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Everything posted by Marblehead

  1. Is Tao a Living Organism? (Please, Discuss)

    Hi Ralis, I would prefer something pertaining to Taoist philosophy. Would that be fair? I'm not sure - Do you consider yourself a Buddhist? If so then perhaps we could compare the two belief systems based on one of the chapters of the Tao Te Ching? I don't want to ignore other belief systems but I find much more value in discussing what they have in common as opposed to how they contrast. If you like I could start a new thread with a chapter from TTC or you could pick one to discuss. Let me know. Be well!
  2. Is Tao a Living Organism? (Please, Discuss)

    Hi Vajrahridaya, Just wanted to let you know that I have read your post. I will comment to this though: So, attachment and aversion is part of being one with the Tao? Aversion, in many cases yes. Attachment, no. But wait! There's more! We need to know when to stop. In all honesty, I have found peace and contentment in my life. There is no reason for me to search any longer. It is time for me to walk the talk. I will be posting Taoist writings in various threads and will always remain open for discussion of those posts. Be well!
  3. What the Self Is (and Is Not)

    Hi Folks, I am going to mellow out in this thread. I have made a post in the "Who is the Lord/God..." thread regarding Taoism. I will do most of my posting in this thread for a while. Be well!
  4. Yes, although my knowledge in this area is very minimal, from things I have heard I would have to agree with you. Hey, afterall, there was a lot of interaction betweer the Indians and Arabs. Cultures influence each other in many ways. Be well!
  5. What the Self Is (and Is Not)

    Gee. You should become one. You could earn lots of money. This is one of the more intelligent comments you have made in the past twenty-four hours. My compliments. WoW! Another wonderfully intelligent statement. That's great! Seriously. We should always remain open-minded and flexible. Bend with the winds so we don't get blown over. There are some translations of the TCC where the translator, for whatever the reason, used the word "weak" abundantly. (Christian background?) The proper word for what they were describing is "flexible". There is a world of difference between the two words and a ton of negative connotations attached to the word "weak". Be well!
  6. What the Self Is (and Is Not)

    And I don't accept your interpretation regarding dreaming. Therefore I disagreed with you. The entire concept of 'whole body breathing' came from that one sentence above. No, I said Dark Matter with Mystery. Every scientist who accepts the current understanding regarding the amount of the three components of the universe agrees with me. I have only used labels that, I am sure, none of them use. But to be totally honest, it really doesn't matter if anyone agrees with me or not. I believe in my reality and that's all that matters. Nothing else matters. Well, I am happy so I guess I have broken their rules. Oh well. And thier chemicals can bounce around all they like as long as they don't come close to me because I don't want to be contaminated. I do not accept the string theory hypothesis (yes, it is still only a hypothesis - it is not a theory yet because there is no possible way to test it). Quantum physics is poppy-cock. They take things apart and throw away the pieces until there is nothing left and then say "See! The universe doesn't exist." What rubbish! Ah! But it is you with all the questions. I have no questions. I have found what I was looking for. "... shit covering your windshield..." How vulgar! Now you are telling me that you are the all-seeing prophet of the world? You know what is in my mind and you know that I am wrong? You know nothing of me except the words I have typed on this keyboard. Yep. While on my initial search I read some Buddhist text and said to myself, "There is so much wrong here." so I emptied my mind of it. That is why I am so ignorant of Buddhist philosophy. I have been in the unknown more times than you could ever imagine. The only answers I have are the ones that work for me. I share my understanding with others and if they benefit its good, if no one benefits that's good too.
  7. Yes, I saw that post last night but I was being otherwise entertained so I did not question it. Just for clarification from my perspective - There is no Islamic culture or religion in by belief system. Of course Islam did not exist when the texts that I use as guides were written. Be well!
  8. Is Tao a Living Organism? (Please, Discuss)

    Hi Xabir2005, Nice post. I have some issues though. (How wooda' thunk?) There is no reason for the manifest other than that manifestation can't help but manifest when the conditions are there. Rain can't help but fall when the dark clouds have gathered. I agree with this as well as with all the supporting comments you made. This does not mean that I am the tree or the mountain, but rather, the mountain have the same taste as yourself. This doesn't work in my brain. But neither are you an entity within your head looking out. I do agree with this. ... reality has always been non-dual. I don't agree with this though. I know, my Taoist friends. It is said that only after man identified beauty as beauty was duality created. But even without man, in the Manifest duality exists. There is up and down, there is north and south and nearly all other animals understand the difference between the two. However, your use of the word 'reality' may cause me to state my response differently. ... does not mean you no longer distinguish between conventions, ... That was cute and I'm going to let you get away with it. Hehehe. I don't like the quote and don't accept the concept as being valid. When you experience non-dual, it is very very clear how reality is just like this. You will have no doubts about this. You don't have to imagine yourself as anything. There is just That. It is a tacit realization... without the 'self', there is just Obviousness and Aliveness throughout! That's nice. I don't accept it but it is nice none-the-less. So you see. I am stuck in this body. Some people consider it a problem because it is said that if we had no body there wouldn't be anything to worry us. But I have this body. Or maybe this body has me. I have no idea if I will still have realization after I die because I have never died yet. So I will just enjoy this wonderful manifest existence that I have and try to have as many pleasurable experiences as I can have and try to avoid all hardships and pain. But I will make this promise to everyone here - after I die and I still have realization and if there is a way, I will come back and tell y'all what it's like to be dead. Be well! Okay. Time for this old man to go to bed. To be continued ...
  9. The Power Of The Mind

    I barely recall the event. There was an American news organization that actually aired a video of this event and they got in a whole lot of trouble from dozens of different humanitarian organizations and later apologized for airing it. Be well!
  10. Is Tao a Living Organism? (Please, Discuss)

    You still riding that old horse? You need to put her down. She is, oh, so tired. What? I had to read that again. "... the human experience that is popularly accepted as human." How else is the human experience supposed to be experienced if not as a human? As a platypus? Be well!
  11. What the Self Is (and Is Not)

    I cannot speak to what you have said as I do not have knowledge in that area. I can share this with you though: The True Man of ancient times slept without dreaming and woke without care; he ate without savoring and his breath came from deep inside. The True Man breathes with his heels; the mass of men breathe with their throats. Crushed and bound down, they gasp out their words as though they were retching. Deep in their passions and desires, they are shallow in the workings of Heaven. Chuang Tzu, Burton Watson translation. Only the last item regarding 'life force'. I made that up and it works for me. The rest has been scientifically established although not using the concepts I have stated. I don't meditate with intent. I meditate only to empty my mind. Be well!
  12. What the Self Is (and Is Not)

    Hi Again, Actually, the commonly accepted proportions of the universe at this point in time are: Dark Energy - 74% Dark Matter - 22 % Observable Matter - 4% In Taoist philosophy Observable Matter equals the Manifest; Dark Matter equals Mystery; Dark Energy equals Chi. Empty space exists only outside the bounds of this manifest universe. But if there are multiple universes even that statement is probable incorrect. Yes, it is a given that the more we learn the more we realize how little we know. Taoism addressed this by suggesting that we should know when to stop. Of course theories keep changing. That is why they are still theories. When our understanding stops changing we make laws or declare facts. That is poppy-cock and has been discredited many times over. But people still believe what they want to believe regardless of the facts. BTW That is not called science. It is either pseudo-science or science fiction. Joint experienced subconscious projectioning. I just had to say that. What a beautiful concept. But Taoism teaches me that I am to observe, understand the processes, then live my life as close as possible so that I do not attempt to do things that are undoable. I have NEVER suggested that my understanding is the only way. I have NEVER suggested that I am even correct. All I have suggested is that what I have said is my understanding at this point in time. Two minutes from now I may change my mind. Oh? So you are now suggesting that psychologists don't understand what they are doing? How brazen of you. What do psychologists have to do with whether or not I am capable of thinking outside the box? What box? So you would agree that it is good that I have the senses I have and a cat has the senses it has? Why do you keep telling me I am limiting myself? Because I don't say Yes, Yes, Yes to everything you say? Maybe I just don't agree with what you have said. There is no absolute truth Vajrahridaya. I agree with your first sentence. But then you go and put limits on me again. Leave my freaking limits alone. They are mine. You play with your own limits. Okay? I am absolutely sure of nothing. I reserve the right to change my mind without prior notice. I take nothing we say in these types of discussions personally. Oh, I will never deny that delusion is part of my reality. But it is such a beautiful reality so I will never give it up. More poppy-cock. Every scientific investigation of prior life claims has been discredited. Not one has ever held up to investigation. If you have one please present it. Wow! There you go telling me you know more about me than I know of myself. You are quite the wonder child!!! I have no conditioned knowledge. I threw that stuff away a long time ago. And the only conditions on my perception are the physical limits imposed by nature. Please don't show me that stuff. I read enough fairy tales when I was a little kid and I read Greek mythology when I was a teenager. I have nothing hard-lined in my brain. I am disagreeing with you because you are presenting Buddhism as the only true way. It's not, you know. Neither is Taoism. But I will argue in favor of Taoism because I am a Taoist and you will argue in favor of Buddhism because you are a Buddhist. The fact that we disagree doesn't make either of us right or wrong. When it is all over and done we may have to just agree to disagree and move on but I see you are almost as hard-headed as I am so this might go on for eons. I will intentionally sometimes say things solely for the purpose of putting you on the defensive. I never have to take the defensive position unless I want to for discussions sake because I have nothing to prove to anyone. I didn't go to the site. I will take your word on that. Please don't waste your time finding links for me to read. I probably wouldn't read them anyhow unless it truely was a good scientific research or investigation. I probably wouldn't believe something that so and so said unless there were proof given to support what was said. Other peoples opinions are just that. I too have my opinions. That's my man! Hang in there with me. I thought I saw a neutrino once but I was just delusional. And I have been wrong before too. About twenty-three years ago I thought I had made a mistake but I was wrong - I hadn't. Be well!
  13. What the Self Is (and Is Not)

    Hi SereneBlue, I am rarely conscious of any dreaming when I sleep. I think that this is a good sign. It is said that: The Pure Man sleeps without dreams and wakes without worries. Be well!
  14. Should a Taoist Forum focus primarily on Taoism?

    Nice post Zhuo Ming-Dao, with valid points of consideration. Be well!
  15. The Power Of The Mind

    Thanks but I'll just stick with smoking legal (but unhealthy) tobacco. Be well!
  16. What the Self Is (and Is Not)

    Hi Dwai, Well, I warned y'all early on that I am a Nietzschian Taoist. No one is capable of proving that something does not exist. The closest one can come is to say that there has never been a verified occurance. I have no intention of trying to prove you wrong. My only intention is to disagree with you whenever you say something that is contrary to Taoist philosophy as I understand it. (And who knows how wrong I might be?) I have never accepted the concept of universal consciousness and I have no intention to start now. You may claim anything you wish but if there is no proof of your claim then all you are doing is pissing in the wind. Nope. I strongly believe that Chi is the energy of the universe. Yin and Yang are its polarities. I also believe that we each have our own personal Chi (energy) and that universal Chi effects the polarity of our personal Chi and our personal Chi effects universal Chi as it passes through us. I also hold to the concept of what I call "life force" which is a component of our personal Chi while we are biologically alive. I do meditate but I have never realized a me that is separate from me. Your suggestion of an independant Self is no different from the Christian concept of a soul being taken out of limbo and being planted in a body when it is born. Who said I cultivate Chi? I never said I do that. I have never said I cultivate anything except my flowers in my front yard. So you have become the Master of Chi cultivation for the purpose of attaining Tao? WoW! I am truely impressed! We never limit Tao through anything we do. To describe Tao only show how misguided one is. I do get to agree with you though. Yes. Tao exists. (And so do you and so do I.) So are you suggesting that I shut up and meditate? Or should I cultivate? Maybe I'll masturbate. I guess it's good I'm not a Yoga either. WHAT????? NO ONE can defy the laws of nature. But then, if one does not understand the laws of nature they may become delusional and "think" they are defying nature. Well darn. I can't honestly disagree with this. (But don't take that as being a weakness on my part. That would be being delusional.) Be well!
  17. Does Social Engineering Exist?

    Absolutely it exists. That is why there are so many herd animals within the human species. Be well!
  18. Hello

    Hi Alla, Welcome! May you enjoy your time here. After you read some of the threads you will realize that most of us don't know that much either so you will be just fine. Be well!

    Hi Vajrahridaya, This is going to be a two-part reply. The first part will speak to reality and the second part will speak to whatever you call it. That is a nice clip. It's interesting, I used to dance like that lady doing her movements naturally. I would just feel the energy of the music and move with it in a kind of dance that was aquatic, strong and somewhat like martial arts movements. I still like to dance like that, feeling the breathing going through my body and moving around like that, with full body movements and what could be strikes. Though, I can't say that it just came to me, as I did train in martial arts for 6 years from 1st through 6th grade. I will not talk about that stuff, but I moved in way's that I hadn't learned from a teacher in this lifetime. I would just move like that naturally with the music in long kind of fluid body gestures, spinning and arching and striking and doubling back and moving smoothly around... very interesting to see that these movements are very similar to Chinese martial arts trainings. I used to be a pretty good dancer. Especially dancing to Doowop music with someone I cared a bit about. And I agree that dancing and martial arts have many things in common. Broke my hip a few years ago and no longer have the smoothness needed for either dancing or the arts. Again... my memories of my past lives find validity in things that I naturally do in this life. What's interesting is that those that remember are generally those that have been human for many lifetimes and those that don't remember are either just not remembering, or at times have not been human enough times in a row to remember. HAHA!! Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. Hehehe. I just knew in my heart that you would let my comment slip by. I would say that I was hitler in a previous life but he didn't die until after I was born so that won't work. I think that if I actually had a problem, which I don't, my problem would be that I have not had enough lives. I sometimes mess with people and tell them I am considering becoming a Buddhist. They ask my why and I say, "Because I want to reincarnate when I die. I love life so much I want to do it over and over and over again." Be well!
  20. Free Download of my book: Thoughts on Fire by Leon Basin

    Hi Leon, Just wanted to let you know that I downloaded it. (The .txt version is really crappy but the .pdf is beautiful.) I promise I will look at it soon. Thanks for sharing. Be well.
  21. What the Self Is (and Is Not)

    Oh, come on. Schizophrenics do that naturally. Who's science are you referring to? That stuff on the History and Discovery channels? I have never seen one drop of proof that ghosts exist. Real science laughs at such suggestions. To think that there are other realities is a trait of schizophrenics. I am reassured by my senses, thank you. Your last sentence is an abortion of the truth. Actually, more at a miscarriage. The vibrations are so close together so that it presents itself as a solid and that's all that matters. Ah! Your first sentence is a truth!!! Note my repudiation above to your second sentence. You are wrong in sentence three. A cats senses are such that they allow a cat to function efficiently in physical reality. I have no need for a cat's senses as I have no need to catch a mouse and eat it. Indeed, all species evolve so that they can function most efficiently in the physical world. Evolution did the human species a naughty by evolving a function capable of imagining things that do not and cannot exist. Well, I guess I appear to be delusional to you. But then, that doesn't really matter. I never suggested that science is the new absolute truth. But I'll tell you what. I will put more faith in my own observation and analysis than I would ever put into the idea of the existence of ghosts. So if the Buddhists have such immaculate powerswhile in this state of omniscience why is it that none have ever presented any solid information that would help the world be a better place. All I hear is that they suggest that we pretend that it doesn't really exist so don't worry about it. Please! Please! Show me a mind that is still functioning after the brain has been removed from the body. The mind CANNOT transcend the brain! That is a fact! There is no mind without a brain. So what was your point about man making machines that can detect things that a human's senses are incapable of detecting? You are not going to tell me now that you are capable of seeing neutrinos while you are in deep meditation, are you? Be well!

    Nice clip. the Master's one-inch punch was almost as good as Bruce's was. Be well OH! BTW The real reason I came to the thread was to once more say, "Taoism is NOT a false Way."
  23. The Significance of Taoist Virtue

    Nice read. I have seen translations where the translator has used "V" when speaking to the virtue of Tao and "v" when speaking to the virtue of man. The article above speaks primarily to Virtue - the "Te" part of the Tao Te Ching. I have seen translations of 'Tao Te Ching' to read "The Way And Its Power" but I think that it would be more descriptive to say "The Way And Its Virtue". Thanks for sharing that. Be well!