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Posts posted by NeiChuan

  1. I've heard alotta've.. Negative stories from Davids teachings some saying there unfinished and you dont get nearly as far as expected.


    And possibly taught differently.. I'd have to meet the guy really.. I still haven't heard good things though.

  2. They seemed to of stopped now but I had sorta've recurring dreams of a polar bear (always been my fav animal).

    But they were really brutal, and I never full got what they meant. A qi gong teacher had told me the bear is definetly overpowering mortality and some other stuff..


    Anyway does anyone have some idea? Just seems it may be of some importance.

  3. I fail at it because "the itchies" (aka cobwebs) sensation gets very bad. Actually I have a similar problem during meditation but don't worry about it there as much since you aren't told to not scratch if you itch during meditation.


    Lol I can definetly relate.. One of my I guess "fears" would be the word is bugs crawling in my ears or something when im asleep.. So usually when the bigger vibrations come and such and there there its hard not to move an inch lol I always think (what if it is a spider...) then I realize.. If im in the jungle meditating 10 years from now and I still care if theres bugs on me I've failed already. <.< That works.


    How long did you do the lucidology before switching over to KAP? And was it because you diden't really see results in the lucidology?

  4. "Do you just pop in there and then sail off into whatever is next or do you spend some time checking all the parts so you actually are aligned before anything else?"


    Lol Yeah I actually check out alignment first.. Sometimes I just wing it.. but usually to make sure I check everything out. It changes when your in the stance.

  5. Matters if you want both sides of information..


    If you dont but you want to learn.. Its just another science.. Totally different language (metaphorically) so it should'nt matter unless your trying to bridge the gap between 2 or more sciences.


    If you dont just carry on.. You'll learn what you need anyway.

  6. Mm Thanks Gold.


    About heel toe running - Tarahumara indians.. Run in sandles hundreds of miles (Believe it or not).They originate from mexico and theres only a handful left, there lessons are only recently discovered and passed to other people now so thats good.. But they are being pushed outta've where they live and killed too which is bad..


    Some of them complete full marathons even some being 90 years old.. One reported marathon win the guy was 55 years old.


    Anyway yeah Very interesting tribe..


    But so the knee problems arent tied to this accidently I must say I've had them since before and they were worse then.


    Anyway thanks very much.


    Oh and one more thing.. Yeah your totally right about landing on the balls of your feet.. When you land on your heels all the impact goes to your bones/tendons.

  7. Mm well thanks everyone.. Liked the bike reply lol..


    Also yeah im fixing alignment now and getting alot better another thing would be I stress alot and just stay that way in the 90 degree posture..


    Hm thanks alot guys I'll put this into practice.

  8. I've been going to the chiropractor for alignment issues although.. I started training again anyway.


    Pretty much one leg gets worked out more then the other from stances and my right knee has been getting pains and such popping all that stuff.. Was wondering if any of you have some feedback that could help.

