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Everything posted by johndoe2012

  1. Transforming emotions

  2. I was a renunciate in a past life, this life is more about enjoyment, kids, women etc.
  3. For very few the recognition lasts, so we have to use other tools. Edit: Noticed some selfish traits come up, did a part of a Dzogchen practice and it disappeared. Just empty clarity left. So grateful for ChNN. A real master ♥️
  4. You can also check out the Resonant Breathing app or guided meditation
  5. So you need to do standing to cultivate Yang?
  6. I think you can do both. Clearing old surface karma is simple (just use divine healing tools or light) but deep seated karma cannot be cleared in a few seconds. A change of life circumstances, doing good deeds, focus on virtue is the way. Also I found receiving Buddhist empowerments cleared some heaviness out as doing Tantric practices as well. I think a good measurement tool is finding out what you feel towards others: do you wish them well or harm?
  7. You can force things but it will actually set you back because you have to repair the damage. A lesson in taking it slow.
  8. Study Chen style Tai Chi, free tutorial on YouTube Dharma events gruop on Telegram for Buddhist events, some are free Damo Mitchell MCO course or SFQ small universe Flying Phoenix meditations, this alone can take a long time 😀 Self inquiry, look at Gary Weber, happiness beyond thought or Awakening to Reality Hatha yoga or Yantra yoga (Tibetan) Maybe read Taiji Bums practice advice Or Internal Alchemy for Everyone book Etc etc
  9. I know this is a pointing out but why denounce demons, when it is just as stupid to denounce psychopaths/sociopaths like Ted Bundy? Non-physical entities do exist or do not exist?
  10. I like how it is described in Peter Brown's work Reality is already your experience but is not perceived correctly thus needing work to perceive it as it really is. I feel that page also transmits a knowledge/transmission to get that correction a cross.
  11. Desire is the spice of life!

    Zen and Mahayana are not effortless, quite the opposite. There is no effortless path in Buddhism.
  12. Life is suffering.

    'Suffering is optional' is a good inquiry to sit with 😊
  13. Life is suffering.

    From So suffering (dukkha) is caused by craving. End of craving is end of suffering. End of craving is done by following the Buddhist teachings. Basically it is knowing your own mind by mindfulness and seeing the craving in action.
  14. Authentic golden body

    To get a glimpse, try imagining having no head, Douglas Harding style. Or do the "gone" meditation by Shinzen Young. Many short glimpses, many times until the karmic mind is exhausted.
  15. How exactly does females drain our Jing

    How to attract females, a method I have used to great success. First is to really feel the Divine is supporting you in your life. This makes you less desperate and more grounded. Basically non-needy. Meditate on this every day. Think women are abundant in numbers. Meditate on this every day. Then make space for her in your life. Clean your house as if she enters tomorrow and make things in order so it is not messy. Be a man, be proud of yourself. Unlock the male energy in you, don't be afraid to take charge. Wear the nice clothes you have for impressing her and the perfume you know turns them on. Meditate on bringing in a compatible partner into your life every day. Talk to her as if she is already there. One day you will actually feel her presence and know when she arrives but there will of course be a element of surprise. This will make you a magnet for the woman of your dreams. Keep doing the meditations every day until you succeed.
  16. Emotional wuji posture

    Somehow I got relaxed and chest filled with love after reading this. Thanks a lot mate.
  17. Desire is the spice of life!

    Sometimes going after desire and putting a lot of effort into achieving the object you want vaccinates you against desire in the future. I know a lot of effort is against the design of the nervous system in the body, it is basically impossible to keep up the level all the time, fallback is relaxation and thus lack of desire.
  18. Internal alchemy for everyone

    I think a good marker is how relaxed are you? At least according to Namkhai Norbu. It also means suffering has decreased to almost nil or nil. Then investigation of who one is key.
  19. Internal alchemy for everyone

    There's a new book discussing the practice of Internal Alchemy. Anyone got this?
  20. On the Sociological Nature of Cults

    The advice to find a teacher is due to the failure of Daoist practices that focus heavily on Nei dan and dantian stuff. Self inquiry doesn't require a teacher just lots of work on your own. I can list hundreds of things you could do without a teacher.
  21. How to release pent up male sexual energy?

    If sex with a woman is not an option try to do something creative with the energy. Paint, do poetry, make music. I wrote a poem for my girlfriend and it felt really good. All the pent up energy that couldn't be expressed because we are apart went into the poem and my heart felt again at peace.
  22. Zuowang Introduction audio

    I found this zuowang introduction audio interesting Namely its view or non-view and its non-origin
  23. Awareness is not enough

    That's because you are talking about being conscious of rather than knowing your true condition. Not the same.
  24. Which of these systems is good to start?

    Found Max here