That Guy

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Everything posted by That Guy

  1. High Level chi battle?

    So I was youtubing here and there and came across this video. Now I myself don't quite know what to make of it, I can only guess its a fight between 2 people using chi. Not quite as cool looking as a dragonball fight , but anyway I wanted to know what people who live in this world make of it There are other videos of this sort in the guys channel, but its more of the masters repelling attackers type stuff I have seen before like this one . Check all the ones with this videotape look and with dates on the lower corner for this stuff. So from those who might have been in such battles, is it really like that? And a summary of what he says is going on would be cool too if you can, thank you.
  2. High Level chi battle?

    Well if developed people would most probably control this energy and any weapon made from it just like we control nukes today, and chances are nukes would be in extremist minds before any chi weapon. Well I've read and heard of this boulder, perhaps seen it on video, but I am yet to run into so hard I cannot deny its existence or power in any way. But if I run into it I will most definitely want to push uphill, and carry it up a cliff if I have to But until I find the boulder I want to believe!
  3. John Chang versus Mike Tyson?

    Thanks man, if I got 1 person to laugh taking the time to write that out was worth it I mean, thats how it really happened, true story bro!
  4. John Chang versus Mike Tyson?

    Ok I SAW IT HAPPEN.....I was asked to keep it secret but I think you should know.... So JC was minding his own business, just happily playing poker in Vegas, by chance Tyson was on the same table. JC obviously was winning, REAL BAD too, poor tyson had lost 1Million in this game. Tyson had noticed how well JC chose his moves, too well that is, as if he could read the other players cards. Tyson got up to leave the table, but couldn't help but ask with his funny voice "You psychic or something man?!" JC defensively snapped back at him with lightning in his eyes "You accuse me of cheating!?". Tyson was scared, knew something was different about this man, but the whole table was looking at them, and theres no way tyson can lose face like this, so he told JC "lets take it outside little man, I ll eat you alive". JC slowly got up, looked tyson in the eyes and said "you dont knw who you mess with, bitch" zapping tysons ass with some chi, causing tyson to jump up. Tysons sudden movement sent his bodyguard into fight mode. They jumped him all at once, all 3 of them, but before they could get close to him they were repelled right back. Now tyson was spooked, his fear sent him into fight or flight mode, he should ve have chosen flight. JC played with him like a cat plays with a mouse, Tyson didnt know what to do so he charged jaw wide open right for JCs ear. He bit it, and bit down hard, you could hear the sound of his teeth braking as JC used his Iron Ear technique. Tyson now exhausted and with more broken teeth than hes had through a lifetime of boxing decided to cut his losses, he looked at JC and asked "what are you?" Jc picked up his winnings from the table and slowly raised his head to look at Tyson "I am John Chang, level 52 master of Mo Pai, and your dantian is 2% full". He then simply picked up and left, leaving Tyson to wonder what all his training had been for, if he cannot even scratch a short little man half his size. Thats it, That is what happened. I know it sounds unbelievable, but thats the truth.
  5. Igniting Others

    I think you can try and poke their reality bubble, just make them see the possibility of their being more to the world than they think, and if they want they'll pursue it further. Show the the John Chang video
  6. High Level chi battle?

    Weapons capable of killing millions are out already, this machine if built would just be another alternative for us to kill each other ANd maybe we'd create a heaven on earth sooner rather than later if we can make resources more plentiful But yeah, we always tend to wait for someone else out there to do things for us. When i got some real finances I'll go on a quest to help humankind I just hope hes got an open positive mindset when I find him so he'd be willing to share this knowledge.
  7. KAP

    Some pretty harsh reality there Drew...
  8. John Chang versus Mike Tyson?

    Yes please if someone knows do share, I myself had never heard of it
  9. KAP

    Why thank you, I guess I must be the source of your power I am judging the action. If I went and killed 50 innocent people for no reason, would i not be a monster? Or is it just not your place to judge and you should just turn a blind eye to it? Maybe GOD/I () gave you the ability to judge for a reason, of course like many of the other gifts you got, use it wisely. And like i said before, it's not just about the sexual part of it. And I'm sure you don't have interest in marrying a young girl, no one has thought or said anything like that. They were his actions not yours. And even if it is the norm in some places or during certain times doesn't matter, it's still wrong for the reasons I stated before. Though it's not perfect, in our time we have a better sense of equality and the ability of giving people a better chance to follow the path they choose, in the "modern world" anyway. So how can I accept the message of a speaker who does that? The guy started a MAJOR world religion, if he was a better man he could have changed this custom too. Not to be too arrogant but I am sure my ideal world would be better for everyone than his one. If I were a woman I would despise islam, simply for the blatant statement that I am worth less than a man (maybe physically I can accept that, but there are women out there who can beat up men out there :lo:). I would look for my pearl elsewhere, preferably crap free BUT whatever, follow what you want, make it fit your ideal image of it, just don't spread it. You know, I think the reason we are mortal is so that all our "bad habits" can die with us over time, making way for better fresher ideas. Evolution of the mind if you will.
  10. KAP

    If you marry anyone that young its wrong, I shall judge. Sexual things aside, this kid has just started life, there might be many things they wanna do in their life. So being trapped in a relationship for life, without even having a choice perhaps? Is just not right. Kids arent stupid, but they can be more easily mislead too if they had a choice. Think for yourself for a minute, and just imagine you had been married to someone from the age of 9 and you have to spend your whole life with them, even if they arent that great a person. Feels pretty bad being trapped like that, would you wish it upon anyone else? And YOU DONT HAVE TO MARRY THE KID IF THEIR LIFE SITUATION IS BAD, YOU CAN ADOPT THEM AS CHILDREN. IF YOU MAKE THE KID A SPOUSE IT IS NOT OUT OF THE GOODNESS OF YOUR HEART, BUT BECAUSE IT IS SOMETHING ELSE YOU ARE REALLY AFTER. THINK! I dont care where they re from, what religion, what this, what that. It's wrong and selfish.
  11. High Level chi battle?

    That fight was insane! I've always wondered what high level tai chi is real battle looked like, thanks man
  12. KAP

    Anything that teaches intolerance, persecution, inequality or oppressive behaviour is an abomination Unless it is the will of GOD or ALLAH! then it is cool bro~ I guess I'll just never understand....... ...... how people can in any way support anything that preaches that kind of behaviour or turn a blind eye to it. p.b.u.h who is not intolerant, does not persecute, practices equality and does not oppress others. MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY HANUKKAH, HAPPY HOLIDAYS, HAPPY WHATEVER just have a god time
  13. High Level chi battle?

    But the core of this thing, the resource that this energy is can make a world of a difference! Do you want a world where people fight over energy resources? Do you want a world where countries with certain resources hold such power against those who dont? Do you want a polluted world? Do you want a nuclear powered world? Where accidents can leave negative long term damage... And thats just talking about the basic energy needs we have to enjoy a better lifestyle. If you believe the 9/11 official story or one of the 9/11 conspiracy stories, the truth is there are wars going on right now and they manage to kill people without problem not using any of this stuff. If chi weaponry was made it would be a new way to kill, it would not be a motivation to kill. There are far scarier things out there, like nukes. And to me the scariest is biological warfare, you can't dodge the thing, it can spread as far as there are people and once you have it, if its a bad one, you're gone and theres nothing you can do about it. And have you ever thought of the POSITIVE extremes that could come from this? As for your bank example its very negative oriented thinking, why should it be holes in a system? Lets just say you're telling the world about hacking, so it its information, so at least you know whats out there and can protect yourself. Can you imagine if hacking was kept secret? people get their info stolen and they wouldnt even know what hit them I guess my final word on this is that this info can either make the world better by solving some of its problems Or leave it the same because we already kill one another in a mass scale whilst harming our planet to do it, can't get much worse than that for us as a species.
  14. celibacy and body changes

    its lower dantian I think, that chakra behind your bellybutton somewhere wich is suppose to be able to store a lot of energy.
  15. celibacy and body changes

    You'd think things would get bigger down there with all that energy thats supposedly building up in that area And i think morning wood + piss = mess
  16. Tingling in hands/first chi experience...

    dont worry about being full of it with that story, theres much more extreme stuff around Wish I could help you, but I can't really. So any real practitioners out there got an answer for this man? I know its a wall ofd text hes written, but its an entertaining read, make an effort
  17. KAP

    Why wont he make it past 40?
  18. Enlightenment is a cultural myth?

    Don't mean to brag here, but I was born enlightened I'd try and explain to you all what real enlightenment is all about, but you just wouldn't understand anyway good luck to the rest of you
  19. High Level chi battle?

    Yes it is dangerous BUT lets face it, we're in a very dangerous world already. Like you said it takes a looong looong time to develop these abilities, its easier to just buy a plane ticket. So I doubt these extremists will be learning these things as oppose to getting weapons like guns, mines, rockets etc. And who knows, maybe if they practised these things it would stop them from being like that. Now if we use the knowledge gained to make more new weapons it might be different, but we've already got chemical warfare and nukes, we can kill the planet, I don't know how much more dangerous these new weapons could be but what I m saying is that danger levels are already very very high. And learning about this could really help with blackmagic and stuff, because then everyone is aware of the dangers and who knows we might come up with a great way to block these attacks. But knowledge is power, and by leaving the world without this knowledge you leave it powerless against the evils ones who do.
  20. KAP

    I guess you've met your Buddha And Apech7, I think she said it because I was looking for a Guru or highly developed spiritual person here. Assuming I know what they're meant to be like.
  21. KAP

  22. KAP

    Is there a real guru in this place? Someone is truly has attained a high level of spiritual development? New Dawn Fades, I don't know what you really wanna do, but seriously my friend, just apologise for real if you want and stop. You're just making yourself look worse. I don't buy the whole shakti-babu thing and some of the stuff I've read on here about kAp, Dobles and company, but even if you're trying to expose the system as poor or whatever, you're going about it the wrong way. If you have a better system or whatever say how and why they re better, or keep it to yourself, if you talk the talk you gotta be ready to walk the walk, cause if you wont then its just no good. orrrrrrrr you can get your students to come tell their stories like some people If everything is energy, you're just transferring energy from your system into KAP, thats what I'm getting at.
  23. KAP

    No I am not. Your students paint this positive picture of you and then you discredit them with your negative outbursts.
  24. KAP

    You can't even take a joke... Whatever, you're an ugly person inside from what I see here. Accounts of other people about you may be great, but you yourself... shame on you.
  25. Karma Peruvian style

    God is pretty deviant....