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Everything posted by z00se

  1. Certainly. Qi can directly increase circulation if you put it in you're eyes, but you can't do this all day or you burn out the yin. It's more this better posture that improves eyesight and health in general. If i practice lots good posture just comes, slouching becomes as much an effort as holding myself straight when my chi is weak. Qigong sets up the body so that healing can occur. Practice tai chi 10000 times then when somebody punches your head you grab their fist and rip it off. The two things seem unrelated but thats how chinese things work
  2. Im almost 33 and have 20/20 vision in one eye and one line up from the bottom in the other eye when i got them tested last week. The eye with better vision is the one i get pain in if i use too much pc which is a bit strange. I do qigong, but my eyes have always been good. There is ways to strengthen you're eyes, search the internet. A guy that lives near me has a clinic that fixes ppls eyes so they don't need glasses. He's booked out for months, and the glasses are almost 1000$. So i guess it must work for people to be throwing their money at him. I saw him once, had some pretty cool techniques, testing methods that convinced me he was definately on to something. Qigong is an adjunct. Can doing qigong make you do a higher high jump? Probably not. Can practicing to jump higher make you jump higher? Most definately. Could qigong speed up recovery and delivery of nutrients to the tissues of the eye after doing eye exercises? Most definately. I think this is the answer. The most important thing is that you need to stress your eyes, then rest them. Just like any other body part you want to strengthen.
  3. What Results Do People Here Have From Training?

    After lots of practice chi tends to stuff up photos.... and it's no good for playing hide and seek with the kids at night...
  4. TCM - Blood (xue)

    To me blood is the nutrition your body has refined. I would put essence as pretty much the same category as blood, but perhaps there are difference essences of different types that get refined into blood. Yin. Oxygen from breath, nutrition from food gets absorbed into the blood. I would say blood is stored in the liver, and the liver controls the blood, decides when and where to release it. The heart pumps the blood so obviously it has an effect on the blood, and the spleens strength depends on how quickly and effectively essence can be absorbed from food so that it can be turned into blood. Kidneys are said to hold essence, but i think that it is like a storehouse for essence that the liver can transfer into blood. Ie bones are linked with kidneys, calcium can be pulled out of bones when needed to suppliment blood. Blood is important but so is every other TCM concept. I haven't any formal training in TCM, just trained with a chinese doctor in pulse diagnosis (he didn't teach me much else), and studied from various different sources myself for about 10 years. I found so much conflicting information so i just absorbed what made sense when i combined it with my qigong practice. It would be good to learn it all from one source like you are doing so theres not so much conflicting advice... but i've already been to uni, i don't want to do it all over again. Would be interesting if you posted similar things like this with other things you learn so i could check my understanding with you're formal training. I think there could be as many different TCM styles as qigong styles.
  5. Feel bright white yet dry light or mist going into the lungs with every breath and retain the essence of the breath in the lungs. You know those cold dry days of autumn? Picture that feeling. Try to feel courage, picture yourself being courageous infront of a tiger. Keep doing these things for 15 minutes with your eyes closed. Increase the chi in your lungs by holding the essence in with each breath. Collect the chi in the navel at the end. Do 2x a day. Within a week you should notice improvement. Learn the lung healing sound and do it 18 or 36 times per day depending on how much time u have.
  6. Or maybe a bit like how the lungs work. The lungs have no muscles, but when the diaphragm moves down it creates a vacuum so the lungs expand and bring in air. Lots of things in the body work in 2 way fashion. Its worth working on both.
  7. My experience with consciously doing stuff rather than letting it do its self is a bit like sitting straight and having good posture. After doing lots of qigong my back automatically becomes straight, and there are aspects of my posture and way of thinking that change too. These things are shown to me, but then by replicating those same things when i haven't done qigong for a while speeds up getting back to that point. The same occurs with energy direction and flow. The first time i needed to watch and be shown by the chi, then i could just do it. Its not as some may think that things are forced or pushed, its more like letting the chi teach me then replicating it without the chi in the physical makes chi come. I think perhaps its like static tai chi.
  8. Spotless, when you say tubular like michilen man, do you mean belt channels? I know you said thrusting channels too, but im wondering if you feel spiralling belt channels around you more prominent or the vertical channels more prominent. I guess the goal is balance but with me the vertical channels definately feed the belt channels energy. That's to so say my vertical channels are usually more dominant until i feel a pop and they all even out in pressure, or i intentionally connect the vertical with the horizontal but the balance is more short lasting when i do it myself.
  9. Is joy (bliss) a marker on the way?

    How can anybody know my bliss is the same as your bliss? The 1st, 2nd, or 34th level of bliss? Which bliss is which? How can we judge? How can we answer a question with different peoples personal explanations of a certain chemical cocktail within their blood? How much joy does one feel? They can only judge by previous experience. Who has a stronger experience than who? How can one argue objectively if there is nothing objective to measure? Is bliss a marker on the way? On the way to where? If bliss is where you want to go, i would agree a little bliss is a marker along the way, deep bliss an even bigger marker, bliss that makes it hard to breath, probably even a bigger marker. How big can the markers get? How long is a piece of string? If you drink 10 beers and can't walk properly, but if i were an alcoholic and drank 20 beers and act normal... who is more drunk? Is bliss a marker towards enlightenment? No more than falling over and grazing a knee. Then does grazing both knees bring me any closer? Not likely. Enlightenment is depth of realization. Only by realizing more can one be further upon an enlightened path.
  10. I think it depends on what you mean by 'function in the world'. Which world? Society? City? Farmlife? Have a family? Work a job? Live a normal life? What is normal? I'm not sure non duality means you will just die because you can't feed yourself. In non duality you still know if your body is hungry, cold, or needs water etc. It doesn't mean the feeling of dying of thirst is the same as feeling fully hydrated. Non duality doesn't mean everything is the same, it just means that instead of different definate objects, there becomes different shades of the one and same thing. I think if one is fully non-dualistic and not tailoring their responses to people in their environment to appear normal, then they will appear ab-normal and life can become difficult, especially in larger groups of people, or society. For a hermit i think it would be perfectly easy to live a non-dualistic life. If you live with others one needs to 'fit in'. If you live with other non-dualistic people it would be fine. Living in a city where one needs to pay rent, buy food, have a job and be productive etc.... i feel it would be difficult.
  11. I don't want to own anything anymore!

    Hahah I don't know the ins and outs of american indian rights in America, but in Australia... whites are now the owners. I saw a good cartoon where it had a judge looking guy with the wig and a suit behind a desk and 2 aboriginals in their tribal gear. The white guy said 'OK, we'll have a truse, we'll occupy the best land, fish the best waters, and build cities where we want, but we'll acknowledge you guys as the original owners of the land'. I don't know what a baarligen baligen ! is so can't comment. Psycho was just pointed at the aggressiveness that you seemed to show. I thought we were all discussing, i thought that was uncalled for. I am a white fella, (well kinda brown, the girls love it ), but i don't try to sugarcoat what is really happening. It has always been the way throughout time. The Take-overers get all the good stuff, the Take-overee's get what's left. Thats just the way things work and have for millenia. Shouldn't we work on the basis of what is, rather than what should-be, and work out the best possible path for those involved based on those unchangeables?
  12. Agreed, but often an individual being puts their value as having more importance than others. This is just natural, not wrong. We're all free to do it, thats why i feel it's fine. To increase the variability in life, increase the richness, escape the sameness. I don't think it should be encouraged but it shouldn't be disallowed. I think infact when you generalize often (which i tend to do just to try to understand more) the exceptions to the generalization stand out like a sore thumb and naturally attract my attention. Therefore the individual differences beyond the generalization actually become an object of my attention and are therefore the shortcommings usually sited for those who generalize are not really applicable at all. I would argue it is not just the mind of today that has been taken for a ride, the same thing has been occuring through minds through out time. Therefore can we say it is normal, and natural? Right or wrong aside, perhaps we live in a work dominant time. Were women population numbers to dramatically decrease the percieved power of men and women may change. I must stress 'percieved'..... women are more powerful than some women may believe, and as many women are fully aware
  13. But if we want to talk about the majority of cases it forces us to generalize. If we don't generalize we can spend our whole life talking about each individual case and still come to the same conclusion. Generalizing needs to be done, while meanwhile accepting and understanding that there are exceptions to the generalization. The generalization generally still holds true most of the time however, thats why it's called a generalization
  14. Sorry, i should have said they shouldn't / can't be equal in every way. Equality in this sense of equal yet different is perception though. I wonder if this gets you're feathers up though.... I think men's clubs shouldn't have to allow women at all. Women aren't allowed to play the didgery doo (aboriginal instrument) and i think that's fine. There are lots of other things like this i also believe in. But that's a long list of men can and women can't. There are so many things that women can and men can't do also however. Eg there are women's aboriginal caves that men can't enter. Maybe it's just because i'm a man, and i hear it this way... but there often seems to be an awful lot of complaining about equality from women's groups that they're not equal to men and they should have this and should have that. I don't hear the same things coming from mens groups. If they want these things why don't they make their own? What do they want to be let into the men's clubs and men's groups? Why can't think their ones are better an be satisfied with that? To me that appears that women in these groups (only a small minority of women actually) feel insubstantial and want to express their unhappiness and push it onto others and make other's (men in these clubs in this case) unhappy also. To me these women are like babies that winge and winge until everybody gets sick of them winging and say alright just give it to them. To these people i say get your own life, get you're own group, you will never get what you want. And they never will, because they will never be happy and always be wanting what they haven't got. I tend to stay away from these types of people because they're just not worth it, however i do get a strong desire to reinforce their insignificance which was the illusion they made for themselves. Why do i think women shouldn't be allowed into mens groups? Because then it's not a mens group any more! It's lost it's specialness. This type of thing goes on and on not just with women but with other minority groups that aren't happy with creating their own rules and governance, but want to be accepted into the larger group definition however they don't want to fit into that larger group definition, they want to keep their minority identifcation. I say if you want to become a part of the majority, then live by it's rules and be one of the majority, if that doesn't 'suit' you because you don't identify with it, well then you want to be a minority, enjoy it. Don't try to weaken and break down the seperation in our society that we purposely created, or then we all have nothing.... and those miserable sods will still be miserable, even if they did drag society down to their level.
  15. Too right. Some people try too hard and just go backwards. There are really some funny characters
  16. Nothing. That is exactly my point. Equal but in different ways.
  17. I don't want to own anything anymore!

    Correction.... WAS their place. You felt it, understood it, but didn't want to give it back. You're a white man Mmmm, psycho....
  18. I don't want to own anything anymore!

    I have to agree with Nungil. Anybody u shoot in a war, do they still own their lives, their land? You only own what's yours until its taken. Or stolen. Is the land still the American Indians? Some of the Aussie aboriginal children used to be their parents, then they they became children of the state and taken from their homes due to some law change. Hong Kong was chinas, then englands, then china again. Ownership is who can prove what or who has the biggest gun.
  19. I used to think similar to the OP, but now i am not disgusted about it at all, infact i embrace what disgusts you. When you understand the relationship it helps you get what you want. Why is it disgusting if it is nobel, all the rules lay clearly displayed for all to see. Equality of man and woman is a pathway to disaster. We need the differences to maintain the attraction and bring togetherness. Family should stay together and enjoy the strengths of man and woman together, not 2 equals. When everyone is equal there is no need for each other. Finding a closer relationship in the divine as a type of escapism from fear from a relationship turning sour, and a increased sense of oneness from embracing the divine is infact doing the opposite, as partners drift further apart for the sake of individual comfort of embracing the divine. The unity felt by the individual is not equally felt by the children who have divorced parents and as a result finds it harder to find the divine within themselves. Balance, balance, balance. Divine is good, bit equality for all is taking it too far. Its nothing for me to worry about though, human nature wouldn't let it happen
  20. Fearless Meditation

    I think it depends on how one will die too. It would be alot easier being fearless getting a bullet to the head than being burned alive while tied to a stake
  21. My most certain indicator of progress

    I find when im going well with meditation i don't smell either. I don't smell great just no body odour and no deodorant. If i become nervous about something i suddenly start to smell bad. Also if i stop practice and start again i smell bad as part of a detoxing, then later smell free
  22. Fearless Meditation

    I have experienced 2 ways of overcoming fear of death. Not sure if either actually work when it comes to bite the bullet cos in still alive. 1. Through softness and disassociation, i don't feel like its my body, i don't care what happens to it, like a feeling of indifference. 2 through sheer chi power overload. A few days of iron shirt 3 without healing sounds and i feel like i could charge into on comming heavy cavelry in my tracksuit pants, topless, with a dagger named Excalibur and chop them all down. True. I find neither method sustainable though.
  23. Who knows what is right and what is wrong, but by enjoying ourself to wherever we aim to be, we cant go wrong.
  24. I agree. You should make a website or blog, even posting what you've already posted online in taobums onto it all in one handy location.
  25. Good food is good food. Different bodies need different good foods. Some need meat and cheese, others need raw vegetables. Some people get fat from eating salads, but lose weight with meat and cooked vegetables. Theres no need to spend ages meditating or even fasting to find out what foods you should be eating, TCM already worked that out thousands of years ago. Fasting or meditating can be a way, but one could spend years in testing and sampling different foods that are already clearly defined in their properties. As are the 5 different body types / or element domanance in a person's body. Anyone interested in food can have a look at my website http://tcm.asthmainchildren.com.au/dietitian.php that has details of foods and which element each food strengthens or weakens. Don't know your element? Do the 20minute questionaire and find out at http://tcm.asthmainchildren.com.au/TCMDiagnosis.php . I programmed these websites but using information from between heaven & earth TCM book and Mantak Chia's websites. This is eating to balance the body, whereby the spirit enters. Food is physical, coarse, strong and directing when it comes to working with the life force. Using TCM we have scientific proven ways to become more enlightened and we begin to follow the spirit unconsiously. Of course there are some discrepencies, and one can not 'always be correct' when following TCM because it is physical, there are contradictions, unlike when directly following the light. But we have something to work with, we have rules, we have data, we have a direction to head, there will be the result we are heading towards... that is we have the 5 elements, we have tao. Einstein said things should be as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler. Using TCM we can alter the complexity and simplisity to the task at hand. This is why i love working with earth energy, from the ground up. Learning to eat according to those sites above is like getting the results of meditating without meditating! It is certainly one of the keys to living the way/tao. One can balance out (to some extent) alcohol drinking, excessive exercise, and whatever other imbalance one may enjoy. We had a couple in Australia who were 65 years old, had recovered from cancer, and ran around australia in a year. Australia is a huge country with desert and everything. It equated to a marathon every day for a year. 65 years old! recovered from cancer!! That is insane if you ask me. They were vegan, but i figure their strict diet kept their bodies in balance while they were doing excessive exercise. I rekon if they went back into a nursing home a little meat would be benefitial.