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Everything posted by zzR

  1. Encounters with the Nagual

    Torres, Armando - Three Books --- 2002 - Encounters With The Nagual https://great-grandma.com/aquakeys/toltec/node/60 Username: toltec Password: toltec ... 2010 - Secret of the Feathered Snake (Plumed Serpent) https://great-grandma.com/aquakeys/toltec/node/547 Username: toltec Password: toltec ... 2019 - Universal Spider-web https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1wKFv0dWFEN_6ETDDYuJHBkaZOqs3damp ### End: 2020.12.22
  2. Re:"You cannot change your signature until you have 1 more approved posts" Please approve this new topic so I can change my Signature which as I recall links to two other topic pages on this site with now-archived technical info relating to this forum. Thanks. - LOve chris
  3. Please approve this Post.

    Oh. Yeah. Daniel, my brother, and my only begotten child. Yeah. He is 20 and taller than me. Back then though I would say to him, constantly, "I love you. Trust yourself. I don't give a damn what anyone else says. You trust yourself first; even before me." Yeah. The boy wisely avoids me-- who he thinks has a completely void-able view of life. Seriously, though. I raised him freer than I'll ever likely be. - Love Chris
  4. Please approve this Post.

    Dear Marbles-in-head: I do not understand what it is you are asking, my friend. - Chris ~ I who have lost my marbles.
  5. Please approve this Post.

    Never-mind. I am now able to edit my Siggy. - Chris
  6. Encounters with the Nagual

    Note: new Toltec Total Freedom home.. http://aquakeys.com/toltec New "Encounters..." page.. http://www.aquakeys.com/toltec/encounters-with-the-nagual-by-armando-torres
  7. Updated 2011.12.07. Create your own "Signature" and it will automatically display at the bottom of all of your posts in these "thetaobums.com" forums. === - RIGHT-Click on your "User-Name" in the very top right-hand corner on This Page Or Any Forum Page. - Select "Open Link In New Tab". (or "Open Link In New Window".) in the drop-down menu that appears. That will open your "Viewing Profile" page in a separate 'tab' (or window), and will leave this page with these instructions easily available to you in a separate tab (or window). === The "Viewing Profile" page: - Click the button marked "Edit My Profile". .. on the far-right and near the top of the page; but under the page-top-header, and just below the Google ads is a button marked "Edit My Profile". Click "Edit My Profile". === "Your Options" page: You are likely already at the proper 'tab' "Profile" by default. If not, click the 'tab' labeled "Profile" if it is Not already high-lighted which is one of three tabs "Settings", "Forums", and "Profile" at the far-left near the top. === Click the left navigation menu choice "Change Signature" under-neath where "Change Profile Information" is now highlighted. That will open the "Your current Signature" page. ================================== If you want to add URL links to your signature, use the "Insert Link" button that is just above your text input field window and is the first button to the right of the 'smiley' button-image. Edit your signature until your heart is contented, and then click the button "Save Changes". ========================= Note: The first few posts which follow below here no longer apply because they relate to an earlier version of this post based on the old Forum set-up that is no longer used. ========================== ###
  8. Desert Eagle: Just to reiterate, the %20 does represent a blank-space, but this or any other code starting with the % character is only seen in a website address ( http://... ); and that %xx code is substituting for other characters-- as in the example that %20 is substituted for the blank-space since blank-spaces are not allowed per-se in a web address. Web addresses must be a continuous string of characters unbroken by spaces or carriage returns (line-breaks) Code like (remove the spaces between characters below...) & n b s p ; ...or... & # 1 6 0 ; is HTML code used within the 'body' of a webpage. The first example above is a name-reference, and the second is a decimal-reference. They both refer to a single character and are simply two ways of defining the same character. That character, in this case, it is a non-breaking-blank-space. A non-breaking-space is a special blank-spaces in that a non-breaking-space is intended to prevent the two words on either side of it from being broken apart at the end of a line-- or in other words they will not be automatically 'wrapped'/ separated in the middle of the two words if they run out of room together at the end of a line. In any case, I appreciate your posting the image; particularly since you have now inspired me to do what I would have liked to years ago-- namely gather the full list of 65536 decimal number character references for my reference. I could not find a list, so I made my own list of 65,536 items and posted it at my website at ... HTML Character Entities Decimal-Number Encoding Reference Lists HTML character decimal references http://www.great-grandma.com/website-building-information/html-character-entities-decimal-number-encoding-reference-lists My favorites are (remove the spaces between characters below...) & # 9 9 9 2 ; ✈ and & # 9 9 9 6 ; ✌ Check it out. - Chris
  9. Encounters with the Nagual

    [Correction Of Previously Posted WebPage Link Errors] The temporary home for "Toltec Total Freedom Books": including "Encounters...". Now with website "Search" engine. ===
  10. Encounters with the Nagual

    The YouTube video above is THE ART OF NAVIGATION - Travels with Carlos Castaneda and Beyond - Book Trailer and is narrated by Felix Wolf. Felix is one of the former acquaintances of Carlos Castaneda and is one of the several individuals who were in the Tensegrity classes while CC was still alive and who were featured in the video "Enigma of a Sorcerer" Please note that although the following link is to the "Enigma.." video, and although the video plays in my FireFox browser when I simply click the following link, that might only be because I have FireFox's Options set to a cache of 1024 MB versus the default of 55 MB; and so you will most likely find it beneficial to download the *.avi video linked below before you attempt to try to play it instead of your simply clicking the link below. Please follow the instructions below to download the file. === Downloading A File Onto Your Computer. When a webpage 'link' is a link to a file instead of a link to a new page, .. Using the mouse, 'RIGHT-Click' the file name link, and NOT the normal left-click mouse button. Then choose the drop-down menu item similar to the expression 'Save Link As' (FireFox browser), or 'Save Target As' (Internet Explorer). === Enigma Of A Sorcerer - Video (The file size is approximately 746 MegaBytes [MB])
  11. Dear Webmaster: As this topic I started is in danger of falling off the front page of "Forum and Tech Support", and hoping as I can only do that this information has been and will be of value to your readership.. ..this is another shameless educational bump. Let me know if I am irritating you, and it won't happen again as I intend to bump it again next time I am around, if needed, and if I live that long. << Likely. Love Chris.
  12. Encounters with the Nagual

    Manitou: You have elegantly stated that which I fully agree with. Thank you. - Chris ===
  13. Encounters with the Nagual

    Note: Temporary home for "Encounters.." - Now with website "Search" engine.
  14. Updated 2010.06.24. Add your own "Avatar" and it will automatically display at the top-left of all your posts in these "thetaobums.com" forums. === On This Page Or Any Forum Page, .. - RIGHT-Click on your "User-Name" in the very top right-hand corner. Then In the drop-down menu that appears from your browser, .. - Select "Open Link In New Tab". (or "Open Link In New Window".) That will open the "Viewing Profile" page, and that will leave these instructions easily available to you in a separate tab or window. === The "Viewing Profile" page. Look all the way to the far-right and near the top of the page but under the page-top-header, and just below the Google ads for a button marked "Edit My Profile". - Click the button marked "Edit My Profile". === The "Your Options" page. At the far-left near the top, find the heading that reads "Your Options" with three tabs under it labeled "Settings", "Forums", and "Profile". - Click the 'tab' labeled "Profile" if it is Not already high-lighted. === The "Your Options" page: and with Tab: "Profile". Under the heading "Your Options" and also under the three tabs labeled "Settings", "Forums", and "Profile", .. See the left navigation menu "Change Profile Information". Of the five left navigation menu choices, .. - Click the left navigation menu choice "Change Avatar". That will open the "Your Avatar Settings" page. === Note: The "Change Photo" left navigation menu link is for the image displayed on your profile page and is Not for changing the avatar image that displays at the top and to the left of all of your posts. === The "Your Avatar Settings" page. Under the right side heading "Your image avatars", .. - Click the "Browse" button to be able to navigate around your computer system to find the image you want to use. That opens an additional window labeled "File Upload". === The "File Upload" window. Use the buttons in the "File Upload" window to navigate to the folder on your computer containing the image you want to use. Either.. 1. Double-Click the image-file-name; .. Or.. 2. Click the image-file-name once, and click the button "Open". This takes you back to the "Your Avatar Settings" page. === The "Your Avatar Settings" page. You may want to experiment with the "Width" and "Height" settings by entering numbers, or leave these boxes blank. - Click the button "Save Changes". ###
  15. I am very curious about the image at ..


    Is this a painting by you, or just something you ran across?

    I love it.


  16. Your Avatar image is presently based on an image that has a size of Width = 640 pixels & Height = 480 pixels, and is 51,887 bytes. I can Not get a copy of your original image to upload from my computer for use as an avatar although it is less than the requirement posted that it be no larger than 90 Kila-Bytes. Since that original image had a pixel size greatly exceeding the posted recommended size of 125 (w) x 125 (h), I assume then that large pixel counts prevent image uploading from a computer even when the size is less than 90kB. Therefore I am guessing that you originally added your avatar by using a URL online image link. In any case, your base image of size 640x480 is being reduced to 125x125 automatically but proportionately. If you enter "125" into the "Width" box, and enter "94" into the "Height" box, you image will display in the same proportions as your original. 640/480 = 125/94 - Chris
  17. cool vids

    DE: I saw in my eMail days and days ago a notice or two regarding you at this forum. Although I have not yet opened those eMails, I will .. but they reminded me that I wanted to find the "Bruce Lee" documentary I knew I had somewhere. I have finally gotten it uploaded into my website folder with the hope that you might find it worth viewing as I did. The folder is at .. http://www.aquakeys.com/ggm-p_h/vid/edu/sport RIGHT-Click a file-name, and in the drop-down menu, Select "Save Link As" (Mozilla - FireFox); or "Save Target As" (MicroSoft - Internet Explorer.) - Chris
  18. This is another "Shameless Educational" bump intended to benefit new users. Peace. Out. - chris
  19. ...but I will figure it out.
  20. Shameless Educational Bump. Chris.
  21. Desert Eagle: I see I inadvertently confused you. The %20 is the way a space is represented in a URL when that URL uses a file whose name contains a space in that file's name. This is the case with.. http://www.meditationexpert.com/Articles/Learning%20Annex.ppt I bet the file will be found at its server with the name 'Learning Annex.ppt' (without quotes) with a space in its name. Additionally, if the file at the server is in a folder whose name contained a space, the URL would substitute a %20 for the space in the folder name too. I hope that is clear now as I did not originally phrase that well enough. If not, ask again. - Chris Rodgers
  22. I'm here... Capital, right?

    Capital: Now that I see no paper or bricks are involved, your name 'is' capital.. the greatest! May your desire to fathom the unknown bring all you sought and all you hope.
  23. Shameless Educational Informational Bump. If you find yourself frowning at my bumping, please respond as such : o ( . : o )
  24. Required Posting

    I am delighted at the requirement that I create a new topic before I can post anywhere else-- as I specifically desire to post the following information in the thread "Encounters with the Nagual" This is the first time I have seen a requirement like this in any forum. Most comical. Highly entertaining. Thank you for the pleasure you have brought me. I am happy to say that I feel more free than I ever expected to be in this lifetime, and if I get time I will write my own book to hopefully help others entitled something like, "How To Raise A Peerless Son With Next To No effort". I attribute all of that directly to my having read and re-read Taisha Abelar, Florinda Donner, Armando Torres, and some other popular writer named, um, something like Carlitos Cant-stand-ya-- or something like that. You might say that I stumbled upon their books at http://www.aquakeys.com/toltec/index.html, but if you were to say that, it would be less than accurate. The UserName and Password are both: aquakeys I wish you all the very best. and I intend for us all the very best, and changing the modality of the time is my final and only intent. Peace. Salaam. Christopher J F R.
  25. Required Posting

    Updated 2009.08.17 Desert Eagle: Good job. [The notes that were here are now at.. Bookmarklet "Darken" Revised To White Font; And Brighter Links. ..] -Chris