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Posts posted by NeiChuan

  1. Wow. I get those lines often, sometimes spaced red dots.. I've shown other people asking if it's normal when it happens and some have flipped. Others not so much.


    Very cool. Makes me want to meet him.



  2. I can't help but think all the publicity and hype are bad, very bad. The kid should be left in alone in peace. Not stared at, photographed or worshiped. If at some point he want to teach or preach, fine.


    Adoration can be an insidious poison to the soul.


    Can't agree more.

  3. I believe southern allows toes out a bit more. Aswell as thighes being wider apart.


    The tail bone usually isn't tucked in southern aswell, so all the energy (pain) is directed to the thighs. While northern to deter the pain, the tail bone is tucked, and the glutes are targeted aswell.


    The whole knees over toes thing isn't an amazing rule being your knees can be slightly over them/ahead even. Just keep your knees right above your feet. Keep the burn in your thighs not your knees.


    And if you think your knees are too weak for it, condition them with high reps of squats for a couple weeks.


    I'll add another post on actually doing horse stance, rather than just correct.



  4. One thing even if he is being fed what he is doing is amazing, meditating virtually 24 hours a day every day. That in and of itself is pretty hardcore. I chopped this video up so it fit into one video rather than 5.


    Yea true. I imagine the reason his body can take it is the whole reincarnating thing.. Or he can just really fight through the pain of his body telling him no.


    Maybe Both.



  5. Pure garbage. It basically says Islam is right and everything else is wrong. Oh, and Jinns are very real - be afraid!! Boo!!


    Of course everything has its dangers. Just living normal life you can die in a car accident or develop cancer. Islam is more dangerous than qigong to your psyche.



    Hey if the practices work disregard the other gibberish. If the other gibberish is so closely tied, that you can't untwine the too.


    Im pretty sure people just won't practice it, unless they decide they like it.



  6. Hi More Pie,


    I've seen this before. Really a great video. brings back middle school memories of some friends bringing his picture up to me and saying we looked alike haha.Pretty sure it was mainly our hair.


    Anyway he is one of the few that seems for real, and he's very dedicated.



    • Like 1

  7. Question about the "daily activities." You missed mention of two important daily activities: peeing and pooping. Where will these activities take place? In the woods? In a lean-to? In port-a-potties?


    Years ago I went to a weekend festival at Bread and Puppet in Vermont, USA. Wonderful event, lots of fun art and politics and group energy. But what I also remember was the stench of the port-a-potties and sleeping next to my friend's car. Which was next to everyone else's cars. Which wasn't too far from the......port-a-potties! :lol:


    Haha Gross

  8. Are we clearly on the definition of Nei Kung...???

    Nei Kung is general term applies to any form of internal cultivation. Any form of Chi Kung was considered to be a form of Nei Kung.



    He's right essentially. I believe before the 1920's chi kung was also called Nei Kung.

  9. Isn't that standing meditation? I'm not sure which category that belongs too.


    Anyway, was it you who tried Yi Gong / Kunlun? I would call that neigong.


    Also you could try Gift of the Tao, which Michael Lomax also calls neigong.


    What NeiChuan said could also work but I don't have any long experience with it.


    Haven't done kunlun myself. But there are plenty of benefits to constructing and forming the dan tien, rather than just putting energy there.


    Sounds like the best bet to me.



  10. I believe inner alchemy is all that is needed.


    Whether basic of advanced. I would just meditate with a light focus on my dan tien, try not to use your chest or ribs at all, and let your shoulders down, relax.


    Hope I helped.



  11. been doing those shoulder exercises from larry wong I showed ya? if so have they helped at all?



    Hey Man,


    Never consistently =/. So I guess I can't say. I'll give it a try. I had a previous shoulder injury heal up so I just sort of stopped rehabiliating.



  12. Recurring can be a real drag, Try using a hard foam roller on the floor. youtube foam roller exercises and you'll get a ton. It tends to get deep break open the scar tissue in muscle, and its natural and cheap $25 or so. good luck


    Cool Idea. I'll definitely try it, thanks alot.



  13. Hi Everyone,


    This is what I call a to kill time thread. Easily explained, debated.. Almost takes no thought, but unnecessary as an article.


    The fact is if you did sit down all day, but still has some type of cardiovascular excise 3 times a week you should be fine.


    Infact running will open the capillaries in your lungs, and dramatically help prevent any type of cardiovascular disease. A 20 mile run can even reverse both heart disease and diabetes.


    So if you have enough hours in your day to has some margin of cardio exercise you'll be fine. The only reason this article holds any weight is because so many people sit on their ass and don't do any cardio exercise.


    The 2 I would count as the most effective are running and biking.



  14. I don't know any TCM, but I have a stretch that has been very successful lately in resolving shoulder distress, in the same area. Maybe it might be useful to you, as well.


    I stand facing a table or other surface, at about navel height. Bending at the waist, I rest my forearms on the table, and lean into it, so most of the weight of my upper body is on my arms. Then, gently, I allow my head and trunk weight to drop between my arms, which then puts the weight into the connection between shoulder blade and rib cage. I don't force this stretch, but allow the weight to fuel it. When my shoulder blades need to shift, I reach "forward" (parallel to the table top), to much sound of popping. (Popping is a side effect, not a goal). I spend some time in this mostly passive position, without forcing any stretch, just enjoying the burn, and am rewarded with a great deal of relief. Especially yummy in a steam room or sauna!


    sounds relatively similar to multiple stretches I do. I'll definitely try it out. thanks alot otis


    Hi Nei Chuan, Nice to see you back. :)


    Have you had a traumatic event (either big or small) to your shoulder/neck/arm in your life? This area is also where I have a condensed ball of energy. To think one can resolve this with stretching, relaxation, or qigong is hopeful..., however, I haven't found that this has truly resolved my discomfort. (Though it has assisted minorly.) Luckily, I have had much self-healing of it with stillness-movement practice. However, s-m is not a quick fix. And acupuncture didn't get at it.


    Presently, I wonder if seeing a medical qigong healer or a dr. of osteopathy might help you to get the ball of energy out! :o:)


    Good luck to you. And let us know what happens. :)


    Hey Thanks. Nice to see you too =).


    the only thing I can really think of is I feel in a certain way onetime, where someone landed on me. When it happened I felt a pop from my lower mid back all the way to about the back or top of my skull. Sharp pain sort of pop, and my energy was pretty nuts after that.


    stretching and touching the effected acu point seems to just make it more active, and make more energy go there. So I just sort of leave it alone now. I've been planning on seeing an acupuncturist. Might just take a warm bath, maybe loosen it up lol. Anyway I'll check it out.




    Does it hurt?


    If it hurts you might want to check out these:


    - Trigger points massage

    - Egoscue program on treating misalignments that cause pain in all body parts: shoulder, back, knees, so on.


    Edit: Actually Otis's exercise looks pretty much like one of the Egoscue exercises.


    I believe there "use" to be an ache in the very beginning, then it just turned into energy gathering. then a ball, and sometimes there's a stinging sensation.


    I'll check both of em out. thanks for your reply



    Thanks all

  15. Hi everyone, haven't posted in awhile. Had a question that not many people have been able to answer.


    Basically at the top left of my shoulder blade there has been alot of energy gathering for a couple months now


    I would say it's either the point 15, or 12 that is in the area of the left shoulder blade.


    Anyway it went away for a week or two but now is back. Sometimes I actually get a pinching sensation at this point, to where it burns? Well it stings, about as much as a bee, had my brother look at it and he said he saw nothing.


    Another thing that happens is it feels like a solid ball just sitting at my shoulder blade, condensing. And lastly what it feels like most often is just a bunch of energy sitting there and gathering. I've moved it but it usually comes right back.


    I should probably note that it "always" happens when im done exercising, no matter the exercise, whether it be running or body weight exercises. I will feel energy of some sort. It just has to be a bit rigorous of an exercise.


    Any idea?

