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Posts posted by ~jK~

  1. Interesting in the amount of defining whereas the one point of agreement is that the enlightenment cannot be understood except by experience.


    No apologies needed Dude. ;):)


    As far as the Buddha having spent many previous lifetimes in meditating:

    We do not remember our previous lifetimes for an obvious reason:

    Mental Evolution would not work if we remembered.

    There must be a clearing for new growth.

    We can only begin with the Now.


    Drugs and Alcohol are tools of the religions of WAR.

    Meditate and you can be all you can be within reality.

  2. I recently discovered this article by philosopher David Loy that beautifully describes how Advaita and Buddhism lead to the same path. I know the difference and inferiority of the one over the other is a topic of much debate here, so I present for all how multiple paths are actually ONE path:


    Enlightenment in Buddhism and Advaita


    I thought about Buddhism for awhile and eventually figured that if The Buddha found his enlightenment in meditation, then why not follow the same path rather than what was being written. Don't get me wrong though - I like the philosophy very much.


    I've been meditating now for well over 20 years, have had several mildly enlightening experiences and one that was a real ball buster that came with blindingdly bright light as well as a vision (of nature). When will the experiences end? Honestly, I hope they never do.

    The actual experience is not the key to it as it is largely a re-aligning of some of the perspectives that we were born with.


    The 3 jewels? Body, Breath & Meditation.

  3. Anyone who reads any of my recent years' posts on this forum know my style and opinion on this issue, so I wonder why someone raising such strange idea here...



    To me, what I repeat is just the traditional Zen's idea of how to initialize a Mind , which is crucial to arouse high-quality qi ,that many Taoists agree with or adopt. In fact, any concentration styled method / visualisation , although at inital stage , to some people , a little helpful , is far from the right way.


    Traditional ?

    Zen's idea of how to initialize a Mind ?

    any concentration styled method / visualisation is far from the right way ?

    many Taoists agree with or adopt?


    I see many baseless claims with no other backing except your wanting others to 'believe' in your authority whereas --- in reality there is quite a bit of documentation pointing to a practice contrary to your baseless claims as can be attested by my previous posts in this thread.


    By the way, from where I live, I can see the Lion Rock.

  4. What do you mean, JK?

    Scotty, there are different forms of reasoning - AKA: 'structuralist' and 'belief' systems.

    As well as a few others, The Chinese posters claiming to be from Hong Kong, in this thread, are using belief style which is designed to manipulate - the same as religious and political manipulators use.

    I am pointing to indicators. As with all things, time will tell truths.

  5. Concentration is like mental fire (can be damaging), and detachment or letting go is like mental water. Gotta mix it up, and get things steamy! :ninja:


    I'm thinking that there is about to be a dose of asian logic aimed more at creating chaos than order.


    What about this book on various meditation practices including conceptionalisation:

    Concentration and Meditation: A Manual of Mind Development


  6. Why emphasizing on concentration? It is detachment that should be emphasized. The arena of Tao is different what we do in daily life .Detached from all forms , all ways , all minds , including this mind thinking of detaching .... then the great Mind will come to you . With this great Mind , and with qi, Tao will be close by . Concentrating on or hair-splitting whatever minds can only lead you away from the right path ...


    It seems like to bark with labels of extremes: All, All, All, while few can point to the way.

    The first we learn in school is that infinitives such as All, Never, Always etc are impossible -so not true.


    I use the methods of India as well as those in the Taoist classics, such as The Secret of the Golden Flower, recently unearthed from the silk road at Dunhuang that are thousands of years old- can you improve with barking ?


  7. What I'd like to improve now, is my concentration. I noticed that it's really hard for me to keep 100% of concentration, and it's more evident when I meditate. Of course meditation itself is already a practice that improve concentration, and I've already had some good benefits in this field. Still, I'd like to reach a whole and deep concentration - that actually already happens, but not always.


    I know that it takes time, I'm not looking for a shortcut, just for good practice and interesting discussions :)


    You used the magic word: Practice


    There are 132 replies to this topic with the vast majority being nonsense but the beginning and a few inbetween will supply what you are looking for.




    The process takes 100 days on average.


    E-mail me if you have any questions - I mastered the Savasana about 30 yers ago and still practice it daily. It is the key to Raja Yoga.

  8. In Hong Kong, most people don't own land but live in high rises - so I teach people to make sprouts !

    In addition I have been teaching, my few friends that do own land, how to compost so as to have vitamins and minerals retained in their diet.

    Here's some information on it:


    The Why's


    "Sprouted Seeds: "Forgotten Food,"

    enhances immune system and rejuvenation


    Another positive is that Sprouts can be sprouted and eaten on the 2nd day.

  9. Hello


    Thunder mind school, dragon gate, some genuine Shaolin etc can send Qi out of their fingers or body like electricity.


    How do they do, how many schools do you know that can do that.


    any comments or questions, are welcome


    Bye, bye



    It seems a search for the beginnings of understanding & method.


    First think of magnetism and polarity and attraction/repulse - these are the elements involved.


    To experiment, use your own body & mind to create an electrical circuit between hands.

    You should be able to feel the energy flow - as heat or magnetic attraction.

    Make the stronger side to be positive flow, the weaker side to be a sink or a catch-all drain. One side pushes, other side pulls.

    As with all we do - the more practice - the more expertise.

  10. Some people can do Bigu (living w/out food and water) for surprising amounts of time, but there generally is limits. Many self proclaimed Bigu advocates have been caught sneaking food. In Chicago there was a chi gung teacher who'd announce at his demos he hadn't eaten food for years. If questioned closer you found out 'soup' was allowed :).


    Still there are people who fall into a natural Bigu, eating when they're hungry, but going days w/ full energy w/out eating. For them its effortless. They're simply listening to the body. Bigu isn't a goal but a natural byproduct of their cultivation.


    Note in the cases I know of (one teacher I correspond with) its usually a few days in a row kind of thing.




    With my yoga teacher from the BWT, a 10 day fast was done each year by slowly stoping all food - not water - and then returning to food with wheat germ and milk, in moderate amounts, for starters. After the 10 days were up there were very strong changes in physical appearance to the positive. The days were spent largely meditating and sleeping -always- with head to the north.

  11. Is it harmful for young men to engage in them? Anywhere from 5 to 15 years.

    I prefer younger, but legal, girls but I also teach them the way to get what they want in life. My older G/F's are now university grads with some experience in the professional arena that still come when I call but do not socialize with any of the others... The younger G/F's actually look for an older man when I leave them alone too long - so I don't.

    Contrast this with: The natives of N. America and Druids of Scotland/Europe using this as a standard with the older men being more devoted to family and coming with a bit more posessions, including experience as well as knowledge and stability, whereas the younger girls are prime real estate, mentaly and physicaly, for making a family.


    Overall I see it as the way of nature.

  12. I type this w/ dirty fingers. I've got two small garden patches, one is a 4 feet in diameter circle of bricks where I grow tomatoes, the other is a 16 foot x 1 foot raised garden bed, where I'll put in mesclun, carrots, broccoli sprouts etc.




    In Hong Kong, most people don't own land but live in high rises - so I teach people to make sprouts !

    In addition I have been teaching, my few friends that do own land, how to compost so as to have vitamins and minerals retained in their diet.

    Here's some information on it:


    The Why's


    "Sprouted Seeds: "Forgotten Food,"

    enhances immune system and rejuvenation


    By Sol Azulay


    Five thousand years ago Chinese nobles ate sprouted seeds for rejuvenation and healing. Today, research seems to be confirming that sprouts are the food of the future, as well as a food of the past.


    During WWII, when the United States was concerned about a possible meat shortage, the scientific community advised the government that the consumption of germinated seeds was the best and the cheapest alternative to proteins in meat. Today, the increasing tendency to avoid eating meat means that sprouts are taking a serious place in modern culinary approach.


    The value of sprouts is becoming more and more accepted among many in the scientific community today. Sprouts are found to be a complete protein. Untampered natural sprouts assist in the building of nerves, tissue, bones and blood.


    Dr. Ann Wigmore, founder of the Ann Wigmore Foundation in Torreon, New Mexico, has dedicated her life to confirming the healing properties of sprouts. For the past 30 years, the foundation and four related institutes have treated people for different disorders. Sprouts were found to contribute extensively to the immune system, and were shown to be excellent detoxificants."

    Article continues at:


    Here's some more information on it:


    Enzymes and Longevity



    To make a long story short, I grow bean sprouts year round (mainly mung beans), when the seeds have sprouted a root about 1/8 inch long, I put them in a blender with some cold distilled water and blend them into a juice, then strain the fines out of the mixture to make an extremely potent enzyme rich drink - that I drink about once or twice every week. For over 10 years I do not get sick unless I forget the sprout juice for over a month...

    By the way - enzymes are what he hospitals treat cancer with...


    The How's:


    Step one


    Bringing our body into natural chemical balance.


    Making an enzyme rich extract that helps to rebuild our body systems through replacing the enzyme bank of the Pancreas while supplying vitamins.


    Our society is an almost 100% cooked food society.

    Temperatures above 105 F' destroy enzymes

    For millions of years we have eaten food raw.

    Cooking foods destroys the enzymes.

    We must get them in our food.

    This is about a food extract.

    The # 1 rule in the process is no heat above 100'F (55' C)

    The # 2 rule is Be careful eating the beans like a salad as an unsprouted bean can break a tooth...


    The process:


    Using Mung Beans


    Making a juice extract by sprouting (1/4 to 1/2 of a cup) of the seeds so that they have a root emerging no more than 1/8 inch. It takes about 24 hours to sprout the seeds in the summer.


    The process:

    I cover them in tap water for about 4 hours & then pour the water away, let them dry for a few hours & cover them with tap water again and repeat the process untill they sprout a root emerging no more than 1/8 inch.


    Then put them in a blender with about 3 times as much cold distilled water as seeds.


    Blend them with the cold water so that the seeds become like a powder.


    Strain the blended seeds & water through a stainless steel wire type filtering seive that you can find at grocery stores & drink the juice while it is fresh.


    Throw away the grounds.


    To build up your enzyme bank in your pancreas, you will need to do this every 2 or 3 days for a month or 2. Then about once a week. Even if I begin feeling a little sick, if I drink the juice, the illness does not develop.


    I keep some of the semi sprouted beans in the refridgerator most of the time & snack on them - but the juice extract is what really works. Be careful eating the beans like a salad as an unsprouted bean can break a tooth...


    The juice also acts as a catalyst for the endocrine system to bring hormones into balance.

  13. I have noticed after doing my morning I AM meditation my mood is not so good, I feel a little agitated and withdrawn, this is really making me think this technique is not for me, in the past I did mainly breath meditations and never had bad moods following a meditation. Is this normal, is this a process I have to go through to reach a better state of mind???

    Something is wrong.

    I've been meditating daily over 20 years and never had anything like what you are describing - nor have I ever known anyone else to have these symptoms.