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Posts posted by Shevek

  1. The 'Ten Mindful Movements' are apparently derived from Yoga and Tai Chi:


    The video reminded me of the Eight-form Moving Meditation introduced by the late Chan Master Sheng Yen in Taiwan.



    There seems to be a long tradition of Chan and Zen masters introducing exercises for the benefit of their students, who spend long periods sitting. These appear to be adapted from warmup exercises, calisthenics and qigong.

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  2. The elusive Chinese Mountain Cats on the Tibetan plateau have been in the science news after a study of their genetics...





    We know that the domestic cat has distant relatives that roam the earth -- lions, tigers, cheetahs and mountain lions. Less familiar are the 38 distinct species in the Family Felidae, many with strange names like pampas cat, kodkod and rusty cat.




    A new genetic analysis of more than two dozen Chinese mountain cats concludes that the creature is not its own species, but rather a subspecies of feline that gave rise to several modern wildcats and the domestic cat. That demotion could hamper efforts to save the vulnerable animal




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  3. 1 hour ago, Taomeow said:


    I've read that the reason they are almost gone is that they interbreed with domestic cats and produce fertile offspring, so living close to human dwellings (where domestic cats are ubiquitous) dilutes their genetic pool more and more.  Of course the main factor is the shrinking habitat...  like for all other wild creatures displaced by the expansionist pest humanity has been transmogrified into by "civilization."  Some program to restore their population would be great though...  It worked (at least to an extent, at least for now) for the Siberian (Amur) tiger -- a hundred years ago there were only 60 left,  in the 1940s the population dropped to half that, but today there's about 580.  This is not a high number nor a low one -- what's left of the territory they once inhabited (7% of it, the rest having been rendered uninhabitable for tigers) can only accommodate about as many...


    Image result for amur tiger






    The wildcat is considered an icon of the Scottish wilderness and has been used in clan heraldry since the 13th century.  The Picts venerated the wildcats, having probably named Caithness (Land of the Cats) after them. According to the myth, the ancestors of the Catti tribe were attacked by wildcats upon landing in Scotland.  Their ferocity impressed the Catti so much that the wildcat became their symbol.  A thousand years later the progenitors of Clan Sutherland, equally impressed, adopted the wildcat on their family crest.  The Chief of the Clan Sutherland bears the title Morair Chat (Great Man of the Cats).  The Clan Chattan Association (also known as the Clan of Cats) is made up of 12 different clans, the majority of which display the wildcat on their badges.






    I hope the 'Scottish tigers' survive, like the Siberian ones. There are many conservation initiatives in Scotland now, and even proposals to reintroduce the lynx. The wildcats really are wild and untameable, famous for their ferocity and independence.


    When I was young I read the book "Ring of Bright Water" by Gavin Maxwell, an autobiographical account of when he lived in a remote part of Scotland and kept otters as pets. He rescued a wildcat kitten, and it bit his thumb, biting right through the thumbnail.


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    How climate change is pushing Central American migrants to the US



    The northern triangle of Central America, the largest source of asylum seekers crossing the US border, is deeply affected by environmental degradation


    The science is indeed political.


    The 10 hottest years on record



    2018 was the fourth-hottest year on record globally, and another near-record year for U.S. weather and climate disasters. All of the years on record that were hotter or more disaster-filled came in the past decade.



    With the five warmest years on record happening during the past five years — and the 20 warmest occurring over the past 22 — a consistent warming trend couldn’t be clearer. Meanwhile, monthly averaged atmospheric CO2 concentrations have risen to 411 ppm at Mauna Loa Observatory, thanks in part to an estimated 2.7 percent increase in global CO2 emissions from fossil fuels.  


    Climate Change: The Facts review

    – our greatest threat, laid bare



    Fossil fuel companies are the most profitable businesses man has ever known, and they engage in PR offensives, using the same consultants as tobacco companies, and the resulting uncertainty and denial, designed to safeguard profits, has narrowed our window for action. It is unforgivable.


    It's so easy to find ageing scientists, pay them lots of money, wheel them in front of a camera, and put them on YouTube, to cast doubt on the scientific consensus.


    Plus all the lobbying against local & national governments when they try to introduce measures to do something about the problem.


    Big Oil’s Real Agenda on Climate Change



    How the oil majors have spent $1Bn since Paris on narrative capture and lobbying on climate


    The influence of these companies, (and other business and political interests) seems to have persuaded a lot of people that there is a 'globalist' conspiracy.


    This is just a conspiracy theory, neatly fitting into alt-right disinformation, with no facts behind it whatsoever.


    And then there's all the chemical pollution, plastic etc. affecting whole ecosystems, 'big agriculture', habitat destruction and so on.

    (But perhaps that's getting a bit 'off topic').

    Although the effect of 'big agriculture' (producing cheap poor-quality food that keeps the masses in poor health), is that intensive meat production is increasing the amount of methane in the atmosphere, a much more potent greenhouse gas than CO2.


    And nature - planting forests and restoring natural habitats - may be the most powerful force we have to reduce C02.


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  5. 5 hours ago, Jessup2 said:

    The Varieties of Jing Energy

    This list is not comprehensive by any means...

    • Fa jing (explosive jing)
    • Heavy/Rooted/Sinking jing (Chen Jing)
    • Silk reeling (chansi jing)
    • Peng Jing
    • Absorbing jing
    • Pulling silk
    • Electrical jing
    • Magnetic jing
    • Ting jing (listening Jing)
    • Empty force (kong jing)
    • Short/Inch or less Jing (Chuen Jing)
    • Unbending Energy
    • Following Jing (Tzo Jing)
    • Neutralizing Jing (Hua Jing)
    • Borrowing Jing (Tzeh Jing)
    • Rolling/Folding Jing (Jen Jing)
    • Spiral Jing (Dzuen Jing)
    • Cold Jing (Nung Jing)
    • Vibrating Jing (Dow So Jing)
    • Floating


    I believe that the list above should refer to 勁 Jìn (strength, power).

    The OP and discussion of Jing, Qi, Shen referred to replenishment of Jīng 精 (essence).

    Different word, different meaning.


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  6. I like the look of this guy's work. He talks about and uses the kwa, which is pretty crucial in all chi work, as far as I can tell. The production of the videos on YouTube is a bit iffy though and the DVD is a a bit more expensive than I would like.


    I agree the DVD seems a bit expensive, but it is quite well-produced and runs for 2 hours. It's not like the YouTube videos. It starts at beginner level and presents Zhan Zhuang as a complete system, including breathing, opening and closing and many other topics. I am glad that I bought the DVD, and would recommend it.

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  7. I found Mark Cohen's Inside Zhan Zhuang DVD to be very informative, but haven't done much practice using it as yet. Not sure if this is quite what you are after, but he goes into a lot of detail, including many acupuncture points. The DVD covers variations on the basic wuji posture, postures for health and martial arts and those that affect specific organs. He also has a book, and a number of YouTube videos.


    When unpacking after a recent move I discovered I still have my VHS tape of 'Stand Still - Be Fit' by Lam Kam Chuen (1995), and I remember watching the original series on TV!

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