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Posts posted by ~jK~

  1. Has anyone read, "Joseph Chilton Pearce"?


    Click on the link above. His works include, "Cracking the Cosmic Egg", which revolutionized child psychology in the 70's.


    Take care!



    You are an interesting person. :)


    I've known about Mung beans for quite some time, but not in the way you have given me. Thanks!


    Welcome - it works,

    I have read the websites.

    At age 17 to 21, I had teachers from India.

    I don't try to escape samsara, I seek to control it.

    I need return to my birth mother it was she that taught me.

    My first memory of meditating was from age 4 - it was an inborn talent.

    Born in deep Appalachian mountains, my mother reached level of PhD in Education.

    My favourite book in the field of "Psych is "I'm Ok 're Ok". The graphic analytical technique.


    Bondage through desires is the only enemy.

  2. Some people haven't been that deep in meditation. I have no superstition of an eternal soul... I just understand and have seen directly how dependent origination works and how moments of consciousness transcend the physical body. Which has nothing to do with a permanent soul.


    Impermanence is permanent though.


    Get off your low horse.

    Yes, and you think physical death is the end...


    We'll you might just experience it as so because your belief is strongly wrapped around such ideas. So, you will most likely just forget as soon as your causation leads you to another life after this one.


    You have no idea what beings traverse the region around you at this moment, do you?


    You seem to be missing the important portion:

    The Hatching. - Next step in evolution?

    But - you are right - it is fun!

    As always - what is real-

    Is obvious.


    Why are so many looking into Taoist theory, Astral projection, book: "Childhoods End" by Author C. Clarke


    Even 600+ year old book "The Secret of The Golden Flower" is about leaving our body behind..


    It seems we as the human race have outgrown our planetary home AKA our Egg.

    Download Clarke, Arthur C. - Earthlight free ebook

    The universal constant: Matter and Energy can not be created or destroyed.

    Free Books !!! http://www.truly-free.org/#fC

    But both are interchangable as their vibratory state raises or lowers.


    Energy seeks enthropy.

    Mass seeks to evolve.

    Galatic Reincarnation

  3. You seem to be missing the important portion:

    The Hatching. - Next step in evolution?

    But - you are right - it is fun!

    As always - what is real-

    Is obvious.


    Why are so many looking into Taoist theory, Astral projection, book: "Childhoods End" by Author C. Clarke


    Even 600+ year old book "The Secret of The Golden Flower" is about leaving out body behind..


    It seems we as the human race have outgrown our planetary home AKA our Egg.

    Download Clarke, Arthur C. - Earthlight free ebook

    The universal constant: Matter and Energy can not be created or destroyed.

    Free Books !!! http://www.truly-free.org/#fC

    But both are interchangable as their vibratory state raises or lowers.


    Energy seeks enthropy.

    Mass seeks to evolve.

    Galatic Reincarnation?

  4. Vajrahridaya,


    You've been looking for the reasons to meditate - Suprise - it is not what you think.:

    First, even in the beginning it gives you an idea of what Karma does & sources

    Empty mind form of meditation is designed to erase karma.

    Remember the poem I posted?


    This is meditation: - : see if you can spot the karma portion.



    The 4th Mirror



    Close your eyes and what do you have?


    No tv, no outside, & no emotional mountains.


    Only what you know, reason, imagine & your true self.




    Guilt, fears, & uncertainties become Ghosts waiting defeat.


    Actions, past & future, self & others, fall into nature's microscope.


    The world becomes a large vacant room, wanting to be filled.




    Breath becomes a furnace for life-giving energy.


    Time becomes a crucible for finding purity.


    Awareness becomes a peak for a seat.




    Sight returns new and clear.


    Eyes looking inward,


    Seeing outward.




    Find Time's







  5. Vajrayana is more like Taoism than Chinese forms of Buddhism. Taoism is also secretive about their practices and only give practices to students who are ready to move on up.


    There was no real war before the Chinese invasion only talks. The Tibetans hadn't really been at war for over a 1000 years. Though there have always been skirmishes.


    Also, if you look at Shaivite Tantra, it's the same way... secretive... Because you have to have understanding as well as experiential readiness before you can take on certain practices... otherwise you will just not understand and yes... possibly go crazy.


    You have to learn how to swim in the shallow end before you swim in the deep end, and then you have to master that before you swim in the ocean... right?


    Otherwise you'll just drown. Just because you don't understand Vajrayana doesn't mean others do not. Don't limit us by your limitations.


    Vajrayana is Tantra. In China... your mostly learning Mahayana Buddhism, not Vajrayana. Mahayana is easier to just learn, as it's largely just sutra and meditation.


    Tantra is different, not to mention Dzogchen which will make you even crazier if your not ready for it.


    Get it or not... that doesn't matter, there will be plenty that do. Those that do are those that really understand Mahayana to a deeply experiential degree. Even some Theravadin Masters can read Dzogchen and go... oh yeah.. I get it! Because it's not different in essence from the Theravada, it's just explained from the perspective of the experience of what is taught in the different yana's. It's always coming from the perspective of the fruit of the practice, instead of the practice itself. We take up the goal of the practice as the practice.



    Have you ever heard of Zen Buddhism? Maybe not.

    Zen is the Japanese word misspelled as Chan for Chinese.

    You have seen my writing here- - -See my mind see me.

    I am familiar with Buddhist/Taoist teachings as well as practice.

    Some here have reached a level of understanding - but not many.

    Buddhism is based in Meditation, which is the basis for enlightenment.

    Definitions are for dictionaries. Understandings are inductive experiences.

    Essentially - If you learn to Meditate - all else will follow.

    Understanding is an inductive process.

    Meditate - all else will follow

    all else will follow




    A little poem I wrote some years ago on meditation:


    The 4th Mirror



    Close your eyes and what do you have?


    No tv, no outside, & no emotional mountains.


    Only what you know, reason, imagine & your true self.




    Guilt, fears, & uncertainties become Ghosts waiting defeat.


    Actions, past & future, self & others, fall into nature's microscope.


    The world becomes a large vacant room, wanting to be filled.




    Breath becomes a furnace for life-giving energy.


    Time becomes a crucible for finding purity.


    Awareness becomes a peak for a seat.




    Sight returns new and clear.


    Eyes looking inward,


    Seeing outward.




    Find Time's







  6. yes, you dont know much about Tibetan Buddhism, but that's ok. you can learn if you want.

    no, I don't think that's true. China has no religious freedom, when I was studying at Nanjing university my Buddhist professor told me there aren't even any real centers to practice Buddhism in Nanjing. Her scholarly knowledge of Buddhism is excellent but real teachers are hard to find in China so most only have a cursory awareness of Buddhism that is intellectual not experiential.


    your bias against Tibetan teachers is a real shame, it's obvious you have no real experience in that subject. I suggest you check out the book 'What Makes You Not a Buddhist' as its the most clear and essential presentation of Buddhism i've ever found, written by Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse.


    I also suggest you stay away from Master Nan, I know he is quite popular in China, but unfortunately doesn't know much about Tibetan Buddhism and holds a clear bias against the tradition.

    spoken like a true citizen of China. I lived in China for 6 months, and I think its a real shame how ignorant the Chinese people are to the global political reality that exists outside of the CPC's propoganda.


    I'm not trying to derail this thread into a Tibet political thing, but a couple of things should be noted to JK


    the Dalai Lama is considered a great Buddhist Master, if you've never heard his teaching or read his books, thats a real shame. he's also the political leader of a whole people who see him as a Bodhisattva of Compassion. He has no grudge against China, and does not seek Tibetan independence. He wants religious freedom for his people and would NEVER sell Tibet as a military base (are you mad for even suggesting that?)


    the fact that Tibetans are more comfortable now is of no matter. the issue is with how China invaded Tibet and killed millions of Tibetans, destroyed many temples, statues, and ancient relics. the issue is also with how Tibetans are treated today. The Dalai Lama is the spiritual and political leader of the Tibetan people, and China greatly fears his power so they kidnapped the Panchen Lama and will probably instill their own Communist approved Dalai Lama after the death of the 14th Dalai Lama. China cannot admit to their mistakes in 1949 and will not even talk to the Dalai Lama. there is so much propoganda and bullshit around the topic its so sad. I was in China and I spoke with Political professors and students at Nanjing University, the Harvard of China, and people very cordially told me that he is the devil and their facts were all from the Communist Party, all of which can be refuted easily if you know anything about what happened and whats happening now. Youtube was blocked when I was in China and I'm sure it still is, so people can't see Tibetan monks being beaten by Chinese soldiers.


    It's a very sad affair. but what happened in 1949 cannot be taken back, and the Dalai Lama and many Tibetan teachers say that whats done is done, and now Buddhism is spreading much more and this would not have happened. So the past is behind us, but China won't let it go. Too afraid to talk to the 'separatist devil' who only wants peace for his people. All the propaganda is sickening.


    JK, this is all off topic. if you would like to discuss this further you can start a new topic and I will participate there.


    I agree - it is off topic.

    What I wrote is a reply to the Tibetan videos posted.

    When you post propaganda - you got to expect a response.

    What happened in 1949 in Tibet simply ended a war that has been ongoing for a thousand years. Read History.


    I have studied Tibetan buddhism and still do read it at times but like I wrote before - it is too much BS to wade through. Even the videos posted say that it is a secret that can make the practioner crazy - Watch The Videos posted.


    No Buddhist temples in Nanjing??? This is becoming a bit of a response to a ... fabrication.

    I found 92,200 websites relation to nanjing buddhist - including a 1,000 year old temple in Nanjing.



    I've been in China for over 12 years and have travelled - by bus, train and plane throughout China's southern borders from Hong Kong to Vietnam & Burma & Nepal, eastern shores from Hong Kong to Beijing and quite a bit of territory in between.

    I speak & write the language as well as have 2 students that I worked with, one with a Masters in Chinese History, another with a BS in Asian languages.


    Watch or read China TV in English or Chinese : http://english.cctv.com/01/index.shtml


    Hong Kong Public TV - schedule only http://schedule.tvb.com/pearl/



  7. Examining the Chinese character for Tao, the meaning becomes more clear. Beginning on the left, is a foot & ankle for walking on the higher path which is the top portion that has a couple of ticks '' meaning the greater things that happen on the path. The central figure is an eye for sight. In China, seeing is understanding. This last sentence seems small but it was taken by The Royal Society of England in the 16th century and made into what is now called "the Scientific Method." Before that time what was seen as science was based on the belief system...


    The word Taoism implies the philosophy of Lau Tze but to be truthful, it has grown much greater.


    Lao Tze pointed to the 3 greats of the Tao as:


    1-Tao as all that is and its functions.


    2- Yin and Yang: the opposites which allow us to see the perspectives of change


    3- Leadership is that which allows us humans to rise above our frail selves to achieve true greatness.


    In China, the Tao is seen as a type of common knowledge based on family values and the I Ching which is known as the Ba Gua (Pronounced Bah Gua) or language of 8 as a method of examining an idea from 8 different perspectives and subdividing these 8 points into 6 further points. Of the I Ching books that I am familar with there are : The Taoist I Ching, The Buddhist I Ching, The Confucian I Ching, and the King Wen & Duke of Chow authored I Ching which is about governing the people.


    In Education it is "The Students rules" which is a 186 stanza of guidelines that each student must memorize by age 15. Many children have it commited to memory by age 8. It gives the students a clear perspective of what is expected of them as well as a behavior method for the good students / good children in relation to school and home.

    Here is a copy http://tsoidug.org/dizigui_trans_simp.php


    What makes The Tao so different?


    I would say that largely it is from being new as well as from 1/2 of the way around the world.

    Then comes into play the point that China has been developing for many, many more years than the west.

    And of course there is the emphasis on family. There is no need for social security if they have children . As well in their seeing that they will reincarnate through their children - so their actions toward their children create their future personal heaven or hell. Their children become their primary investment for their next life's happiness. Education is seen as a developmental process for the family that will last as long as the family lasts...


    So how can the Tao work with the rest of the world?

    The Tao has within its ability a key that can open the door to world peace.

    It has been happening for some time now. A realistic philosophy has begun to replace the ancient western belief systems with a way that can be experienced and will benefit all of society.

    What is this key?

    Carl G. Jung noted Buddhist philosophy as the mental health system of Asia. Based on education rather than belief systems. It is a point that almost all serious meditators arrive at eventualy - But I think that I've written enough - here is a web page that can do much better than I can.


  8. hmm... I find its rather obvious that any kind of group consciousness (be it 2, 3, 10 or 10000 humans, cells, atoms, planets, flowers, business companies, whatever) has a sense of self that evolves.

    I agree - all living things evolve.

    As well - it seems that the non-living things - devolve.

    Oddly though - it seems that humanity tends to do a cyclic philosophical evolution/devolution in opposing relation to the economy.

    1929 was an era for economic downturn but creative upturn for the arts.

    My grandfather saw it as being distracted by too much mass entertainment. - mainly TV, movies and the distractions that money could buy . .

  9. One field of the information contained with in The Secret of the Golden Flower that is rarely talked about is the point of Astral Projection.


    Below I have posted some of the URL's of the pictures - some are different but they convey the same message.


    The point in question is covered in the book through the pictures captioned as:


    Meditation stage 1: The circulation pattern of the breath AKA: the light is formed. The breath begins as you inhale and proceeds downward to your abdomen, then to your genitals, then up your spine through the 7 Chakras with the last being chakra # 6 & 7. Video:

    Pictures from GF:


    http://static.newworldencyclopedia.org/thu...00px-Stage1.gif ,


    Meditation stage 2: The embryo is formed (a new self that can seperate from the body) http://www.alchemylab.com/e1alch-s1.jpg


    Meditation stage 3: The new self seperates from the body but is still attached to the body - this points to being controlled by the body while developing different attributes http://www.alchemylab.com/b1alch-s1.jpg


    Meditation stage 4: Here I need to add a bit on the subject of Chinese culture: In China, The Number 4 is seen as death which, in this case, I see it as representing the final objective. The relation is this: the Number 4 is drawn like a body in a box or casket: . man is this: - in the box, the man is divided into body & soul seperated.

    The picture:



    At the present I am seeing this as an extension of the study of Kundlini yoga that uses the final stage of Kundalini through the passing of Chakra #7 to make an interface with the world.


    Any Comments either hypothetical or conjecture or experience related ?

    • Like 1

  10. Can anyone recommend a website or exercises that help one be able to sit in full lotus?

    The best advice on learning the Full Lotus is "don't" - at least not all at once. Ease into it slowly.

    A Zafu will help but they are expensive to buy - but easy to make.

    Here are a few pictures on using them and other cushons:



    I like them but I make my own by just using a few throw cushons...

    Also -I tink you will soon discover that a full lotus is not necesary.

    I meditate on park benches, laying in bed, walking, standing in line, riding the bus...


    I suggest to get this book to beginners as well as most others:

    The Five Tibetans


    It is easy to understand - 85 pages of large print and 10 pages of the 85 pages are pictures.

    The section on Kundalini yoga is best to learn the basics of meditation in chapters 2,3,4,5,6 and 9

  11. I've heard all this before and it's all very interesting, but Islam has math and Kabbalah too to prove their texts are real and true.


    It's all quite interesting though. From personal experience, the I-Ching seems to be one of the most magical books that I've ever come across. As a Buddhist, I still throw the I-Ching around to get some clarity on some hard hitting questions.


    It's quiet astounding!


    Learn the math in relation to what they say and you will not need to throw sticks & stones - you will know the answer even before you can go to find your yarrow sticks.

  12. There's a Buddhist I-Ching??

    Yes: http://www.amazon.com/Buddhist-Ching-Shamb...s/dp/1570626030

    It is written by a Confucian scholar that later became a Buddhist monk. Translated by Cleary.


    It gives the Confucian (yang) perspective as compared to the meditation (Yin) perspectives of the examination process of the I Ching - In Chinese - I Ching is called Ba Gua or The Language of 8


    The I Ching math was the foundation of the computer chip... 8, 32, 64 etc...

    It begins with Binary math: 2 X 2 = 4 X 2 = 8 X4 = 32 x 2 = 64 X2 = 128...

    It is in Scientific American - May of 1970.


    The I Ching is also a double helix - the same as a DNA molecule - http://www.karolynzeng.com/universalcode.html


    DNA: http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/handbook/illustrati...nastructure.jpg


    And the same shape as a directional antennae: http://www.digdice.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/helix2.jpg


    As well as The double helix nebula: http://www.universetoday.com/am/uploads/double_helix.jpg


    OF WHICH - if you add these together- it also points to Astrology influencing the DNA - AND to take another step - That if Life is Energy - it would be attracted by alike genetics - as in have a tendency to reincarnate.


    The Chinese live by this: We create our own future heaven and hell through how we care for our children.