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Posts posted by christoff

  1. Thanks so much for the replies and offers to each of you.


    Good news, I figured out what it was thwat was cuasing the bad sleeps!!  I had a flyscreen, from the previous tenants...well basically, that when they were told to be evicted they went nuts and trashed the place a little, hammered nails in the walls and horrible stuff I won't even say.


    Anyway, the flyscreen was covered with convcrete dust.  I knew it was the culprit after one day I went to the window to grab some "fresh air", and my eyes and face reacted.  Got it out, dusted it, and steam cleaned it, then steam cleaned it again, put it in a circle and chanted while sacrificing a goat!! And then had the best sleep of my life@!!!


    And then I was so energsied the next day I did some hard labor for a good 2 hours for the first time in ages, normally I'd be gasping after 30mins.  Its like night and day the difference.  Now, I still feel like I hneed some more sleep but that's fine I know I can sleep any time and wake feeling snourished afhhhh so nourished.  What  a wonderful feeling.


    So, to those of you reading this who are still suffering in any way and not having a good sleep, I suggest the following.  {In a relaxed manner - don't become obsessive like I did}.  Especially if you are extra sensitive like me, and/or have a weakened immue system.


    1. Clean objects that may need the most cleaning.  E.g rugs, flyscreens,  even curtains


    2. Be vigilant with this.  Clean under your bed, move objects, clean behind them.  Also clean your bed especially, sheets, pillowcases, even air your blankets and dust them from time to time.


    3. If you are still having trouble, do a cleansing ritual and smudging with sage, you can also use the strenght of your mind to dispel any evil energies that choose to reisde in the house.  "I release you from your place ment.  please, go in peace so we can both move forward with our lives.  I am only interested in gdoing good.  If you need help I will help you"  Or something like that.


    4. If still having a bad sleep, consider the properties of the environment aroudn you.  The walls might be painted in a lead-based paint {proably not nowadays, but hey}.  I covered all my bedroom walls with bedsheets, and the wooden flooring with a landscaping plastic at one stage.


    5. If none of the above works, try to discuss it here on the forums, but preferably with a good chienese medicine practioner who has at least 10 years of experience and still looks healthy.  This will give you answers.  Of course, the other thing to consider is, if you are stil not sleeping well, maybe its time to move on and take a leap of faith with your life, move out!!  


     GEt a new lease on life lololol!!!


    Do all cleaning this to eliminate variables, but again, don't let it enslave you or your mind.  Do it from a free perspective.!  I am expanding and researching!!  Learn more about my health,  my life ahhhh!!


    Of course this is not a formula, the steps don't have to be in order, etc.


    Finally, also try to of course be positive about your sleep.  Believe that you will have a good sleep.  You deserve a good nights sleep, as a human being, one of the highest honors to be born as!!!


    Happy sleeps to all of you. ;)




    edit: I did not actually sacrifice a goat. ;)

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  2. Ps thanks thelerner! But if its mold I should be able smell it right? My smell is pretty good.


    Sometimes my dad sleeps in house and a friend who is mostly lives elsewheeee. My health is I am low stamina but positive overall and mentally stronger I can really get thriught a day yes at the very least I have realised from all this I can still get through a day EVEN WHEN BONE TIRED!!!


    Edit- the house is in quiet rural area with minimal sound etc. my mediaition is good if I can get my health better! Don't know how old the house is but I've done several cleansing a with white sage and also blessed any spirits still associated with the house and given them permission to leave so that we can both move forward on our journeys. ;)


    I will email you somofthegods thanks

  3. Thanks again for replies,


    Well I've done nearly everything as a good detective should to pinpoint what it is, if it is, that I am allergic to. The walls if the house are basically concrete bricks. So I'm guessing I might be allergic to concrete, is there a way I can test myself for it? (And would it be an honest test since I can see?) and where can you get allergy medicine I will look into this this could be great.


    Yes the ultimate thing is to work on my mind but to do that I need to find the thing that is making my eyes and sinus react! ...If I am imagining this with my mind then God help me!!


    Another thing I noticed is, it's hard to breathe deeply in this room. Outside, it feels great, ahhhh! But in this room, yuckkkk it's like breathing in a string of sticky dust or something, not nice.


    The cracking and such feelings are all internal and loss related feelings. Also my right eardrum cracks sometimes during day with pain or makes weird ringing noise.

  4. Thanks guys, means a lot to have quick good feedback.


    To clarify, I was sleeping much better in a previous place, a month ago, with just normal sheets and blankets.


    I considered that it might be mental, but then, when I went to sleep for first night since returning from previous place, I remember thinking how quiet and peaceful it was (I live on farm here), and never once doubted that I would have a good sleep.


    The cracking and not-nice feelings, I couldn't really explain you'd have to feel it yourself, but are basically feelings of loss, I woke up feeling both angry, and sad, at same time, I started weeping actually! So, that's why I think this must be something serious. There is something in the room that I feel this heat and irritation on my eyes, I wish I knew why!


    I have cleaned and vacuumed the heck out of the room, sheets curtains pillow case removed rugs and dusted them and left them on the line in full sunlight for a day.


    Will post pic shortly.


    Edit: I do standing meditation and chi Kung, but struggle to get results as I think and worry a lot.


    The cracking feeling is located in middle of the head and currently I have a more painful cracking feeling in my right eardrum throughout the day. I have been diagnosed as yin-deficient by a good Chinese dr ( he said he couldn't help with this sleeping problem besides keeping room clean he said Feng Shui might not be useful as it might add to my worries)

  5. Hi there,


    I know I posted in the past without replying but I'm not that guy anymore.


    I'm much smarter and mature but still, I have this problem.


    I have tried so much to counteract whatever it is, but I have these sleeps sometimes where it feels like a my head is beig cracked *boom!* and there is shaking in my spine and back (kidney energy?).


    I can only conclude that I might be allergic to whatever it is in the room. Other rooms are currently not feasible, moving is not feasible, and I tried a tent but it got too cold at night so I am starting to feel desperate like sleeping on the street or something.


    I tried anti-air pollution plants, air ionizer, salt lamp, humidifier, repainting walls with organic paint, cleaned while room and vacuumed and cleaned with damp cloth the only thing left is to buy a gas mask and sleep with it on.


    My eyes constantly feel dry and irritated when I'm in the house/bedroom, and I get a ton of mucus in the morning once I step outside, what does this mean? If someone has a perqment and viable solution and it works I will pay you 50$ please and i will honor it that's how much this means to me imagine you we're tired from work and went to get a good sleep but instead had cracked skull and shaking in body which wine you up repeatedly throughout the night how would you feel? Please hear my cries.

  6. But first to clarifying, since I am jing deficient the chinese Dr, who is smart and knows about the emissions at night, said to eat more well-cooked meat, and bone marrow soups. But some people here are saying that eating meat will just increase the emissions, vegetarian is best. This is the only thing I am confused.


    Should I eat the vegetarians? lol

  7. Earthing as in

    yes you can do testicle breathing but provided only you do it on earth or on an earthing pad, otherwise has no effect maybe exactly the reverse effect (not on wood, cement, asphalt, carpets) this provides yin energy from earth into the Bubbling Spring cavity (K1). Also good is I Jong/Zhan Zhuang the same on earth or earthed. I am using a zapper with feet pads inside home when bad weather. Massage doesn't work, accupuncture does they are different with different purposes and effects.


    Diet: Tofu and chinese beans (mung green, turtle black), shrimp and other seafood but you need to look into chinese recipes especially soups all of them are designed to nourish the yin kidneys.


    <div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>A very important rule in TCM that people don't understand is that when you have an excess of one energy and a deficiency of another you NEVER try to control the excess, you ALLWAYS tonify(nourish) the deficiency. In your case Yin deficiency means you need more Yin food and Yin energy, leave alone your heart it will be balanced by itself when you provide the body what it needs. And in my opinion don't force anything with Breath and Intention those two things mean FIRE which you don't want to increase. </div>


    Thanks for explaining the rule steam. Do you think it also important to clarify, the difference between excess yin or yang, and heat. Maybe it is just my words, I shouldn't saying excess, because I am just interested in clearing heat and nourishing deficient yin.


    Good soup advice, thanks. Also, bone marrow soup you have to boil bone marrow in a pressure cooker with balsamic vinegar so the acid is breaking down the bone matrix. Congee, and goji berries I am recommended too for Kidney Yin.


    Could you kindly explaining why you saying massage doesn't work for this? And do you having personal experience with testicle breathing on earthing, and what is the difference between testicle breathing with no earthing? Also what about barefoot on the bricks (which are sitting on dirt), is this effective?


    • Like 1

  8. Thanks everyone these replies before xmas, it means much.



    I would like to combine the most effective methods together if possible to making the most effective and time-saving practice.


    Fulllotus/Scotty- can you combining the two, full lotus and embryonic breathing, for convenience and increased benefit?


    Fulllotus -You sound confident, from practicing full lotus? Congratulations it is the inspiring. What is the standing taichi exercise, and is it dangerous to practice if legs and back are sore or weak?


    I reading the forum here:



    Apparently you need to be able to open your small universe first to even think about doing full lotus. Is that true?

    And can you practice full lotus effectively with your eyes open (like for me, to using computer often), or is it only gaining benefits from when keeping them closed?


    Spirit- Ki6 I thinking good one too, the Chinese Dr said it also risky if I increase Kidney Yin too much, it will more easily create nocturnal emissions? Like eating meat?


    Other points you could try are: Si-7, Pc-7, Pc-6, liv-8 and Ki-10 (and probably other points on the kidney and liver meridians too). Bl-1 seems to calm the mind quite well for me so you could give it a shot too. Also, Li-4 has multiple locations. First is on the top of the bulge of the muscle interosseus between the metacarpal bones. The second is between the junction of the muscle and the second metacarpal bone. Third is where the 1st 2nd metacarpals start separating, first place where you can easily stick your finger to :) . They have somewhat different effects so you should try all of them out too..


    Tactile - I doing some more research and found these points too, great. Other points also lv2 (clears heat and nourishes heart), CV15, and sp6 (to store yin). I did not know about Li4, where did you find it information?


    I will soon posting more thanks,


  9. Acutally, Scotty I just think of possible reason. Because in the 5 element theory - lungs control liver (fire, from which I do a lot of computer work), AND nourish kidney deficiency. So, the deep belly breathing nourishing lungs as well as chi.

    But if you practice, can you kindly explain from experience? Does it helping with (if are having), your nocturnal emissions? This is important to me, because even though I am 31, my kidney is apparently already very drained.

  10. I think natural breathing will take care of your needs perfectly.


    Thanks Scotty, could you explain the reason?


    People who are materialistic get afraid about "blue balls" etc but if you are practicing effectively then you BURN off the sex fluid -- you ionize it into chi energy. To do this easiest sit in full lotus.


    If you are not man enough to sit in full lotus then switch to a vegetarian diet. haha. Then do the small universe meditation -- get the c.d. from and also do standing tai-chi exercise -- bend the knees more. If your thighs are flat -- do the standing horse stance -- this will again BURN your sex fluid so it is ionized.


    Also sleep in your right side -- not on your back. Put the right leg bent and the right arm bent to support the upper half of the body. The heart is on the left side - so this means less work for the heart.


    20 minutes of full lotus equals four hours of any other meditation. So if you can sit in full lotus for five minutes then work your way up to 10 minutes, etc. Until you can do at least an hour of full lotus a day.


    Once you can do two hours of full lotus a day then you should be fine for storing up your energy.


    Good info fulllotus. I am currently do the small universe from springforest but not the sleeping technique you describing, thanks. I would like to trying full lotus, unfortunately I do not have one or two hour spare, just 15mins, is enough?

  11. Hi,


    I want to decide whether to do testicle breathing. I have visiting the dentist so a little tired, but I hope this will be making sense.


    Basically, I am diagnosed as kidney deficient and having heart fire, which is still causing regular nocturnal emissions. After I asking him about testicle breathing, the Chinese Dr said not to as it may be a dangerous practice. But I researched it a little on the forums here, it seems effective to prevent emissions AND to use with chi kung practice. Because, I want to develop strong legs to do the chi kung, but cannot develop strong legs because of nocturnal emssion, and wanting to break this "cycle". I know a Mantak Chia Sifu in Sydney who offered to teach me, but it will be expensive.


    I am also practicing a variety of other techniques as mentioned here, if you can name it I doing it! But I do not obsessing over a particular thing, if I don't have time to do it in a day.


    So wanting opinions on:


    1) Best ways to clear heart fire? Li4 and Li11 point massage, He 7,8 and 9. But that is all I can think.


    2) Pros and cons of testicle breathing, is it worth the risk for me (and others).


    Pros: - Recycled sexual energy, sexual energy can reach the brain and also nourish my yin deficiency with the MCO practcie

    - Much less nocturnal emissions, so legs and back can get strong finally

    - Others?


    Cons: - I have spoke to some who have practiced and they advised that they still had nocturnal in-missions, so sperm stays in tubes. What happens if the sperm gets stuck in tubes for too long? Will they exploding? (Honestly, this is a biggest worry for me, otherwise I would practice straight away).

    - If practiced wrongly, energy blockages create.

    - Others





  12. Hi Goldleaf,


    I am similar practice. The thing you could understanding, that there is no "perfect method", only the method that works perfectly for you ;) Avoiding damage is more important than saving jing though. Also, have the three hearts:


    1.heart of faith

    2.heart of patience

    3.heart of perserverance




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  13. However in my experience given your symptoms/issues then I feel you will probably get by far the most benefit from eyes open [which is how WXZ taught - you cant fight with eyes closed :-D] and in nature. This leads to a greater interchange of energy with the environment [the eyes are an important conduit] and I think openness will help you release your bad stuff/tiredness and breathe in (thru all the senses) some of the good stuff. But ultimately only you know [and the usual caveat of the best thing is to find a good local teacher (of any reputable lineage) than to try and do something made up from various snippets around the net].


    Exactly! THank you TGV and Adept again for the thorough advice, I already feeling the benefit of ZZ

  14. Wow, fantastic repies. Thank you everyone.


    I have not tried zhan zuang standing meditation yet, but started to reading a qigong book recently by Kenneth Cohen. He says to keeping your eyes open during practice, is this best or should the eyes be closed?


    Friend, Vortex I did not quite understanding your information but I will do the investigation ;)


    Otis also I like your positivity too!


    "I have found that going inside and doing the inner work brings you to the inner child. The inner child seems to stick around forever. I'm 64 and feel about 12.". So Manitou you are saying you still haven't grown up :P

  15. Hello,


    I have hopefully a simple question. I am feeling aged from overworking and previous drinking, and the stress. When playing with my son lately, I noticed that I don't make games like I used to with him. I usually just watching and then making sure of his safety, etc.


    So even though I am 30, I feel much older like 50. Is there a direct way like through chi kung I can reverse this? I still wanting to play and be silly with my son ;), and enjoy life like through a childhood. Or do I just need to accept that things change and grow up?

  16. Hi dmatt,


    I have also been living with fatigue for a while, so for what is the worth I can say some simple things. Fatigue can be a positive thing! Because if you were really weak, as I having experienced sometime, your body would not even be able to tell you it was tired. You would constantly being "wired". Now that is a bad state. Also my chinese dr stated that the fall seasoon is a difficult time for most men, because of its impacting on the lung.


    I don't thinking you have to worry too much. Stay positive, embrace your fatigue, (while fighting it), it will making you mentally stronger.

  17. Hi


    I apologise for posting my concern again but I am frustrated!


    I have tried many exercises for preventing nocturnal emissions but nothing seems to work. (Although I admit only meditate for 15mins a day, not 1-2 hours as Dhao Zheng suggesting).


    Went to a good chinese doctor and he saying that I have "chronic yin deficient". I have things like hot flushes at night, sore lower back, tired easily. I have also very skinny, I weigh 120 pounds but am 6' tall.


    How can I have such a problems at a young age of 30? I read in a Mantak Chia book that if you lose too much sexual energy, it can be too late to recover your kidney. Just like if a battery loses too much power, it won't starting again.


    Maybe its too late for me?


    Life seeming so uphill right now. I starting to think of death, even though I would probably not want to (I have a son 2 year-old).


    Yes I understanding my life could be worse, I could be a cripple or live in poverty but I would rather live poor with lots of jing than be rich and no jing!


    Is it selfish to want to die and start again new life with strong jing and kidneys?

  18. Thank you everyone for your recent suggestions.


    I am feeling stronger, the most helpful thing I did so far was seeing a chinese medicine practioner who said it wasn't my kidneys weak but my spleen and heart not communicating. Or, "earth not strong, fire burning water". He said I worrying too much, thinking too much, and taking things too seriously!


    The deer exercise sounds good, what is it? He also said to practicing the bear exercise, so I will finding a book.



  19. Hello,


    I was having a similar problems to you. I was writing a thread on "preventing nocturnal emissions"



    there are also some great information there. But the best thing I did was going to a high-level chinese medicine practioner, who said it wasn't my kidneys weak but my spleen and heart not communicating. Or, "earth not strong, fire burning water". He also said I worrying too much, which is making the problem worse. "Biggest problem is mind too strong, body not strong enough". So if you worry too much, it might help not to obssessive about doing so many exercises or eating the right foods everyday.


    Also as others have suggest, if you taking up any chi kung or sexual meditation exercises consult a high-level chi kung master first. I took up microcosmic orbit and hui-yin exercises from mantak chia's books and it making things worse, much worse.

  20. Ok finally I am writing some of the things I have learnt, starting with my "old thought - new thought". I am listing:


    old thought - I have to do 5 different exercises a day in order to prevent nocturnal emissions

    new thought - I am needing to do less, let go, and trust my body


    old thought - have to retaining as much semen as possible

    new thought - the goals are not retaining but refining what you have retained, which is taking dedication


    old thought - each time I lose semen I become weaker like old man

    new thought - semen loss is a natural process, and can be necessary at some times


    old thought - the more jing I have, the healthier I will be

    new thought - The more in touch with the Tao (empty) I am the healthier I will be.


    Now, strategies that are seeming strongly recommended:


    self acupressure especially kidney points,


    deep breathing and meditation for an hour especially at night


    Next, strategies that are seeming less common but useful (I am not sure):


    1 - warm hands, rub kidneys

    2 - simple squats with light weights

    3- flick ears until hot twice a day

    4. testicle breathing - mantiak chia link??

    5. bridge breathing

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