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Everything posted by lifeforce

  1. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

    Excellent channel on YouTube.
  2. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

    Talk about synchronicity ! This is a form of Buddhist cultivation which has intrigued me for years and something which recently started to be appearing in my life. I did some research and have found that if you keep away from the sectarianism in Nichiren Buddhism and practice independently of any organisation, it is very much a great path for people to pursue. I have a gohonzon which I printed from the internet. The Lotus Sutra should be your first point of inquiry. It's very much a life-affirming form of Buddhism as opposed to say Pure Land practices, which tend to focus on the 'next life'. In fact, lots of religious beliefs and practices seem to put far too much stock into the afterlife and the concept of guilt, fear, shame and disengagement from actual living in the world. There are many excellent free resources on the internet There is a PDF online entitled "The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin" which is very good.
  3. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

    Hare Krishna has absolutely zero connection.
  4. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

    If you wish to free yourself from the sufferings of birth and death you have endured since time without beginning and to attain without fail unsurpassed enlightenment in this lifetime, you must perceive the mystic truth that is originally inherent in all living beings. This truth is Myoho-renge-kyo. Chanting Myoho-renge-kyo will therefore enable you to grasp the mystic truth innate in all life. - Nichiren
  5. I think you need to speak to a mental health professional at the earliest opportunity. This forum probably isn't going to be the best place for you right now. Meditation and mantras could amplify any emotions.
  6. Does music deplete qi/jing?

    I totally agree. Music has been a great spiritual healer for me over the years. My tastes are quite eclectic and I'm constantly discovering new music which in the past has passed me by. My two loves in the world are spiritual cultivation and listening to quality music.
  7. Qi/Energy Practice Over Years

    Wonderfully put. Thank you.
  8. Qi/Energy Practice Over Years

    Because I don't see it as a static practice. It started off very mechanical and was slow going. Over time, I started to link the movement, breath and mind into a changing, fluid form which initiated healing, strength, flexibility and elasticity of body, mind and spirit. It has changed me in ways I never thought possible when I started. Once ingrained into muscle memory, it became automatic. It wasn't me doing the practice, the practice was doing me. This, I believe, is possible for anyone, whatever practice it is they do, provided they practice diligently, day after day, over a long period. Take a method, do it consistently and it becomes part of who you are.
  9. Qi/Energy Practice Over Years

    I'm going to have to disagree with this point. I have a practice that I've done daily for 17 years now. Over the years this practice has given me such wonderful health benefits. I still enjoy doing it. It makes me feel so good. It has grown with me and it is a part of my life. I couldn't imagine NOT doing it. Even though I've tried other methods, I've never strayed from it. There is a saying: "Repetition is the mother of all skills", which, through years of dedicated practice I have to agree with.
  10. Deleted

  11. Thanks ZYD ! Really appreciate you writing this. I must read these threads. Can't believe I've overlooked all of it. I've always appreciated Confucianism, but from a comfortable distance. Maybe the time is right to immerse myself. Best wishes.
  12. I didn't really 'get' The Analects, or Mencius the last time I tried to read them. Not so The Doctrine of the Mean or The Great Learning whose poetic wisdom soaked into me. Xunzi, I also strangely found to my liking. Maybe I'll go back with fresh eyes and try them again.
  13. I've this one also by Tu Wei Ming. Probably not as a first read on Confucian thought.
  14. LHBF somewhat deceased thread

    Yiquan's shili practice looks very similar to the movement in LHBF form. I believe there's crossover material there. So many of the internals compliment each other.
  15. Glad you're enjoying the lectures. He's got hundreds. Some of his stuff on astronomy is a bit strange but on the whole his information is solid. His Bible knowledge is superb. It really is an occult book of meditation.
  16. LHBF somewhat deceased thread

    I plan on being around, and healthy, a lot longer than 62 also. I still have a theory that issuing ridiculous amounts of fajin may have something to do with these masters dying early. Chen is a really good choice, it may turn out to be the best thing for you. For me, I might just stick with my xingyi and yiquan. It's what I know best and has served me well enough so far. Best wishes and good luck with your practices.
  17. LHBF somewhat deceased thread

    Seeing as this art has allegedly been around a lot longer than taiji, I think they actually DO know. Have you heard of anyone who has 'harmed' themselves by practicing LHBF? 1. Wang Xiangzhai, the creator of Yiquan, made a public statement regarding Wu Yihui, the modern reformer of Liuhebafa, in 1928 saying, "I have traveled across the country in research, engaging over a thousand people in martial combat, there have been only 3 people I could not defeat, namely Hunan's Xie Tiefu, Fujian's Fang Yizhuang and Shanghai's Wu Yihui." 2. During the the 9th century, the Daoist sage, Chen Xi Yi (Chen Tuan) of the Hua Shan mountains, who was reknown for his methods of cultivating health and longevity, developed a set of movements known as Liu He Ba Fa, the “six harmonies and eight methods” of mind and intention. Recognized as one of the most prestigious and excellent forms of internal art, the moves of Liu He Ba Fa are designed to stimulate and massage the internal organs, while exercising the spine. This form consists of 66 movements, which are often noted for their graceful, spiral turning. These movements are an 'intensifier' of the turning and stretching effects that are already evident through the practice of Daoist Internal Arts. Movement originating from the spine forms the essence of Liu He Ba Fa, and this art is most beneficial to students who have already developed some degree of spinal articulation through practice in other Daoist Arts. 3. The newly acquired Hua Shan Mountains became the training grounds for many of Chen Tuan's practices. It was here that he developed Liu He Ba Fa, otherwise known as “Six Harmonies Eight Methods.” It is said that Chen Tuan's earlier fascination with water deeply influenced the movement and power used in Liu He Ba Fa. The essence of this style is to demonstrate how energy becomes matter which will eventually return back to its original state of energy. There's plenty of positive feedback around if you do some digging. Like I mentioned earlier, my 17 years xingyi experience and a little yiquan would probably stand me in good stead pursuing this. Just because you have chosen to do Chen, doesn't mean that other arts have faults, however hard you look to find them. Each has it's own merits. We all have our own path and I'm glad that you started this topic as it's given me a lot to mull over.
  18. LHBF somewhat deceased thread

    A conversation I had many years back with someone who practiced LHBF may shed some light on the energetic aspect. He said that when practicing the form, or any of the associated neigong, your focus was on feeling as if water was resisting you. Hence the nickname "water-boxing" From this there is a definite crossover with yiquan, in particular the practice of of shili which I have some experience with.
  19. Should an IS Traitor be Allowed to Return to the UK?

    I'm surprised our government took this decision. Especially as the zionist cultural marxists have such an influence on ALL decisions made virtually everywhere. These terrorists and their defenders and supporters are dangerous, and should be treated as such. Zero tolerance policy.
  20. Liu I-Ming 18th century Taoist Adept

    What's with all the secrets ? I've always thought of this forum to be a great place for sharing information useful to seekers of the Way. I guess some people just want to feel special. Food for the ego.
  21. LHBF somewhat deceased thread

    Wang Ji Wu lineage xingyi. Longevity of it's practitioners is the main reason I train.
  22. LHBF somewhat deceased thread
  23. LHBF somewhat deceased thread

    There may be more factors involved in his shortened life. However, I've noticed a few high profile internal master's who don't live long. I've suspected it may be related to the release of fajin on a regular basis. I can't be entirely sure though. I'll have to do some more research on it. My goal, if you could call it that, is longevity. I want to grow old gracefully, in the best health I can. I see the internal arts as crucial to this goal. Of course, diet, mental well being and genetics play a big part. In the xingyi lineage I practice in, folks were living until 100 years of age, 90's were very common. Plus they didn't deterioate much as they aged. I'm talking good eyesight and hearing, flexibility and strength, virus resistance up until their last days. Dying peacefully when their time is up. Some things that are emphasized in their training is NOT hitting bags, pads. Fajin is non-existent. All movements, striking, forms, standing are internalised to the maximum in a process which is constantly ongoing. Softness and relaxation. Far too many videos I see in xingyi look like karate. That's why I like the look of LHBF. It takes the internalisation to beyond what I've ever seen, maybe yiquan is similar in this respect.
  24. What a crazy theory. There is just as much dark, nihilistic music around. As a reaction to all the fluffy, lovey stuff sometimes. The idea that we all have to be full of love, caring, empathy etc is a fallacy. Utopia doesn't, and can not ever exist.