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Everything posted by ~jK~

  1. Beginning I Ching

    In studying the I Ching the levels of communication of the ancient Chinese become increasingly apparent. First point that needs to be understood is that I Ching is a style of writing that was developed so as to examine a subject from 8 major perspectives with many minor variations. In Chinese they use the term 'Ba Gua' which literally means 'Language of 8' when refering to the I Ching or, as they like to call it: 'Yi Jing'. Yi is an ancient dialect meaning 'Changes of the Sun and Moon enghtenment: which is Chinese for the term: "Understanding". First book to get is 'The Pocket I Ching' http://www.amazon.com/Pocket-I-Ching-W-S-Boardman/dp/1850630003 An essential point of the book is to understand that it is describing Governing. It is a very simplified version of the King Wen,Duke of Chow classic I Ching known as the Richard Wilhelm Translation. Second book would be: The Buddhist I Ching (Shambhala Dragon Editions) [Paperback] Chih-Hsu Ou-I Translated by Thomas Cleary http://www.amazon.com/Buddhist-Ching-Shambhala-Dragon-Editions/dp/1570626030 There is not only one subject covered by the I Chng but to ate, I have found 4 subjects. Enough for now. When you are ready to ask questions, write me direct - just click on the Flower of Life and use the informatiion in my profile to E-mail me direct.
  2. Career choice...

    Hi Fat - don't worry - there will be a new military draft before long and you can go see the world for free! Just wait and see ! If you join now - you can go into the Navy where they have good food. - Later all Navy dudes get side swiped into the Marines where they teach you which parts of bugs is tasty
  3. Transmissions

    Hey - as long as you ain't got a Toyota - don't worry just drive it normal.
  4. Kundalini

    There is a Yin and a Yang to all. Kundalini, relying on movement, is Yang. Savasana, being pure meditation, is Yin. Cost of doing things assbackwards is only your Time AKA: Life. To see the truth in Kundalini movements, one first must master the Yin.
  5. Oleg, the 'I Ching' or in traditional Chinese: 'BaGua' is a system of writing books based on examining the subject from 8 diferent perspectives. It gives the author and the reader the ability to have a more orderly examination of the subject - an order that is mirrored throughout nature.
  6. Advaita and Buddhism are the Same After All

    Actually, in Buddhism, the philosophy is pointed at people taking responsibility for their actions AKA Karma repercusions.
  7. Advaita and Buddhism are the Same After All

    I take it that you cannot understand evolution? Try this: Evolution is proof of reincarnation. 5 words. Hydrogen peroxide cleans better than alcohol. Let me remember... alcohol is made by... oh yea! Alcohol is the feces of bacteria. Hydrogen peroxide is made by rain water falling through the air. AKA: Feng Shui.
  8. Advaita and Buddhism are the Same After All

    Interesting in the amount of defining whereas the one point of agreement is that the enlightenment cannot be understood except by experience. As far as the Buddha having spent many previous lifetimes in meditating: We do not remember our previous lifetimes for an obvious reason: Mental Evolution would not work if we remembered. There must be a clearing for new growth. We can only begin with the Now. Drugs and Alcohol are tools of the religions of WAR. Meditate and you can be all you can be within reality.
  9. Advaita and Buddhism are the Same After All

    I thought about Buddhism for awhile and eventually figured that if The Buddha found his enlightenment in meditation, then why not follow the same path rather than what was being written. Don't get me wrong though - I like the philosophy very much. I've been meditating now for well over 20 years, have had several mildly enlightening experiences and one that was a real ball buster that came with blindingdly bright light as well as a vision (of nature). When will the experiences end? Honestly, I hope they never do. The actual experience is not the key to it as it is largely a re-aligning of some of the perspectives that we were born with. The 3 jewels? Body, Breath & Meditation.
  10. How to improve concentration

    Truth needs no support as it can evidently stand alone. As such- when do you fly to heaven in a fiery charriot? I want to watch
  11. How to improve concentration

    Interesting... I must admit that this is geting beyond my wish to take a part as I come to the internet to learn -and as such- I search for truths rather than emotional value.
  12. How to improve concentration

    Traditional ? Zen's idea of how to initialize a Mind ? any concentration styled method / visualisation is far from the right way ? many Taoists agree with or adopt? I see many baseless claims with no other backing except your wanting others to 'believe' in your authority whereas --- in reality there is quite a bit of documentation pointing to a practice contrary to your baseless claims as can be attested by my previous posts in this thread. By the way, from where I live, I can see the Lion Rock.
  13. How to improve concentration

    Scotty, there are different forms of reasoning - AKA: 'structuralist' and 'belief' systems. As well as a few others, The Chinese posters claiming to be from Hong Kong, in this thread, are using belief style which is designed to manipulate - the same as religious and political manipulators use. I am pointing to indicators. As with all things, time will tell truths.
  14. How to improve concentration

    I'm thinking that there is about to be a dose of asian logic aimed more at creating chaos than order. What about this book on various meditation practices including conceptionalisation: Concentration and Meditation: A Manual of Mind Development http://www.amazon.com/Concentration-Meditation-Manual-Mind-Development/dp/1862042608
  15. How to improve concentration

    It seems like to bark with labels of extremes: All, All, All, while few can point to the way. The first we learn in school is that infinitives such as All, Never, Always etc are impossible -so not true. I use the methods of India as well as those in the Taoist classics, such as The Secret of the Golden Flower, recently unearthed from the silk road at Dunhuang that are thousands of years old- can you improve with barking ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mogao_Caves