Prince hisoka

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Posts posted by Prince hisoka

  1. Centre888

    I reckon dew. But at the moment am not attempting to start it though, i am pretty much researching, reading books, getting the right equipment etc. Although i think it'll take me more than one attempt of making the elixir to get it right, as i am bit clumsy :lol: We culd pm each other with any breakthroughs, or progress. are you a begginer at alchemy ? Where about do u live ?

  2. So sometime in the future i will be doing a talk in my buddhist sangha about aliens in religions, And I was wondering if you guys could give me some examples of aliens in the different religions. I already have some stuff on hiduism and christanity. But I need some help on the other religions like buddhism and such?




    Hello Taomeo

    I know that the Qura'n states tha Allah created many things (other life forms) which we don't know of. There is that race which is equal to the human race, also have free will and desires, called 'genie' or 'jin', it's known that they live in another dimension on Earth, though don't know whether to consider them as aliens.


    This is ancient egyptian mythology, considered to be a religion at it's time. There happened to be aliens coming to ancient Egypt, they were believed to have taught the ancient Egyptian alchemy, magic, medicin and most of all their advanced architects (such as the pyramids). Thoth is considered to be the god of alchemy, geometry, and medicine, described the sights of the aliens as ' tall strange giants'.


    I've heard that buddhist don't like to concern themselves with that knowledge of different life forms on other planets, as they don't affect their spiritual growth or state of mind.


    Best of luck with your discussions


  3. Oh, I remember you. You're that kid in school that used to make the snowballs and try to get me to throw them at the bus. I'm not clicking your link.


    Ok, I clicked it. The guy deletes all comments that he doesn't like and leaves up the sappy fan-mail from his friends. That's enough for to not trust him or his $6 magic potion.


    I am not trying to mislead or anything if that's what you're trying to say :lol: . I am not promoting him at all , i just thought it's interesting how he can make something which gets him the deisred results of say for example 20 years of spiritual practice :)

  4. :) Hello people, i don't know if this was mentioned before, but i found this guy last year who claimed to know the correct formula of the real elixir of life. This guy has his own youtube channel, website, and just published his own book on how to make the elixir of life, it's pretty interesting how he claims the effects of drinking this elixir.


    His youtube video

    , it's quite magical :rolleyes:

    Read the description on the right handside, and go to the book's link, where you can buy it for 6 dollars i think.

    You can find him mentioning on his website (provided in the video's description) that he has his own sect or group which are trying to change the world to the better and things like that.


    I think you do realize how rare it is for some one at our time to create the elixir of life, and share the discovery with the rest of us. all alchemists/non alchemist out there I am waiting for you opinion of Nicholas. Is he for real,if you try his experiments tell me if they work, please.


    Peace and happiness

  5. Prince Hisoka,


    I would echo what most others are saying here. If you're ready to run off and become a monk, that's fine, but few people are. Even a few minutes a day can be helpful. I would recommend sitting every day, at the same time if possible. If you can only do 5 minutes, do that. It's better than nothing. But do it everyday.


    So which way is the best? You need to find that for yourself. Experiment, try different things. The Buddha is said to have taught 10,000 medicines because everyone has a different affliction.


    Yes i am experimenting with different techniques, zen meditation proves to be the most efficient so far. :)

  6. lol i seem to be making a habit of this but I found these so personally helpful ima link em again...

  (thx again zazaza ;) )



    Also as someone mentioned in another post not too long ago check out Alan Watts. Theres plenty of you tube videos of him aswell.


    Maby youv already been familiar with all of the above but to be sure.


    Dono really know what to say about zaza's and blasto's replies lol. I'm personally glad i tried weed and alcohol but definitely would'nt recommend getting as attached to them as i did.


    Thanks for the links hyrdo, i find nonduality site very helpful ! :)

  7. Bodri's material isn't sufficient so I suggest investigating Sutras and general Buddhist teachings. The sutras and general buddhist teachings is what allows small incremental gains. It also allows me to notice the small incremental gains. I'm also in the mundane but the mundane eventually gives way to the magical.


    You aren't impure just because you got sidetracked. Don't kick yourself just because you had to stop for a little while. Just start anyway.


    I guess you're right, i noticed how Bodri's stuff was a bit too tight, but made sense that's why i followed it. I will take your adivice and research sutras, but do you recommend any specific ones to start with ?

  8. Well, i am 15 years old , started to get interested in spiritual things one or two years ago. I first started reading books about alchemy all western i think, then shifted to meditation Chakra and William Bodri's teachings.


    Last summer holiday i started to get to hardcore meditation, trapped myself inside my room and chanted/yoga'ed and everything, also i set myself a schedule to follow. But then when school started i got distracted by it, friends, and other mundane things. I eventually lost track last month, as i stopped meditating regularly, gave in to bad habits of thinking, and kinda don't feel pure anymore :blink: . Now i am trying to get back to how i used to be, i don't really get encouraged by anyone i know, as literally all of them have no clue of spiritual cultivation.


    Only i know that my dad followed the same path but when he was in university, he used to read lots of books about Sufism, and Buddhism, that at one stage he had an experience of what he describes as 'enlightenment' then he wrote a poem then stopped being into any spiritual thing. It's not a coincidence that i do the same thing as my father without knowing anything about it. This is why i think i should carry on my cultivation to get desired results, i might have been reborn where i am to do this , i don't know.


    so i am trying to find anything that is interesting to drag me back, so if you have any ways of tackling laziness or overwhelming struggles which distracts you, or any new exciting practices to do as i get excited over them :lol: ,i have a vague experience of following the breath meditation and did a few chakra visualizations and won't come back to them currently .


    I read lots of articles here and know that this forum is full of bright cultivated people :D Any advice ? :) I sound confused i know :unsure:

  9. I started doing my hardcore meditation last summer. I had lots of free time, and was reading william bodri's stuff, which combined together led me to the daily meditation :D . Eventually school came :mellow: . I started setting up a new routine, which worked the best, i think it'll stay with me for a while. The funny thing was, i decided to do mantra chanting, with vipassana, right before going to sleep. I will be sleeping, and perhaps dreaming yea, and then my mindfullness kicks in, and i'll be like 'what the hell ?! too much attachment, oh yea i am sleeping...' :D:)

    by the way, does anyone recite the zhunti mantra in their daily practise? just curious :)


    Your friend Prince hisoka

  10. :lol: go ahead, please.


    I feel really bad for the guys over there in that forum. That Wan guy has pretty much marketed all that junk to 14 year old kids who want to play naruto in real life and then manifest a girlfriend, it's kinda sad.


    Hehehehehe Naruto rocks :P . Yea i agree with you, i've seen him talking about drinking something called the tao or something, when i didn't use to cultivate. But now i am like :huh::blink::lol: . He's a good physcologist though.


    :) Your friend Prince hisoka :)

  11. Hi Serene blue. Look there is lots of other meditation techniques which you can do, although following the breath is probably the most simple and perhaps the easiest.

    The other meditation techniques that i am talking about are: :) . Seriously Bodri wants the best for us, and he knows what's he talking about.

    Anyways as i mentioned that Anapana (following the breath) is an efficient and easy practice, here is a couple of links for more clarification on this technique;


    This one is found on the Meditationexpert


    And this link is for the Damo Zen Anapanasti sutra I know it's lots of reading, but the thing is Sakayumini Buddha is describing the technique for you, and it's actually very logical and simple.


    For me i took infact more than 2 months to get into the right rytheme of this meditation. All i can say is keep up with it, it takes time.


    Hope this helps :D





    Hi everyone this is a video of my Kung Fu Master Shifu heng yi. It's been a pleasure learning from him. Although I am looking forward to upload my own video, doing the first section of this form, which shifu is performing B) . If you're interested in learning any sorts of martial arts (kung fu, Tai chi, chineese Boxing) even Chi gong you're more than welcome to attend the class. :) You can also check for more information on the website.



  13. One of the best breathing practice I learned to date and the only breathing practice Master Nan Huai-Chin recommends for opening all the meridians in a very short time.


    It's perfectly fine how you feel. Another feeling is common is the feeling you are about to die. Or you can crap your pants. All are normal. :)


    Thanks for the feedback Smile :) . Hopefully i won't crap my pants :lol:

  14. hi everyone,

    I just wanted to hear what practitioners have to say about this pranayam (getting any results out of it ?). I found on the meditationexpert website introduced by William Bodri. For me i started doing the 9 bottled wind a while ago , and whenever i performed this breathing excerise , i felt some wierd stuff in my body; my head felt like expanding and the top of the skull would feel like if it's under extremley high pressure :unsure: , my abdomen starts to feel funny , and if i am counting i would get lost (because of that pressure in my head). Eventually i stopped doing it for some time, because i got scared. I started again last week, and it's going okay, like i don't feel the same pressure anymore.

    Anyways i want to know how everyone is doing at this practise? :)


  15. Hi , I am Ahmed fro the UK , i hopefully i will learn alot about cultivation through this website and it's active members. Boy you kinda need some encouragement and a lot of wisdom on this spiritual path. B)