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Everything posted by NeiChuan

  1. Letting go

    I agree. I was just saying for most it takes a bit to actually drop those crutches. For a baby, their crutch is there parents walking, old man a stick, but for you and I, it's just a "Crutch". I agree with this. People have to stand on their feet. My input was just that it can be a comfortable feeling to have that support sometimes, although it's most often better you don't get it. So you and I can grow. Thanks for the Reply.
  2. Letting go

    Open arms can be very comfortable, so much so, you stop noticing them.
  3. Senseless mugging you will rarely stop with words. So you have to fight or run. It's not really worth talking through either way. If it's just talking and people are trying to mess with you I usually just don't say anything until they approach or do something to me. Words can get you introuble lol. But if you don't say anything and you're going to fight anyway, you don't elevate the situation either way. To be a superhero? I don't think that's my place. One mans hero is another mans criminal Look at Assange.
  4. Wikileaks - Thoughts

    Isn't working. This. Obama is just a sellout. No progressive/liberal, ect. He's just a sellout That's why he pushes the whole "I just want to be bipartisan act." Bullshit. it's really that simple, he's a hack, and a majority of our country isn't being represented. Hell you could say a majority of the US doesn't know what's good for them, but they do know what's right and what's wrong. What's wrong is that these sellouts, whether republican,democrat, ect find their way into congress and even a way to be president, and their feet aren't held to the fire.
  5. Letting go

    Also.. I am on the internet wayyyy to late, jeez 4:11. lulz
  6. Letting go

    Pretty sure that means energy is actually being put into the dan tien. It's only temporary though. Even if you're putting energy in the dan tien, eventually this goes away. I had it happen for a couple sessions then it seemed to go ahead. I think your body will just get use to it. I pretty much pushed through it most of the times.. Till everything was calm again, really something. I was a slightly worried in the beginning to, your pulse gets alot stronger (is that what you meant?) alot stronger then it usually does on its own. Felt my whole body pump sometimes. Anyway the feeling is pretty much temporary. Im pretty sure it's just to tell you you're doing it right. Perhaps some others have other opinions on the matter though.
  7. Assertiveness

    Hm I have the same exact problem haha. Thing that helps is to not get emotional about the problems, dont get angry. There's no need to bring your anger into the conversation, just use your logic to dominate it. Be assertive but don't lose your footing and be angry. People im talking with in a serious tone sometimes think I can be a dick, but it's probably better then to be walked on by them. Afterall if they always did they'd be the ass.
  8. "Deep" internal qi-gong

    Hm, I use to meditate on the pineal gland, got pretty good results doing that. Dreamt more ect. I would'nt advise bringing to much energy there though, can cause imbalance, especially if you can actually differeciate energies. I think keeping these parts of the body active are good. Perhaps all one needs. I mean to keep any part of the body from being neglected, through circulation and activity.
  9. What will be the future earth society?

    New ones coming out soon.

    Surprised im the first to put this up. HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone
  11. Insatiable urge for stimulation in the evening

    Cool Picture. Just think of what these drugs/instant gratification things do for you. Drugs and such elevate you to a point for little or no time, it's a bright and quick burn.. While the walk on self development gradually rises with it's benefits, while consistent. It sounds like you need to slow down. I'd say meditate. Need to calm your emotional mind.

    Hey funny just noticed. if you switch out post numbers they can turn out as the same number. Well could have.. about 2 posts off now though
  13. How to Prepare Astragalus Powder Extract

    Ah yeah I do that with all my drinks, except apple cider.. Way to sweet haha. but hey thanks for the information starjumper, I don't think I would have remembered to chew it either.. I probably would have thought of it 2oz's to late. Also yeah seeing the taoist wizard in korean was well worth it. Very cool movie =D. It's funny because even when you don't hear the words you understand how in that moment the leverage they used to do what they did "sometimes". For me mainly it was the telekinesis part where it was most present. And thanks again starjumper
  14. siddhis do you believe in them?

    If people on a chat room can change what you believe so easily, may aswell not look for them. Just go have fun, if you're meant to learn these things you will. Walking through walls is supposed to be very high up there anyway. Not like you'd find anything related to learning it on the internet.
  15. How to Prepare Astragalus Powder Extract Astragalus there is the second product. Hm Taoist Wizard, I downloaded in from pirate bay. I didn't watch it in english though, I still saw plenty of little interesting secrets. But yea if you like watching it in korean I'd say go pirate bay. They may now have an English version.
  16. How to Prepare Astragalus Powder Extract

    I've heard people take it right out the bag. Just figured I'd get some Feedback. Thanks for the info on the root itself aswell, if this turns out to be watered down I'll try the root sometime.
  17. How to Prepare Astragalus Powder Extract

    Hm sounds pretty awesome. I just thought the powder extract would be pretty easy to put into use. Would'nt need a steel or ceramic pot. Or boil it for awhile. Which isn't a bad thing really, but I chose the powder over it. I'll give it a try some time though, the way you describe it reminds me of sugar cane Lol. Do you know what's mandatory in order to consume the powder extract though?
  18. Why I am against 'powers'

    Perhaps, perhaps the mountain top for most has no correlation with power. Just saying.
  19. Why I am against 'powers'

    Hm to each his own. I have no problem with someone wanting to protect themselves, unless it borders onto other peoples lives. A Teacher use to tell me. The reason you never hear of monks dying in such cruel ways is simply because, they have no dying ground. They're almost always at the right place, at the right time. Very often you don't need super powers to do that.. Just a good head on your shoulders. Not putting down self development. If you want to further yourself in one way that can protect you, that's not exactly a crime. If you come across it down the path, there's not much wrong with practicing it. May be something wrong with basing your entire lifes work on it though. May find yourself sitting on the wrong mountain top. Peering over the others climbing the mountain "you" were meant to.
  20. WP

    Haha I loved that movie. Most interesting part to me was probably was the fight between both masters in the beginning.
  21. WP

    Root of all paths to the Mountain Top.
  22. love yourself

    If you don't. You'll be drowning in peoples skewed perspectives, without sight of your own. If you do, you will grow.
  23. A big fat holiday greeting

    That sounds so much less appealing when you say it that way. and yes happy kwanzaa everyone. Along with merry christmas/happy new year.
  24. Information overload.

    Yeah I thoroughly enjoyed this haha