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Posts posted by NeiChuan

  1. I Think if she always wants you to finish, then there's a problem.


    She may be attached it being to her it's her sign she's done her job, and you're not unsatisfied. or just the lust of it I guess. Unless she can be detached from the situation I wouldn't do it myself though.


    I also see it that tantric sex is primarily for gaining a deeper connection with another person, not just some lustful act. It's really transformed my idea of sex and love.


    I just find most women who just want the 20 - 30 minute wham bam thank you mam are just looking for lust. Often anyway.


    Having sex longer with someone you barely know would be kind of weird anyway.


    I myself would move on. Unless you can compromise with finishing once a week or 2.

  2. This guy isn't real. This is trolling. Not at its finest. Stereotypical name, trying to incite rage, not knowing the basics of a belief system yet acting like someone who defends said system etc etc.



    He's not even good at trolling, thats what's sad.


    Mod should IP match him to the other account he owns on the site.

  3. your welcome! His stuff is good, there is a bunch of other stuff on that page that I cant make sense of but I really like Chris's stuff. I wish I could have caught the earlier broadcasts.. I cant seem to find them. I will email dragon gate and see if they will send them to me and I will post them. I heard there are 9 videos in total.


    Great. Yea it's really informative. Pretty awesome

  4. Anyone else here get a little thrill of excitement when you open the tb page and a PM quickly unfurls in a little rectangle in the coolest way? Can you say "dopamine squirt"? :wub:


    Oh totally.


    Or a quick sense of rebellion, thinking it's a mod.


    Mods always try and keep me down B)

  5. It might just be that because you're cultivating your body is becoming more sensitive.


    I used to love a soft boiled egg with bread soldiers, now every time I try to eat one I uncontrollably vomit afterwards. I've really tried a fair few times too, thinking that perhaps it was just a dodgy egg. Still, no joy.


    Bye bye soft boiled eggs.


    Beef is still working good for me though! :lol:


    You may not wanna know this, but I had a lovely dish of tender beef in ginger sauce the other day... man it went down well.


    Hm yea same. Some dishes I use to always get a bit sick off of. Now those same ones I get even more sick of.


    Also now when I have a soda or two, I get wired incredibly. I might aswell be stoned at that point, so no more soda lol.

  6. Interesting, didn't look at all like a flower to me though. I think it might have been spinning I don't remember. To me it looked like a black hole and was moving towards me and got bigger and bigger. It honestly looked almost exactly like the 2nd picture in that link I posted. Except there was darkness and then the pitch darkness of a black hole.


    Hm similar but not sure if the same. Next time try to focus on it alittle better, like looking slightly over to the left or right of it.


    The 3rd time around I got a really good look at it.

  7. Hi Kali Yuga. Good information. I am curious about your path and how long it took your lower dantien to find you. :)


    What I have been noticing in my own practice, formal and informal, is that the simplest and best way to "charge the battery" of the dantien is to not pressure, or put much effort into, the lower belly breathing. Once one can relax and sink into the embryonic compressing movement, it is incredible how the dantien can fire up. Naturally, the embryonic breath can pour over and cycle into reverse breathing. Without the specific intention of the practitioner.


    So cool. B)


    Hm I've experienced this same thing. Think I started a thread on something similar.

  8. Video discussing evidence that shows atheistic and materialistic beliefs cause people to be more dishonest, encourage lying, encourage stealing, and encourage selfishness-




    So I think the evidence shows that atheism should never be taken so far that it becomes materialism or nihilism.


    But what should? What should be taken so far that it becomes more on materialism, or nihilism?


    Nothing personal.. But I find it completely deplorable, whenever people generalize or say atheist people are much more likely to have no morals. Even to go further and say they have no compassion.


    If someone were to have an outlook of violence or materialism they would lean toward that manner, whether or not they had religion. It would just take more time, and they'd use their belief in order to justify what they had done. Just like any other person would. They would turn to the closest safe route, which for many people is religion.


    I myself am not an atheist, but when people say these things it makes me think the people saying them are dangerous. Being they are essentially saying without their religion they'd be dangerous. If they're already not dangerous even with their religion.


    It's sad because what is often said is a normal human being cannot be a good one, essentially ever.

    • Like 1

  9. I was thinking of opening this thread lately and now I can see it has been opened. It's all good.


    I am up for it, but the location is crucial. It would be very nice if we could set it up in the Sichuan Province, China. As we will be surrounded by this sort of scenery:








    Another option would be becoming wandering ones. Just travel freely around the sacred mountains of China and central Asia.


    On our return (spend 10 years away from the world) we will teach and heal those in need. And surely the material will come to us easily, I mean no need to worry about money and accomodation as they will be provided by humans who support the spiritual way.


    If anyone is keen in starting this specific venture, just let me know.


    No bosses for sure, each to their own level and system of meditation.


    I know this sounds crazy but remember these words:


    Take risks: if you win, you will be happy; if you lose, you will be wise.




    Hm yes and no. I've thought of meet ups, I thought about rooming with a cool online friend once, but im not up for that, I'd need a secure job and reach to things I need.


    In a couple years it sounds like it could work. still need to decide what to do with some things like internet ect. Music even.


    By what you guys are mentioning it sounds like people would be a day or so from electronics, which may have it's faults. Plus food/vegetables ect.


    There's alot to take into account here. Weights for exercising haha lotta stuff

  10. Go back to school. Get a whole bunch of false credibility, make breakthroughs, help society, give back to the community.


    Maybe every week or two, go on a retreat of my own for a couple weeks.


    So basically the degrees and such would enable what a person wants to do = Help


    I'd save a bunch of money, so every 100 years or so I could bribe some people to change the information on my papers. Or maybe make new ones lol.


    Then getting those degrees again would be pretty easy, knowing all the subjects.


    Maybe after a couple hundred years get a student.


    But man it'd be hard to keep track of time.

  11. Yup I love this forum too. As others have stated there are not a lot of people and places to discuss such topics, so this forum is wonderful. I just wish Drew Hemphel would return here, that zany guys rants helped me tremendously. Maybe we can get a petition going to get him back haha.


    Really, I Know haha. His stuff contributed to some of my experiences personally.


    It'd be good to see him on the site lol.


    Why be sexist? LIke saying "jumping is masculine because it's yang while staying grounded is feminine because it's yin".


    No... jumping is yang because it's yang in relation to being grounded which is yin in relation to jumping which is yang in relation to being grounded which is yin in relation to jumping which is yang.....




    I Lol'd at the sexist thing. I agree with your post though.


    Yang means active.

  13. I started digging at YMAA material in 2004. The curriculum is good, but it is still a matter of what are you looking for? His stuff is a little more martial arts centered, although the Embryonic Breathing I learned from his material has been absolutely invaluable to me. The massage material is excellent, as is 8 brocades and the small circulation material.


    Cant speak highly enough of the EB material; imho it should be on the shelf of anyone who meditates :)


    Fully Agree with this. Not Often it is I agree with someone this much on something.

  14. Hey Joe

    Doesn't Dr. Yang teach that dan tien breathing converts your essence into chi automatically?


    Hm im pretty sure since the microcosmic orbit is always running, that's why it's done.


    But I'd imagine because the dan tien is on that circuit, it could be said that way too.


    Maybe developing the dan tien will make the conversion of jing to chi much more efficient then normal.

  15. Call me soppy. But I just noticed that TTB's seems to have an awesome range of folks on it. :ph34r:


    I don't think I've (so far) had the experience of being in the company of so many "high-level" (whatever that means to you) people at one time.






    Thanking :)


    Haha Yea same here. I joined a couple years ago. Plenty of moments where threads on ttb's have come (strangely) at the right time, some times even reminding me why a happening occurred.


    Also plenty of full personalities, Cool people, like yourself *soppy*




    I signed up exactly 1 year ago today and have met the "high-level" folks I thought I would meet.


    And then there were some fun surprises as well!9cyPFQbgCkhhjuld9036zPsGo1_500.jpg




    Thanks all for a killer year!


    :lol: Awesome.