King Kabalabhati

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Everything posted by King Kabalabhati

  1. Dealing with Feeling

    CowTao wrote: "Personally, i go even further than breathing. I make a conscious effort to breathe in the discomfort of the situation" This is golden. I have 3 children and they really know how to transfer their frustration/boredom/adness/anger/you name it.. Instead of trying to block or side-step their emotion energy I nowadays often go for a different approach. When my boy is screaming on the floor for not being instantly allowed what he wants, I go straight into his mood and become one with it. This means I also feel what he is screaming like it was my own voice. I might repeat what he is saying in my mind like a mantra. It may sound like more effort but it actually feels better afterwards than trying to just "cope" with the stress his outburst is causing. It seems it's possible to take in the energy and transform it with the heart. Another good option is to put on a pair of ear protectors.
  2. How to conserve sexual energy?

    Get balanced. This is the only way, and it has everything to do with everything. Focus on the sexual and you'll accentuate the sexual. Focus on nothing instead. Any problem you may have with sexuality is related to emotional imbalances. This can go very deep so your simple quest to preserve sexual energy might lead to something much more profound. you asked for advice didn't you?
  3. celibacy for 8 months...

    Loneliness is IME something one can use. To go deep into the pain it causes to be lonely and to allow it to break your heart open. After that it's all "aloneness" with no emotion attached to it. edit: Once you become a man of power there will probably be women wanting your company. Depending on your path you may want to spend time with them or you will simply direct them towards proper cultivation so they can also find they need nobody
  4. Law Wheel

    You're right. That makes me the fool.
  5. Is it too late for me?

    To eat more could help him or hurt him, if he is suffering from toxemia, which he probably is, he should go through a purification process like the ayurvedic panchakarma. After the initial purging and tonification of the digestive system he will actually have a chance to digest what he eats. Standing, walking and full lotus sitting will be beneficial once he has cleansed and put himself on the right path. If his weakness is due to a sickness of an organ then it's not good to invest energy into building muscle power yet, just exercise enough to keep up the spirits and circulation. Tonics will be great.. Ginseng, Ashwagandha, Brahmi, Calamus, Rehmannia, there's so many that are good for low energy and weakness. Ashwagandha and ginseng will help build Jing and nourish the tissues. Gokshura is a kidney strengthener. To be safe its probably good to get a prescription form a TCM or ayurvedic doctor. A spiritual life will help.
  6. Law Wheel

    You just did FOOL big universal loooove everyone
  7. Is it too late for me?

    I have to agree. No one here knows what kind of purification he will have to go through before any healing and tonifying can take place.
  8. Hello from Finland

    Tervetuloa maanmiehet! Welcome countrymen!
  9. Chi into Shen

    Yes people take it very personally and oftentimes indeed get hurt if you confront their culture. It's so near to our "self", like fat to the muscle, that we often cannot distuingish between the two. Well, to be able to do that we need to "realise" (both get the initial spark and then dedicate to working it) that the self is in fact empty, an ever changing flow.. And that can be a very threatening realisation.
  10. Chi into Shen

    Well, for myself I prefer people to be honest with me even if it's a bitter truth. Im not saying they have to be RIGHT just SINCERE Hmmm... whatever you do, whether you "go along " with people or you "take a nick" out of people, you have to trust your judgment.
  11. Chi into Shen

    Paul Walter wrote: "You as an empath will have some issues to face that could be rather hidden under all the 'niceness', it's difficult to 'see' this sometimes when we are giving a lot (energeticaly and otherwise) to others all the time. " Yeah this sounds familiar.. Many of us appreciate "nice" over "sincere" so much we start over-doing it and, well, pretending. One can learn/teach much more by being honest and up front, and it allows things to be processed instead of buried. Sometimes you have to hurt people with honesty simply because they have it coming anyway.
  12. Physical effects of standing meditation

    Full lotus sitting has improved my standing. It feels more powerful to stand with the hips open. I like both postures.
  13. qigong styles

    Why? Any decent Qigong is quick and powerful. Of course, it's all relative.
  14. 11:11

    Funny when I look at this thread it's 8:19
  15. Microcosmic Orbit is the foundation for both sexual Kung Fu and kidney rejuvenation.
  16. Advice in 20 characters or less

    it may take some time.. you will learn patience
  17. Astrology and Chi-Gung

    I'm nowadays waking up 4.30 to do Qigong from 5 to 6 am. This feels very good and I see no going back to my old erratic ways.
  18. Energy exchanges in daily life

    It's funny how quickly the appeal of sexual power -and special energetic experiences in general- has diminished for me over the last half a year or so. At first the new idea of "different" sexuality with energy orgasms and the like seemed very empowering and endlessly interesting, now I feel it's just another phenomenon among all others, nothing to get too excited about.. I do notice how personal power attracts women and makes them more interested in sex and energy exchange. Apart from a few "experimentations" I haven't abused that much to this day, which I feel good about.
  19. What is the GOAL of your cultivation?

    Health, receptiveness, sensitivity, flexibility, insight, healing powers, silence, funny things happening spontaniously.
  20. Request For Advice

    Spring Forest Qigong can be learned from DVD/books. It's a great way to start if you haven't yet met a teacher. I don't have a teacher anywhere near me so I wanted the simplest and safest possible Qigong system to practice on my own. It's been very smooth, effective and inspiring.
  21. Full lotus

    Since I started doing MCO in full lotus every morning (30 min) all excess sexual urges and loneliness have dissipated. Not to say I'm not sexual, but I now realise how far from healthy I've been. This morning there was an exceptionally clear sensation of cool juice rising up, as well as the lower back opening.
  22. mo pai

    For a Daoist there is always room for Mo' Pie.. But do listen to the teacher, especially when dealing with high voltage.
  23. Zang Fu

    Well the positive emotions are something very effortless.. Nothing much to work on there
  24. Becoming Multi-Orgasmic

    Last night I was too tired to be interested in any type of sex but this morning the wife told me she had an orgasm neverthless, with no physical stimulation. This is convenient, as she didn't have to bother me for it
  25. How To Heal A Cold With Tao? Or Zen?

    Colds and flus can be necessary to get rid of mucus and toxins, and thus the best preventive against colds is to avoid accumulating mucus and toxins. That way even if you do get a cold it's not likely to bother you much. Sugar and milk are mucus forming, as well as anything poorly digested.