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Everything posted by Marblehead

  1. Abortion...

    Without voicing my opinion I would like to only point out that infanticide has existed in China from at least as far back as wtitten history and is still practiced today. This is primarily with female infants. Be well!
  2. Should a Taoist Forum focus primarily on Taoism?

    I haven't forgotten. Almost finished getting a working copy on my computer so I can access it properly. Be well!
  3. What the Self Is (and Is Not)

    Yeah, "I think ..." has been used so often I think it is public domain now. Yes, I know that there are many people who believe they have had OBEs and there are many who believe that the mind continues to exist after the body dies and I am at odds with all of them. Okay. I just got a phone call so I have to get dressed and live away from the computer for a while. Be well!
  4. Abortion...

    Hi October, I will feed this from my Taoist perspective. But first, I must state that I do not believe a fetus is a child until the cord has been cut and it is breathing. Therefore regarding a fetus I view it as an egg, not a chicken. However. I do not directly support abortion but I am a strong pro-choice supporter. Okay. That said, I feel I have free will to do anything I wish to do to may own body. Afterall, it is mine and mine alone. Therefore, I must afford this same free will to every other living person who has consciousness. So, for me to tell a woman that she cannot have abortion and donate the fetus to medical science is not a right I or anyone else has. If an abortion is going to be had there might as well be some use made of the fetus as opposed to just throwing it in a trash can. Taoist philosophy does not speak to the issue so all I can do is base my beliefs on what the philosophy does speak to. Be well!
  5. the tao bums map

    I stuck my pin in the map. Jacksonville, FL Be well!
  6. Where are you from

    Yeah. I think having the three questions was good. I was born in Ohio but left to join the Army when I was seventeen years old. Did my time then settled in Florida where I still live and where I will probably die. About the languages: I learned some conversational Italian when I was stationed there (so I could get some female companionship mostly) and later found that my Italian worked very well when I vacationed in Mexico. (Yeah, I made some of them laugh by some of the things I said but that too was good.) Be well!
  7. Honey, I killed the bees

    Yeah. That was a big bunch of bees. Be well!
  8. The Ultimate TaoBum?

    Your word "spirals" brought thoughts to my mind that I have placed a little attention on recently. We know that Taoist philosophy talks much of the concept of cycles (circles), reversion, and recurrance. But I think that "spirals" is an important concept because not only is it include the above but it also includes the concept of evolution, expansion, more fulness, etc. Be well!
  9. Who Is the Lord/God in the Tao Te Ching?

    Hehehe. Please don't label me. It is so hard to live up to others' expectations. Be well!
  10. Should a Taoist Forum focus primarily on Taoism?

    Oh my goodness. It has been so long since I have read it. Allow me a little time and I will get back on this, Okay? Be well!
  11. Dealing with Your Demons

    Hi Sloppy Zhang, When I was in that state someone suggested that I read "When Things Fall Apart" by Pema Chodron. I was a great help to me. Be well!
  12. Assalam

    We are good. Not to worry. Be well! I know this is going to sound strange at the first reading but if you continue with your search into Taoist philosophy (Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu) you will find that what it behind it all is a guide (yes, a guide only) for every important aspect of living in the 'real world' to the best of your capabilities and capacities. Be well!
  13. Where are you from

    US for all three. Be well!
  14. What the Self Is (and Is Not)

    The meanings are there, it is just that they are very, very subtle and I think that this is because most producers/directors think that Westerners are ready for it yet just like they thought that we weren't ready to have an oriental hero when Bruce Lee was in his prime. "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" was a good start though. Be well!
  15. Should a Taoist Forum focus primarily on Taoism?

    I would like to suggest to the subject of dealing with personal conflict Sun-tzu's "Art Of War" is an excellent guide. And it is my understanding that his teachings are completely within the realm of Taoist philosophy. Be well!
  16. Who Is the Lord/God in the Tao Te Ching?

    Nice post Li TaoRen. Be well!
  17. Role of Virtue

    Is that called drawing the line in the sand? I agree though. We all have our own personal goals and aspirations. But I think that at the roots of each one of us is the wish (I didn't want to use the word desire) for inner peace and contentment. I also believe that when our Tao virtue becomes instinctual rather than a conscious effort we will have found inner peace and contentment. As to the cultivation of Tao virtue, this is an individual process. Each of us are at different points along our path toward awareness. Therefore, I think that if we look at Chapter 38 of the Tao Te Ching in reverse order we can identify where we are at present (if we are truely honest with ourself) and we can see how much more work we have to do. Be well!
  18. Science and Nonduality

    Nice. Thanks for sharing. Be well!
  19. Wow! Glad I found you...

    Hi Masalaflower, Welcome! May you enjoy your time here. Be well!
  20. What the Self Is (and Is Not)

    Good to see we still haven't lost our competitive spirit in this thread yet. Be well!
  21. My answer: That VIRTUE is the fundamental building block and primary goal of all spiritual endeavours. What can I say? Be well!
  22. Role of Virtue

    Hi Findley, Here is Henricks' translation of that: 1. The highest virtue is not virtuous; therefore it truly has virtue. 2. The lowest virtue never loses sight of its virtue; therefore it has no true virtue. 3. The highest virtue takes no action, yet it has no reason for acting this way; 4. The highest humanity takes action, yet it has no reason for acting this way; 5. The highest righteousness takes action, and it has its reason for acting this way; 6. The highest propriety takes action, and when no one responds to it, then it angrily rolls up its sleeves and forces people to comply. 7. Therefore, when the Way is lost, only then do we have virtue; 8. When virtue is lost, only then do we have humanity; 9. When humanity is lost, only then do we have righteousness; 10. And when righteousness is lost, only then do we have propriety. 11. As for propriety, it's but the thin edge of loyalty and sincerity, and the beginning of disorder. 12. And foreknowledge is but the flower of the Way, and the beginning of stupidity. Be well!
  23. The First of Many

    Hi Duncan, Welcome! May you enjoy your time here. Reading your intro I think you have found a new home. Best wishes. Be well!
  24. Taoism and the status of women

    Nice post Pietro. Be well!
  25. Whats Up With All the Tasering?

    Yes. This is a hotly debated subject. I really cannot take either side of the debate because I agree with both sides in certain areas of each's arguements. I really like that the police have an option other than pulling their .38 and blowing people away. Be well!