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Posts posted by ~jK~

  1. I disagree that it is a toy. I am no longer an atheist because of experiences I've had with OBE and similar phenomenon, and that is saying a lot because I was a pretty hard core atheist.

    Just my $0.02


    I guess in your case it is different strokes for different folks.

    As for me:

    I chose to do the work that stood the test of time in China.


    To me it was and is written in plain English and Chinese.

    A method that works on multiple levels.

    My recomendation is to do what works for you.

    I can only recommend what worked for me.

    I'll be there knowing & growing further.

    I agree that:Athiesm is not the way

    Why debate what is not there? :unsure:


    One of my personal goals for OBE training is to become advanced enough to seek out high level teachers in the astral, I know it sounds crazy but there sure is a shortage here on earth.



    OBE is a cute and sometimes usefull toy.

    But, after all is said and done, it is only a toy.

  3. I love the sound and vibration from listening to people who can do this. I always wanted to have a go but have had no luck trying to work out how to do it.


    Can you recall the website?

    I was wandering through this website today and saw a few video's on it - it's a good site to play the video sound as you look for the other.


    Another on Chakra mantra harmonics

  4. Wow... Thank You SY,

    I will really take all you said into account. I sure don't want to get any older any faster. Your Friend Melanie

    The initial exercises for OBE are also healing exercises that rejuvinate the worn parts of the body as well as the mind. Other than that, taking antioxidents such as Vitamin E over the lifespan works from the pharmacalogical point. I'm sure you know the rest.


    One other not so commonly known anti-aging trick is to balance the chakras.

    Watch the folowing video to see if it does anything for you. Try it while meditating to experience the full effect.


    Having sex during OBE is new to me but I do use OBE to meet girlfriends and then meet them later in physical. They very rarely remember the OBE but follow the directions more perfectly than as if hypnotized. Come to think about it the dream/sleep state, at the subconscious level is, open to suggestion.

  5. Hi again,

    Nice to hear from you... You seem to have a good understanding of this I can tell. When me and my friend where practicing, we would set our clocks, sleep and get up at 3:00 or 4:00. And wake up and lie back down, and try and have an OBE.


    But about the timing he lived in Amsterdam. I live in the US. So timing was different. And then there is some other timing, that I know your talking about. Like If I get to the vibration state, and my mind wont stay focused, my timing gets off. Lots of other things can through you out of the race also. But when you get it. It's so cool... Yes? And oh the pics of your exit point...


    Go ahead and pm if you like, I'm not sure how to work this. I'm still getting to know the forum, and trying not to piss off people with my poor writing ability...lol Your friend Melanie


    A little eye candy th help our Newbe feel at home :lol:










  6. I had read from a few various Qigong masters that OBE's should not be attempted until a lot of other foundational work had been done first, or it can be dangerous.


    Very true but the followup is even more important as a person needs to experience it to know the questions to ask so as to guide through the unseen.

    Furthermore only those with experience can interpret the questions as well as to know the difference between dreaming and the realities of the astral.

  7. That is something about our Birthdays.


    I think that as you learn more of Taoist thinking, you will find that Taoist Science is largely about timings of the universe such as seasonal diseases, Chinese astrology etc.

    Here is a webpage on Buddhist philosophy (Not religion)

    What needs to be said is contained mainly within just one or two lines.

    I think that as you grow with the OBE ability, you will see how Buddhist philosophy ties into it as it is largely about cause and effect(karma)and morality. http://www.amtbweb.org/tchem001.htm

  8. So on august 20th 2010 i graduated from job corps in the field of culinary arts. I am concidered a chef. I am curently looking for a cooking position at a retreat center. Anyone know of any retreat centers that have a position open in the united states for a chef? I have tried applying at the ratna ling center in california and they said i was not what they are looking for. It can be any religion as long as they are opento other religious beliefs, So anyone know of any jobs?






    Hiring is often seasonal whereas looking for hiring in seasonal locations may be your key.

    Summer locations, such as Hawaii etc., are now coming to an end - although winter locations, such as ski resourts, are in the process of beginning.


    The Shiping industry is also a hiring possibility for year round. Here is the workers union for The Shiping industry- http://www.seafarers.org/jobs/

  9. :P

    I look over at the clock and it said 11:11, which has been going on for most of my life that I remember. So I was like that figures, and went to sleep. But no matter how hard I try I can't have another OBE. First time dumb luck, or what? Anyone with any advise or knowledge. I would really appreciate it. By the way, I have had sleep paralysis, and waking up vibrating. Weeks and months before this experiment. So anyone, I would love any comments or ideas. I will be thankful... Melanie



    Very few people have a natural talent for OBE so I did some checking into you.

    I also have a natural talent for OBE and I wanted to see simularities.


    According to the Chinese Lunar Calendar, you are born almost on Buddha's Birthday. Buddha was born on the 21st Lunar day, your birthday is on L15 of May.


    I was born on the Lunar 21st of May.


    The first OBE, I remember, was when I was about 15 years old. I have had them since then when I was worried about something or needed to OBE for some reason.


    I have only consciously intended to have one a few times and it was after I had found a Yogi that taught me the methods.


    Lately I have been practicing the methods again as I see a need forming.


    If you like we can E-mail and I will teach you.

    The methods are from Yoga, they work - and they will give you insights into yourself and your life.


    Most probably we will not be able to meet as I have lived in China for some years and do not intend to leave. I am originaly from USA's Appalachian mountain area so there should not be a language problem. (If you can understand Hill-Billyease :P


    To find my E-mail just click on the picture to the Left of this post.


    A few Questions,

    Do you have a lot of these times when you wake up at numbers like 11:11 ?

    Can you tell yourself what time to wake up and do?

    Can you send a mental request to a friend that you would like to talk and they call you?

    Is there anyone in your family with the names: Lavelle, Moss, or Bonnie ?



    I've been reading a few of your previous posts and see that the worry warts are trying to cause you problems. There are some posters here that see their purpose as to disrupt and others that know just enough to be dangerous, that simply want to see their words in writing and to see if they can influence others.


    The above is one of the worst things that a person can do to someone beginning to studying OBE.


    Like I wrote above, I've been having these OBE's since I was about 15 - I am quite a bit older than you are now.


    My experiences with them have been Very normal as well as no danger -But you -Absolutely- Must learn to controll your imagination and to understand your dreams.


    Here is a website on a person that has many, many, many documented OBE's. (Something like 14,000) The documentations are stored in a library that is kept for future research..


    I've read a few of the books written on his life's work and used them as guides rather than to listen to the know nothings and disrupters.


    I suggest that you take a few minuites to read a little of his life's work. Pay particular attention to his method for reaching the OBE level given on this website: http://sleepingprophet.org/


    His organization is here:


  10. http://www.interferencetheory.com/index.html


    Working on an art project for my ladyfriend, I stumbled across this link. Many hours of reading and research later, I'm baffled but intrigued at the concepts involved, especially the implications it has when coupled with holographic theory.


    Any other bums poked around this site, or even read the book?


    Sound, Color and Chakras Video try it while meditating to see the effect.

  11. It seems like I have some sort of blockage in my neck, specifically like, at the base of my skull. Everytime I do exercise it feels like I can't do as much as I could because that area always feels tense, or like energy can't flow through it. I've been to a chiropractor and he hasn't been able to do anything. It feels like my tendons are not right, or are really tight around it. Not enough oxygen maybe flows through it and I'm always breathless and specifically in the upper extremes of my chest because of this. I am really tense in my shoulders as well and all the parts connecting to the area, ie from the base of my skull and back of it, down to my shoulders and upper chest and upper back.. so I always feel like I have to raise my arms and look up, because my flexibility is also really low there.


    Is it a thyroid problem? I do take a lot of iodine.. though iodine does seem to activate it too.


    In my previous post, I was replying to Chakra problems - but neck "blockage" leading to fatigue and breathlessness"... This is an entirely new critter.


    This is more of a bio-physical problem -possibly the onset of a circulatory problem.

    I would see a medical Dr. for this...

    2nd best would be to could make a call to a hospital's emergency room to ask them of it -and describe your symptoms.

  12. If you want to get better Non stop doing things like you're doing, that's number one.

    Interesting in that all that have responded seem to have some portion of understanding, and all are from different angles as is the bagua, whereas paul walter summmmmms them all up with post #8.


    Well here comes # 9. :P


    It's a trick I learned from Edgar Cayce: http://sleepingprophet.org/

    Edgar Cayce thought our mind was the most powerful tool imaginable - he used it to heal himself as well as many other...

    I would follow in his footsteps by using your mind to mentaly relax the area of problem as you focus some on the breath and breathe through the blockage as you relax the area with yourr mind.

  13. Sorry if this question has been asked before on the forum... I'm almost certain it has, but I searched for "third eye" and for "third" and it gave no results, so maybe the search is wack atm?


    On two occasions recently, when meditating, I've been struck by an intense tingling between my eyebrows. I wasn't focusing on that area before I felt it - I was just doing noting. Usually I can feel some tingling there if I point my finger at it, or focus on the area a bit, but this was a much more intense feeling. After a little time of feeling the sensation it also felt like my head was really stiff. My questions are:


    * Did this have something to do w/ the third eye? Something w/ the third eye "awakening"?

    * What does it mean to have your third eye awaken? What happens as a result? A link to more detailed posts about it would be great too since I'm sure there's something about it.. just not sure what info is good and what isn't.


    Beoman, one point is obvious - Change is happening to you in the region you describe.

    Why not ride it out to see what develops ? All that you need to do to reverse the process is to stop meditating.

  14. Hi fellow Bums i want to clarify something. As i have may have mentioned in my previous posts of me doing meditation unguided and screwing my reality up. i would like a step by step breakdown of what meditation is. and what the benefits are and what different types of meditation there are, what the main goal of meditation is. etc.. I want to start meditating again but im worried i may do it wrong again and go on a weirder path rather than a spiritual path. also one kung fu master of the crane and tiger shaoilin said that meditation is a waste of time because it deludes you rather than being in action. which was an interesting perception. so yes please give me an understanding of what it is and how to do it safely. i would like an in-depth explanation and also a summary so i can get the gist of it. any input would be appreciated thanks.


    Much love




    An article from Time Magazine on Meditation 8 webpages long.




    Mind you, this is not a major change, but it seems everyone is on edge, defensive, ready for "fight or flight". I even see it here, on TTB forum.

    I believe in the "group consciousness" model.

    At any rate, is it just me, or is anyone else noticing this? Any comments greatly appreciated.


    F~Art :ph34r:


    If you are seeing it in TTB - that rules out a pharmacalogical reason as we are from different places.

  16. I had been asked to elaborate on the Taoist medicine that I practice and teach. So I thought I would make the attempt.


    This is a rare form of therapy that is not well known. SO you are not going to find it in books; there is a reason for that.


    The therapy REQUIRES the therapist/doctor/healer to have already refined/developed their qi to where they are comfortable manipulating energy.


    This system was called simply "Taoism" by my teacher. I have added descriptive terms to clarify as much as possible what it really is, and call it Taoist Neuro-Energetic Chi Kung Bodywork.


    Instead of the classically described channels as utilized in what we know as TCM, this system utilizes the nerve synapse energy response. So a microcosmic (think directed "thin" stream of qi) qi projection is used direct into each nerve synapse that displays an out of balance response upon palpation. SO a large part of the initial training to learn this method requires a student to develop neuro-energetic palpation skills.


    Then a feedback and control loop is established with the signal going into the nerve synapse with the neurological response monitored as the feedback and the control signal modified dependent upon the information received from the feedback loop.


    So in essence the "treatment" and "diagnosis" are dynamically changing all the time during the session, based upon the feedback and control loop.


    I have utilized this method with close to 100% success rate with most any kind of pain syndrome and have had extreme results with helping people with any type of neuropathy including diabetic neuropathy.


    This method has consistently worked when methods such as needle acupuncture, chiropractic, etc. have failed.


    But it is NOT a "back treatment" method or a "pain therapy" but is really the essence of preventive medicine, designed to eliminate dis-ease before it manifests as a disease.


    A person could watch it done for a thousand years and not know how to do it. I could write a step-by-step formula on how to do the method and a person would not know how to do it from the written formula. In fact, a person cannot learn this method until they have practiced it and they can not practice it until they have learned it. Now I ask, is this not the "true" Tao?



    Disclaimer: Please do not try to perform this technique based upon this description. You can't.

    I do not diagnose or treat anything and work strictly as a therapist. The conditions described above were physician diagnosed.


    Ya Mu, in the sung dynasty Chinese medicine was destroyed. What is left is a basic excuse for using western med techniques with a bit, of timing, out of the Yellow Emperor's guide.

  17. Lü Dongbin's Yellow Millet Dream

    One night when Lü Yan was in Chang'an or Handan (邯鄲 Hándān), he dozed off as his yellow millet was cooking in a hotel. He dreamed that he took the imperial exam and excelled, and thus was awarded a prestigious office and soon promoted to the position of vice-minister (侍郎). He then married the daughter of a prosperous household and had a son and a daughter. He was promoted again to be the prime minister. However, his success and luck attracted jealousy of others, so he was accused of crimes that caused him to lose his office. His wife then betrayed him, his children were killed by bandits, and he lost all his wealth. As he was dying on the street in the dream, he woke up.


    Although in the dream, eighteen years had passed, the whole dream actually happened in the time it took his millet to cook. The characters from his dream were actually played by Zhongli Quan in order to make him realize that one should not put too much importance on transient glory and success. As a result, Lü went with Zhongli to discover and cultivate the Dao/Tao.

    This dream is known as "Dream of the Yellow Millet" (黃粱夢 Húang Líang Mèng) and is described in a writing compiled by Ma Zhiyuan (馬致遠 Mă Zhìyǔan) in Yuan Dynasty.



    Lǚ Dòngbīn is the most widely known of the group of deities known as the Eight Immortals and hence considered by some to be the de facto leader. (The formal leader is said to be Zhongli Quan or sometimes Iron-Crutch Li.)


  18. When first sitting for meditation my mouth has started curling into a smile all on its own, and sometimes a "good" feeling accompanies this, and my eyes even move into the correct position.


    As of yet I haven't added in the confidence or any other emotion other than happiness becuase I just can't make it or remember what it feels like.


    My question to the bums(any bum whom practices Secret Smile) is this: Why would you say that Secret Smile meditation causes tears and a turbulant emotional state as often as it helps?

    Is this part of the process of smiling away all the junk in my system? Sometimes my eyes tear up upon starting meditation and my fear or depression overcomes the practice.

    Can anyone perhaps also suggest an energetic and effective healing for assisting in healing my emotions?



    Your searching is the beginning of your healing process.


    One of my areas of education is in psychiatric nursing where I have worked with many others, in a hospital setting, that were much more worried with their condition than you are describing.

    Although it is presently painfull, mainly because you do not yet understand why the pain persists, you are slowly finding the way to healing -through your searching.

    Obviously though - you are not happy with the frequency that you, yourself, are able to find answers.


    The reason that the people I worked with were in a psychiatric hospital was that a professional, with much more education in the field than I, had recomended that they be in a hospital setting in order to protect themself from themself.


    I write the above to point to the level of a patient in a hospital setting's needs in comparison to yours. From your own words, it seems to me, to be that you are very capable of functioning in society with no prsently real danger to your self


    With that said, the assistance of a person with professional as well as personal knowledge, of your pain, would be the best place to be conducting your search. You will know that you have found the right person when they begin telling you of their own experiences and the methods they used to heal themself.


    I suggest that you begin with searching, in the phonebook - just ask the receptionist that answers the phone, for a person that has studied the work of Carl G. Jung as he was the pioneer that brought Taoist dream interpretation to the west through his analysis of the book: The Secret of the Golden Flower .

    Don't be worried if the first calls don't have answers for you - it wouldn't be a search if they did :blush:




    Excerpt from the above URL

    " In Carl Jung's autobiography (Memories, Dreams, Reflections, 373-377), he wrote a section about his friend Wilhelm and said, in relevant part, "In China he had the good fortune to meet a sage of the old school whom the revolution had driven out of the interior. This sage, Lau Nai Suan, introduced him to Chinese yoga philosophy and the psychology of the I Ching. To the collaboration of these two men we owe the edition of the I Ching with its excellent commentary." Presumably, the same is true of the yoga philosophy of The Secret of the Golden Flower. Although Wilhelm's original German edition first appeared in the autumn of 1929, just months before he died (according to the Preface by Baynes), Jung indicates in his Foreword to The Secret of the Golden Flower that Wilhelm had sent him the text earlier, and also indicates that it was on Jung's initiative that the book was published."


  19. I desperately need a safe and efficient flea remedy for kittens under 8 weeks of age and under 2 pounds of weight. Would you please look it up for me in the Akashic records? -- or maybe you just know off the top of your head? Would be greatly appreciated.


    Just sprinkle this in the bed.

    lime (calcium carbonate) IS flea powder.

    I've also used seven dust but don't know how good it is for catZ


    by the way - if you live close to the ocean, Lime or Calcium Carbonate is powderwd sea shells.

  20. I hadn't been to see this thread for a while. i just read it and i say "Huh" :huh:


    The leg pictures looked pretty but I suppose that was all there was to it. About the rest. I dunno, it sounded kind of weird and incongruent to me with the Ebay thing. Although I'm sure some people make lots of ca4h with it.


    However, I'm also very pleased to read Vajra busting out of his shell. Looking forward to even prettier pictures and personal philosophies (which BTW, most of them ARE).

    Leg pictures? I haven't seen any legs...

    Of course you would be pleased with our resident tibetian AKA: Vajra- busting out of his shell. - what shell ? - try the most iggied poster on this site.

  21. I am decidedly ignorant when it comes to Buddhism and I have a few fairly basic questions (I think) that I am hoping someone can answer for me. Not looking to open a debate about them or devolve into lengthy discussions about the texts or what Gautama said or what have you, mind you -- I only wish to pose a few straight-forward questions on specifics about which I am both uncertain & curious at the current time in hopes of getting some straight-forward answers in response, please.


    2. Is multi-verse theory a common element across the variations of Buddhism?
    3. Are buddhas all still able to interact with "us" after attaining true enlightenment?
    4. Are buddhas able to access all past-life memories?
    5. Do buddhas understand the workings of the cosmos?


    That's all (for now, at least, although I reserve the right to ask more questions at some future date! :) )


    Thanks in advance!




    Buddhists don't see the need to access their past life memories.


    Here is a website that you can explore and learn for yourself.




    Seeker, I'm a Buddhist and was born in the hills (Kings Mountain)

    I know your thinking as well as Buddhism.

    Buddhism is mainly about meditation.

    The Buddha's method was meditation.


    Largely the main differences between Buddhism and Christianity is that Buddhists don't pray to a god and understand that no one can forgive you for wrongdoings except yourself.

    If you watch Golfing news, you can see this in action right now with Tiger Woods.

    It is destroying his golf game as the guilt of his disloyalty to his wife and child, occupies his mind.

    Tiger Woods is a Buddhist.


    The Dahali Lama is Not a Buddhist - he puts politics ahead of Buddhism.

    He uses Buddhism as a tool, a false face, to help him engage in politics.



    In an attempt to answer your list:


    [*]Is multi-verse theory a common element across the variations of Buddhism?

    ---I think that if you look at the website, you will find that Buddhism does not use multi-verse as a tool as it seeks to relay information in as simple a form as possible. There may be the explaining of a situation in a series of sentences that say the same thing from different angles but it is not used as a standard.


    [*]Are buddhas all still able to interact with "us" after attaining true enlightenment?

    ---The enlightenment of Buddhism is, at it's most simple form, just a clearing of the mind of unnecessary thoughts. This works to make a meditative state called "Mindfullness" that allows our mind to access memories more easily and clears our mind to allow it to find its true creative potential.

    It is likened to a farmer clearing a field to allow room for new growth.


    [*]Are buddhas able to access all past-life memories?

    ---There is no need to access past life memories.


    [*]Do buddhas understand the workings of the cosmos?

    --- no, this is the work of scientists.

    Buddhas do understand the workings of our everyday life better than those that do not practice meditation.


    Here is a collection of the Buddhist way of thinking - click on the images for a larger, more readable image.





    For anyone reading this topic:

    I found a Free - E-Book on Buddhism contrasted with Confucianism by Thomas Cleary PHD.
