That Guy

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Everything posted by That Guy

  1. KAP

    You know what I'm done with this topic, looking at my last reply it is taking up more time than its worth. Seems like I'm talking to a cult really. I'm gonna spend my extra time doing something else more enjoyable rather then on this topic. Like playing tekken 6, great game if you're into martial arts Vs. fighters by the way. All the best LOL Ok THIS is my last post here on this topic. Grow up Lino...
  2. KAP

  3. KAP

    This is a joke! So True!' WHAT A RETARDED THING TO SAY!!! And I can't believe Dobles agrees! LOL WTF is wrong with you?! Where do you live?? IN A CAVE?! They dont always do the right thing, but to say that you must be BRAINWASHED, RETARDED AND COMPLETELY IGNORANT! If you hurt yourself or someone gets hurt in your presence please PLEASE for love of god call an ambulance (which contains doctors btw) AND NOT Mr. Dobles to send some "healing" And I m talking to Dobles here, why should I PM him? What is this scientology Chi Ball Watch day 3 I woke up with the sound of breaking waves in the distance, it had been 3 days since the search began. Morale was low, but the sight of land brings me new life. I shall be making landfall soon as my ship draws closer to this unknown paradise, I just hope my ship can avoid the sharp rocks ahead. As for the chi ball, so sign whatsoever, the search continues...
  4. KAP

    Well we wont know until you try, after I get it I can always give it back to you, just lend me some of it. it's not too much to ask from someone like you. Looking forward to my encounter with some divine energy, even if its temporary. Energy comes and goes, but this experience will last for ever! EVEN MORE Peace & God's Blessing to you, That Guy
  5. KAP

    WHAT DID I DO NOW!?! I didn't insult him in any way on my post! What the hell man?! We do have a more in common than you think, specially when that picture was taken SHEESH! If you don't believe me use your intuition or something and you'll see. "So if i did send you energy what makes you think you would see it? What experience do you have?" Well we wont know unless you try, and even if I don't see it I'm sure i feel it or something. It's not everyday I get hit by a hadouken of divinity, should be quite unique. Though that is a good move Mr. Dobles, sets up a scene where you're the only one who can know what happened. "Hmm Why would I waste my energy on you?" Oh man, this makes me sad what happened to all the Peace & God-bless stuff? I thought you were better than this....
  6. KAP

    I can do that too. We have more in common than you think Mr. Dobles And on another note: Chi ball watch day 2 I have gone about my usual routine, every 10 minutes i look around the room to see if my chi ball from Dobles has arrived. Needless to say, the search goes on... For those who dont know what happened in day 1, see day 2
  7. KAP

    All that use of CAP ( get it KAP CAP?? ) tells me someone is not happy Love Peace and God Bless bro~ But you know, if you prove beyond a shadow of a doubt you're the real deal in the mystical and divine, people will shower you with money to help the poor kids. Just a thought. BUT dont do it in Saudi Arabia if you wanna live, actually in case any of you don't know avoid any of this kinda stuff should you go to Saudi Story There is more I could say from reading this thread, but it would be in poor taste, it would make a valid point but I care not for winning arguments I'll be looking forward to my chi pyramid to appear floating through the air, if you cant shape it than a sphere is just fine Peace Love Kindness Bliss Enlightenment Friendship Truth Light to All!
  8. KAP

    now THAT would be awesome! I would be well impressed! Well if you're not a sheep bro~ you'll ask the shepherd why you should follow him? Does he really know better than you? And then you'll have to ask for some sort of validation that what he tells you is true. If you're not a sheep look to make your own judgement rather than just say (read the next line like a sheep) "well other pehhhople have had goood ehhhhxperiehhhnces with kAhhhP" because well, those reviews could be by sheehhhp If you're going crazy and need a mentor to help you straighten yourself up or should I say someone to help you become more grounded then why not. But when reiki and spiritual stuff is thrown into the mix, well then I'm gonna have to be a little more demanding. "How does one prove that anyway? I know far back when someone doubted Santi he sent a chi ball the size of mount Vesuvio up the guys spine although he had only read his posts and did not know who he was and where he were and the guy endorsed Santiago after that and confirmed the time of the Chi ball." This story for real? Make my chi gift shaped like a pyramid if you can, that would be pretty cool
  9. KAP

    :lol: "It would be quite encouraging if Santiago or one of his students can come forward and give a proof of their attainments in a sufficiently reasonable fashion?" let me know if he even tries. And I think I know who you are And zazaza if you got the bucks to spare go for it, even if you don't go for it, I mean no spiritually developed being would refuse to teach you because of money. Seriously how would a spiritually developed being live with himself if he taught a horrible human being over you just because they had more money to spare.
  10. Psychic Training

    Use a proxy if you want, and you DONT HAVE TO FILL OUT QUESTIONNAIRE. After you register your username and password and they take you to the questionnaire page just reload the homepage. Maybe I should have said this before, but I thought intuition would've had that covered Manitou. You are right, and there is nothing I can do about Seths poor focus and concentration. However I'm sure you understand that is simply the best excuse in the universe for anyone who claims anything of this sort, it is ridiculous.
  11. Psychic Training

    real mature kid... you really have nothing worth reading from what I see. You just go back to telling stories. If you got any real balls ( not anecdotal balls) go here sign up, take the test where you guess where cards are a good number of times and see if you get results worth talking about.
  12. Psychic Training

    no exactly, visible light is still bouncing off me, it's just not going into your eyes But non the less @Scotty, I will pm you the picture, just we know I havent switched it should an attempt be made, and so you can see how close you are too. I'm trusting you to keep it to yourself
  13. Psychic Training

    My opinion is, you cant prove it you re full of it. Hope thats nnice and clear, though I assumed I didnt really have to type much since you'd just get a feeling to what I am trying to say. You said it yourself 'Anecdotal Evidence' , and -> "I have experienced situations like this so many times over the years that I know I could never do the randy challenge or prove it to anyone of a hostile disposition and would not even try. I have to be really relaxed or at least un-conflicted to get good information. Its sad to see many good Psychics fall into the 'Prove it' trap, fail then get labelled 'Frauds' when many of them do great work. " Well I travel everyday into the heavenly real, the angels come and take me and I sit down and have a glass of orange juice with GOD, he likes orange juice. I can only do this when no is around though, just like I can turn invisible when no one is looking. I ve spoke with GOD about many things, but I m not allowed to share it with you, for reasons you cannot understand. Ok then, how about I pick a picture online of something, and you use your powers to try and get close to what it is? I will not change the picture, I have copied it onto my desktop. I might not buy your story, but I wont lie to you about this stuff. Look my friend, you can insult me all you want, I m making no claims on what I can do, you are so if you cant live up to the claims in the real world I will make the safe assumption you re full of it. (sorry gtg, stuff to do, looking forward to what you make of my picture challenge)
  14. Psychic Training

  15. Psychic Training

    oh please you can't do it on cue you either can't do it at all and are fooling yourself, OR should you really be able to do it you need a lot more practice, your belief in your own ESP or other abilities is very weak. You sound like a kid saying "can too! " and then I say "can-not ", and in circles we go We would go forever if I didn't say "prove it!", once that is said the excuses start, the demonising of someone who wont stand for possibly being fed BS starts too If you can walk the walk, you need to grow up. (in a spiritual sense) As for some karma remark I read reminds me of a story once told to me by a great master concerning karma. More related to more tragic circumstances but anyway seems like a good place to tell it. It had been less than 24hrs since a close friend (nice guy, never hurt anybody) of Johns had suffered a tragic accident leaving him in awful shape, So John saddened by the whole ordeal happen to be asked by a passing monk what was wrong, John answered respectfully. Once John was done telling the monk what had happened to his friend the monk said " well he had bad karma, he must have deserved it". Hearing this John backed away for a second, and then without warning punched the monk in the face. Needless to say the monk was knocked out cold. The monk awoke a short while later with a note in front of him. It read "Sorry to have punched so hard in the face, it wasn't my fault really. You just had bad karma for being an asshole." Did the monk learn his lesson about karma? You decide.
  16. Kalimasada Telekinesis Demo

    I meant apologise for being hostile towards him. But if he can't give me any reason to believe what he said: "Kalimsada is not stage magic. One of my students trains with their Guru. It is real Tenaga Dalam /Ilmu. The training does not Use Jin its straight from Divine Source (ALLAH). This video is a bit wierd BUT i have seen others that are very impressive. My student was in Java with them training and he knows the difference between BS & real. Its similar to the Ilmu I learned from Pak M. If you have chance to study Kalimasada do so. Peace" then I can only conclude that the facts aren't straight, the info he posted was false.. Biff if video proof is nothing at all then why not make one? no harm done right? And i will take a trip, and chances are it will be nothing but disappointment, but right now no trip I have other things I must do of more importance. Now if ALLAH were to show me there is a point in taking the trip earlier then well maybe i would take it earlier. I have no beef with you Biff, and santi should thank you, but I m sure he can handle himself, with the truth on your side you have nothing to fear. Specially from some random faceless stranger online.
  17. Kalimasada Telekinesis Demo

    I would LOVE TO APOLOGISE, I would love to find out I am wrong and that he is santi the saint! And yes I would answer, being the enlightened being that I am I would set these clueless mortals straight, show them they need not doubt me for my wisdom truly is from allah. Im not hostile, I m direct. And I maybe I shouldnt have said that, but come on if you're expecting the other person to make you some excuse you might make a few jokes too. Biff, you're funny Just say the usual internet bs we read everywhere when you have nothing else to hide behind. I happen to be on the computer, so I am asking for proof best I can. But now if you or santi wanna teleport he where am i ll be waiting.
  18. Kalimasada Telekinesis Demo

    Meh, as expected. Cant you at least say what one would attract, and what could happen to one? at the very least this you can say right?! I m not saying you shouldnt heal help etc, keep doing those, great! but whats a little demo on the side, i mean really, share these scary consequences with me please. Well, I just know you cant prove anything, if its because you reaally cant or because you re not allowed to I dont know, i ll just take a guess on that. "P.S. Vaj... Good response. I was hoping you would take the high road..." Oh please, whats so high about that?! I m not asking him to fight, I m not asking him to do anything dangerous ( well maybe I am, but I m just way too clueless to know), I m just asking him to walk the walk and not just talk the talk thats all. Why hate on the idea of asking for proof? Since you re just willing to take things at face value like this I got this great email from some rich guy is africa i can forwad sometime, he needs your name and bank details so he can transfer a large inheritance he got but has nowhere he can deposit.
  19. Kalimasada Telekinesis Demo

    Well I'm sure "ALLAH" wont mind if you try and prove something to us, come on digital recorders are all over the place these days. Film some freakky stuff you've learned to do through your KAP practice, something paranormal, something which isnt just a trick. Allah is reasonable right? you worship the guy, so I m sure the very least he can do is let you show off a bit to a few random people online, people looking for answers, looking for ALLAH himself! But you wont will you? and neither will your special friends with special gifts will they? So you're either afraid (which you shouldnt be, i mean ALLAH is with you!) ORRR you speak lies (maybe delusions). Actually here is a simple experiment that may look impressive should ALLAH allow you out of your burka. Hold out both hand in front of you, both open, palms facing upwards. In your hands place something that is heavy enough that wind would not lift it, a good size stone would be good, or a marble or something like that. I would prefer something like a marble because you can't tie things to it so easily. Film it being dropped so we have an idea of what its weight and stuff is like. (no metal items please) Now with stand in a corner of the room, with the video frame showing both the floor and the ceiling, show theres nothing around that looks dodgy. And well here comes the easy part, use your energy to make that item lift without moving your hands in any way. If thats too much just film yourself levitating, creating lightning with your hands, perhaps a hadouken or a kamehameha, and whilst we're there why not a chidori and a rasengan too. And if you cant do this stuff, get someone who can, I'm sure you know a few. Now I've just probably wasted my time writing this, but it amuses me to hear the excuses people come up with go on santiago dobles make me laugh , or even better surprise me with a video!
  20. it could be like an expansion of world of warcraft is about to come out for some of you guys
  21. Laughing at suffering

    this is fucked up, just like part of humanity is. For you sissies who turn a blind eye, well thats good, be an ignorant coward. However, this is your race, this is your planet, this is your world, might be good to have an idea of whats really here, instead of out there where your mind is. Now i m gonna go imagine imagine his world is perfect and it has everything, so dont worry, it will be ok by tomorrow morning when I wake up to go for a ride on a unicorn while accompanied by elves and fairies along the rainbow, since we re gonna meet our leprechaun friend on the other end. ----- "Please understand what 'transcending' normal, habitual responses are. This image is a perfect opportunity to realize that the ultimate nature of Reality do not contain good or bad, ugly or beautiful, cruel or kind. All is contained within this Reality, empty of conceptual duality. When one rises, the other rises, and when one subsides, so does the other. Shunya." GTFO of here! Thats becming an empty shell, thats what. You might as well be dead if thats how you see things (i dont mean you Shunya just a manner of speaking). If you re not interacting or responding to the world around you, that means you re as good as dead, the world wouldnt change in any way if you were around or not because you re just there, you just are, you just sit around and watch until you come to die and realize maybe you should have played a part emotinally and physically, becaause then maybe you could have not watched some random outcome, but made the outcome something you d like to see. Cowards! i m loggin off, this site is frustrating!!
  22. If I am so cultivated.... why am I tubby?

    do some fitness exercise along with tai chi. But that aside its amazing what the world has become... We have being overweight being accepted as something thats just part of life now. Now i wont poke fun at people who are fat,, I have fat friends and they re nice and all, but lets face it, they re not in the shape humans beings were meant to be in. And you know whats worse? this world has become so screwed up people have become programmed to look at all the wrong things physically in people. These days clothes and money make the man, a "good body" is something out of an anatomy book, being unfit is not only acceptable but considered the norm. Women who are fat cannot be openly called unattractive, it makes you shallow that you dont find unhealthy women attractive. Magazines are making women into skin and bones, and thats normal, thats hot, WELL its NOT! wtf is wrong with the world that it lets some bone fetish group of people tell them what is attractive?! I just see the general view of people these days so fucked up, that I wonder if I should just give it up! Leave this crazy place and find somewhere where people havent been reprogrammed yet. But then again, whats the point? you all sit and watch as your world takes over every other one, so no where on this earth could i find peace for the rest of my days. I love technology, I love how humanity is moving forward, I just hate what its letting itself become in the process. when I start I just keep going thats what i see anyway! agree or disagree i dont care, just burns me up talking about stuff like this. I just came by to leave a link to some youtube video of a new archaeological find that might interest some of you and ended up ranting some
  23. Enlightenment for all.

    This is BS! its not that "the universe gives you what you want" Come on now, it more like "you come to terms with what you have". Which can be good, but lets face it, if people just become like this humanity will stop moving forward. And go tell the starving people of the world "imagine your belly is full" , "imagine you have a fridge full of food!" and it will all be ok! They ll tell you "gtfo!" We cant fix problems like this by sitting around believing they ll just go away. Put your imagination to good use and imagine some way to fix the problem rather than imagine they dont exist, stop deluding yourself. I m just gonna stop here, just reading/talking too much about this kinda half baked philosophy irritates me too much.
  24. You are all delusional!

    Delusions can be fun, but they can also be harmful. So before you attack me, hear me out.... So you have some free time, why waste it "cultivating" what ou can't even prove is real? Why not sit down and educate yourself in something that matters like science and math? Why not learn some new skills like painting and sculpting? You sit there for hours at a time doing nothing/meditating. You learn nothing that way (obviously ). Go out watch some TV do something fun at least sheesh! And yeah some enjoy meditating, well they've had to condition themselves to enjoy it because otherwise no one in their right mind would do it everyday for so long. Just for the record I consider relaxing and reflecting on your thoughts different from meditation since true meditation seems to require an empty mind, no thoughts. Chakras....why not learn real medicine, learn about the real chakras, your organs! and stop trying to feel things that are there, but not in some mystical forrm you believe they are. Throw your heart at someone they'll feel it when it smacks them on the head, throw your "heart chakra" at them (if you can find it in the first place ) and they ll feel nothing, because there is nothing there! So much energy here is wasted in fairy tales it's kinda sad I mean a kid has imaginary friends and experiences we have a laugh and tell them the truth, they imagining things. Now an adult has them and we can do anything, because its been labelled a spiritual or religious experience. Whats up with that?! I also see so much "visualisation" type stuff that it makes me wonder how long one must visualise before they buy into their own fantasy! I dont need to visualise light to see it, sound to hear it, pain to feel it etc because they are real! If my dantian was reaal I would feel it, all I feel is my stomach rumbling Can you seriously suggest that the majority of people are born lacking the ability to feel and see stuff like this? Are we born handicapped and need to "cultivate" in order to regain our full power? please! Yes I know look at was some awesome masters can do, well they practice martial arts or do exercises that allow them to do these things, its more about conditioning their body rather than cultivating! I wanna see someone who cultivates their body without conditioning it do some crazy thing like a 1 finger pushup or whatever. As for some of the masters seen doing mystical things on video, well if they ve done it for the camera why not do it one more time for some top and i mean TOP! scientists to see?!? Dont give me that "they wont listen to us" stuff because all they have to do is walk up to them, there is no need for the first meeting to be some kinda formal encounter. Just g to the top biologist and zap him with some bio energy, he ll make time for you then! And yes monks dry wett cloth in really cold conditions etc, but thats because they ve mastered their bodies functions. We can all raise our bodies temperature for example, not at will but we can, go get a fever you ll see! No energy none sense needed! This is getting long, so I should end it! The more I look into this stuff the more it seems like some kinda cult, it may not harm you, but lets just say you could be spending your time doing something better and being happier as a result, you may think you re happy thanks to this stuff, but you re just being happy because you re delusional. I dont mean to offend any of you, and chances are I wont, because my words probably wont break through the barrier of delusions built over time. I hope you read the whole post, sorry its long... Thank you for reading
  25. Nature the closest thing we have to chi.

    Arent we part of nature? so can't we just act as ourselves? If not then when did man leave nature and why? Or was man made separate from it to begin with, if so why? Is nature a force or simply a general term for all the forces that make what we call "life" happen? And if evolution just happens when does life begin to have the privilege of ascension? Do wild animals ascend since they follow nature from birth until death? And by observing nature, what is the right part of it to observe? Animals (which animals cows? Tigers?) ? Elements? Plants? depending which you study you might have a different conclusions resulting in different practices, will they all lead to ascension? sorry i have too many questions