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Everything posted by z00se

  1. Using all my spare time for over a year I have developed a web app to make some suggestions to answer a few commonly asked questions on this forum; Which path to take? How can I heal / cure myself of “x” health issue? I have this problem in my meditation, what do I do? The app is centred around providing effective and practical suggestions derived specifically for each individual user. The best thing about it is that you can get a lot of the great benefits of TCM and put things into practice right away without needing to learn piles of TCM theory. All you need to do is answer a questionnaire that takes 10-15 minutes, after which the app will generate a customised health cultivation program for you. Meditation, exercise and diet issues are addressed for each individual user aimed at bringing the body back into a state of balance where the possibibilty of extraordinary health can be achieved. However I would like to say that although the underlying capabilities are working, it is a work in progress and has a pretty basic looking interface. In the future I hope to make it look fancier, but until then when I can review the situation, the whole system is free to use. In the meantime I would be greatful if you could give me some feedback, inform me of any problems you face while using the webpage, or if you find the app useful it would be great if you 'liked' the facebook page (you can find it on the front webpage of the site www.healthcultivation.com). This app shouldn't take the place of advice given by your doctor. If you have health issues you should always see your doctor first. Check out the app at: Online TCM Diagnosis To use the diagnosis system you must create a login account (free), so that your answers get saved when you proceed to the next step, saving you from needing to re-enter answers at a later date. I spent heaps of time making this so i hope some people can benefit from it.
  2. TCM HC Online Diagnosis

    Haha i don't know i haven't done any, but those things would be telling the future and there's no way to validate what it says until sometime yonder. This tells you about right this moment and gives insight into your character from the past. You can verify the results straight away, or just do a couple of the stretches / exercises to prove if the program really has just picked out the weakest muscles in your body.
  3. A light at the end of your tunnel

    Thank god that picture was of a yin bum.
  4. have you spent a few days in a dark environment? Thats something i have always meant to do but never got around to. I havent 'seen' many things like u guys speak of from meditation but i have had a blending of senses, like seeing or feeling sounds and feeling or tasting things i can see. Something a bit trippy that can happen is i dance to music with my energy body while my physical body is still. There are no restrictions with my energy body and i reckon if anyone could see me they would agree i could put michael jackson to shame haha
  5. bad energy , negative attacks, what to do ?

    I think this is a fast easy and effective way.... check it out on youtube, it could answer 90% of the problems people post for on here!
  6. Ah yeah sorry mine was low carb, i did no carb for a couple of days and guts got all blocked up and going to the toilet was a battle and a half, even with added fiber. I don't think it's good to have fiber suppliment just so you can go on some diet thats supposed to be healthy. Later i had lots of peas and corn (frozen and convenient) and some fruit too, they are sweet but still not enough carbs and my job is not labour intensive either. I'm not so keen on wheat stuff but a little is ok, and potatoes are good. If you drink alcohol on these low carb diets you get drunk pretty easy. Saves money but i think it means you're more fragile and suseptible to poisons, which indicates to me it's not healthy - for me at least anyhow. I have to admit though, if you want to lose weight fast, and you don't have to stop eating meat and fat, u can even make sandwiches and use bacon for bread.... damn it does sound appealing! You can even use splendour and you can still have sweet stuff. Sweet and fatty, my 2 favourite ingredients! =]
  7. Should I kill the mice?

    I never thought about being nice to them, i just put down poison and forget about it. If i see a dead one i pick it up by the tail with some pliers. This is more like a rat than a mouse, they eat my chicken food. I think if you let them go you will begin to have a problem then you will need to kill a whole infestation. Better to keep it under control. I don't like the thought of animals like rats n mice living in my house but i guess there are thousands of little critters living in here. *shrugs*
  8. Animal Medicine

    Best go to the zoo and see the animal face to face. Beats reading lists of descriptive words and its a good day out, im sure the animals will like it too!
  9. by the way i wouldnt poke any needles around my eyes that is asking for trouble!
  10. after i got accupuncture a few times, when i was sick, and realized needles always went in the same places i drew little crosses on the insertion points and learnt them, then bought like 200 needles for 5 bucks and saved 80 bucks a pop to see tcm doctor
  11. and i think its easier to meditate with eyes open, it lets energy leak out through my eyes and keep my head cool. Eyes open or closed i dont think it matters, whatever works for u, the whole meditation experience is 'for you' anyhow, nobody else so dont try to do it the RIGHT WAY just do it how u want to do it, that will be the BEST way
  12. my natural desire to increase everything lead me to try to increase that expanding and contracting until it felt like my organs were going to pop. I did it with the animals as taught by mantak chia but all it really was was imagining, although really feeling it, large containers of energy all around you different types of energy for the different organs and bringing that in and out. If u go on an airplane and see the area u travel over go 10 mins it can open ur mind to making larger sized containers, yet the size is limitless. Also you can search the universe for that 'special' energy that is tiny but like an atomic bomb, u know where it is just go towards it and bring it back inside. U can multiply that energy however many times u want your mind is the only limit for the energy. Then the energy becomes the limiting factor so u go to just getting what u want straight away there is no need for energy any more
  13. i tried that a no carb diet diet but ended up feeling weak. You can power up with chi but it feels insubstatial, like i feel full of energy till i try doing heavy work and i just feel weak and dizzy. I dunno i think every body is different and works better on different things but every time i try some new radical diet i always end up going back to a little bit of everything, a varied balanced diet. Thats all u need, eat what you feel like and what makes you feel good and stop eating just before u feel full. Cant get any more simple than that! Maybe that no carb diet is good for someone who does no exercise and high fruit n veg n low fat is good for athletes, just to balance yourself out.
  14. My toddler and i go lion hunting picking up dandylion leaves off the nature strip. I have loads dried but always forget to make tea. It is slightly relaxing and some liver health tablets i have contain dandylion among other thing and easy to pop one after a big drink makes it easier to maintain centre for a few days after
  15. What Happened To Gerard ?

    Hahah do some more good deeds and chat with us, i'm finding this interesting.... The monk sounds true... However... A person who always does good deeds finds it difficult to do bad deeds, it's against their habit and so hard for them. A person who does bad deeds often finds it hard to do good deeds, because it is also against their habit. It's the same. Is a human life more desireable than an animals life? Is a celestial being's life more desireable than a human's life? You want to do good simply because of a desire to raise higher, or 'get out of jail' to use the monk's speak? Infact i often think that a wild animal's life (if not put in a cage) would be better than life in a society, which is like a cage you put yourself in. Native or tribal humans are like animals in this sense whom i believe have a wonderful life, although i can't know for sure because i have never fully experienced it. And what is good or bad? Does he mean natural, instinctive or behaviour based on intuition is good and that premeditated and thought out behaviour is bad? Does he mean kind things are good? But then that goes on culture and intention. Is intention more important or is deed more important? If you mean to save one person but 10 die as a result, is that good, or if you let the 1 die and 10 live is that good? Morals are subjective. It is not easy for the mind to always be pure, it relies heavily, equally, on the physical and that needs to be tended to also. Trying to constantly rise above without tending to your body is hard work, tao is meant to be easy. I believe tao should be the goal, not heaven. I think it is often a thing on this forum where people feel they are in hell and the grass looks greener on the other side. To me being in heaven, even on earth, is a waste of life. But of course there are those that feel travelling deeper into the heavens is as great as i feel about travelling around the globe into different countries and cultures. I seek more and can exhaust myself, a monk can seek more and cause himself illness from lack of movement or vigor, searching for deeper truths in stillness. That is why we have TCM, so we can harmonize and prevent outselves from overextending in any direction for the sake of our health. haha a hindrance to what? That which you desire? I thought there should be no desires? End the search, be what you are right now and relish in it. Why do you want to try to reach a level that you don't even know what it feels like to be there? Not saying you shouldn't try something new, but to devote all your resources to it? You feel you are on a path, and the further you walk along the path the better you feel, yet you keep on walking, craving more. There is no end, you will go on many lives (if thats even possible) constantly searching for something higher but there is no limit. Do you ever get the sensation that 'oohh yeah this is it' yet a few days later you feel 'hmm no, there is more than this, there is still further to go' ? Tell me if you think i am talking rubbish or if there is a slight truth to what i say. Of course we all have our own path but in my opinion no path is more 'noble' than any other path, they are all equally noble in their own right.
  16. What Happened To Gerard ?

    ... One more thing, from TCM perpective anyway... you deleting your posts, withdrawing seems to show that you are trying to go deeper showing an overly strong water element. People are calling out to you, they want your knowledge, you even have your own thread 'What happened to Gerard?' It would seem to me the enviroment is trying to tell you something, though whether i am right or wrong, only you can know.
  17. What Happened To Gerard ?

    A car, a job, money and a wife don't come and go easily, they can be life long if you take care for them. If you start injecting drugs or even become unintentionally poisoned via poor quality drinking water or food (for example) your perception of being high and noble will fade and you will see it is just as impermanent. 'No one can take the fruits of your practice away from you'... i know what you mean, it is so PURE, so true and real to the bone, yet i think it can be easy to lose the fruits of your practice, it is the practice that nobody can take from you. Yet deep in practice, what do you lose in the mean time? I believe there's only one way to get it all, and this has nothing to do with high or noble goals. High, or being high is just like being low or materialistic, just in reverse. The only way to get it all is through balance, and creating depth in that balance. Fascinating... and yet so much more will become relieved the more you look, endlessly infact. I am not to say that i know more or anything like that, it is just that if this wisdom is what you seek, then that is what you will get. You will become wiser and wiser, deep within the depths of knowledge, yet this information become inaccessable to the world, you become cold, withdrawn, just like an overly strong water element in TCM. Is it not happening already? I'm sure you would think twice before you offer somebody medical advice in the future, even though you know it to be true. It's not a matter of if it is true or not, you need to find a way to bring it from the subtle to the physical or it is useless. It's like if i go around saying there is an alien in the sky, nobody will believe me unless i actually show it to them. You need the wood to expand it as you need balance in all the other elements also. These are like taking hallucanagenic drugs. Either intoxicated or through meditation - it's interesting and exciting, but why? Because it is new. If you constantly see these things for weeks, months on end it's not fun any more, you get over it. I think it's always good to spare some time for practice, but life is short and i want to live it to the fullest. To me that means variety, and not let cultivation practice get in the way of that. Bad habits like drinking alcohol can limit variety but so too can excessive cultivation practice. Nothing is good in excess. There is nothing wrong with striving to achieve what you want to achieve, but be self conscious enough to realise when you have achieved something. I believe you are overstepping the mark becoming an over-achiever. What is it that you are seeking? and at what point will you have reached these 'high and noble' goals you seek? When will enough be enough or will you always be hungry for more? Just my 1 cent worth
  18. Questions/Thoughts on Manifestation

    all 3 are important, thats why the 3 are often talked about. Focusing on one will automatically bring about development of the other 2. Concentration on one brings power like a high charged cloud discharging a lightening bolt, but embracing all 3 is balance and enlightenment as it is so frequenty talked about. Only you can feel the wonders of the balance, but the power can be put on show. Its like the difference between the rat (or whatever it is) teacher and the turtle master in kung fu panda. I love that movie!
  19. What Happened To Gerard ?

    I get what you say notvoid but... I recently spent some time on an island and the natives there have no religion they just make some wooden figures and believe they protect them. They send a small boat out into the ocean on every full moon to send away bad luck. What i have found is that by living go society you can 'rise above it all' as you say, but i find life is more fun when u can lose your center and engage not just float by. To do this and stay happy you need a balanced and therefore healthy environment. The Island was that, i could go into all the details of why it was so fantastic but not now im typing on an old phone with small screen waiting at airport for the bus. The point i want to make is that not only mountains provide this happy place, there are many such places, usually away from big cities where you can attach, engage, and hold on to it all while retaining inner peace. Perhaps not 100% of the time but 90%. Here we dont need to learn, or unlearn, so that we can keep our inner peace, rather the healthy environment instills it within us. Inside out or outside in, it doesnt matter the cause for the peace, only that we feel happy. Find a happy place and do a tiny amount of cultivation, then you can hold on or attach just the right amount to what is good and it is worth while. To me i feel this is better and more practical than what novoid is saying on the long term.
  20. Deceived...

    Your ego is you, you are your ego, any attempt to seperate yourself from yourself is obviously going to be a source of fustration. All you can do is sever it at the head, your head, then you can be one with your ego The title of that book sounds like rubbish to me, it would automatically make discount anything within... Yes i know, judging a book by its cover.
  21. Lightning

    Ok so lightning on a basic level is known to 'travel the path of least resistance' to balance it's self out so that negative and positive charges are balanced. I am more specifically interested in fork lightning, or lightning that shoots from the clouds to the earth, and how does it know where the path of least resistance is? We know that lightning often strikes trees or tall buildings, but how does it know to go towards the trees or high buildings from many km's up in the sky. It seems that trees or high buildings are not necessarily 'just in the way' because they get hit more frequently than the earth it's self. Lightning will even prefer to hit a person 1.8m tall, such a small distance above the ground compared to the lightnings path from up in the clouds, rather than just hit the ground directly. Tall buildings have copper metal rods on top of them to attract the lightning to them to prevent the building being struck, and they transmit the energy to the earth. But how does the lightning know to travel towards the rod, or indeed the building to begin with? Lightning also seems to travel left and right on it's way to earth, perhaps because of denser condensation in the air providing a better conductor for the electricity, but this doesn't explain why it more frequently hits tall structures. Here are some possible answers i found... Send feelers out - Small electrical currents scout out the space in front of the main bolt, and if the scouting currents hit a good conductor suddenly the scout current becomes the main bolt and so that is how it finds it's way. Earth energy rising - Although we only see the main lightning bolt, earth energy could be rising from the earth, through buildings, and especially through good conductors, and reach out higher to the sky attracting the bolt towards them. Like water - Water will flow down the easiest path but it may not always be truly most easiest path. Perhaps a small flow of water runs down a rocky cliff, zig zagging from left to right along a small valley cut in the cliff face, yet if the water knew that if it could only raise 2mm above the lip of the up most valley it could fall without friction (well air friction not friction along the rockface) directly straight down to the bottom of the cliff, instead of zig zagging all the way down. A small amount of extra energy to get over that lip would be overly compensated by the extra energy recieved by being pulled down by gravity while free falling down to the bottom. Therefore i don't think it is like water because... Spark plug - Sparks go from the cathode to the anode. If there are several different anodes, one made of copper, one gold and one aluminium, all equal distances from the cathode the spark will go to the gold because it is the best conductor. But how does the spark know without trying first? It's as if the electricity knows ahead of time. Now what if we try to trick the spark by having all anodes going to earth except the gold one which goes to a piece of wood (terrible conductor). The spark will now go to the copper because it is the 2nd best conductor and is earthed. Yet there is no first spark to the gold where it realises 'uh oh, this is the wrong one' then changes it's mind, no it goes straight for the copper. So how does it know? Can electricity look ahead? Does it have intelligence? Does then water have intelligence because it can find an easy path down the rock, yet not as intelligent as electricity because it can't know what is beyond what is directly in front of it? Why is this relevent to the tao bums? Tao encompasses everything and therefore lightning also. Qi is energy, lightning is energy. Beyond the stillness is the ability to use your internal universe as a lab to discover laws of the external universe. I would like to know how you find the chi to react within yourselves, how does the energy know where to go, what more can we learn about electricity? Are any answers you suggest experiences of your own cultivation, from scientific backgrounds you may have or just what you believe to be true? This has been bugging me all day, thanks for your input!
  22. Lightning

    Hmmm yes.. i think that is a good description brian, it seems the most likely. Thanks everyone for your replies i can now rest at ease today hehe
  23. Lightning

    hmm... perhaps it is like a magnet with the north and south poles, except the lightning bolt has none or very little weight because it is only energy and light and because it is soo much energy it's just busting to get out, and even though it has a long way to travel, because of it's tiny or no weight it is pulled so easily by the opposite pole. With such energy bundled up as in a lightning bold it shoots out to the closest earth and strongest conductor of earth force. Although it would have huge resistance by travelling through the air it just NEEDS to neutralize it's self. Any boy that was 16 once would know the feeling haha