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Everything posted by Marblehead

  1. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "He who has health, has hope; and he who has hope, has everything." - Arabian proverb
  2. What are you listening to?

    Now playing:
  3. Modern London A City Of Death!

    Well, if guns don't kill people and knives don't kill people, who is doing the killing? It is people killing people. that's obvious, I would think. So the questions shouldn't be: How can we take away the guns of private citizens or How can we take away the knives of private citizens Nor should it be blamed on the reduction of law enforcement agents. The question should be: Why are people killing each other? Drug related crime is a given. I think unemployment is a given as well. The leaders of societies need start looking at the causes instead of only the effects. But maybe that's asking too much.
  4. Why should the son obey the father?

    Yeah, blind obedience. One of my problems with Confucianism as well.
  5. Who's got the qi?

    Hi Thanny. Welcome. You will find a lot of info regarding your interests. Join the discussions when you can.
  6. You wouldn't want to hear me sing.
  7. Fantasy in the Chuang tzu

    I have defined Chuang Tzu as a mystic. I suppose fantasy is part of mysticism. I don't know of any clearly defined way of discriminating between his fiction and non-fiction. But then, for me, it's all about the concepts anyway. Grasp the concepts and forget the words.
  8. Mair 20:2

    When Yiliao of Southmarket met the Marquis of Lu, the latter had a worried look. "Why do you have such a worried look?" asked Master Southmarket. "I have studied the Way of the former kings and have cultivated the inheritance of the former rulers of Lu," said the Marquis of Lu. "I respect the ghosts of the departed and honor men of worth. All this I attend to personally and without being idle for a moment, yet I cannot avoid calamity. That is why I am worried." "Your techniques for ridding yourself of calamity are shallow," said Master Southmarket. "The thick-furred fox and the elegantly spotted leopard inhabit the mountain forest and lurk in cliffside caves - such is their stillness. At night they move around but during the day they stay at home - such is their caution. Though hungry and thirsty, they keep aloof, preferring instead to range far afield along lakes and rivers in search of food - such is their determination. Yet they cannot avoid the calamity of nets and snares. Where lies the blame? It's their pelts that bring them disaster. Now, is not the state of Lu your lordship's pelt? I would have you strip away your form and peel off your pelt, cleanse your mind and remove your desires, and go wandering in no-man's-land. In Namviet {{South (nam) of the state of YÅ­eh (viet). This being unfamiliar territory to the Chinese during Chuang Tzu's time, its use here is to indicate a place that is remote.}} there is a fief called Country of Established Integrity. Its people are ignorant and simple, with little selfishness and few desires. They know how to make things but do not hoard them. They give but do not expect recompense. They know nothing about the application of righteousness and the operation of ceremony. Though they move about randomly as if they were mad, their footsteps follow the great method. Their births are celebrated with joy; their deaths are observed with funerals. I would have you leave your state and renounce common custom, and proceed there under the guidance of the Way." "The way there must be distant and dangerous," said the lord. "Furthermore, there are rivers and mountains. Since I have no boat or carriage, what should I do?" Master Southmarket said, "Do not appear haughty, Do not be obstinate, That will be your carriage." "The way there must be remote and isolated," said the lord. "Who will be my companion? I have no grain or other food. How can I obtain enough to reach there?" Master Southmarket said, "Diminish your expenditures; decrease your desires - although you have no grain, it will be sufficient. Wade through the estuary and float on the sea, till no matter how hard you gaze you cannot see the shore and the farther your journey takes you the less you know where it will end. Those who escort your lordship to the shore will return. From that point on, you will be distant indeed! "Thus he who possesses others is tied down with troubles and he who is possessed by others is beset by worries. Hence Yao neither possessed men nor was he possessed by them. I would have your lordship throw off the ties that trouble you, get rid of the worries that beset you, and wander alone with the Way in the land of great Nothingness. "If someone is crossing a river in a double-hulled vessel and an empty boat comes and strikes against it, even though he may be a quick-tempered person, he will not be angry. But if there is a person in the boat he will shout to him to steer clear. If his first shout goes unheeded, he will shout again. If the second shout goes unheeded, he will shout a third time, and that will certainly be followed by a stream of abuse. In the previous instance he did not get angry but in the present instance he is angry, because the previous boat was empty but this one has a person in it. If a person can empty himself and go wandering in the world, who can harm him?"
  9. Mair 20:2

    I have never viewed these comments/suggestions as realistic. But I do agree that the fewer desires and attachments we have the fewer problems we will have in our life. Therefore I think "a middle path". And, of course, knowing when we have enough. To the story itself, delegating authority and responsibility to subordinate would allow Lu more free time and fewer worries.
  10. The tendency to think people of old were dumb

    How many times have I spoke to this? Many, I am sure. Wisdom is what allows us to properly use our knowledge for our self and others.
  11. The tendency to think people of old were dumb

    I was going to say something like that but you have said it much better than I would have.
  12. Hello, very new to this

    I'm sure you are.
  13. Human destruction of nature

    Yeah, but I'll be able to fly then. That's easier than walking.
  14. How do you feel about vampires?

    I have never drank blood but I used to enjoy nibbling on a woman's neck.
  15. Cosmic being

    That was a normal process. Maybe it will come back soon.
  16. Human destruction of nature

    Yeah, if I ever become an immortal I would want a young, healthy body that doesn't grow old.
  17. Keeping the Old, receiving the New

    Hi Walking. Welcome. I have mentioned a couple times that I see no problem with a person holding to the Christian religion while also holding to Taoist Philosophy. I'm sure you will feel welcome here.
  18. About chi and inner sensations

    Hi Mora. Welcome. No, your question is not stupid. There are many people who believe in what you are asking about. Get involved in the discussions and ask your questions wherever you think appropriate.
  19. Hello, very new to this

    Hi Juliette. Romeo here. Welcome. There are many here who have been through what you are going through and many of them will offer suggestions. Best wishes.
  20. Human destruction of nature

    No, I don't see electro-magnetic energy waves or even particles. I do hold to the concept of intuition though. It's source? The best I can determine is that it is our subconscious mind.
  21. Human destruction of nature

    Oh! Okay. I'm a Physicalist, you know.
  22. Human destruction of nature

    If things go the way the majority of astronomers are suggesting it is going be a very hot heaven for a while and then a very cold one.