if you haven't read the entire threads and don't know the proof but are asking for it, why are you even asking?


    EG Probably saw the coming problems, meaning thetaobum being owned by the internet police. So what? EG has some foresight on him, great.


    And btw.. I have some logic, Just alittle.. But it does me well. That's how I know they're full of shit. I already know ttb is lying, so EG is aswell. By default.


    If I wanted to be naive I would have supported what you said. But you're not being naive, being your helping yourself.


    actually eg did and asked mpg to cancel the money order and mpg did cancel it. In either case it was eg who cancel the transaction not the other way around. A fact that people keep overlooking but whatever.